Chain #1454
- Image view
- 3D view
- Description A parametric steel chain for 3D detailing. Adjust the horizontal run and vertical rise and the link dimensions. Set a 'sag' dimension to allow the chain to follow a natural path. Use a checkbox in the Settings dialog to force the chain to use a whole number of links. This will add a link if the chain is too short to follow the specified path, and the 'sag' will increase. In 3D (i.e. not sections or elevations) you can specify a 'twist' angle - both incremental and random - to apply between adjacent links. This can make for a more realistic rendering.
- Keywords cadimage chain 3D detail links
- Uploaded by Cadimage Group
- Upload time
- License Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0
- Version ArchiCAD 16
- File size 335.5 KB
- Downloads 2078 downloads