Biertischgarnitur Susan_Cloud
Ruth Gall | 1357540580Biertischgarnitur "Susan" Die Holzelemente dieser edlen Biertischgarnitur wurden aus massiver Eiche gehobelt und mit einem eingefärbten Naturöl behandelt. Sie ergeben einen stilvollen Kontrast zu den Fußgestellen aus schwarz verzinktem Stahl. Die Garnitur besteht aus einem Tisch und zwei Bänken. Mit 3 Tischen und 4 Bänken ergibt sich eine quadratische Anordnung für 16 gesellige Personen. (Material mit Textur Eiche einstellen)
Hockerduo Steffi 1
Ruth Gall | 1355220075Hockerduo "'Steffi" Diese asymmetrisch geformten Edelhocker ergeben in bestimmter Anordnung zu zweit unterschiedliche Formen einer Bank oder zu viert einen quadratischen Tisch. Leuchtend rapsgelbe Innenflächen bilden einen starken Kontrast zu den anthrazitfarbenen Oberflächen. Die pulverbeschichteteten Stahlelemente sind absolut unempfindlich daher als Blickfang für drinnen und draußen geeignet.
Tischset Jan_Cloud
Ruth Gall | 1355827336Tischset "Jan" Ein 7-teiliges Würfelset als Sammelplatz für Tischkrimskrams mit vielerlei Einsätzen und umfangreichem Zubehör. Dekoriert den Tisch, ordnet Küchenutensilien und pimpt Fensterbänke und Wohnzimmertische auf. Die Oberflächen sind aus robuster, gebürsteter Eiche. Zum Set gehören eine Pfeffer- und Salzmühle sowei zwei Glasflaschen und eine weiße Blockkerze.
Hockerduo Steffi 2
Ruth Gall | 1355220111Hockerduo "'Steffi" Diese asymmetrisch geformten Edelhocker ergeben in bestimmter Anordnung zu zweit unterschiedliche Formen einer Bank oder zu viert einen quadratischen Tisch. Leuchtend rapsgelbe Innenflächen bilden einen starken Kontrast zu den anthrazitfarbenen Oberflächen. Die pulverbeschichteteten Stahlelemente sind absolut unempfindlich daher als Blickfang für drinnen und draußen geeignet.
Beistelltisch Jogy
Ruth Gall | 1355138575Beistelltisch "Jogy" Der Beistelltisch - das kleine Regal - oder der Edelhockel. Er steht auf allen vier Seiten gut. Acht unsichtbar verschweißte Aluminiumplatten verschmelzen zu einer leichten und transparenten Form. Erhältlich in zwei Varianten: ganz puristisch in weiß oder in anthrazit mit hochglanzpolierten Kanten
Tafeltisch Reni_Cloud
Ruth Gall | 1355741622Tafeltisch "Reni" Mulitfunktional: Reni ist eine magnetische Schreibtafel, die durch vier Tischbeine blitzschnell zum individuell beschreibbaren Gästetisch wird. Einladen. Ausladen. Wegwischen. Wieder einladen. Kein Problem. Die Tischplatte aus pulverschichtetem Stahlblech besitzt mehrere Laschen, um sie bei Bedarf als Wandtafel aufzuhängen. Dafür können die Tischbeine leicht abgeschraubt und unsichtbar einghängt werden.
bT Fussball Table 16
vistasp mehta | 1430135064Fussball / Foosball Table with optional surrounding area v.1.0 [2013.04.14] http://www.btsquarepeg.com/ http://archicadstuff.blogspot.com/
42inch Square Table
Vincent Boutaud | 1340923484Non editable variables ------ Levi + Wong Design Associates lwda.com
TABLE - Discovery - Center Side
Vincent Boutaud | 1340992253Nucraft Furniture Company Discovery Table ------ http://www.nucraft.com/
TABLE - Discovery - End Side
Vincent Boutaud | 1340992267Nucraft Furniture Company Discovery Table ------ http://www.nucraft.com/
Dining Table Rectangle 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
Dining Table Round 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
SICO TC-65 Communicator table
Frank Green Sr. | 1350057642SICO Caffeteria Table TC-65 'Communicator'
Table with Benches
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319 -
Small tables-9
gunawan MSJR | 1401627368STAINLESS STEEL, WOOD
Bed Layout 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
Clock Collection INT
manuBIM | 1375466782High parametric clocks for decoration and interior design. Various types: analog and digital, modern and antique style, wall hung and alarm.
Office Layout Island 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
Clock Collection US
manuBIM | 1375466804High parametric clocks for decoration and interior design. Various types: analog and digital, modern and antique style, wall hung and alarm.
mosquito 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363609848http://www.cateonline.fr !GDLobjects by al_design !copyright Architecture_AL 2013 !design by al_d 2003 !script by phil & al
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, 2D scale dependent, Ragnars Work Layout desk group, with\n- towers\n- cabinets\n- screen
Laboratory Workstation
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1378815672Laboratory workstation with cabinets, shelves, sink and MEP connections.
Office Layout Linear 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
Office Workstation Solo 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
Håkan Nyander | 1352193211table setting
Bamboo Table 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Bamboo table with minimal space.
Coffee Table 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Table with optional shelf and minimal space.
Computer Table 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Computer Table with optional shelves and minimal space.
Dining Table Round 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
Mesa comedor
Helton Celi | 1366776038Mesa para comedor
Office Table Round 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Round office table with leg styles and minimal space.
Table Tennis 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Ping pong table with optional surrounding area.
Sans_serif style
Miti Thakkar | 1383720700 -
Γκρίλ γκαζιού επιτραπέζιο
ioannis spyridis | 1397030829Professional Table top gas grill Γκριλ γκαζιού επιτραπέζιο
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434008573D parametric, Spider coffee table
XJ5 240
Petr Vokoun | 1343400959#http://www.exner.cz Nábytek Exner HON - nábytek s.r.o. Olomoucká 92 746 01 Opava www.exner.cz
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400774#http://www.piiroinen.com ARENA 800 ©2004 R'ND Juha Vesen3D parametric, Piiroinen table, Arena
Examination Bed 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Medical examination table.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1378815672Crib with cabinet and drawers.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436479453D parametric, Skandiform Disc HB-4823 conference table
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436479453D parametric, Skandiform conference table
Office Desk L-Shaped 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Office workstation with L-shaped table.
Office Layout Linear 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
Small tables-10
gunawan MSJR | 1401627267steel, wood
Billiard Table 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Pool table.
Billiard Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pool table.
Designer Table 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Table with minimal space.
Designer Table 04 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Table with optional number of cubicles and minimal space.
Dining Table 04 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of expandable dining table with minimal space.
Drafting Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Drafting table with minimal space.
Helland BASIC Bedside table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Basic bedside table3D parametric, Helland Basic bedside table
Mesa Comedor ANA
Ana Estevez Dopico | 1429904004Mesa de comedor.
Mesa de Ceano
Javier Farratell | 1383048683 -
Night Table 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Night table with shelf and optional drawer.
Round Table 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of round table.
Table Tennis 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Ping-pong table with optional surrounding area.
Table with Benches
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895 -
Wall Mount Table 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted table with fold-down table top and minimal space.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007183D parametric, 1880-110 Materia Triad table, square
karma trendz | 1387264823Lathe foot for table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, 2D scale dependent, Ragnars Basic Layout desk group, with\n- towers\n- cabinets
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars Boss Station table
High Chair 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1378815672High chair with 2D symbols and minimal space
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434000103D parametric, Kinnarps PR168M table
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434000103D parametric, Kinnarps PAWB folding table
Office Desk L-Shaped 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Office workstation with L-shaped table.
Office Desk Rect 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Office workstation with rectangular table.
ping 16
Antoine Lacronique | 1363610520http://www.cateonline.fr GDLobjects by al_design copyright Architecture_AL 2013 design by al_d 2003 script by phil & al
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007353D parametric, Offecct Arctable 130 75 table, rectangle
HB 832
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13436479453D parametric Skandiform table, Mobydisc
Laszlo Szatmary | 1352116164Standard size snooker table with 4 type of legs.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006883D Eurobib soft b wood table with optional\n- starter unit / add-on unit / add-on unit L-shape panel\n- kickplate
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434007873D parametric, dining set, table with four chairs
2.01 Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
2.03 Folding Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
2.06 Grande Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
2.07 City Conferance Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
2.08 City Coffee Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
2.10 Long Table and Bench
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
5.02 Table Legs
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
Area table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table A
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table B
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table C
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table D
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table E
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table G
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table I
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table J
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table K
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table L
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Atlas table M
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Bamboo Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Bamboo table with minimal space.
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, 2D scale sensitive, Ragnars basic table
Campus cafe air table 70
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus Cafe table 105
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus cafe table 80
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus Cafe table 90
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C1
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C10
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C11
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C12
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C13
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C2
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C3
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C4
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C5
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C6
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C7
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C8
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Campus table C9
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Chicago table high
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Chicago table low
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Cinema table 50
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Cinema table 80
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Cinema table 80x80
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Circus Mesa Comedor
Javier Farratell | 1384170030 -
Coffee Table 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Table with minimal space.
Coffee Table 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Table with minimal space.
Coffee Table 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Table with optional shelf and minimal space.
Computer Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Computer Table with optional shelves and minimal space.
Cooper table 120
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Cooper table 120x100
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Cooper table 55x45
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Cooper table 80x70
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Cooper table 90
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Designer Table 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Table with minimal space.
Designer Table 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Table with minimal space.
Designer Table 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Table with minimal space.
Designer Table 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Table with minimal space.
Designer Table 03 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Table with minimal space.
Designer Table 04 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Table with optional number of cubicles and minimal space.
Designer Table 05 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Table with minimal space.
Designer Table 05 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Table with minimal space.
Dining Table 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Dining table with minimal space.
Dining Table 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Dining table with minimal space.
Dining Table 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Dining table with minimal space.
Dining Table 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Dining table with minimal space.
Dining Table 03 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Dining table with minimal space.
Dining Table 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Dining table with minimal space.
Dining Table 04 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of expandable dining table with minimal space.
Dining Table Rectangle 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
Dining Table Round 18
Leon Smit | 1427129593Design aid with minimal space and 3D model.
Drafting Table 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Drafting table with minimal space.
Examination Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Medical examination table.
five legged table
Daniel Ferenc | 1413358691This is a five legged table which is turned upside down for testing purposes.
Fix table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
Funk table 100
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Funk table 120
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Funk table 120x120
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Funk table 140
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Funk table 140x140
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Funk table 160x80
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Funk table 200x100
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Funk table 220x70
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Funk table 240x120
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Funk table 240x140
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Funk table 70
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Garden table
Atanas Lalov | 1378125734 -
Helland BASIC Corner table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Basic corner table3D parametric, Helland Basic corner table
Helland BASIC Sofa table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Basic sofa table3D parametric, Helland Basic sofa table
Helland BIRD Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Bird table, with plinth3D parametric, Helland Bird table, with plinth
Helland BO Bedside Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Bo bedside table3D parametric, Helland Bo bedside table
Helland BO Trolley Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Bo trolley table, with\n- adjustable angle of tabletop\n- opened sidetable3D parametric, Helland Bo trolley table, with\n- adjustable angle of tabletop\n- opened sidetable
Helland CITUS Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Citus table3D parametric, Helland Citus table
Helland DUUN Dining Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Duun dining table with\n- table series\n- table types3D parametric, Helland Duun dining table with\n- table series\n- table types
Helland DUUN Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Duun table, with optional\n- table series\n- table types3D parametric, Helland Duun table, with optional\n- table series\n- table types
Helland LINK Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Link table, with table types3D parametric, Helland Link table, with table types
Helland NOBEL Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Nobel table, with\n- table types\n- table type - integers3D parametric, Helland Nobel table, with\n- table types\n- table type - integers
Helland T-REX JR Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland T-Rex JR table3D parametric, Helland T-Rex JR table
Helland T-REX Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland T-Rex table, with cable box3D parametric, Helland T-Rex table, with cable box
Helland TWIN Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Twin table, with\n- table types\n- double table3D parametric, Helland Twin table, with\n- table types\n- double table
Index Table - Strait
Gergely Borgulya | 1348095552# http://www.eurobib.se Lammhults Biblioteksdesign AB Box 150 SE-221 00 LUND SWEDEN +46 31 18 00 ArchiCAD-object made by: Niklas Dahlman Copyright 2010 niklas.dahlman@eurobib.se +46 31 18 65
Index Table - Trapezoid
Gergely Borgulya | 1348095552# http://www.eurobib.se Lammhults Biblioteksdesign AB Box 150 SE-221 00 LUND SWEDEN +46 31 18 00 ArchiCAD-object made by: Niklas Dahlman Copyright 2010 niklas.dahlman@eurobib.se +46 31 18 65
Kids Table
Laura Keating | 1405886421 -
Lobby Table 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Small lobby table with optional shelf, drawer and minimal space.
Lobby Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Small lobby table with optional shelf, drawer and minimal space.
Logic Corner Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 1364207265#http://bimcomponents.com Aarsland Corner Table Office corner table 120x120 cm size with 3 legtypes. developed by [eptar] ltd.
Logic L Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 1364207265#http://bimcomponents.com Aarsland L-shape Table Office L-shape table 2 sizes with 3 legtypes. developed by [eptar] ltd.
Logic Link Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 1364207265#http://bimcomponents.com Aarsland Office Table Office table 60-180 cm wide with 3 legtypes. developed by [eptar] ltd.
Logic Rectangular Table
Graphisoft NO GS | 1364207265#http://bimcomponents.com Aarsland Office Table Office table 60-180cm width with 3 legtypes. developed by [eptar] ltd.
Lower Table
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434008563D parametric, lower / coffee table
Mesa reunión 53_010
Helton Celi | 1427907685Mesa para reuniones
Millibar lounge table 1200
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Millibar lounge table 900
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Millibar table 165x55
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Millibar table 40
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Millibar table 45x45
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Millibar table 55
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Nest table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
Newport table T0
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Night Table 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Night table with drawers.
Night Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Night table with shelf and optional drawer.
Office Table 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Office table with different table top shapes, leg styles and minimal space.
Office Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Office table with different table top shapes, leg styles and minimal space.
Office Table Round 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Round office table with leg styles and minimal space.
Opal Study Table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348095552# http://www.eurobib.se Lammhults Biblioteksdesign AB Box 150 SE-221 00 LUND SWEDEN +46 31 18 00 ArchiCAD-object made by: Niklas Dahlman Copyright 2010 niklas.dahlman@eurobib.se +46 31 18 65
Opal table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
Pen Table 2_0
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400417!Programmed by Mark Beauman 20062D scale dependent, pen table
Plain powertube table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
Plain table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
Puzzle Table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348095552# http://www.eurobib.se Lammhults Biblioteksdesign AB Box 150 SE-221 00 LUND SWEDEN +46 31 18 00 ArchiCAD-object made by: Niklas Dahlman Copyright 2010 niklas.dahlman@eurobib.se +46 31 18 65
Quickly table 120x60
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 120x70
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 120x75
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 120x80
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 140x60
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 140x70
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 140x75
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 140x80
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 180x60
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 180x70
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 180x75
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Quickly table 180x80
Gergely Borgulya | 1348662349#http://www.lammhults.se LAMMHULTS Box 26 Växjövägen 41 SE-360 30 Lammhult Sweden Phone: +46 (0)472 26 95 00 Fax: +46 (0)472 26 05 70 email: info@lammhults.se --- ArchiCAD 12 object made by: Dahlman Design Copyright 2012 www.dahlman-design.se dahlman-design@tele2.se
Read Study Table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348095552# http://www.eurobib.se Lammhults Biblioteksdesign AB Box 150 SE-221 00 LUND SWEDEN +46 31 18 00 ArchiCAD-object made by: Niklas Dahlman Copyright 2010 niklas.dahlman@eurobib.se +46 31 18 65
Rectangular Table 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of rectangular table.
Rectangular Table 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of rectangular table.
Rectangular Table 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rectangular table, with solid top or multiple boards, and minimal space.
Rectangular Table 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rectangular table, with solid top or multiple boards, and minimal space.
Round Table 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of round table.
Round Table 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Round table with minimal space.
Round Table 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Round table with minimal space.
Round Table 03 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Round table, with solid top or multiple boards, and minimal space.
Round Table 03 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Round table, with solid top or multiple boards, and minimal space.
Samba table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
seven legged table
Daniel Ferenc | 1413911778This is a seven legged table which is turned upside down for testing purposes.
Snaps table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
SODA Kollection Table Top
Emma Chicken | 1411898653'SODA' Collection dining table by Zeitraum.
SPA1 Coffe table
3D Media Design | 1415483124Spa Furniture by http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
SPA1 Side Table
3D Media Design | 1415483124Spa Furniture by http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
SPA1 Table 130
3D Media Design | 1415483124Spa Furniture by http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
SPA1 Table 70
3D Media Design | 1415483124Spa Furniture by http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
SPA1 Table 90
3D Media Design | 1415483124Spa Furniture by http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
SPA1 Table elliptical
3D Media Design | 1415483124Spa Furniture by http://www.3dmediadesign.it/
System A bench frames for island tables
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
System C bench frames for island tables
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
System K service panel island table
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
T-bone table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
T-bone XL table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
upside down table
Daniel Ferenc | 1413317649This is a three legged table which is turned upside down for testing purposes.
Venus table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
Wall Mount Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall-mounted table with fold-down table top and minimal space.
Wicker Table 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wicker table with minimal space.
Wicker Table 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wicker table with minimal space.
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars X table, with\n- table shapes\n- table sizes\n- table heights\n- tabletop finishes\n- leg finishes
X-bone table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
X-bone XL table
Gergely Borgulya | 1348100297#http://www.johansondesign.se Made by Visualisera arkitektur AB www.visualisera.se
|Most of the designs in the Convent CS System have longitudinal cable openings and covers as standard features. This gives the table a tidy appearance and a large capacity in terms of power supply and network connection. Standard: 38mm table top delivered in natural birch veneer. Oak, natural beech veneer, black-stained ash or stained as described in the Fora Form menu. For laminate, see the Fora Form menu.
|Clip is a functional stackable table system designed for large meeting places as assembly halls, auditoriums, conference rooms and dining areas. The tables have unique stacking qualities and with its own transport dolly makes it easy to rearrange or clear the location. Table tops are a light weight material covered with high press laminat. The legs are in chrome. Standard: White laminate (K1040UN), grey side list (NCS S 4500-N). Base: Polished stainless steel.
Munich Coffee Table
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2010; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Frame of solid wood, clearly varnished or black-stained. Tabletop with reounded edges. Details and colours see price list.
Adjustable Table E 1027
|Designed by Eileen Gray, 1927; - This is perhaps the classic among the classics is this perhaps the classic. Its ingeniously proportioned, distinctive form has made this height-adjustable table one of the most popular design icons of the 20th century. It is named after the summer house E 1027 “Maison en bord de mer” that Eileen Gray built for herself and for her collaborator, Jean Badovici. The secret code-name likewise comes from her: E is for Eileen, 10 for Jean (J is the 10th letter of the alphabet), 2 for B(adovici) and 7 for G(ray). Adjustable side table. Frame of chromium-plated steel tubing. Top of clear crystal glass, parsol grey or black laquered metal. Details see price list. Authorised by The World Licence Holder Aram Designs Ltd, London
Munich Table
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. The brief for the museum, which opened in 2009, included designing a dining table for use in the cafeteria. In close cooperation with the architects, ClassiCon took their draft a step further, resulting in a reinterpretation of the original design. The way the straight-edged tabletop with its rounded corners floats atop the oblique legs lends the table a special lightness. Together with the Munich Chair and Munich Armchair a harmonious ensemble is created for use either in the public or private realm. Frame of solid wood. Tabletop with rounded edges in clearly varnished MDF veneered with real wood. Details, colours and European standards see price list.
Björka Pedestal Table 115+50+50+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. The pedestal table can easily be changed from an attractive, easy-to-place table into a generous dining table by supplementing it with 1-4 table extensions. The table is available in special heights, max 77 cm. Birch support legs and birch laminate tabletop is available as an optional extra. The Björka range also includes a table, semicircular table and semicircular pedestal table. Supplied preassembled.Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Björka Semi-Circular Pedestal Table 115+50+50+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table. The semi-circular design means that the table can be placed against a wall, but still have plenty of room for seating. By placing two tables together, you have a long table with room for 20-26 people. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Emma Table 120
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Björka Pedestal Table 115+50+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. The pedestal table can easily be changed from an attractive, easy-to-place table into a generous dining table by supplementing it with 1-4 table extensions. The table is available in special heights, max 77 cm. Birch support legs and birch laminate tabletop is available as an optional extra. The Björka range also includes a table, semicircular table and semicircular pedestal table. Supplied preassembled.Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Björka Table 140+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Emma Table 50
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Björka Semi-Circular Pedestal Table
|A functional and very versatile basic table. The semi-circular design means that the table can be placed against a wall, but still have plenty of room for seating. By placing two tables together, you have a long table with room for 20-26 people. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Vardags Table 160+50+50
|Despite the name, this is a really attractive, finished table with many details that require both craftsmanship and sensitivity – typical characteristics of products created by Carl Malmsten. A homogeneous meeting between the frame and legs. The table legs also have decorative recessing. Vardags is supplied with a fixing plate for support legs as standard. When ordering 3-4 table extensions, two support legs are included. The support legs can be adjusted for height. Decorative legs in birch are also available as optional extras. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Annie table 180 + 50
|The leg base is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and rises off the floor in a smooth arch. The tapering, open leg base provides a light and airy, yet stable impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a welcoming feeling when approaching the table. It must feel nice to sit next to Annie. This version of Annie is an extensible table. The table is available in following dimensions, 140x90 + 2 x 50 cm eller 180 x 90 + 2 x 50 cm. As an option it can be height adjustable.
Solo Table 120
|Solo is a very simple, functional and versatile table with quite a few details which make the table both stable and aesthetically pleasing. It is constructed without edging, making plenty of space for both arm- and rocking chairs. The table top can also be put to optimum use, as the legs are placed at the very corners. The top is available in birch or white laminate. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Björka Drop-Leaf Table 90+60+60
|A classic and very versatile dropleaf table, with a solid, powerful design. For comfortable seating, the gate legs fold out from the middle. With folded leaves only 15 cm, with unfolded leaves 135 cm, to allow plenty of seating space. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Nils-Göran Gustafsson.
Allegro Table 210
|This table takes its inspiration from previous generations’ practical dining tables, where the table extension was stored in a box under the table. Allegro is a substantial table, where form and function are unifined in a tasteful, practical manner. A table that grows with the task. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with an upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, bar table, sideboard, cupboard and shelving unit. Supplied pre-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Coffee Table CO2
|Coffee table CO2 is a round coffee table made out of solid wood and like all of our other products it's of course made with great craftmanship and out of high quality materials. The strong structure of the legs keeps the table top flat without interfering with the design. A very univeral table that fits well together with for example our Chair CJ3 or Sofa CJ4 .
Carl Table 115+50
|The Carl table is designed to pay tribute to Carl Malmsten and his classic Windsor-style chair, Lilla Åland, whose design is stable, natural, functional and tactile. The Carl table takes on the character of the chair with turned, flared legs and a chamfered edge around the top. The round, form-hugging edging has a soft profile to give a billowing, organic impression. All edges are also generously rounded to emphasize affinity with the chair. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Kaffe Table Round 600 mm
|Kaffe table is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. If required, the table can easily be dismantled. Kaffe tables come with a round or square tabletop and are available in a choice of heights. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe table can be dismantled. Legs of lacquered tubular steel. Tops of solid wood or powder-lacquered outdoor grade MDF. Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Solo Table 180
|Solo is a very simple, functional and versatile table with quite a few details which make the table both stable and aesthetically pleasing. It is constructed without edging, making plenty of space for both arm- and rocking chairs. The table top can also be put to optimum use, as the legs are placed at the very corners. The top is available in birch or white laminate. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Björka Table 120+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Björka Table 180+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Vardags Table 160+50+50+50
|Despite the name, this is a really attractive, finished table with many details that require both craftsmanship and sensitivity – typical characteristics of products created by Carl Malmsten. A homogeneous meeting between the frame and legs. The table legs also have decorative recessing. Vardags is supplied with a fixing plate for support legs as standard. When ordering 3-4 table extensions, two support legs are included. The support legs can be adjusted for height. Decorative legs in birch are also available as optional extras. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Allegro Table 160
|This table takes its inspiration from previous generations’ practical dining tables, where the table extension was stored in a box under the table. Allegro is a substantial table, where form and function are unifined in a tasteful, practical manner. A table that grows with the task. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with an upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, bar table, sideboard, cupboard and shelving unit. Supplied pre-assembled. Available in Natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Vardags Table 180+50
|Despite the name, this is a really attractive, finished table with many details that require both craftsmanship and sensitivity – typical characteristics of products created by Carl Malmsten. A homogeneous meeting between the frame and legs. The table legs also have decorative recessing. Vardags is supplied with a fixing plate for support legs as standard. When ordering 3-4 table extensions, two support legs are included. The support legs can be adjusted for height. Decorative legs in birch are also available as optional extras. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Please Table 290x95
|As the name suggests, this is a table designed to bring people together. The table fits easily into most environments. The idea is that it can be used with a number of different chairs, both for everyday use and parties and irrespective of whether you have a lot of space or very little. Pleases´s simplicity provides elegance, due to the special detailing of the table. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Matilda Lindblom.
Emma Table 130
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Björka Semi-Circular Table
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. The semi-circular design means that the table can be placed against a wall, but still has plenty of room for seating. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Vardags Table 160
|Despite the name, this is a really attractive, finished table with many details that require both craftsmanship and sensitivity – typical characteristics of products created by Carl Malmsten. A homogeneous meeting between the frame and legs. The table legs also have decorative recessing. Vardags is supplied with a fixing plate for support legs as standard. When ordering 3-4 table extensions, two support legs are included. The support legs can be adjusted for height. Decorative legs in birch are also available as optional extras. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Miss Holly Table 285
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
Carl Table 115
|The Carl table is designed to pay tribute to Carl Malmsten and his classic Windsor-style chair, Lilla Åland, whose design is stable, natural, functional and tactile. The Carl table takes on the character of the chair with turned, flared legs and a chamfered edge around the top. The round, form-hugging edging has a soft profile to give a billowing, organic impression. All edges are also generously rounded to emphasize affinity with the chair. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Please Table 190x95
|As the name suggests, this is a table designed to bring people together. The table fits easily into most environments. The idea is that it can be used with a number of different chairs, both for everyday use and parties and irrespective of whether you have a lot of space or very little. Pleases´s simplicity provides elegance, due to the special detailing of the table. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Matilda Lindblom.
Vardags Table 180+50+50+50
|Despite the name, this is a really attractive, finished table with many details that require both craftsmanship and sensitivity – typical characteristics of products created by Carl Malmsten. A homogeneous meeting between the frame and legs. The table legs also have decorative recessing. Vardags is supplied with a fixing plate for support legs as standard. When ordering 3-4 table extensions, two support legs are included. The support legs can be adjusted for height. Decorative legs in birch are also available as optional extras. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Easy Garden Table 100x50
|Outdoor relaxation The Garden Easy products are the most generous in size of our furniture range. Optimal comfort and cozy feeling for the most relaxing days of the year. Broberg & Ridderstråle has designed this exclusive lounge series consisting of 3-seating sofa, 2-seating sofa and armchair. Lounge tables in three different sizes are also available. Sofas and armchairs are made in sunbrella fabric to withstand moisture and some rain. The steel is stainless and wooden details are made of teak. We consider the details so you can just take it easy. For the authentic lounge feeling, add our outdoor pillows Garden Easy Pillow.
Please Table 190x90
|As the name suggests, this is a table designed to bring people together. The table fits easily into most environments. The idea is that it can be used with a number of different chairs, both for everyday use and parties and irrespective of whether you have a lot of space or very little. Pleases´s simplicity provides elegance, due to the special detailing of the table. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Matilda Lindblom.
Fantastic Office Table 1200
|Fantastic is a series of foldable tables. They are very lightweight thanks to the aluminium base. As standard they come with white powder coated pole and polished aluminium foot. You cab get them in seizes from 700 x 700 up to 900 x 2300 mm and the height is 720 mm including the top. The top is 22 mm MDF with white laminate and matching ABS edge bounding. The tables are linkable so you can connect several tables to a big one. Fantastic is approved to supplies the Swedish government (FMV). You are also able to personalize your table. - We paint the base in almost every RAL-colour as you want. - You can use colour matched wheels. - We can make them in any heights and length (max 2300 mm) as you want. - For tabletops we work with all the common materials. We have several choices of shapes and profiles, and we are also able to make the table tops according to your specific drawings or demands. For further information, please contact Bombastik Attitude. Attitude by: Taglio Montana.
Björka Table 140+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Björka Table 120
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Solo Table 80
|Solo is a very simple, functional and versatile table with quite a few details which make the table both stable and aesthetically pleasing. It is constructed without edging, making plenty of space for both arm- and rocking chairs. The table top can also be put to optimum use, as the legs are placed at the very corners. The top is available in birch or white laminate. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Annie Table 140
|Annie is a "lively" table with proven functional and secure construction. The foot is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and lift off the floor in a gentle curve. The tapered, openwork gable gives a light and airy, but while steadily impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a Please feel when approaching table. It should feel nice to sit next to Annie! Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Annie table 140 + 2x50
|The leg base is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and rises off the floor in a smooth arch. The tapering, open leg base provides a light and airy, yet stable impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a welcoming feeling when approaching the table. It must feel nice to sit next to Annie. This version of Annie is an extensible table. The table is available in following dimensions, 140x90 + 2 x 50 cm eller 180 x 90 + 2 x 50 cm. As an option it can be height adjustable.
Emma Table 70
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Kaffe Table Round 750 mm
|Kaffe table is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. If required, the table can easily be dismantled. Kaffe tables come with a round or square tabletop and are available in a choice of heights. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe table can be dismantled. Legs of lacquered tubular steel. Tops of solid wood or powder-lacquered outdoor grade MDF. Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Allegro Table 190
|This table takes its inspiration from previous generations’ practical dining tables, where the table extension was stored in a box under the table. Allegro is a substantial table, where form and function are unifined in a tasteful, practical manner. A table that grows with the task. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with an upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, bar table, sideboard, cupboard and shelving unit. Supplied pre-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Miss Holly Table 175
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
Björka Pedestal Table
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. The pedestal table can easily be changed from an attractive, easy-to-place table into a generous dining table by supplementing it with 1-4 table extensions. The table is available in special heights, max 77 cm. Birch support legs and birch laminate tabletop is available as an optional extra. The Björka range also includes a table, semicircular table and semicircular pedestal table. Supplied preassembled.Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Vardags Table 180+50+50
|Despite the name, this is a really attractive, finished table with many details that require both craftsmanship and sensitivity – typical characteristics of products created by Carl Malmsten. A homogeneous meeting between the frame and legs. The table legs also have decorative recessing. Vardags is supplied with a fixing plate for support legs as standard. When ordering 3-4 table extensions, two support legs are included. The support legs can be adjusted for height. Decorative legs in birch are also available as optional extras. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Solo Table 140
|Solo is a very simple, functional and versatile table with quite a few details which make the table both stable and aesthetically pleasing. It is constructed without edging, making plenty of space for both arm- and rocking chairs. The table top can also be put to optimum use, as the legs are placed at the very corners. The top is available in birch or white laminate. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Carl Table 115+50+50
|The Carl table is designed to pay tribute to Carl Malmsten and his classic Windsor-style chair, Lilla Åland, whose design is stable, natural, functional and tactile. The Carl table takes on the character of the chair with turned, flared legs and a chamfered edge around the top. The round, form-hugging edging has a soft profile to give a billowing, organic impression. All edges are also generously rounded to emphasize affinity with the chair. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Allegro Table 120
|This table takes its inspiration from previous generations’ practical dining tables, where the table extension was stored in a box under the table. Allegro is a substantial table, where form and function are unifined in a tasteful, practical manner. A table that grows with the task. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with an upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, bar table, sideboard, cupboard and shelving unit. Supplied pre-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Vardags Table 160+50+50+50+50
|Despite the name, this is a really attractive, finished table with many details that require both craftsmanship and sensitivity – typical characteristics of products created by Carl Malmsten. A homogeneous meeting between the frame and legs. The table legs also have decorative recessing. Vardags is supplied with a fixing plate for support legs as standard. When ordering 3-4 table extensions, two support legs are included. The support legs can be adjusted for height. Decorative legs in birch are also available as optional extras. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Carl Table 115+50+50+50
|The Carl table is designed to pay tribute to Carl Malmsten and his classic Windsor-style chair, Lilla Åland, whose design is stable, natural, functional and tactile. The Carl table takes on the character of the chair with turned, flared legs and a chamfered edge around the top. The round, form-hugging edging has a soft profile to give a billowing, organic impression. All edges are also generously rounded to emphasize affinity with the chair. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Vardags Table 180+50+50+50+50
|Despite the name, this is a really attractive, finished table with many details that require both craftsmanship and sensitivity – typical characteristics of products created by Carl Malmsten. A homogeneous meeting between the frame and legs. The table legs also have decorative recessing. Vardags is supplied with a fixing plate for support legs as standard. When ordering 3-4 table extensions, two support legs are included. The support legs can be adjusted for height. Decorative legs in birch are also available as optional extras. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Miss Holly Table 275
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
Kaffe Table Square
|Kaffe table is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. If required, the table can easily be dismantled. Kaffe tables come with a round or square tabletop and are available in a choice of heights. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe table can be dismantled. Legs of lacquered tubular steel. Tops of solid wood or powder-lacquered outdoor grade MDF. Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Björka Table 180+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Miss Holly Table 335
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
Emma Table 51
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Miss Holly Table 225
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
Miss Holly Table 235
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
Please Table 240x90
|As the name suggests, this is a table designed to bring people together. The table fits easily into most environments. The idea is that it can be used with a number of different chairs, both for everyday use and parties and irrespective of whether you have a lot of space or very little. Pleases´s simplicity provides elegance, due to the special detailing of the table. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Matilda Lindblom.
Fantastic Office Table 1800
|Fantastic is a series of foldable tables. They are very lightweight thanks to the aluminium base. As standard they come with white powder coated pole and polished aluminium foot. You cab get them in seizes from 700 x 700 up to 900 x 2300 mm and the height is 720 mm including the top. The top is 22 mm MDF with white laminate and matching ABS edge bounding. The tables are linkable so you can connect several tables to a big one. Fantastic is approved to supplies the Swedish government (FMV). You are also able to personalize your table. - We paint the base in almost every RAL-colour as you want. - You can use colour matched wheels. - We can make them in any heights and length (max 2300 mm) as you want. - For tabletops we work with all the common materials. We have several choices of shapes and profiles, and we are also able to make the table tops according to your specific drawings or demands. For further information, please contact Bombastik Attitude. Attitude by: Taglio Montana.
Vardags Table 180
|Despite the name, this is a really attractive, finished table with many details that require both craftsmanship and sensitivity – typical characteristics of products created by Carl Malmsten. A homogeneous meeting between the frame and legs. The table legs also have decorative recessing. Vardags is supplied with a fixing plate for support legs as standard. When ordering 3-4 table extensions, two support legs are included. The support legs can be adjusted for height. Decorative legs in birch are also available as optional extras. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Annie Table 180
|Annie is a "lively" table with proven functional and secure construction. The foot is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and lift off the floor in a gentle curve. The tapered, openwork gable gives a light and airy, but while steadily impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a Please feel when approaching table. It should feel nice to sit next to Annie! Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Straw Table
|Straw is a three-legged all-steel table. What makes Straw unique is the way the tubular steel has been shaped. Instead of conventional tubular steel forms created by soft curves, Osko + Deichmann have kinked the steel – the most direct and dramatic way of shaping a tube. Straw is also available as a chair, easy chair and bar chair.
Please Table 240x95
|As the name suggests, this is a table designed to bring people together. The table fits easily into most environments. The idea is that it can be used with a number of different chairs, both for everyday use and parties and irrespective of whether you have a lot of space or very little. Pleases´s simplicity provides elegance, due to the special detailing of the table. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Matilda Lindblom.
Kaffe Table Round 900 mm
|Kaffe table is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. If required, the table can easily be dismantled. Kaffe tables come with a round or square tabletop and are available in a choice of heights. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe table can be dismantled. Legs of lacquered tubular steel. Tops of solid wood or powder-lacquered outdoor grade MDF. Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Please Table 140x90
|As the name suggests, this is a table designed to bring people together. The table fits easily into most environments. The idea is that it can be used with a number of different chairs, both for everyday use and parties and irrespective of whether you have a lot of space or very little. Pleases´s simplicity provides elegance, due to the special detailing of the table. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Matilda Lindblom.
Annie table 140 + 50
|The leg base is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and rises off the floor in a smooth arch. The tapering, open leg base provides a light and airy, yet stable impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a welcoming feeling when approaching the table. It must feel nice to sit next to Annie. This version of Annie is an extensible table. The table is available in following dimensions, 140x90 + 2 x 50 cm eller 180 x 90 + 2 x 50 cm. As an option it can be height adjustable.
Carl Table 115+50+50+50+50
|The Carl table is designed to pay tribute to Carl Malmsten and his classic Windsor-style chair, Lilla Åland, whose design is stable, natural, functional and tactile. The Carl table takes on the character of the chair with turned, flared legs and a chamfered edge around the top. The round, form-hugging edging has a soft profile to give a billowing, organic impression. All edges are also generously rounded to emphasize affinity with the chair. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Conference Table CJ9
|Ett flexibelt konferensbord formgivet för att passa både mindre och större grupper. Grundtanken är att alla skall känna sig i centrum vid ett möte. För 2-4 personer sitter man vid den smalare delen och vid presentationer passar den längre kortsidan väl då alla runt bordet får en bra överblick. Bordet kommer i två olika varianter. I det första grundutförandet består bordet av en fanerad skiva med massiva träben vilket ger en robust känsla av trä. I det andra tillverkas skivan i laminat för att ge ett renare utseende och en mycket slitstark yta. Vid behov kan vi även ordna med uttag i skivan för t.ex. el och data. Standardstorleken är 285x152 cm, men vi kan även leverera den i andra mått för att anpassa CJ9 till just era förutsättningar.
Annie Table 180 Rounded
|Annie is a "lively" table with proven functional and secure construction. The foot is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and lift off the floor in a gentle curve. The tapered, openwork gable gives a light and airy, but while steadily impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a Please feel when approaching table. It should feel nice to sit next to Annie! Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Emma Table 90
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Kaffe Table Rectangular
|Kaffe table is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. If required, the table can easily be dismantled. Kaffe tables come with a round or square tabletop and are available in a choice of heights. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe table can be dismantled. Legs of lacquered tubular steel. Tops of solid wood or powder-lacquered outdoor grade MDF. Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Solo Table Round
|The round-style Solo is a followup to our much appreciated rectangular Solo table without edging. A simple, stable table without edging that fits into most environments. Look closely at where the legs meet the table top in the milled fitting. The inside of the legs have a semi-circular cross section. The outside of the legs is slightly convex, milled to the same radius as the table top so that the shapes fit. This gives the table a wellcrafted appearance with many details despite its minimalistic style. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Allegro Table 160
|This table takes its inspiration from previous generations’ practical dining tables, where the table extension was stored in a box under the table. Allegro is a substantial table, where form and function are unifined in a tasteful, practical manner. A table that grows with the task. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with an upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, bar table, sideboard, cupboard and shelving unit. Supplied pre-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Björka Semi-Cicular Pedestal Table 115+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table. The semi-circular design means that the table can be placed against a wall, but still have plenty of room for seating. By placing two tables together, you have a long table with room for 20-26 people. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
