Sign - Speed Limit #1516
/ Cadimage Street 02
- Image view
- 3D view
- Description A standard New Zealand speed-limit street sign for visualization. An image is pasted onto a back board, with an option to mount on a post. Set dimensions, choose the speed limit (10km/h up to Open Road speed in steps of 10) and choose from 3 standard sign sizes. Note that the image appears only in Open GL and photorendered views. Also note that at the time of upload, a bug fixed in ArchiCAD 18 may prevent effective use in previous versions.
- Keywords cadimage nz street road sign speed limit
- Uploaded by Cadimage Group
- Upload time
- License Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0
- Version ArchiCAD 18
- File size 818.2 KB
- Downloads 34 downloads