Chain #1454

  • Image view
  • 3D view
  • Description A parametric steel chain for 3D detailing. Adjust the horizontal run and vertical rise and the link dimensions. Set a 'sag' dimension to allow the chain to follow a natural path. Use a checkbox in the Settings dialog to force the chain to use a whole number of links. This will add a link if the chain is too short to follow the specified path, and the 'sag' will increase. In 3D (i.e. not sections or elevations) you can specify a 'twist' angle - both incremental and random - to apply between adjacent links. This can make for a more realistic rendering.
  • Keywords cadimage chain 3D detail links
  • Uploaded by Cadimage Group
  • Upload time
  • License Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0
  • Version ArchiCAD 16
  • File size 335.5 KB
  • Downloads 2078 downloads


  • Ferris Seguino
    Ferris Seguino 1417782067
    Hi, I would like to download the chain in my ArchiCAD 18 Solo but there is no download link and the drag and drop doesn't work. Can you please let me know how to? Thanks
  • Bobbie Bayley
    Bobbie Bayley 1438124728
    how do you download this?