iMac desktop
Jonny Breen | 1347591365An iMac 21" desktop modelled to every detail with all connectors, ports, speakers etc modelled. Come with custom material showing Mac desktop. Made in Bootcamp :)
Explosive Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Flammable Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Material Legend 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13436498512D material legend in table form.
Oxidizing Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Sign Explosive Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
Sign Flammable Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
Sign Oxidizing Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
Sign Toxic Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D only.
3D Dimension 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13402162103D Dimensioning object
3D Dimension Angle 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13402162103D Dimensioning object
Sui yuk Liu | 1341854939cup_white link for material: http://s19.postimage.org/9thhg2hb7/cup.png duplicate surf-porcelain. please leave a comment. Thanks!
karma trendz | 1390045700water tank 200 lt
Andres Bruder | 1438866851Keystone (Coquina, Limestone) Tiles 1'-0"x2'-0"
Heimo Mooslechner | 1419086665Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet.
Bath Free Standing #1004
Cadimage Group | 1372385099A parametric free-standing bath inspired by the Victoria and Albert 'Toulouse' collection. Set the overall width, depth and height of the bath, and the material thickness. Dynamic hotspots can be used to control the shape. The 3D model can be displayed at three resolutions (detailed, regular or simple). Choose materials for the bath and drain. Set the resolution of the model and the 2D symbol. Set pens and fills for the 2D symbol. In plan view, the object is self-labelling.
karma trendz | 1386343406scaffolding
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427709207Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet. 30.3.2015 freigeschaltet
Holzhocker Stevie_Cloud
Ruth Gall | 1355741567Holzhocker "Stevie" Dieser Rundhocker ist ein echter Naturbursche aus mindestens 100 - jährigem Eichenholz, der durch die Reduziertheit im Material und seine gestalterische Einfachheit besticht. Durch die Bearbeitung mit der Motorsäge und jede Menge Handarbeit wurde aus einem massiven Eichenstamm ein bequemes Unikat. Ausgestattet mit einer anthrazitfarbenen Filzauflage und einer grünen Trageschlaufe.
Tap Kitchen Pull Down #1026
Cadimage Group | 1423004215A parametric bench-mounted single-lever pull-down kitchen tap. Set the dimensions of the tap, and graphically adjust the spout angle. Choose a material for the kitchen tap. Set the resolution of the model and the 2D symbol. Set pens and fills for the 2D symbol. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
1.07 Material Stud
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
Explosive Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Flammable Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Oxidizing Material NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Sign Explosive Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Sign Flammable Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Sign Oxidizing Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
Sign Toxic Material
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D only.
karma trendz | 1449115132handle ikea HISHULT
karma trendz | 1449115712handle_ikea_HISHULT
karma trendz | 1386343031scaffolding crossbrace
karma trendz | 1386342987Scaffolding main frame
b4 IDO Seven D 1000 vanitytop
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.02.2007 -initial release 06.08.2009 -fixed error for shelf material
Christmas Tree #1161
Cadimage Group | 1371674293A parametric 3D Christmas Tree with balls. The tree size and stem height may be adjusted. Each branch is placed using a randomization algorithm, so that by clicking a Randomize button variations of the tree may be produced. The balls are attached to the longer branches, size and material being randomly selected. However you can set the number of balls that should be placed. Shadow-casting for plan and 3D view is controlled via a single selection.
f1 IDO Renova mirror cabinet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.03.2005 -renamed furniture series 01.03.2005 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -3D material for lamp 01.03.2003 -initial release
Kitchen Sink #1052
Cadimage Group | 1423004215A parametric kitchen sink with two bowls and no drainer. Set the overall width, depth and height of the sink. Adjust the dimensions of the bowls, the offset of the second bowl, and the position and diameter of the drains. Choose a material for the kitchen sink. Set the resolution of the model and the 2D symbol. Set pens and fills for the 2D symbol. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
Kitchen Sink #1053
Cadimage Group | 1423004215A parametric kitchen sink with two bowls and two drainers. Set the overall width, depth and height of the sink. Adjust the dimensions of the bowls and drainers, and the position and diameter of the drains. Adjust the drainer rib pattern. Choose a material for the kitchen sink. Set the resolution of the model and the 2D symbol. Set pens and fills for the 2D symbol. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
Tap Basin Automatic #1165
Cadimage Group | 1372385099A parametric, bench-mounted, single-lever, automatic basin tap. Set the dimensions of the tap, and graphically adjust the spout and lever angles. Choose a material for the basin tap. Set the resolution of the model and the 2D symbol. Set pens and fills for the 2D symbol. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
Tap Kitchen #1001
Cadimage Group | 1423004215A parametric bench-mounted kitchen tap with separate handles. Set the dimensions of the spout and handles, and the position of the handles relative to the spout. Graphically adjust the spout angle. Choose a material for the kitchen tap. Set the resolution of the model and the 2D symbol. Set pens and fills for the 2D symbol. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted Drop-in version for the right corner, without panel With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, with not removable panels With overflow slot at long side and tap bank at opposite side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted for the left corner, with not removable L-panel right With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1760 x 760 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, with not removable panels Overflow slot and tap bank at feet side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted for the right corner, with not removable L-panel left With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Freestanding bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, with not removable panels With overflow slot at long side and tap bank at opposite side With pre-installed lifting system to move the bathtub aside in case of maintenance, with floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
KARTELL by LAUFEN Bathtub 1700 x 860 mm
|Bathtub made of SENTEC solid surface material, casted Drop-in version for the left corner, without panel With overflow slot at front side and tap bank at opposite side With aluminium frame and floor fixation With pre-installed overflow and siphon with click-clack function With waste cover made of SENTEC solid surface Charge 616 – without whirl system, with sensor control for illuminated overflow slot Bathtub with whirl system, with sensor control: Charge 627 – Whirlpool with air massage, illuminated overflow slot and mist
|Clean lines, precise seams and a characteristic base give Cox a distinctive style. Standard: The base is available in chrome. Info: Upholstery: Moulded cold-cured polyurethane foam. Assembly: Legs fitted after delivery. Each item sent separately. Leather or an elastic type of material is recommended. Not available in Microcare or Alcantara. Measures: 2-seater W145, 3-seater W196, D83, SH42, H70cm. Club Chair W74, D66, SH42, H70cm.
|Clip is a functional stackable table system designed for large meeting places as assembly halls, auditoriums, conference rooms and dining areas. The tables have unique stacking qualities and with its own transport dolly makes it easy to rearrange or clear the location. Table tops are a light weight material covered with high press laminat. The legs are in chrome. Standard: White laminate (K1040UN), grey side list (NCS S 4500-N). Base: Polished stainless steel.
|The Planet chair and table was first launched in 1965 and remained a part of the collection until the end of the 1970s. Planet was the first spherical chair in Norwegian furniture history. The name alludes to the first space journey in 1961 and the entry of Pop Art furniture onto the Norwegian market. Delivered with plastic gliders. Planet may be turned 360 degrees, and is available with a soft tilt- forwards/backwards. We recommend choosing an elastic material such as Divina, Fame, Vadal and Cicero. There is an additional charge if you choose more than one fabric/colour per chair. The model is delivered with removable seat cover. The highest textile group form the basis for pricing.Planet is available in white contrast seam (NCS S 0500-N), light grey (NSC S 2502-R), grey (NCS S 5502-B) and black (NSC S 9000-N)
Metawall® A2 Curtain Wall Facade
|Aluminium sandwich panel for curtain wall facades with an overall thickness of 15 mm, weight only 6,8kg/m2, non visible fixing methods (riveting), wide colour range and different coating possibilities, perfect flatness also for big elements (max. 1460 x 6000 mm), fire rating acc. to DIN EN 13501: A2 - s1, d0 (non-combustible), 100% recyclable (without previous material separation), excellent corrosion protection, Environmental Product Declaration
EQUITONE [natura]
|EQUITONE [natura] is a through coloured façade material. Every EQUITONE panel is unique, displaying the raw texture of the fibre cement base material. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. No matter what design options you explore, the through-coloured nature of EQUITONE assures crisp, monolithic details. Request a sample at www.equitone.com [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
Metawall® Curtain Wall Facade
|Aluminium sandwich panel for curtain wall facades with an overall thickness of 10 mm, weight only 5.7 kg/m2, non visible fixing methods (Glueing , Riveting), wide colour range and different coating possibilites, perfect flatness also for big elements (max. 1470 x 6000 mm), building inspectorate approval: Z-33.2-889 (DIBt Germany), fire rating acc. to DIN EN 13501: B - s2, d0, 100% recyclable (without previous material separation), excellent corrosion protection, Environmental Product Declaration
EQUITONE [textura]
|EQUITONE [textura] is a versatile fibre cement façade material. The material is coated with a textured, highly resistant coating. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
Lindner Raised Floor System
|The NORTEC raised floor system offers impressive in-built properties and truly state-of-the-art technology. It is the ideal product for almost any field of application. NORTEC floor panels give superb underfoot comfort. They are manufactured from calcium sulphate (gypsum): a non-combustible material with superlative structural and physical properties. This product also offers outstanding levels of soundproofing. As a manufacturer, we can determine the choice of raw materials used. The Institute of Building Biology in Rosenheim recommends NORTEC as a biologically-neutral building material. Our gypsum panels are virtually emission-free.
EQUITONE [pictura]
|EQUITONE [pictura] is a versatile fibre cement façade material. The material is coated with a ultramatt, highly resistant coating. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
Albany RR300 Freeze high speed door
|From ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, our Albany RR300 Freeze cold storage insulated freezer high speed doors save on energy and maintenance costs while maximizing workflow and ensuring a safer more productive environment. Albany RR300 Freeze is one of the fastest high speed doors on the market opening at speeds of up to 130” per second. Climatex™ insulated door panel material prevents door panel moisture build up in environments with temperature variances below 32 degrees F to 45 degrees F.
Tork Xpressnap® Napkin Dispenser - Aluminium
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Tork Xpressnap Café Image Napkin Dispenser
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed smaller napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments that serve smaller portions of food A small dispenser that fits on any table Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Tork Xpressnap Café Image Napkin Dispenser
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed smaller napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments that serve smaller portions of food A small dispenser that fits on any table Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Tork Xpressnap® Napkin Dispenser - Walnut
|Tork Xpressnap® Image complements your business and tells customers you care about their experience and we guarantee Tork Xpressnap® napkin dispensing system will reduce napkin usage by at least 25% compared with traditional dispensers, helping you to reduce napkin consumption and waste. [LIST] Beautifully designed napkin dispenser made of high quality and genuine material (Walnut) Great for for Self-service, more upscale/design conscious establishments Reduces napkin waste and improves napkin handling Winner of the 2014 Red Dot Award for product [/LIST]
Mono Low
|Mono Low is a small coffee table/side table in spun metal with a reversible glass tabletop foiled on both sides so that you can easily change the look of the table. There is room for storage inside the table underneath the glass top. Metal-spinning techniques are commonly used for manufacturing lampshades, but they do have limitations with regard to the weight of the material to be processed. With Mono tables, however, we have extended the boundaries of what it is now possible to produce in this way. Mia Cullin’s inspiration for Mono was the form and function of various everyday receptacles such as vases, dishes, bowls, cylinders and pots.
Serena Wall Shelf 170
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail fi nish and material quality. A beautiful and stylish place for books and small items. The Serena range also includes a chest of drawers, mirror, wardrobe and bedroom furniture. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Serena Bed 180
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. The bed has an adjustable bottom to suit various mattress thicknesses. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor. Available with clear varnish, soap, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
SIDELINE Corner Soap Basket- 2 Levels
|Sideline - Corner Soap Basket, Double in Polished Chrome. Concealed fastening. Because the soap basket is produced in solid brass it will never rust. Soap Basket Hook DK2100 suitable for use with this basket. This range of flexible shower and bath baskets answers a functional need in a very stylish way. The core material is solid brass, finished in brushed or polished chrome. Similar corner soap basket is also available under Home and House series.
Permanent wall system with Wood ex 3
|The permanent wall system is strong, simple and flexible. The wall rail is mounted vertically on the wall and have perforated holes all the way for easy height adjustment of the brackets and shelf ends. It is an easy and affordable shelving suitable for storage in the storage and archives. But with a little imagination and creative choices of material the wall rails also can be used where the appearance is high. The collection Wood can be combined as needed. Here is a compressed solution with the vaious shelf types. Choose wood and powder coated colors from our catalog.
Ocean Bench
|Ocean is a billowing bench that decorates a room and can cope with infinite repetition. The bench was inspired by nature, both in terms of material and shape – a meeting of forest, wind and water. Ocean can be used as a bench on its own or together with several benches and matching tables in different formations, straight or angled, since the edges on the bench and table are angled. The cushioned, upholstered seats are available in any of our standard fabrics or in any material that you send us. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Swedish Ninja/Maria Gustafsson.
Serena Bed 90
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. The bed has an adjustable bottom to suit various mattress thicknesses. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor. Available with clear varnish, soap, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Miss Holly Table 285
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
Serena Wall Shelf 45
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Perfect for teacup, the book ... Easy to hang on and unhook. Compatible with Serena single and double bed. The Serena range also includes a chest of drawers, mirror, wardrobe and bedroom furniture. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Washbasin mixer with 150 mm spout.
|<list>Alla komponenter är tillverkade i livsmedelsgodkända material Tidlös och harmonisk design Inbyggd automatisk hetvattenspärr för skållningsskydd Spärrknapp på temperatursidan vid komforttemperatur 38°C Justerbar maxtemperatur för bättre skållningsskydd Safe Touch funktion minimerar värmen på blandarens framsida Spärrknapp på mängdsidan vid komfortflöde Reagerar snabbt på tryck- och temperaturförändringar i vattenflödet vilket ger en jämn vattentemperatur Keramisk avstängning för droppsäkring och lång livslängd. Dessutom förenklas användandet för små och svaga händer Typgodkända backventiler i inloppen Återströmningsskydd enligt SS-EN 1717 [EB] Kan utrustas med greppvänliga vred för funktionsanpassning Kan kompletteras med badkarspip</list>
Oxford Sofa
|Oxford is a genuine piece of wooden furniture where the designer wants to present the structure itself through sophisticated and clear details. Oxford has a marked perspective that also makes it exciting to look at. But perhaps it’s just its sitting comfort that will make you fall in love with it. The cushioned, upholstered seats are available in any of our standard fabrics or in any material that you send us. The material is removable on both the seat and back cushions. Supreme sitting comfort is achieved by the classic basic construction combined with comfortable seat and back cushions fi lled with down. The seat cushion also has a core of highly elastic cold foam to further increase the comfort. Oxford is beautiful to look at from all directions, which makes it perfect for creating a group of seats in the middle of a room. Design: Mattias Ljunggren.
Permanent wall system with Cover ex 2
|The permanent wall system is strong, simple and flexible. The wall rail is mounted vertically on the wall and have perforated holes all the way for easy height adjustment of the brackets and shelf ends. It is an easy and affordable shelving suitable for storage in the storage and archives. But with a little imagination and creative choices of material the wall rails also can be used where the appearance is high. In the concept Cover you will decorate your wall and refill with shelves where you want. Choose powder coated colors from our catalog.
Serena Bed 160
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. The bed has an adjustable bottom to suit various mattress thicknesses. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor. Available with clear varnish, soap, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Miss Holly Table 175
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
Permanent wall system with metal shelf Paper
|The permanent wall system is strong, simple and flexible. The wall rail is mounted vertically on the wall and have perforated holes all the way for easy height adjustment of the brackets and shelf ends. It is an easy and affordable shelving suitable for storage in the storage and archives. But with a little imagination and creative choices of material the wall rails also can be used where the appearance is high. Metal shelf Paper is stylish and strong, despite the way the paper-thin appearance. Choose powder coated colors from our catalog.
Miss Holly Chair
|Miss Holly was produced with respect for the past and a feel for what is lacking today. Jonas has gained inspiration from Windsor chairs from all over the wold and has created his very own version with a two-dimensional feel. Gracious and generous at the same time. A chair that is equally attractive and functional, and whose many details testify to the designer's professional skill and love for wood as a material. Miss Holly is a equally attractive alone or in a group. Its seating height is suitable for most dining tables. Miss Holly offers many details that testify to the designer’s high professional skill. The top-piece is made of a piece of solid wood which was compressed to make it pliable. Soft tactile forms. Generous and gracious at the same time. Thanks to its clear profile, Miss Holly works equally well as a standalone item or in a group. Its seating height suits most dining tables. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Jonas Lindvall.
Miss Holly Table 275
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
Permanent wall system with Wood ex 1
|The permanent wall system is strong, simple and flexible. The wall rail is mounted vertically on the wall and have perforated holes all the way for easy height adjustment of the brackets and shelf ends. It is an easy and affordable shelving suitable for storage in the storage and archives. But with a little imagination and creative choices of material the wall rails also can be used where the appearance is high. The collection Wood can be combined as needed. Here with a work space and storage above. Choose wood and powder coated colors from our catalog.
Serena Bed 105
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. The bed has an adjustable bottom to suit various mattress thicknesses. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor. Available with clear varnish, soap, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Miss Holly Table 335
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
SIDELINE Design Soap Basket -1 Level
|Sideline - Soap Basket in Polished Chrome. Concealed fastening. Because the soap basket is produced in solid brass it will never rust. This range of flexible shower and bath baskets answers a functional need in a very stylish way. The core material is solid brass, finished in polished chrome. Similar Design soap basket is available also under Air series AK374.
Serena Bed 120
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. The bed has an adjustable bottom to suit various mattress thicknesses. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor. Available with clear varnish, soap, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
SIDELINE Soap Basket - 1 Level
|Sideline - Soap Basket in Polished Chrome. Concealed fastening. Because the soap basket is produced in solid brass it will never rust. Soap Basket Hook DK2100 suitable for use with this basket. See section Spare parts. This range of flexible shower and bath baskets answers a functional need in a very stylish way. The core material is solid brass, finished in polished chrome.
Miss Holly Table 225
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
Miss Holly Table 235
|The simple is often the most beautiful. Jonas Lindvall has created a table, to his chair Miss Holly, based in a simple and clear design of solid wood. Miss Holly has a strong record and carefully machined edges and legs which means that the table gets a soft and inviting expression. Simplicity meets high material sense. So beautiful. A table for the family and office. The table is made of solid ash or birch. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain.
|Boo is a stackable chair with a seat shell of formfelt, fabric or leather laminated on the inside, alternatively seat shell of ABS-plastic . Boo is suitable for a variety of interiors, for example conference rooms, meeting-rooms, canteens and libraries. Because of the special characteristics of the formfelt, the seat of Boo is sound absorbing. The chair is lightweight thanks to the choice of material and construction. In the creation of Boo, Stefan Borselius has delved deep into the process of optimising a comfortable seating shell for different kinds of bodies. Unusually comfortable and ergonomic, it takes weight of the pelvic bones and supports the small of the back. In 2008 Boo in formfelt was awarded with the Swedish design award, Design S. Boo in formfelt is also eco-labelled with the Nordic Swan.
Serena Chest of Drawers
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for the products in this range. The furniture in the Serena range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. All items feature a metal foot, a detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the floor. The drawers are adjustable and self-closing, with anti-trapping device. All drawer fronts and drawer sides are made from solid birch.Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Oxford Lounge Easy Chair
|Oxford is a genuine piece of wooden furniture where the designer wants to present the structure itself through sophisticated and clear details. Oxford has a marked perspective that also makes it exciting to look at. But perhaps it’s just its sitting comfort that will make you fall in love with it. The cushioned, upholstered seats are available in any of our standard fabrics or in any material that you send us. The material is removable on both the seat and back cushions. Supreme sitting comfort is achieved by the classic basic construction combined with comfortable seat and back cushions fi lled with down. The seat cushion also has a core of highly elastic cold foam to further increase the comfort. Oxford is beautiful to look at from all directions, which makes it perfect for creating a group of seats in the middle of a room. Design: Mattias Ljunggren.
Permanent wall system with Wood ex 2
|The permanent wall system is strong, simple and flexible. The wall rail is mounted vertically on the wall and have perforated holes all the way for easy height adjustment of the brackets and shelf ends. It is an easy and affordable shelving suitable for storage in the storage and archives. But with a little imagination and creative choices of material the wall rails also can be used where the appearance is high. The collection Wood can be combined as needed. Here with a group table and storage above. Choose wood and powder coated colors from our catalog.
Mono High
|Mono is a small coffee table/side table in spun metal with a reversible glass tabletop foiled on both sides so that you can easily change the look of the table. There is room for storage inside the table underneath the glass top. Metal-spinning techniques are commonly used for manufacturing lampshades, but they do have limitations with regard to the weight of the material to be processed. With Mono tables, however, we have extended the boundaries of what it is now possible to produce in this way. Mia Cullin’s inspiration for Mono was the form and function of various everyday receptacles such as vases, dishes, bowls, cylinders and pots.
Serena Bedside Table
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail fi nish and material quality. All items feature a metal foot, a detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor.A pretty bedside table which is easy to place. Gives space for the necessary next to the bed. The drawers are adjustable and self-closing, with anti trapping device. All drawer fronts and drawer sides are made from solid birch. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the floor. The Serena range also includes a chest of drawers, mirror, wardrobe and bedroom furniture. Supplied ready-assembled. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
BOO Armchair
|Boo is a stackable chair with a seat shell of formfelt, fabric or leather laminated on the inside. Boo is suitable for a variety of interiors, for example conference rooms, meeting-rooms, canteens and libraries. Because of the special characteristics of the formfelt, the seat of Boo is sound absorbing. The chair is lightweight thanks to the choice of material and construction. In the creation of Boo, Stefan Borselius has delved deep into the process of optimising a comfortable seating shell for different kinds of bodies. Unusually comfortable and ergonomic, it takes weight of the pelvic bones and supports the small of the back. In 2008 Boo O48 was awarded with the Swedish design award, Design S. Boo is also eco-labelled with the Nordic Swan.
Oxford Easy Chair
|Oxford is a genuine piece of wooden furniture where the designer wants to present the structure itself through sophisticated and clear details. Oxford has a marked perspective that also makes it exciting to look at. But perhaps it’s just its sitting comfort that will make you fall in love with it. The cushioned, upholstered seats are available in any of our standard fabrics or in any material that you send us. The material is removable on both the seat and back cushions. Supreme sitting comfort is achieved by the classic basic construction combined with comfortable seat and back cushions fi lled with down. The seat cushion also has a core of highly elastic cold foam to further increase the comfort. Oxford is beautiful to look at from all directions, which makes it perfect for creating a group of seats in the middle of a room. Design: Mattias Ljunggren.
|CLOUD comprises several plug-in shell elements, which can be changed by bulging or indenting. As it has a modular structure, custom-made designs are available in addition to the standard sizes. The used material is a polyester membrane that has been made flame-resistant, durable and virtually tear-free through various refinement processes.
|CLOUD comprises several plug-in shell elements, which can be changed by bulging or indenting. As it has a modular structure, custom-made designs are available in addition to the standard sizes. The used material is a polyester membrane that has been made flame-resistant, durable and virtually tear-free through various refinement processes.
|CLOUD comprises several plug-in shell elements, which can be changed by bulging or indenting. As it has a modular structure, custom-made designs are available in addition to the standard sizes. The used material is a polyester membrane that has been made flame-resistant, durable and virtually tear-free through various refinement processes.
NK2L Double Lite max. 8 x 12 m
|Due to ingenious technology, Lite-doors are very reliable in tough operating conditions, and with a low maintenance need. Lite doors are also safe; the engine has been fitted with a built-in brake, and the side controls have been fitted with a fall-guard safety clutch. The NK2L Double Lite is a basic model with 2 layers of fabric; the model NK4L Warm Lite is also available, which has been fitted with heat insulation material, and is perfect as an external door of a warm room, as well as between a cold and a warm room.
MTH Concertto 66 A
|MTH Concertto facade sheets contain several embossed panels in the form of squares or rectangles. In a Concertto facade, there are few cut edges and no straight horizontal surfaces that could collect dirt. This compact entity is durable and extremely rapid to install. The Concertto metal facade combines beautiful appearance and freedom of design with cost-effectiveness, rapid installation, and a high-quality result. Hot-galvanised steel sheeting with a PVDF coating (protective film) or paint, with a material thickness of 1.00 mm. Aluminium with a PVDF coating, with a material thickness of 1.00 mm or 1.20 mm
Clear FIX A
|The windows in this range are frameless, and when they are installed they become an integral part of the structure, with only the pane itself splitting up the wall. The deep casing allows for a broad range of glazing options. The tightness and soundproofing characteristics of these windows meet the requirements of even the most demanding environments. The solid-wood casing provides effective thermal insulation. Material options include narrow-grained northern pine, larch, and oak.
MTH Concertto Acusto Corner 66A
|MTH Concertto facade sheets contain several embossed panels in the form of squares or rectangles. In a Concertto facade, there are few cut edges and no straight horizontal surfaces that could collect dirt. This compact entity is durable and extremely rapid to install. The Concertto metal facade combines beautiful appearance and freedom of design with cost-effectiveness, rapid installation, and a high-quality result. Hot-galvanised steel sheeting with a PVDF coating (protective film) or paint, with a material thickness of 1.00 mm. Aluminium with a PVDF coating, with a material thickness of 1.00 mm or 1.20 mm
Active FIX A
|The windows in this range are frameless, and when they are installed they become an integral part of the structure, with only the pane itself splitting up the wall. The deep casing allows for a broad range of glazing options. The tightness and soundproofing characteristics of these windows meet the requirements of even the most demanding environments. The solid-wood casing provides effective thermal insulation. Material options include narrow-grained northern pine, larch, and oak.
Decking TEAK BURMA liscia
|Our outdoor Decking planks are a high-quality product, entirely made in Italy. XILO1934 Decking is in fact first kiln-dried and then profiled at our facilities, thus increasing the long term stability of the material. In our market, most exterior decking planks are profiled and not dried in the countries of origin. Once arrived at its destination, the material can be subject to changes in the moisture content and subsequently creating serious problems of deformation after installation.
InLine - wall lamp
|Modular element in EPS. Allow the housing of lamps with very low consumption (cold cathode - about 14 W / ml), high color index (Ra = 0.99 for the version 3000 K *) and high lighting level (1400 lumens / ml) The structure is assembled on site during the construction of walls. The characteristics of EPS material offer high level of insulation with a low thermal transmittance. The cold cathode is supplied on request in the desired color temperature.
Decking IROKO zigr
|Our outdoor Decking planks are a high-quality product, entirely made in Italy. XILO1934 Decking is in fact first kiln-dried and then profiled at our facilities, thus increasing the long term stability of the material. In our market, most exterior decking planks are profiled and not dried in the countries of origin. Once arrived at its destination, the material can be subject to changes in the moisture content and subsequently creating serious problems of deformation after installation.
Decking IPE liscia
|Our outdoor Decking planks are a high-quality product, entirely made in Italy. XILO1934 Decking is in fact first kiln-dried and then profiled at our facilities, thus increasing the long term stability of the material. In our market, most exterior decking planks are profiled and not dried in the countries of origin. Once arrived at its destination, the material can be subject to changes in the moisture content and subsequently creating serious problems of deformation after installation.
Decking TEAK BURMA zigr
|Our outdoor Decking planks are a high-quality product, entirely made in Italy. XILO1934 Decking is in fact first kiln-dried and then profiled at our facilities, thus increasing the long term stability of the material. In our market, most exterior decking planks are profiled and not dried in the countries of origin. Once arrived at its destination, the material can be subject to changes in the moisture content and subsequently creating serious problems of deformation after installation.
Decking MOVINGUI liscia
|Our outdoor Decking planks are a high-quality product, entirely made in Italy. XILO1934 Decking is in fact first kiln-dried and then profiled at our facilities, thus increasing the long term stability of the material. In our market, most exterior decking planks are profiled and not dried in the countries of origin. Once arrived at its destination, the material can be subject to changes in the moisture content and subsequently creating serious problems of deformation after installation.
Decking IPE zigr
|Our outdoor Decking planks are a high-quality product, entirely made in Italy. XILO1934 Decking is in fact first kiln-dried and then profiled at our facilities, thus increasing the long term stability of the material. In our market, most exterior decking planks are profiled and not dried in the countries of origin. Once arrived at its destination, the material can be subject to changes in the moisture content and subsequently creating serious problems of deformation after installation.
Decking MOVINGUI zigr
|Our outdoor Decking planks are a high-quality product, entirely made in Italy. XILO1934 Decking is in fact first kiln-dried and then profiled at our facilities, thus increasing the long term stability of the material. In our market, most exterior decking planks are profiled and not dried in the countries of origin. Once arrived at its destination, the material can be subject to changes in the moisture content and subsequently creating serious problems of deformation after installation.
|Our outdoor Decking planks are a high-quality product, entirely made in Italy. XILO1934 Decking is in fact first kiln-dried and then profiled at our facilities, thus increasing the long term stability of the material. In our market, most exterior decking planks are profiled and not dried in the countries of origin. Once arrived at its destination, the material can be subject to changes in the moisture content and subsequently creating serious problems of deformation after installation.
Decking IROKO liscia
|Our outdoor Decking planks are a high-quality product, entirely made in Italy. XILO1934 Decking is in fact first kiln-dried and then profiled at our facilities, thus increasing the long term stability of the material. In our market, most exterior decking planks are profiled and not dried in the countries of origin. Once arrived at its destination, the material can be subject to changes in the moisture content and subsequently creating serious problems of deformation after installation.
Cembrit Cembonit (Plan, Cementmood, Classic)
|Cembrit Cembonit A strong, weather-proof cladding sheet characterised by its muted, matt finish. During manufacturing, the through-coloured sheet receives a unique surface treatment which makes it powerfully resistant towards water staining and dirt, ensuring a long-lasting and durable facade. Cembrit Cembonit comes in 11 subtle colours. The natural authenticity of Cembrit Cembonit is expressed through the slight colour variations in the surface, imbuing your facade with the play of light and nuances you associate with any natural building material. Over time, these natural variations may develop further as the surface patinates. [LIST] 901 Pearl 911 Sand 915 Tufa 921 Flint 922 Graphite 935 Ruby 941 Magma 942 Ruby 946 Adobe 951 Emerald 967 Granite [/LIST]
EQUITONE [tectiva]
|EQUITONE [tectiva] is a through coloured facade material. Every EQUITONE panel is unique, showing the raw, untreated texture of the fibre cement base material. It is characterised by sanded lines and naturally occurring hues within the material. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. No matter what design options you explore, the through-coloured nature of EQUITONE assures crisp, monolithic details. Request a sample at www.equitone.com [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
Press - table
|Press, design PetterssonRudberg (2015), is the result of an undertaking to construct a folding table made entirely out of wood. The challenge was to make a table that was lighter yet just as stable to use, just as simple to fold up and just as long-lasting as similar constructions. The tabletop is veneered with oak, birch, ash or finished in one of our standard stains on ash, black desktop and white or grey laminate. The table is supplied with a wooden edge strip or for a more durable tabletop, choose a plastic edge strip in white, grey or black. The solid wood legs are in oak, birch, ash or finished in one of our standard stains on ash and have felt floor protectors as standard. Optional extras are available in the form of castors, link fittings for connecting several tables, and a panel of sound-absorbent material that can be fitted to the underside of the tabletop. Also available is a storage trolley with locking wheels and a metal handle that can be placed either on the side or the short end. Press can be used either as a folding table that can be simply erected to provide a sturdy working surface, or as a more permanent wooden table that is easy to fold up and store out of the way when necessary. Press is an ideal solution in lecture halls, meeting rooms, lunch rooms, all types of conference facilities, schools, hotels, churches, etc.
CWS Paradise Air Bar
|Paradise Air Bar air fragrance dispenser for 2 x 80-ml fragrance cartridges. Targeted scent release via blowers at the front. Duo-cartridge system enables an automatic change from active to reserve cartridge. Cartridge reach ca. 3 months (depending on setting). Intuitive user interface inside the dispenser for a room specific setting of the intensity with 4 levels. Dispenser reach approx. 12 m². Day-night control (light sensor) preserving resources. Service light at the front. Dispenser out of shock-resistant, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges, therefore no risk of injury. White panel can be changed to various colours. Complete incl. installation material, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4663000, Dispenser without panel: 4663010 Panel active white: 161048000, Panel royal red: 161048022, Panel black pearl: 161048021, Panel navy blue: 161048044, Panel forest green : 191048045, Panel posh purple : 161048040, Panel silversense: 161048060 Fragrances: CWS Sweet Orange: 630000, CWS Flower Rain: 631000, CWS Peach Heaven: 632000, CWS Ocean Fresh: 633000, CWS Summer Sense: 634000, CWS Forest Soul: 635000, CWS Silent Wood: 636000, CWS Secret Spa: 637000, CWS Magic Fruit: 638000
Optima steel 120V
|Optima sensor operated hand dryers from Mediclinics are a suitable solution for those looking for an auto hand dryer with an optimum performance at a very competitive price. These models are ideal to be installed in washrooms with an average traffic of people like for example, restaurants, theatres, offices, etc. Sensor operated models, equipped with an induction motor, which do not require any maintenance. Manufactured using the highest quality materials, they also include an optical reader for hand distance detection, which is adjustable. In order to better blend with the washroom’s decoration, it is available in steel white Epoxy finish. Thanks to R&D&I, Mediclinics manufactur a dryer with a smooth design, which is made using a highly robust material, with anti-vandalism features. These dryers also provide maximum safety, with a safety thermal cut off installed in the motor and another one in the dryer’s heating element.
Optima Stainless steel 120V
|Optima sensor operated hand dryers from Mediclinics are a suitable solution for those looking for an auto hand dryer with an optimum performance at a very competitive price. These models are ideal to be installed in washrooms with an average traffic of people like for example, restaurants, theatres, offices, etc. Sensor operated models, equipped with an induction motor, which do not require any maintenance. Manufactured using the highest quality materials, they also include an optical reader for hand distance detection, which is adjustable. In order to better blend with the washroom’s decoration, it is available in AISI 304 stainless steel bright or satin finish. Thanks to R&D&I, Mediclinics manufactur a dryer with a smooth design, which is made using a highly robust material, with anti-vandalism features. These dryers also provide maximum safety, with a safety thermal cut off installed in the motor and another one in the dryer’s heating element.
Optima steel 220V
|Optima sensor operated hand dryers from Mediclinics are a suitable solution for those looking for an auto hand dryer with an optimum performance at a very competitive price. These models are ideal to be installed in washrooms with an average traffic of people like for example, restaurants, theatres, offices, etc. Sensor operated models, equipped with an induction motor, which do not require any maintenance. Manufactured using the highest quality materials, they also include an optical reader for hand distance detection, which is adjustable. In order to better blend with the washroom’s decoration, it is available in steel white Epoxy finish. Thanks to R&D&I, Mediclinics manufactur a dryer with a smooth design, which is made using a highly robust material, with anti-vandalism features. These dryers also provide maximum safety, with a safety thermal cut off installed in the motor and another one in the dryer’s heating element.
Optima Stainless Steel 220V
|Optima sensor operated hand dryers from Mediclinics are a suitable solution for those looking for an auto hand dryer with an optimum performance at a very competitive price. These models are ideal to be installed in washrooms with an average traffic of people like for example, restaurants, theatres, offices, etc. Sensor operated models, equipped with an induction motor, which do not require any maintenance. Manufactured using the highest quality materials, they also include an optical reader for hand distance detection, which is adjustable. In order to better blend with the washroom’s decoration, it is available in AISI 304 stainless steel bright or satin finish. Thanks to R&D&I, Mediclinics manufactur a dryer with a smooth design, which is made using a highly robust material, with anti-vandalism features. These dryers also provide maximum safety, with a safety thermal cut off installed in the motor and another one in the dryer’s heating element.
Madras® Grid XP Flooring
|Madras®Flooring, the certified anti-slip glass Madras®Flooring is an innovative line of anti-slip glass products for walkways that combine aesthetic qualities with exclusive performance characteristics certified to the main international standards. Unlike various artisan techniques, such as milling, ceramic silk-screening and sanding, which make glass anti-slip but without any guarantee of its efficacy and not particularly long lasting, Madras® Flooring is made with an exclusive etching process specially developed to provide a material of proven efficacy and longer lasting. Its use in high visual impact locations – shopping centres, famous brand stores, universities, railway stations, etc. – testifies to its superior quality, strength and ease of maintenance. There’s a wide choice of textures diversified for use in small or large spaces. They all guarantee sure grip in dry and wet conditions.
Madras® Pixel Flooring
|Madras®Flooring, the certified anti-slip glass Madras®Flooring is an innovative line of anti-slip glass products for walkways that combine aesthetic qualities with exclusive performance characteristics certified to the main international standards. Unlike various artisan techniques, such as milling, ceramic silk-screening and sanding, which make glass anti-slip but without any guarantee of its efficacy and not particularly long lasting, Madras® Flooring is made with an exclusive etching process specially developed to provide a material of proven efficacy and longer lasting. Its use in high visual impact locations – shopping centres, famous brand stores, universities, railway stations, etc. – testifies to its superior quality, strength and ease of maintenance. There’s a wide choice of textures diversified for use in small or large spaces. They all guarantee sure grip in dry and wet conditions.
Madras® Punto Flooring Trasparente
|Madras®Flooring, the certified anti-slip glass Madras®Flooring is an innovative line of anti-slip glass products for walkways that combine aesthetic qualities with exclusive performance characteristics certified to the main international standards. Unlike various artisan techniques, such as milling, ceramic silk-screening and sanding, which make glass anti-slip but without any guarantee of its efficacy and not particularly long lasting, Madras® Flooring is made with an exclusive etching process specially developed to provide a material of proven efficacy and longer lasting. Its use in high visual impact locations – shopping centres, famous brand stores, universities, railway stations, etc. – testifies to its superior quality, strength and ease of maintenance. There’s a wide choice of textures diversified for use in small or large spaces. They all guarantee sure grip in dry and wet conditions.
Madras® Diamond Plate
|Madras®Flooring, the certified anti-slip glass Madras®Flooring is an innovative line of anti-slip glass products for walkways that combine aesthetic qualities with exclusive performance characteristics certified to the main international standards. Unlike various artisan techniques, such as milling, ceramic silk-screening and sanding, which make glass anti-slip but without any guarantee of its efficacy and not particularly long lasting, Madras® Flooring is made with an exclusive etching process specially developed to provide a material of proven efficacy and longer lasting. Its use in high visual impact locations – shopping centres, famous brand stores, universities, railway stations, etc. – testifies to its superior quality, strength and ease of maintenance. There’s a wide choice of textures diversified for use in small or large spaces. They all guarantee sure grip in dry and wet conditions.
Madras® Pixel Flooring Trasparente
|Madras®Flooring, the certified anti-slip glass Madras®Flooring is an innovative line of anti-slip glass products for walkways that combine aesthetic qualities with exclusive performance characteristics certified to the main international standards. Unlike various artisan techniques, such as milling, ceramic silk-screening and sanding, which make glass anti-slip but without any guarantee of its efficacy and not particularly long lasting, Madras® Flooring is made with an exclusive etching process specially developed to provide a material of proven efficacy and longer lasting. Its use in high visual impact locations – shopping centres, famous brand stores, universities, railway stations, etc. – testifies to its superior quality, strength and ease of maintenance. There’s a wide choice of textures diversified for use in small or large spaces. They all guarantee sure grip in dry and wet conditions.
Madras® Ecosat Flooring
|Madras®Flooring, the certified anti-slip glass Madras®Flooring is an innovative line of anti-slip glass products for walkways that combine aesthetic qualities with exclusive performance characteristics certified to the main international standards. Unlike various artisan techniques, such as milling, ceramic silk-screening and sanding, which make glass anti-slip but without any guarantee of its efficacy and not particularly long lasting, Madras® Flooring is made with an exclusive etching process specially developed to provide a material of proven efficacy and longer lasting. Its use in high visual impact locations – shopping centres, famous brand stores, universities, railway stations, etc. – testifies to its superior quality, strength and ease of maintenance. There’s a wide choice of textures diversified for use in small or large spaces. They all guarantee sure grip in dry and wet conditions.
Madras® Linea Flooring
|Madras®Flooring, the certified anti-slip glass Madras®Flooring is an innovative line of anti-slip glass products for walkways that combine aesthetic qualities with exclusive performance characteristics certified to the main international standards. Unlike various artisan techniques, such as milling, ceramic silk-screening and sanding, which make glass anti-slip but without any guarantee of its efficacy and not particularly long lasting, Madras® Flooring is made with an exclusive etching process specially developed to provide a material of proven efficacy and longer lasting. Its use in high visual impact locations – shopping centres, famous brand stores, universities, railway stations, etc. – testifies to its superior quality, strength and ease of maintenance. There’s a wide choice of textures diversified for use in small or large spaces. They all guarantee sure grip in dry and wet conditions.
Madras® Ecosat Maté Flooring
|Madras®Flooring, the certified anti-slip glass Madras®Flooring is an innovative line of anti-slip glass products for walkways that combine aesthetic qualities with exclusive performance characteristics certified to the main international standards. Unlike various artisan techniques, such as milling, ceramic silk-screening and sanding, which make glass anti-slip but without any guarantee of its efficacy and not particularly long lasting, Madras® Flooring is made with an exclusive etching process specially developed to provide a material of proven efficacy and longer lasting. Its use in high visual impact locations – shopping centres, famous brand stores, universities, railway stations, etc. – testifies to its superior quality, strength and ease of maintenance. There’s a wide choice of textures diversified for use in small or large spaces. They all guarantee sure grip in dry and wet conditions.
Madras® Matrix Flooring
|Madras®Flooring, the certified anti-slip glass Madras®Flooring is an innovative line of anti-slip glass products for walkways that combine aesthetic qualities with exclusive performance characteristics certified to the main international standards. Unlike various artisan techniques, such as milling, ceramic silk-screening and sanding, which make glass anti-slip but without any guarantee of its efficacy and not particularly long lasting, Madras® Flooring is made with an exclusive etching process specially developed to provide a material of proven efficacy and longer lasting. Its use in high visual impact locations – shopping centres, famous brand stores, universities, railway stations, etc. – testifies to its superior quality, strength and ease of maintenance. There’s a wide choice of textures diversified for use in small or large spaces. They all guarantee sure grip in dry and wet conditions.
CU table
|Designer Monica Graffeo CU is a versatile and functional piece of household furniture to use anywhere: next to a sofa as a coffee table, as a seat or bench, or even in the bedroom as a bedside table. With a trendy yet classic and modern design, featuring tapered wedge legs flowing from a seamless surface, CU can be used as a table or as a seat. CU can be used in a variety of rooms indoors. This modern bench is crafted from molded polyurethane, a very durable material that is easy to clean and incredibly hard wearing. CU is available in two sizes and three colours so you can mix and match the different styles of CU to suit your home.
Madras® Punto Flooring
|Madras®Flooring, the certified anti-slip glass Madras®Flooring is an innovative line of anti-slip glass products for walkways that combine aesthetic qualities with exclusive performance characteristics certified to the main international standards. Unlike various artisan techniques, such as milling, ceramic silk-screening and sanding, which make glass anti-slip but without any guarantee of its efficacy and not particularly long lasting, Madras® Flooring is made with an exclusive etching process specially developed to provide a material of proven efficacy and longer lasting. Its use in high visual impact locations – shopping centres, famous brand stores, universities, railway stations, etc. – testifies to its superior quality, strength and ease of maintenance. There’s a wide choice of textures diversified for use in small or large spaces. They all guarantee sure grip in dry and wet conditions.
Monaco Coffe Table 100x50
|LUXURY GLASS TABLE The Monaco Tables are available in the same elegant colour combinations as the arm chairs. With tables tops of glass and a padded stitched leather base and iron frame. With three colour variations on the frame and four colour options on the leather base. The table can be provided in 3 sizes: 50 x 50 cm, 100 x 50 cm and 115 cm x115. Material Selection As with all our furniture we always carefully selected only the very finest materials. Our leather comes exclusively from the Swedsih company ELMO whose animals all come from within Scandinavia. Each skin celebrates it’s natural heritage with insect bites and visible scars. We have chosen to use two-ply leather which is glued offering its beautiful surface on both sides. The cushions are then stuffed with down to achieve the highest level of luxury, comfort and durability.
Monaco Coffe Table 115x115
|LUXURY GLASS TABLE The Monaco Tables are available in the same elegant colour combinations as the arm chairs. With tables tops of glass and a padded stitched leather base and iron frame. With three colour variations on the frame and four colour options on the leather base. The table can be provided in 3 sizes: 50 x 50 cm, 100 x 50 cm and 115 cm x115. Material Selection As with all our furniture we always carefully selected only the very finest materials. Our leather comes exclusively from the Swedsih company ELMO whose animals all come from within Scandinavia. Each skin celebrates it’s natural heritage with insect bites and visible scars. We have chosen to use two-ply leather which is glued offering its beautiful surface on both sides. The cushions are then stuffed with down to achieve the highest level of luxury, comfort and durability.
Monaco Lounge Sofa 3
|LUXURIOUS INDOOR SOFA Iron. Leather. Glass. The Monaco lounge series combines these natural materials into an exclusive indoor range with a elegant architectural form. We now extend the Monaco range with two elegant sofas, the series now consist of two sofas, the iconic chair and three glass topped tables. The Monaco Lounge Sofa manages to combine comfort on a large scale without being to bulky. Designed for both in the home and public environments, slim lines in a large format is the Monaco Lounge Sofa, elegant yet evident in it’s form. The iron frames are coated and come in three varied colours. Available in four different luxurious leathers and in two different fabrics. Material Selection As with all our furniture we always carefully selected only the very finest materials. Our leather comes exclusively from the Swedsih company ELMO whose animals all come from within Scandinavia. Each skin celebrates it’s natural heritage with insect bites and visible scars. We have chosen to use two-ply leather which is glued offering its beautiful surface on both sides. The cushions are then stuffed with down to achieve the highest level of luxury, comfort and durability. Designers Mats Broberg & Johan Ridderstråle has won several awards such as the Wallpaper Design Award, the Elle Decoration Design Award, Good Design Award and Residences Net Designers.
Monaco Lounge Sofa 2
|LUXURIOUS INDOOR SOFA Iron. Leather. Glass. The Monaco lounge series combines these natural materials into an exclusive indoor range with a elegant architectural form. We now extend the Monaco range with two elegant sofas, the series now consist of two sofas, the iconic chair and three glass topped tables. The Monaco Lounge Sofa manages to combine comfort on a large scale without being to bulky. Designed for both in the home and public environments, slim lines in a large format is the Monaco Lounge Sofa, elegant yet evident in it’s form. The iron frames are coated and come in three varied colours. Available in four different luxurious leathers and in two different fabrics. Material Selection As with all our furniture we always carefully selected only the very finest materials. Our leather comes exclusively from the Swedsih company ELMO whose animals all come from within Scandinavia. Each skin celebrates it’s natural heritage with insect bites and visible scars. We have chosen to use two-ply leather which is glued offering its beautiful surface on both sides. The cushions are then stuffed with down to achieve the highest level of luxury, comfort and durability. Designers Mats Broberg & Johan Ridderstråle has won several awards such as the Wallpaper Design Award, the Elle Decoration Design Award, Good Design Award and Residences Net Designers.
Monaco Lounge Chair
|LUXURIOUS INDOOR ARMCHAIR Iron. Leather. Glass. The Monaco lounge series combines these natural materials into an exclusive indoor range with a elegant architectural form. The first products to be released in the Monaco Lounge Series consist of a chair and three glass topped tables. Arm chair The Monaco Lounge chair manages to combine comfort on a large scale without being to bulky. Designed for both in the home and public environments, slim lines in a large format is the Monaco Lounge chair, elegant yet evident in it’s form. The iron frames are coated and come in three varied colours. Available in four different luxurious leathers and in two different fabrics. Material Selection As with all our furniture we always carefully selected only the very finest materials. Our leather comes exclusively from the Swedsih company ELMO whose animals all come from within Scandinavia. Each skin celebrates it’s natural heritage with insect bites and visible scars. We have chosen to use two-ply leather which is glued offering its beautiful surface on both sides. The cushions are then stuffed with down to achieve the highest level of luxury, comfort and durability. Designers Mats Broberg & Johan Ridderstråle has won several awards such as the Wallpaper Design Award, the Elle Decoration Design Award, Good Design Award and Residences Net Designers.
Monaco Coffe Table 50x50
|LUXURY GLASS TABLE The Monaco Tables are available in the same elegant colour combinations as the arm chairs. With tables tops of glass and a padded stitched leather base and iron frame. With three colour variations on the frame and four colour options on the leather base. The table can be provided in 3 sizes: 50 x 50 cm, 100 x 50 cm and 115 cm x115. Material Selection As with all our furniture we always carefully selected only the very finest materials. Our leather comes exclusively from the Swedsih company ELMO whose animals all come from within Scandinavia. Each skin celebrates it’s natural heritage with insect bites and visible scars. We have chosen to use two-ply leather which is glued offering its beautiful surface on both sides. The cushions are then stuffed with down to achieve the highest level of luxury, comfort and durability.
