Label Everything 16
Jeroen de Bruin | 1345056849Label which can show automatically any property an ArchiCAD element has. Over 250 unique pieces of information to be displayed right in your project. Just select an ArchiCAD element and label it in the Floorplan, Section, Elevation, Details, Worksheet and 3D documents (see video on www.masterscript.nl).
Rafał Ślęk | 1344156891http://www.archibloq.com Model prepared in "old times" in ArchiCAD version 6.5 by scripting in GDL language only - no Morphs, no add-ons, no imported meshes from 3ds :-) Its was made as exhibit for virtual Techician Museum project. User interface was rewritten for version 12.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005633D parametric, wood boarding, vertical, English
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005633D parametric, wood boarding with space, horizontal, English
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005633D parametric, wood boarding, horizontal, English
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400861#http://www.acrmim.com Régnier Jean-Luc Arch-brick (another version of the arch) note that the texture fit nicely with the direction of the radius, if you have enough bricks ! number of brick fix the value of the brick's width. Thickness and lenght of the bricks are independant value3D parametric, brick arch, with optional\n- lenght of arch (internal)\n- height of arch (internal)\n- Z dimension\n- brick's height\n- brick's thickness\n- number of brick\n- curved bricks\n- reflection /XY
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400422ArchiGRID By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º mail:phsantos.arq@sapo.pt December 2005 Made in Portugal2D parametric, structural grid, Portugal version
drainage line 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400423Original Object: Stretchy Line Olivier Dentan Nov 2007 http://pagesperso-orange.fr/archilib.od/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modified : Vistasp Mehta Date : 24.11.2008 AC Version : 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 24.11.2008 1. slightly reduced distance of text from line. 2. changed scaling of text. 3. starting point is no longer stretchable; it made the line length inaccurate. 4. added select by hotline. I prefer that to a couple of hard-to-find hotspots. 5. added ability to write levels at start and end of pipeline. 6. added ability to calculate second point level based on given slope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 28.11.2008 1. Olivier Dentan pointed out one error each in the Master Script and Parameter Script. FIXED 2. He also pointed out that #3 above is not the case. Looks like I messed something up. The original object he submitted works perfectly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2D drainage line
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400444Logolink 1.0 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º mail:phsantos.arq@clix.pt DEC 2007 S.J. da Madeira/Portugal2D logo link, Portugal version
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400864WedgeR.gsm - by TSB A radiused rectangular wedge primitive shape, with parameters for adjusting the slope of the top and bottom surfaces. 01-18-07: Initial version - Wedge.gsm, simple wedge with UI page. 08-04-09: Added radius capability. 08-06-09: Updated UI Page for radius parameter. 08-14-09: Added editable hotspots.3D parametric, WedgeR, curved wedge shape, with optional calculation by angle
Glasvordach mit Abhängern V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409398244Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts 30.8.2014: Für Version 16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1384668771Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269110Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 2.10.2014 Version für V16
Vicci - Space Frame 18
Victor Baboi | 1423424150A completely parametric space frame witch you can adapt to your project. You can start with some base preset shape, dimensions and profiles witch can be customized and detailed via 2d and 3d hotspots or the custom interface. You can use this component as a column, beam or arched frame. Version 18.0.01 Compatibility Archicad 18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415095874Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 original Author of polygone-methode: sinceV6 changed and added by Heimo Mooslechner for sewer purposes. Version 1 - 3D - variable hights von sewer beds, slopes und pipes to loose hights on a shaft.. Till now its justr the hight of th sewer-beds KSZ[i] following the rules of self-growing of the polygone, Other parameters go up to 50t - mental slothfulness ;-) Its possible to edit nearly everything in the floorplan and in 3D its possible to follow the site-hights.
Geländer Polygonal
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412933229Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden. 19.9.2014: Füllungsfelder mit Stäben und Rahmen hergestellt. 20.9.2014: Präzisionsprobleme beseitigt.. 2.10.2014 - Version für V16 10.10.2014 - Neuer Vektor im 2D-Querschnitt zur Verbreiterung der Rinne und der Konsolen zum Balkon hin
Glasvordach mit Abhängern V17
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409398011Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts 30.8.2014: Für Version 17
old ship cannon
Rafał Ślęk | 1358260948Czy ktoś na sali pamięta jeszcze program ZoomGDL Abventu? :-) Obiekt wyrzeźbiony został właśnie za jego pomocą w ramach testów pierwszych dwóch wersji. Element z wersji 6.5 po drobnych szlifach udostępniam do wersji ArchiCAD 16 POL oraz INT. Object for ZoomGDL fans :-) Prepared for ArchiCAD 6.5 now after some cleaning is ready for version ArchiCAD 16 (INT and POL) .
Heimo Mooslechner | 1383310279Stahlkaminobjekt 2 - einfacher Stahlkamin aus Teilen Teilhöhen sind in Matrix vorgegeben, können im 3D aber verändert werden. Eine primitive Grundplatte ist vorhanden, die Anschlußteile sind mit SOE-Abzugsbefehlen hergestellt und können in der Lage im Kamin verändert werden. Verschiedene Anschlußtypen sind möglich. Eine Blechkonuns mit Platte für die Dachdurchdringung ist vohanden. Neu bei Version 6: Grundriss-Anfasser zum Anschlusswinkel einstellen, 3D-Projektion im Grundriss abschaltbar - wegen falscher Darstellung im Grundriss bei eingeschalteter Dachkappe, unteres Anschlußknie dreht jetzt mit.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401805662Balkonelement für Stahlbetonbalkone inkl Isokorb, Anpassung der Abdichtungsebenen bei Terrassentüren mit Rücksprung des Isokorb unter die Stockverlängerung des Türstockes. Stahl-Beton-Balkon mit: Isokorb Tropfkante Oberflächengefälle Dreikantleisten-Abschluss der unteren Betonkante Blechanschluß an Fassade, Blechwinkel als Aussenkante Feuchtigkeitsisolierschichte mit Hochzug Blechabdeckung an Fassade vor Isolierung. Wegschnittebenen für die Ausbildung von Gehrungen zum Anainanderfügen über Eck alles mit Anfassern im Editor direkt einstellbar - wie etwa auch WD-Dicke der Wand oder Belagsdicke usw. Zusätzlich: Balkontüren haben unter dem Türrahmen noch eine wärmegedämmte Stockaufdoppelung bis zur Rohdecke. Dies ist hier im Element mit eingebaut - inkl. Estrichrandstreifen. Ich habe derzeit 6 mögliche Türöffnungen eingebaut. Die Anzahl kann mit einem Hotspot geschaltet werden. Die Türöffnungen können im Grundriss an die echten in der Wand eingesetzten Türen angepasst werden. Im Einstellungsdialog des Elementes muss noch angeklickt werden, dass zur Darstellung im die Atribute des Elementes verwendet werden sollen. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ff5wdqj590rjeb/Balkon1.pln Wie immer bei mir - Edu17-Aut version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyYVXCqiRHQ&feature=youtu.be
Curved Text ADL 18
Applecore Designs | 1445427843Version 2.01
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415096942Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar inkl. Massenermittlungen - Pölzungsfläche - Erdaushub 21.11.2013: Bugs bezüglich letzten Schachtschaltern behoben - weil bei keinem Schacht der Schalter für den Schachtradius das Polygon überlagert hatte. 23.11.2013 Hotspotschalter auf 0 und 1 begrenzt blaues Inteface schaltet die wichtigsten Zustände über Anfasser im Grundriss
Heimo Mooslechner | 1385220105Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar inkl. Massenermittlungen - Pölzungsfläche - Erdaushub 21.11.2013: Bugs bezüglich letzten Schachtschaltern behoben - weil bei keinem Schacht der Schalter für den Schachtradius das Polygon überlagert hatte. 23.11.2013: Hotspot - Schalter auf 0 und 1 begrenzt
FNS Metal Deck
Frank Green Sr. | 1351803633! Name : Metal Deck.gsm ! Date : Nov. 1, 2012 ! Version : 16.00 ! Written by Frank Green
Simple Zone Stamp ADL 18
Applecore Designs | 1444828730Version 3.04
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 68 SU - Version 01.00.04 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Dachkonstruktion V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398228791Dachstuhlkonstruktion - für die 16er Version und somit meine Schüler wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397147635Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Für die 16er Version.. Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xATF6RqMzrE
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Divo Boden-/Tischleuchten Version 5.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Divo Coro Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2010
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Divo Coro nove / tredici Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2011
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Divo Deckenleuchten Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Divo Reflektorkopf Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2009
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Divo Pendelleuchten Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Divo Pendelleuchte sistema quattro/sei Version 2 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2010
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Divo Wandleuchten Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Heimo Mooslechner | 1396935930Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar Änderung 7.4.2014: Zeilenhöhe im Grundriss = nun Maßstabs-unabhängig
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug mit WD und Sockelputz Für V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269037Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug.. Am Startsegment können die Querschnitte mittels Anfassern eingestellt werden 27.9.2014: Wärmedämmung und Sockelputz hinzugefügt, Jedes Segment - Wandoberkante kann mit Anfasser im Drittelpunkt geändert werden - für Höhensprünge der daraufliegenden Decke 29.9.2014: DPC bis Fundamentunterkante, Innen - WD, Fundamentverschieber seitlich begrenzt, Schraffuren für Schnittdarstellung hinzugefügt. To do - Hinterfüllung braucht noch anderes Konzept..noch nicht verwendbar. Hat aber keinen Einfluss auf das bisherige Objekt. Tutorial: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt98o9arveb0p2v/Eigener%20Polygonzug_m5.pln?dl=0 2.10.2014 - Version für V AC-16
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio io 3d basso Tischleuchte Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2011
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio io 3d Leuchtenkopf Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2011
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio io 3d lettura Leseleuchte Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2011
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio io 3d basso Tischleuchte Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2011
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio io 3d tavolo Tischleuchte Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2011
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio io 3d tavolo Tischleuchte Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2011
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Piú Einbaustrahler Version 2.1 © H.Winhard 2010
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Puro Boden- / Tischleuchten Version 5.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Puro Coro Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2010
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Puro Deckenleuchten Version 5.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Puro Reflektorkopf Version 5.0 © H.Winhard 2006-2009
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Puro Pendelleuchten Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Puro Pendelleuchte sistema quattro/sei Version 6.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2010
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Puro Wandleuchten Version 5.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Roof Area Fill v2
Jakub Chruscinski | 1413960473Simple dynamic poly area with ability to display it's area and circumreference. Version 2 - added AS/NZS 3500.3.2:1998 slope factor.
Roof Tiles ADL 18
Applecore Designs | 1445424247Version 2.01
Gergely Borgulya | 1348755006#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S193 - Version 01.02.05 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Sühlo for b-prisma
Gergely Borgulya | 1348755006#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S197 - Version 01.03.09 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006/2007 by Beister/Sühlo for b-prisma
Gergely Borgulya | 1348755006#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S38 - Version 01.01.01 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Sühlo for b-prisma
Gergely Borgulya | 1348755006#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SBG197 - Version 01.03.09 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Sühlo for b-prisma
Gergely Borgulya | 1348755006#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 18 - Version 01.00.01 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Sühlo for b-prisma
Gergely Borgulya | 1348755006#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 68 - Version 01.02.05 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006 by Beister/Sühlo for b-prisma
Gergely Borgulya | 1348755006#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 68 SU - Version 01.00.04 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006 by Beister/Sühlo for b-prisma
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Sento Boden-/Tischleuchten Version 5.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Sento Coro Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2010
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Sento Deckenleuchten Version 6.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2010
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Sento Reflektorkopf Version 4.0 © H.Winhard 2006 - 2010
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Sento Pendelleuchten Version 1.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Sento Pendelleuchte sistema quattro/sei Version 4.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2010
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Sento Wandleuchten Version 6.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2010
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.axelmeiselicht.de/ axelmeiselicht Leuchten-System "OCCHIO" sistema - Kopfhalter Version 4.0 © H.Winhard 2003-2007
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.axelmeiselicht.de/ axelmeiselicht Leuchten-System "OCCHIO" sistema - Systemelemente Version 4.1 © H.Winhard 2003-2011
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.axelmeiselicht.de/ axelmeiselicht Leuchten-System "OCCHIO" Deckenleuchte sistema - Winkel Version 4.0 © H.Winhard 2003-2007
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.axelmeiselicht.de/ axelmeiselicht Leuchten-System "OCCHIO" Sistema-Zubehör Version 4.0 © H.Winhard 2003 -2006
Verhalten bei Unfällen 16 SK_skal
Holger Kreienbrink | 1355836706Verhalten bei Unfällen, Aushang für den Unfallschutz überarbeitet Version aus ARCHICAD 16
Verhalten im Brandfall 16 SK_Skal
Holger Kreienbrink | 1355836715Verhalten bei Unfällen, Aushang für den Brandschutz überarbeitet Version aus ARCHICAD 16
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S193 - Version 01.02.05 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S197 - Version 01.03.09 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006/2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com S38 - Version 01.01.01 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 16 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SBG197 - Version 01.03.09 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 18 - Version 01.00.01 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2007 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Wilde + Spieth | 1384557656#http://www.wilde-spieth.com SE 68 - Version 01.02.05 GDL-Objekt ab ArchiCAD 8 (p) 2006 by Beister/Suehlo for b-prisma
Gergely Borgulya | 1348584960# http://www.occhio.de/ Occhio Zubehör Version 5.0 © H.Winhard 2003 - 2009
Acczent Excellence 4/80
|Inspired by the latest design trends, the Excellence collection brings you the widest combination of over 117 colours and wood designs for endless creativity. It is the all-inclusive solution for the comfort and resistance of any heavy traffic areas in education, aged care and offices. Acczent Excellence 80: the compact version for increased resistance to indentation. ■87 all-over colours and 30 wood decors fully adapted to age and setting ■Unique long-plank woods with new matt finish for authentic aspect (R10) ■New phthlate-free technology and total VOC emissions below 10µg/m3 ■Fully coordinated wall, stairs and accessibility accessories ■Best indentation measured value: 0.03mm ■Excellent resistance with TopClean XP surface treatment ■All decors also available in acoustic version (Tapiflex Excellence 65) ■Available in loose-lay version: Acczent Unik
Tapiflex Excellence 4/65
|Inspired by the latest design trends, the Excellence collection brings you the widest combination of over 117 colours and wood designs for endless creativity. It is the all-inclusive solution for the comfort and resistance of any heavy traffic areas in education, aged care and offices. Tapiflex Excellence 65: acoustic version for higher comfort and shock absorption. ■87 all-over colours and 30 wood decors fully adapted to age and setting ■Unique long-plank woods with new matt finish for authentic aspect (R10) ■New phthlate-free technology and total VOC emissions below 10µg/m3 ■Fully coordinated wall, stairs and accessibility accessories ■Good balance between indentation 0.06mm and sound reduction 19dB (best measured values) ■Excellent resistance with TopClean XP surface treatment ■All decors also available in compact version (Acczent Excellence 80) ■10 references available in tiles version: Tapiflex Tiles 65
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted Drop-in version for the right corner, without panel With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted Drop-in version for the left corner, without panel With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
Mento D 1034 DRLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
EQUITONE [natura]
|EQUITONE [natura] is a through coloured façade material. Every EQUITONE panel is unique, displaying the raw texture of the fibre cement base material. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. No matter what design options you explore, the through-coloured nature of EQUITONE assures crisp, monolithic details. Request a sample at www.equitone.com [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
Mento Mesh D 1034 DGLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
ED100 / ED250
|[LIST] Low Energy electromechanical swing door operator The ED 100/250 A swing door operator is especially suitable for exterior doors that are subjected to varying wind loads and for interior doors separating rooms where different air pressures prevail. The Wind Load Control monitors the actuation speed, keeping it constant at the preset value. Dimension 685 x 70 x 130 mm Max. Door Weight 100 kg (ED 100), 250 kg (ED 250) Max. Door Width 1100 mm (ED 100), 1600 mm (ED 250) Max. Opening Angle 110° Hold-open time 0 to 30 seconds Push or Pull version for single or double leaf doors Activation via radar, push pad, linking to access control systems and other actuation devices Tested to 1,000,000 cycles Low noise levels through multi–stage gearing Suitable for use on emergency escape and fire doors Suitable for use on projects to meet EN 16005 [/LIST]
EQUITONE [textura]
|EQUITONE [textura] is a versatile fibre cement façade material. The material is coated with a textured, highly resistant coating. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
EQUITONE [pictura]
|EQUITONE [pictura] is a versatile fibre cement façade material. The material is coated with a ultramatt, highly resistant coating. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
Sandö XL
|Sandö Armchair XL is a slightly wider version of Sandö Armchair.The basic idea behind Sandö XL was to create a chair with simple, harmonious and self-evident shapes, constructed in accordance with furniture-making criteria. A chair that is resilient and well-proportioned without being fussy, thus making it suitable for a number of environments. An armchair that is comfortable to sit on and attractive to look at. Sandö has distinct lines, but still feels smooth to the touch as all edges are rounded in a special way. This rounding also contributes to light falling around the contours of the chair, thus showing it to full advantage. Corner blocks in the seat and fixed, grooved pins in the legs and back make Sandö XL a stable and durable chair. Upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60°C. Sandö XL is also available as an armchair. Supplied ready-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Koja Sofa Low
|Koja Sofa Low is a sofa with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make the high Koja a perfect place to relax. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a high version and is also available as easy-chair with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
OPPO Low Armchair
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Annie table 180 + 50
|The leg base is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and rises off the floor in a smooth arch. The tapering, open leg base provides a light and airy, yet stable impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a welcoming feeling when approaching the table. It must feel nice to sit next to Annie. This version of Annie is an extensible table. The table is available in following dimensions, 140x90 + 2 x 50 cm eller 180 x 90 + 2 x 50 cm. As an option it can be height adjustable.
Shower Mixer 9000E c/c Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
OPPO 050
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Vista TV and Music Storage - 3 Sections
|A lower, slimmer version of our existing Vista music and TV furniture. You decide the look of the furniture by choosing drawers, cabinets, and/or shelves. This makes Vista more than just music and TV storage. Vista low is available in two different models – 2 or 3 section. Vista has vents in the back for cable routing. The drawers are deep enough to store video tapes, DVDs and CDs. Solid birch drawer fronts, drawer sides and damping expansion fittings give Vista an exclusive feel. Vista low is available in two lengths and can be obtained with drawers, doors (with hardened, frosted glass) or open shelves. You can also choose between wood legs and/or wheels. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Bath Mixer 9000E 160 c/c Downward outlet Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
Shower Mixer 9000E c/c Chrome
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
Basin Mixer Izzy
|With pop-up waste. Swivel spout 120°, 360° or fixed spout. Mora Izzy exudes harmony and elegance and enhances even the most beautiful bathroom. Mora Izzy owes its characteristic look to the elegant curves of the pipe. The version shown here is a basin mixer with a fixed or swivel spout. You can change the spout from fixed to swivel mode with an easy adjustment on the back of the mixer.
Kitchen Mixer 9000E I
|Economy aerator An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. The mixer brings beauty and technical perfection to your kitchen. Even in its basic version, the mixer has unique functions that save energy without compromising on comfort.
Koja Low
|Koja Low is an easy chair with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make Koja a perfect place to relax. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a high version and is also available as a sofa with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Öland Armchair XL
|Öland armchair XL is a slightly larger version of our Öland armchair when has broadened 7 cm. A simple yet useful chair, where Nils-Göran Gustafsson has used the excellent shapeability of birch in both the top section and the back legs/back. A chair created to provide a feeling of being at home in public spaces.
Thermostatic Shower Mixer 9000E White
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer. Ergonomic grooved knobs make it easy to set the temperature and flow.
Annie table 140 + 2x50
|The leg base is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and rises off the floor in a smooth arch. The tapering, open leg base provides a light and airy, yet stable impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a welcoming feeling when approaching the table. It must feel nice to sit next to Annie. This version of Annie is an extensible table. The table is available in following dimensions, 140x90 + 2 x 50 cm eller 180 x 90 + 2 x 50 cm. As an option it can be height adjustable.
Shower Mixer 9000E c/c White
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
Kitchen Mixer 9000E II
|Economy aerator An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. The mixer brings beauty and technical perfection to your kitchen. Even in its basic version, the mixer has unique functions that save energy without compromising on comfort. E stands for ECOSAFE. This product range is the forerunner for a new generation of mixers with a focus on environmental care and energy efficiency. With their bold visual design and innovative technology, the 9000E mixers bring beauty and technical perfection to your kitchen and bathroom.
Vista TV and Music Storage - 2 Sections
|A lower, slimmer version of our existing Vista music and TV furniture. You decide the look of the furniture by choosing drawers, cabinets, and/or shelves. This makes Vista more than just music and TV storage. Vista low is available in two different models – 2 or 3 section. Vista has vents in the back for cable routing. The drawers are deep enough to store video tapes, DVDs and CDs. Solid birch drawer fronts, drawer sides and damping expansion fittings give Vista an exclusive feel. Vista low is available in two lengths and can be obtained with drawers, doors (with hardened, frosted glass) or open shelves. You can also choose between wood legs and/or wheels. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Miss Holly Chair
|Miss Holly was produced with respect for the past and a feel for what is lacking today. Jonas has gained inspiration from Windsor chairs from all over the wold and has created his very own version with a two-dimensional feel. Gracious and generous at the same time. A chair that is equally attractive and functional, and whose many details testify to the designer's professional skill and love for wood as a material. Miss Holly is a equally attractive alone or in a group. Its seating height is suitable for most dining tables. Miss Holly offers many details that testify to the designer’s high professional skill. The top-piece is made of a piece of solid wood which was compressed to make it pliable. Soft tactile forms. Generous and gracious at the same time. Thanks to its clear profile, Miss Holly works equally well as a standalone item or in a group. Its seating height suits most dining tables. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Jonas Lindvall.
9000E Basic Model
|Economy aerator An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. The mixer brings beauty and technical perfection to your bathroom. Even in its basic version, the mixer has unique functions that save energy without compromising on comfort.
Kitchen Mixer Rexx K7
|Swivel spout 60°, 120° or 360°. ECO flow. With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful kitchen mixer with built-in intelligent function.
Thermostatic Bath Mixer 9000E Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Swivel spout diverter An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer. Ergonomic grooved knobs make it easy to set the temperature and flow.
OPPO Armchair
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Shower Mixer Rexx T5
|Shower connection down. With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful bath mixer with world-leading functionality, providing unbeatable safety and comfort.
Shower Rexx S5
|Anti-limescale system. Adjustable wall bracket for existing holes. With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful shower system with built-in intelligent function.
Thermostatic Bath Mixer 9000E White
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Swivel spout diverter An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer. Ergonomic grooved knobs make it easy to set the temperature and flow.
Kitchen Mixer Izzy
|Swivel spout 120°, 360° or fixed spout. Mora Izzy exudes harmony and elegance and enhances even the most beautiful kitchen. Mora Izzy owes its characteristic look to the elegant curves of the pipe. The version shown here is a kitchen mixer with a fixed or swivel spout. You can change the spout from fixed to swivel mode with an easy adjustment on the back of the mixer.
Bath mixer 9000E 160 c/c Downward outlet Chrome
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
Annie table 140 + 50
|The leg base is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and rises off the floor in a smooth arch. The tapering, open leg base provides a light and airy, yet stable impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a welcoming feeling when approaching the table. It must feel nice to sit next to Annie. This version of Annie is an extensible table. The table is available in following dimensions, 140x90 + 2 x 50 cm eller 180 x 90 + 2 x 50 cm. As an option it can be height adjustable.
Bath Mixer Rexx T5
|Thermostatic mixer for safe comfort. Bath spout with built-in diverter. Downward outlet for shower, ECO function. With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful bath mixer with world-leading functionality for unbeatable safety and comfort.
Bath Mixer 9000E 160 c/c Downward outlet White
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Koja Sofa High
|Koja Sofa High is a sofa with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make the high Koja a perfect place to relax or seclude yourself from the noisy surroundings. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a low version and is also available as easy-chair with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Annie table 180 + 2x50
|The leg base is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and rises off the floor in a smooth arch. The tapering, open leg base provides a light and airy, yet stable impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a welcoming feeling when approaching the table. It must feel nice to sit next to Annie. This version of Annie is an extensible table. The table is available in following dimensions, 140x90 + 2 x 50 cm eller 180 x 90 + 2 x 50 cm. As an option it can be height adjustable.
Kitchen Mixer 9000E flexi
|Economy aerator An optimal balance between design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. The mixer brings beauty and technical perfection to your kitchen and bathroom. Even in its basic version, the mixer has unique functions that save energy without compromising on comfort. E stands for ECOSAFE. This product range is the forerunner for a new generation of mixers with a focus on environmental care and energy efficiency. With their bold visual design and innovative technology, the 9000E mixers bring beauty and technical perfection to your kitchen and bathroom.
Koja High
|Koja High is an easy chair with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make the high Koja a perfect place to relax or seclude yourself from the noisy surroundings. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a low version and is also available as a sofa with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Thermostatic Shower Mixer 9000E Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer. Ergonomic grooved knobs make it easy to set the temperature and flow.
Kitchen Mixer Rexx K5
|Swivel spout 60°, 120° or 360°. ECO flow. With their simple, minimalist design, Mora Rexx mixers are the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Their innovation lies in their precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. The version shown here is a beautiful kitchen mixer with built-in intelligent function.
Kitchen Mixer 9000E III
|Economy aerator. An optimal balance between design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. The mixer brings beauty and technical perfection to your kitchen and bathroom. Even in its basic version, the mixer has unique functions that save energy without compromising on comfort. E stands for ECOSAFE. This product range is the forerunner for a new generation of mixers with a focus on environmental care and energy efficiency. With their bold visual design and innovative technology, the 9000E mixers bring beauty and technical perfection to your kitchen and bathroom.
|Inside the art glass body, two halogen lamps are mounted at the top and at the bottom, emitting light towards each other. The indirect light further illuminates rooms over the ceiling. The indirect light and the light in the art glass body are independently dimmable. Also availlable as energy saving version. Light body made of acryllic glass; Base chrome steel.
H-ikkuna window
|H-ikkuna is suitable for nearly all kinds of building projects from smaller houses to apartment buildings, new buildings to restructuring sites. Every single window solution is tailored to our customers' needs. In addition to H-ikkuna Classic, our windows are also available in fixed version. The slim-framed H-ikkuna offers designers numerous, stylish opportunities. The width of the frame is 95-105 mm and its depth can be adjusted. The simple and elegant lines of H-ikkuna are not interfered by separate ventilation windows or visible hinges and fittings. Every H-ikkuna is meticulously manufactured for a perfect fit. Courtesy by rakennustieto Finland. These downloadable objects are only available in Finnish at the moment.
InLine - wall lamp
|Modular element in EPS. Allow the housing of lamps with very low consumption (cold cathode - about 14 W / ml), high color index (Ra = 0.99 for the version 3000 K *) and high lighting level (1400 lumens / ml) The structure is assembled on site during the construction of walls. The characteristics of EPS material offer high level of insulation with a low thermal transmittance. The cold cathode is supplied on request in the desired color temperature.
2 doors and 3 drawers sideboard without friezes
|Sidebord with 2 doors and 3 drawers: inside, 2 adjustable shelves. This article, particularly elegant and contemporary in lacquered version, can be personalized by adding decorations on the doors make it more classic, timeless. ideal for the dining room but can be a distinctive and original piece for the living room
|Characterized by the interplay of flat and tilted surfaces like a delicate origami, Pass is an entry door produced in teak wood. In this special version the wood surfaces are treated with "dry" effect acrylic paint that maintains the natural beauty of teak. The stainless steel internal hardware features automatic, three-point locking SECURY lock.
EQUITONE [tectiva]
|EQUITONE [tectiva] is a through coloured facade material. Every EQUITONE panel is unique, showing the raw, untreated texture of the fibre cement base material. It is characterised by sanded lines and naturally occurring hues within the material. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. No matter what design options you explore, the through-coloured nature of EQUITONE assures crisp, monolithic details. Request a sample at www.equitone.com [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
CWS Paradise Ladycare
|Paradise Ladycare hygiene box, approx. 12 l. Floor-standing, wall-mounted or as Non-Touch version. With view-protection in lid, wall mount and Non-Touch wall mount with LED display (red/green). Motor-operated lid opening (3 seconds) and automatic closing (with NT version), manual lid opening and closing with floor-standing and wall-mounted versions. Container, lid and wall mount in white plastic. Wall mount with disengaging lock and key. Power supply for NT: 4x LR 14 batteries. Sensor range 1-7 cm with < 0.5 second reaction time. Comes complete with batteries, fastening materials, delivery and installation. A service subscription for the disposal of hygienic waste via the CWS Ladycare service can be concluded directly with CWS. Ladycare Boxes: Paradise Ladycare floor standing: 575000 Paradise Ladycare wall-mounted: 574000 Paradise Ladycare NT: 573000 Format: 345 x 525 x 200 mm
Agata bench
|Metalco bench made up of a reconstituted marblestone/granite support surface, linear or 45° section, with a steel central support component. The linear version is also available in exotic wood. All the surfaces can be supplied with flat seats or with a backrest, single or double, either in wood or in steel. The linear surfaces can be supplied, as an alternative, with a steel backrest. Available in the following materials and sizes: [LIST] Reconstituted Granite Reconstituted Marblestone Wood [/LIST]
Madras® Pixel
|The wide range of Madras® finishes and patterns represents the most complete collection of glass for manufacturing doors of every sort. Madras® textures and patterns are made exclusively with satin finishing and chemical etching techniques that enhance the qualities of glass far more than traditional sand-blasting and produce a beautiful silky touch, fingerprint-proof. All the glass products in the range can be strengthened and laminated and are therefore suitable for making doors in full compliance with international safety standards. Madras® products are also available in a safety version laminated with a float glass base to UNI EN ISO 12543:2011 and EN 14449: 2005.
Madras® Punto-NL Cristalli
|The wide range of Madras® finishes and patterns represents the most complete collection of glass for manufacturing doors of every sort. Madras® textures and patterns are made exclusively with satin finishing and chemical etching techniques that enhance the qualities of glass far more than traditional sand-blasting and produce a beautiful silky touch, fingerprint-proof. All the glass products in the range can be strengthened and laminated and are therefore suitable for making doors in full compliance with international safety standards. Madras® products are also available in a safety version laminated with a float glass base to UNI EN ISO 12543:2011 and EN 14449: 2005.
Madras® Strip Maté double face
|The wide range of Madras® finishes and patterns represents the most complete collection of glass for manufacturing doors of every sort. Madras® textures and patterns are made exclusively with satin finishing and chemical etching techniques that enhance the qualities of glass far more than traditional sand-blasting and produce a beautiful silky touch, fingerprint-proof. All the glass products in the range can be strengthened and laminated and are therefore suitable for making doors in full compliance with international safety standards. Madras® products are also available in a safety version laminated with a float glass base to UNI EN ISO 12543:2011 and EN 14449: 2005.
Madras® Fili
|The wide range of Madras® finishes and patterns represents the most complete collection of glass for manufacturing doors of every sort. Madras® textures and patterns are made exclusively with satin finishing and chemical etching techniques that enhance the qualities of glass far more than traditional sand-blasting and produce a beautiful silky touch, fingerprint-proof. All the glass products in the range can be strengthened and laminated and are therefore suitable for making doors in full compliance with international safety standards. Madras® products are also available in a safety version laminated with a float glass base to UNI EN ISO 12543:2011 and EN 14449: 2005.
Madras® Nuvola
|The wide range of Madras® finishes and patterns represents the most complete collection of glass for manufacturing doors of every sort. Madras® textures and patterns are made exclusively with satin finishing and chemical etching techniques that enhance the qualities of glass far more than traditional sand-blasting and produce a beautiful silky touch, fingerprint-proof. All the glass products in the range can be strengthened and laminated and are therefore suitable for making doors in full compliance with international safety standards. Madras® products are also available in a safety version laminated with a float glass base to UNI EN ISO 12543:2011 and EN 14449: 2005.
