Label Everything 16
Jeroen de Bruin | 1345056849Label which can show automatically any property an ArchiCAD element has. Over 250 unique pieces of information to be displayed right in your project. Just select an ArchiCAD element and label it in the Floorplan, Section, Elevation, Details, Worksheet and 3D documents (see video on www.masterscript.nl).
Floating Dimension
manuBIM | 1346998969Stationary linear dimension object with graphically editable Nodes, visible on multiple stories, units independent from project settings, numeric change of segments' length, flexible attribute settings, stays unchanged no matter what.
Floating Dimension
manuBIM | 1346998877Stationary linear dimension object with graphically editable Nodes, visible on multiple stories, units independent from project settings, numeric change of segments' length, flexible attribute settings, stays unchanged no matter what.
Rafał Ślęk | 1344156891http://www.archibloq.com Model prepared in "old times" in ArchiCAD version 6.5 by scripting in GDL language only - no Morphs, no add-ons, no imported meshes from 3ds :-) Its was made as exhibit for virtual Techician Museum project. User interface was rewritten for version 12.
NO Smoking NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
NO Flame NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
NO Water NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
3D Dimension 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13402162103D Dimensioning object
3D Dimension Angle 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13402162103D Dimensioning object
drainage line 10
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400423Original Object: Stretchy Line Olivier Dentan Nov 2007 http://pagesperso-orange.fr/archilib.od/ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Modified : Vistasp Mehta Date : 24.11.2008 AC Version : 10 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ History ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 24.11.2008 1. slightly reduced distance of text from line. 2. changed scaling of text. 3. starting point is no longer stretchable; it made the line length inaccurate. 4. added select by hotline. I prefer that to a couple of hard-to-find hotspots. 5. added ability to write levels at start and end of pipeline. 6. added ability to calculate second point level based on given slope. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Date : 28.11.2008 1. Olivier Dentan pointed out one error each in the Master Script and Parameter Script. FIXED 2. He also pointed out that #3 above is not the case. Looks like I messed something up. The original object he submitted works perfectly. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2D drainage line
Interruptor e Tomada ABNT 18_beta 1
Fábio Freitas | 1435592528Versão Beta 1 - Em desesenvolvimento! Objeto inteligente com simbologia de tomadas e interruptores segundo NB-8 da ABNT. Espelho e acionadores em 3D de acordo com a NBR 14.136 de 2002. Símbolo sensível ao piso, tamanho do símbolo e texto em milímetros no papel. Caixa 4x2, Tomadas, Tomada de força, Interruptor de uma duas ou três seções, telefonia e dados.
Total Zone
Jeroen de Bruin | 1355176262Total Zone is a zonestamp which will solve all your zone problems. No more duplicated zones for each different output, one zone for all output. With the Model View Options this zone can be different in each view, increasing the BIM factor of your model. CHECK OUT ALL THE FEATURES!
Chuveiro Cromado
Murilo Noleto | 1395068431Visite o blog: http://noletoblog.blogspot.com.br/ Objeto criado com dimensões usuais no mercado.
Durval Tabach | 1435607393Box de chuveiro, comum no Brasil, geralmente em vidro temperado com ferragens de alumínio. Pode ser reto (uma face), em "L" (duas faces) ou em "U" (três faces), com aberturas de correr em um ou dois lados. Informações e atualizações: http://dtabach.com.br/gdl-bim/objetos/box-correr durval@dtabach.com.br
Varal de Roupas
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Equipamento de secagem instalado no teto ou apoiado em pernas.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
NO Flame NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
NO Smoking NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
NO Water NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13715578952D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Sign - No Turn #1518
Cadimage Group | 1412617493A standard New Zealand direction street sign for visualization. An image is pasted onto a back board, with an option to mount on a post. Set dimensions, choose direction (no left turn, no right turn, or no U-turn) and choose from 4 standard sign sizes. Note that the image appears only in Open GL and photorendered views. Also note that at the time of upload, a bug fixed in ArchiCAD 18 may prevent effective use in previous versions.
Leca®Block 88
|Det benyttes veldig mye Leca blokker til innvendige bærende og ikke bærende vegger samt utvendig til kalde konstruksjoner som garasje, boder osv. Lecas gode egenskaper til slike vegger er både det rent praktiske (små enheter som er lette å håndtere på en byggeplass) og det byggtekniske (bæreevne, lyd og brann). Innervegger kan i prinsippet mures av alle dimensjoner og typer Leca blokker. I praksis begrenser det seg imidlertid til Leca Blokk, Leca Finblokk og Leca Lydblokk, mens Leca Isoblokk hovedsakelig benyttes til yttervegger.
Leca®Block 118
|Det benyttes veldig mye Leca blokker til innvendige bærende og ikke bærende vegger samt utvendig til kalde konstruksjoner som garasje, boder osv. Lecas gode egenskaper til slike vegger er både det rent praktiske (små enheter som er lette å håndtere på en byggeplass) og det byggtekniske (bæreevne, lyd og brann). Innervegger kan i prinsippet mures av alle dimensjoner og typer Leca blokker. I praksis begrenser det seg imidlertid til Leca Blokk, Leca Finblokk og Leca Lydblokk, mens Leca Isoblokk hovedsakelig benyttes til yttervegger.
Innervegger Leca® block
|Det benyttes veldig mye Leca blokker til innvendige bærende og ikke bærende vegger samt utvendig til kalde konstruksjoner som garasje, boder osv. Lecas gode egenskaper til slike vegger er både det rent praktiske (små enheter som er lette å håndtere på en byggeplass) og det byggtekniske (bæreevne, lyd og brann). Innervegger kan i prinsippet mures av alle dimensjoner og typer Leca blokker. I praksis begrenser det seg imidlertid til Leca Blokk, Leca Finblokk og Leca Lydblokk, mens Leca Isoblokk hovedsakelig benyttes til yttervegger.
Norboks 2x6
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Elegant 1x7
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 2x5
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 1x7
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Elegant 2x6
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 2x8
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks stående 2x3
|Norboks Stående er tilpasset trange trappeoppganger og er bare 12 cm dyp. En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 2x9
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 1x3
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 2x4
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 1x8
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 2x3
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Elegant 1x4
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Norboks stående 1x3
|Norboks Stående er tilpasset trange trappeoppganger og er bare 12 cm dyp. En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Elegant 2x5
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 2x7
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 1x9
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 2x4
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 1x3
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 1x4
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 1x6
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 1x6
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Elegant 1x5
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Elegant 2x3
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Norboks stående 1x4
|Norboks Stående er tilpasset trange trappeoppganger og er bare 12 cm dyp. En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 1x9
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 2x2
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks stående 2x4
|Norboks Stående er tilpasset trange trappeoppganger og er bare 12 cm dyp. En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 2x7
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Elegant 2x2
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Norboks 2x8
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 2x6
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 2x2
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 2x5
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 1x7
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks stående 1x2
|Norboks Stående er tilpasset trange trappeoppganger og er bare 12 cm dyp. En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Elegant 1x6
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 2x9
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Elegant 2x4
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Elegant 2x7
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Norboks 1x8
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 1x4
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks 1x5
|En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 1x5
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Elegant 1x3
|Vår klassiske treboks, Elegant, er en gedigen postkasse med fine detaljer i messing. Som tilleggsvalg kan boksen beises i rekke forskjellige nyanser, slik du vil ha den. Du kan selvsagt også velge skråtak eller kronlist som tilleggsvalg. [LIST] Elegant er den eneste postboksen i tre på markedet som har oppnådd sikkerhetsklassifisering (sikkerhetsklasse I), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle trebokser. På innsiden av innkastet sitter en 45-graders plate som forhindrer uvedkomne fra å stjele post [/LIST]
Norboks Kompakt 2x3
|I enkelte trappeoppganger stilles det spesielle krav til at postkassen ikke får være for bred. Vi har tatt frem markedets tynneste postkassesystem for å tilgodese disse behovene. Kompaktboksen er kun 400 mm (enkelrad) og 700 mm (dobbeltrad) bred, men er på den andre siden noe dypere (400 mm). [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste boksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
Norboks stående 2x2
|Norboks Stående er tilpasset trange trappeoppganger og er bare 12 cm dyp. En komplett postboks med markedets høyeste sikkerhetsklassifisering. Postkassesystemet er klargjort for elektronisk låsing og digital navnemerking. Postkassene er innenfor alle anbefalingene til Posten, og oppfyller brukskravene fra Byggklokt for personer med funksjonshemming. [LIST] Norboksen er den eneste postboksen på markedet som har oppnådd den høyeste sikkerhetsklassen (sikkerhetsklasse II), noe som innebærer at den motstår innbruddsforsøk best av alle bokser. Lukene er tilpasset etter norske forhold med 25 mm åpning som standard ettersom aviser leveres direkte i postkassen. Postkassesystemene er utstyrt med en smart reklamemerking, noe som gjør at beboeren lett kan angi om vedkommende vil ha reklame eller ikke og gir trappeoppgangen et mer helhetlig inntrykk. På denne måten unngår en at beboerne setter opp egne håndskrevne lapper. [/LIST]
a3 IDO Trevi little inset wb
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.03.2003 -initial releasese
a5 IDO Trevi semi-recessed
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -fixed a error caused by bad cutpolya 01.03.2003 -initial release
a51IDO 11188 semi-recessed
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -fixed a error caused by bad cutpolya 01.03.2003 -initial release
a7 IDO 11183 inset washbasin
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.03.2003 -initial releasese
Birch Tree #1349
Cadimage Group | 1372829711A basic 3D tree roughly resembling a birch. Being deciduous, the number and colour of leaves depends on the season. The tree is modeled on a randomizing algorithm. You can create a new random tree by clicking a button in the Settings dialog. This process takes several seconds, but once complete the data is stored and no further calculations are required. Thus 3D generation is relatively quick.
c1 IDO Trevi wc
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.05.2009 -autoflush outgoing 01.01.2009 -new and outgoing products 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -infotxt for arm supports 01.03.2003 -initial release
d1 IDO Trevi bidet
IDO Kylpyhuone | 1433842858#http://www.idobathroom.com www.bimlab.fi changelog 01.09.2007 -just white, no more colours 01.11.2004 -modifications for skandinavian and russian market 01.10.2003 -fixed graphical error in tap hole 01.03.2003 -initial release
Ecrã de Projecção 19
Filipa Pinho | 1448036884Ecrã de projector, montado na parede, no chão ou em tripé.
Kitchen Sink #1052
Cadimage Group | 1423004215A parametric kitchen sink with two bowls and no drainer. Set the overall width, depth and height of the sink. Adjust the dimensions of the bowls, the offset of the second bowl, and the position and diameter of the drains. Choose a material for the kitchen sink. Set the resolution of the model and the 2D symbol. Set pens and fills for the 2D symbol. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
Poplar Tree #1355
Cadimage Group | 1372829711A basic 3D tree roughly resembling a poplar. Being deciduous, the number and colour of leaves depends on the season. The tree is modeled on a randomizing algorithm. You can create a new random tree by clicking a button in the Settings dialog. This process takes several seconds, but once complete the data is stored and no further calculations are required. Thus 3D generation is relatively quick.
Willow Tree #1354
Cadimage Group | 1372829711A basic 3D tree that remotely resembles a weeping willow. Being deciduous, the number and colour of leaves depends on the season. The tree is modeled on a randomizing algorithm. You can create a new random tree by clicking a button in the Settings dialog. This process takes several seconds, but once complete the data is stored and no further calculations are required. Thus 3D generation is relatively quick. However be warned, the model has an extremely high polygon count.
Besam PowerSwing - surface mount
|The versatile Besam PowerSwing operator is excellent for pedestrian applications as well as ADA compliance and is designed to be surface mounted to existing fixtures with little or no modifications. The Besam PowerSwing utilizes an electro-hydraulic unit which mounts directly onto your existing manual doors to transform your entrance to automatic door convenience. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Linoleum Veneto xf² 2,5
|With its marbled design, divided into Soft and Strong pattern levels, and a wide colour range of 72 references, Veneto xf² 2.5 mm is a great choice for all commercial segments. ■Marbled design with strong and soft patterns ■A wide range of 72 colours available ■xf² surface treatment for a smoother matt appearance and improved performance ■Easy cleaning and maintenance, no need for polish and wax, for a highly cost effective flooring ■Cradle-to-Cradle® certification
Besam VersaMax Swing - overhead concealed
|Besam VersaMax ICU Swing provides convenient functionality, easy-to-use breakout, an extremely wide door opening and no floor tracks. The Besam VersaMax ICU Swing meets all requirements of superior performance in a critical care environment. Besam VersaMax ICU Swing is available in a smoke rated package certified to UL 1784. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Linoleum Silencio xf²
|To reduce impact and ambient noise and enhance underfoot comfort and wellbeing, Tarkett’s Silencio xf™2 offers an acoustic linoleum solution with sound reduction of 18dB. With a total thickness of 3.8mm, it’s made in a two-layer construction of 2.5mm linoleum with a 1.3mm pre-bonded foam underlay. ■ Floor covering with 18dB sound reduction ■ 2.5mm Linoleum Veneto xf² on jute backing ■ 1.3mm recycled polyurethane foam backing ■ Xf² surface treatment for a smoother appearance and improved performance ■ Easy cleaning and maintenance, no need for polish and wax, for highly cost effective flooring ■ Available in all Veneto colours.
Besam SL500 - surface mount
|The Besam SL500 automatic sliding door package for surface mounted applications is readily fixed to existing structures with little or no modification. Well-suited to retrofit construction for easy accessibility and ADA compliance, the Besam SL500 surface mount can be used with a wide range of door materials including wood, hollow metal and stainless steel. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Tork Liquid Soap Dispenser, brushed aliminum
|The Tork® Soap dispensing systems project a high-quality, professional image, and conveys a clean, classic, refined look that complements any décor. With slim, attractive designs that feature a smooth, fingerprint-resistant surface that is easy to clean. These lightweight yet sturdy dispensers have easy-to-use dispensing mechanisms to make hygiene convenient. And controlled-consumption designs reduce waste to decrease costs. The brushed aluminum liquid soap dispenser offers a simple, reliable and high-capacity delivery system, this dispenser utilizes high-quality Tork Soap refills, available for various applications. High-Fashion Look: Aluminum surface provides contemporary flair and classic elegance. Solid Construction: These lighter-weight units combine aluminum with durable plastic to withstand the rigors of high-use washrooms. Easy-to-Clean Surface: Anodized surface resists scratches, shows no fingerprints - and can be cleaned with any cleansing product or solvent. Hassle-Free Maintenance: The see-through window indicates when it is time to refill.
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin bowl, undersurface ground 520 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 520 x 390 mm, oval, without tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, and overflow, without tap holes, overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81296.4
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin bowl 420 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 420 x 420 mm, round, without tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, and overflow, without tap holes, overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81296.2
LAUFEN PRO S Drop-in washbasin 560 mm
|Drop in basin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic dimensions 560 x 440 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole, overflow in front Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes, without overflow, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81896.3
|The wave-laminated shell gives the Getz line a distinctive identity. The chairs are available with a number of different bases adapted to accommodate different needs and situations. Standard: Laminated birch. Steel: Chrome base. Plastic gliders available at no surcharge on Getz Conference and Getz Club. Laminated oak delivery on request. Arm rest is covered in black TP rubber. Getz Conference and Getz Club chair turns 360 degrees. On Getz Conference and Getz Club the base is available in black epoxy (RAL 9005) or white epoxy (RAL 9010) at no extra charge. Getz is available in white contrast seam (NCS S 0500-N), light grey (NSC S 2502-R), grey (NCS S 5502-B) and black (NSC S 9000-N). Weight/assembly: Getz Conference: Weight per chair 12,5kg. w/o armrests/ 14,5 kg. w/armrests. Delivered assembled. Packs 1 per carton. Getz Adjustable: Chair without arm rest 14kg / 16kg with arm rest. Delivered assembled. Packs 1 per carton. Getz Club: Weight per chair 15kg. Delivered assembled. Packs 1 per carton.
|Convent Wall system are modules designed for meeting rooms that shall function with the help of a simple grip of the hand. This requires good planning for placement of all your media equipment, with experienced helpers, carpenters and electricians. Standard: Convent Wall is delivered in natural birch veneer as standard. Menu: Oak, natural beech veneer and full-colour stained ash or stained as described under Fora Form menu. Laminate according to Fora Form menu. The body is in antrasitt grey melamin, if no other is specified. Info: Under cabinets are delivered without shelves as standard. Under cabinet can be suited for refrigerator and technical rack or other AV-equipment. Over cabinet is delivered as special: adjusted to plasma screens, smart board, video conference equipment etc. Measures: Under cabinet 88x60x60cm
|[LIST] Horizontal sliding wall with single-point stainless steel fixings The HSW-GP is characterised by the use of MANET single-point fixings in combination with a standard track rail. The system’s high-quality stainless steel components and flush-mounted single-point fixings perfectly match the demands of modern architecture. Different parking layouts available Glass types 10 mm or 12 mm toughened safety glass Max. system height 3000 mm Max. panel width 1200 mm. The width of all panels must be uniform. Max. panel weight 100 kg (depends on type of panel) Panel types Single action end panel, Double action end panel, Fixed screen, Sliding panel Suitable for both inline and curved configurations. Benefits: Minimal hardware maximizes all-glass look. No floor track. Stainless steel fittings provide flush-mounted attachments compatible with contemporary architecture. [/LIST]
Schüco Window AWS 120 CC.SI
|[LIST] Composite window system Outstanding, scalable thermal insulation due to innovative insulation concept with a U, value from 0,85 W/(m²k) Increased sound reduction due to double centre gasket level and multi-pane principle up to Rw 53 dB Improved reduction of condensation due to controlled ventilation of the space between the panes Integrated Schüco CCB solar shading, concealed installation Reduced heat transfer due to installation of the Schüco composite Venetian blind with no thermal bridging Concealed blind guidance, no light penetration from the side Tool-free clip installation of the ready-to-use Schüco composite Venetian blind Simplified electrical interface due to pre-assembled plugs (Plug and Play) Outer vent with structural glazing look also available [/LIST]
EQUITONE [natura]
|EQUITONE [natura] is a through coloured façade material. Every EQUITONE panel is unique, displaying the raw texture of the fibre cement base material. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. No matter what design options you explore, the through-coloured nature of EQUITONE assures crisp, monolithic details. Request a sample at www.equitone.com [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
|[LIST] Horizontal sliding wall with double glazing and a surrounding frame made of thermally insulated profiles Different parking layouts available Bottom profile Thermal break and water channel (optional) Track rail with optional thermal break Insulation value U of approx. 1,5 W/m²K (with standard insulating glass) Meets the requirements of the German Energy Saving Ordinance EnEV Combined with door closer types TS 92, ITS 96 3-6, Push handles, ISEO Multilock Pivoting-sliding panels equipped with an ITS 96 3-6 concealed door closer Operation Easy, one-handed single throw of the lock bar to switch between the door and sliding functions, with no bending and no crank operation 40% improvement in thermal separation value (compared to the predecessor model) Heat transfer coefficient in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10077-1 and 10077-2 Endurance DIN 1527 Class 3 (25000 cycles) for suspend sliding doors > 100kg Impact DIN EN 13049 Class 3 Corrosion DIN EN 1670 Class 3 The product will be available end 2015 [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Glass Architecture PR60
|CI System Glass Architecture PR60 - Living with light Develop customised shapes, design visual highlights and set aesthetic standards in a prestigious building project while still enjoying first-class energy efficiency: Such requirements are easy to meet with CI System Glass Architecture PR60. Naturally, we will also provide optimum integration of photovoltaic systems as well as connection to building control systems. [LIST] Extremely stable supporting structure made of rigid aluminium Efficient ventilation of glass rebates Practically no design constraints between 0 ° to 90 ° Resistant against wind load (Class C4/B5 EN 12210) Watertightness (Class E 1200 EN 12208) Permeability to air (Class 4 EN 12207) Heat transfer coefficient of the jambs and transoms (Um/t) of 1.3 to 0.72 W/(m²K) (depending on glazing thickness) Enviromental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Available as Passive House Suitable Component - CI System Glass Architecture PR60energysave [/LIST]
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Hand Towel Dispenser, white
|Tork Elevation® Xpress® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Xpress hand Towel Dispensing System for interfolded and multifolded hand towels works best for environments that demand both comfort and hygiene. The slim design saves space, and one-at-a-time dispensing means you touch only the towel you use - no cross-contamination from levers or cranks. Plus the hygiene shield protects your towel until used. This full-size dispenser is ideal for healthcare facilities, as well as upscale restrooms in hotels, restaurants and office buildings.
Tork Elevation® Centerfeed Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Centerfeed Dispensing Systems enable an easy, one-handed operation and controlled consumption. They are the ideal systems for areas where hand and light surface wiping are combined. Tork Centerfeed high capacity cabinets are ideal for high traffic environments. Cabinets are hygienic. You only touch the towel you use. No cross contamination from levers or cranks. The Portion Control feature dispenses one towel every time. Cabinets are simple and reliable offering low maintenance costs.
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Mini Hand Towel Dispenser, white
|Tork Elevation® Xpress® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Xpress Dispensing System for interfolded and multifolded hand towels works best for environments that demand both comfort and hygiene. Tork Xpress Mini fits where other dispensers can't. Measuring just 12 inches high, the Xpress™ Mini is perfect for wall areas where space is at a premium. The one-at-a-time dispensing means you touch only the towel you use - no cross-contamination from levers or cranks. Plus the hygiene shield protects your towel until used. It is easy to clean and refill.
Tork Elevation® Xpress® Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|Tork Elevation® Xpress® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Xpress hand Towel Dispensing System for interfolded and multifolded hand towels works best for environments that demand both comfort and hygiene. The slim design saves space, and one-at-a-time dispensing means you touch only the towel you use - no cross-contamination from levers or cranks. Plus the hygiene shield protects your towel until used. This full-size dispenser is ideal for healthcare facilities, as well as upscale restrooms in hotels, restaurants and office buildings.
Tork Mini Jumbo Bath Tissue Roll Dispenser with Reserve, brushed aliminium
|The Tork® dispensing systems project a high-quality, professional image, and conveys a clean, classic, refined look that complements any décor. With slim, attractive designs that feature a smooth, fingerprint-resistant surface that is easy to clean. These lightweight yet sturdy dispensers have easy-to-use dispensing mechanisms to make hygiene convenient. And controlled-consumption designs reduce waste to decrease costs. The brushed aluminum mini-jumbo bath-tissue roll dispenser offers a red indicator strip that reveals at a glance when a new primary roll should be installed, decreasing maintenance. What's more, the unit has a stub roll function that delivers improved economy. High-Fashion Look: Aluminum surface provides contemporary flair and classic elegance. Solid Construction: These lighter-weight units combine aluminum with durable plastic to withstand the rigors of high-use washrooms. Easy-to-Clean Surface: Anodized surface resists scratches, shows no fingerprints - and can be cleaned with any cleansing product or solvent. Hassle-Free Maintenance: The see-through window indicates when it is time to refill.
OPPO Low Armchair
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Björka Table 140+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Tork Elevation® Centerfeed Hand Towel Dispenser, white
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Centerfeed Dispensing Systems enable an easy, one-handed operation and controlled consumption. They are the ideal systems for areas where hand and light surface wiping are combined. Tork Centerfeed high capacity cabinets are ideal for high traffic environments. Cabinets are hygienic. You only touch the towel you use. No cross contamination from levers or cranks. The Portion Control feature dispenses one towel every time. Cabinets are simple and reliable offering low maintenance costs.
OPPO 050
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
My Chair
|Solid wood, with a history going back more than 100 years, tradition, Swedish craftsmanship, timeless, aware and responsible. When Space Copenhagen created My Chair for Stolab the starting point was a profound feel for materials and details. Honest, aware, playful and poetic are other words you would use to describe the background thinking behind My Chair. The result is a beautifully formed and graceful chair that leaves no onlooker unmoved. Fits in just as well on its own or in a group with several chairs around a dining table or in a meeting room.
Purusline Living Tile Insert 600mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living drain, 600mm with Ø50mm side side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
Björka Table 120+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Purusline Living Tile Insert 600mm Ø50 side
|Purusline Living drain, 600mm with Ø50mm side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
Björka Table 180+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Lilla Åland childrens chair medium
|Our Lilla Åland high chair quickly became a favourite, and has now acquired two 'siblings', one with a sitting height of 33 cm and one with a sitting height of 37 cm. If you want to create a complete set of children's furniture with Lilla Åland high chairs, our Emma table is ideal. It is stable, with soft rounded edges and no potentially harmful corners.
Björka Semi-Circular Table
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. The semi-circular design means that the table can be placed against a wall, but still has plenty of room for seating. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Björka Table 140+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Björka Table 120
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Tork Xpress® Hand Towel Dispenser, Brushed Aluminum
|The Tork Xpress® Hand Towel dispensing systems project a high-quality, professional image, and conveys a clean, classic, refined look that complements any décor. With slim, attractive designs that feature a smooth, fingerprint-resistant surface that is easy to clean. These lightweight yet sturdy dispensers have easy-to-use dispensing mechanisms to make hygiene convenient. And controlled-consumption designs reduce waste to decrease costs. The brushed aluminum interfolded-multifolded hand towel dispenser featuring easy top loading, its soft-opening cover automatically stops at the half-open position and then can be fully opened for easy maintenance. High-Fashion Look: Aluminum surface provides contemporary flair and classic elegance. Solid Construction: These lighter-weight units combine aluminum with durable plastic to withstand the rigors of high-use washrooms. Easy-to-Clean Surface: Anodized surface resists scratches, shows no fingerprints - and can be cleaned with any cleansing product or solvent. Hygienic Excellence: One-at-a-time towel dispensing helps reduce risk of cross-contamination. Controlled Consumption: One-at-a-time towel dispensing discourages overuse. Hassle-Free Maintenance: The see-through window indicates when it is time to refill.
Mini Brage 50
|Purus Mini Brage 50 The Purus Mini Brage, available with outlet diameters of 50mm and 110mm, is our Mini Series vertical outlet solution. It comes complete with our patented NOOD trap which is spring loaded so no foul air can come through the trap even when dry! The water trap is easily removed for cleaning by pulling up the automatically raised handle. The Mini Brage works as an outlet without the water trap. The plastic circular grate is standard for a vinyl floor situation but can be upgraded to a circular stainless steel grate which comes in a variety of designs; alternatively, a square grate in a variety of designs can be used with a tiled floor. Mini Brage 50 and Mini Brage 110 floor drains with bottom outlet of polypropylene (PP). Capacity acc. to EN 1253 – outlet 50mm, 48 l/min (0,8l/s). The Purus Mini Brage has a diameter of 130mm. Complete floor drain incl. flexi-NOOD trap, grating and clamping ring. Incl. 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter.
Purusline Living Tile Insert 800mm Ø50 side
|Purusline Living drain, 800mm with Ø50mm side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
Kitchen Mixer Izzy C+
|Carbonated and ordinary water – in one tap. Carbonator unit with tube included. Now you can make your own carbonated water. Mora Izzy C+ is designed for modern kitchens, with harmony and elegance as keywords. It adds a special touch to your daily life and gives you both ordinary water and refreshing carbonated water - in the same tap. You also help care for the environment, and no longer have to carry water home from the shop or take empty bottles for recycling. Sweden has the world’s best tap water – make the most of it!
Tork Elevation® Mini Centerfeed Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Centerfeed Mini Dispensing Systems enable an easy, one-handed operation and controlled consumption with the enhanced pro feature. They are the ideal systems for areas where hand and light surface wiping are combined. Cabinets are hygienic. You only touch the towel you use. No cross contamination from levers or cranks. The Portion Control feature dispenses one towel every time. Cabinets are simple and reliable offering low maintenance costs.
Purusline Living Tile Insert 800mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living drain, 800mm with Ø50mm side side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
Minimax 50 Two Part Tiles
|PURUS miniMAX has low profile and a special designed water trap with NOOD function with top access. Even if the drain dries out, no foul air comes up through the drain, because the spring-loaded trap keeps itself closed. The water trap is easily removed by pulling up with the automatically raised handle. The miniMAX works as an outlet without the water trap. PURUS miniMax Two Part is for wetroom former trays. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter.
OPPO Armchair
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Innovation C
|Innovation C is a multi-function swivel seat. In Innovation C you can sit as you choose, there is no back and no front, the backrest can also be used as a table. Place your lap-top on the add-on table and use the chair as a work-station. Innovation C is easily placed in many different environments, from airports to waiting rooms to libraries and schools. Use our design tool to create different settings with Innovation C. Innovation C has an upholstered seat/back/table in moulded CMHR polyurethane foam covered with fabric or leather. Swivel base, also available with auto-return. The chair can also be anchored to the floor. Innovation C is eco-labelled with the Nordic Swan in the following fabrics; Europost, Gaja, Fame, Hallingdal, Bubbles, Animé. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
9000E Combination Shower Flexi
|Shower head Ø200 mm With handshower and diverter EcoFlow 12l/min Adjustable wallbracket Doubble soapdish For mounting on mixers with outlet down The 9000E series is constantly being upgraded and extended. Ergonomics and eco-friendliness go hand in hand with high quality and outstanding design. The series has several excellent safety and environmental care features, and we have aimed to achieve the same characteristics when designing the new shower. No detail has been left to chance. The combination shower has a very sturdy appearance. It is ECOSAFE-labelled, like the other 9000E products.
9000E Shower
|The 9000E series is constantly being upgraded and extended. Ergonomics and eco-friendliness go hand in hand with high quality and outstanding design. The series has several excellent safety and environmental care features, and we have aimed to achieve the same characteristics when designing the new shower. No detail has been left to chance. The shower has a very sturdy appearance. It consists of a hand shower and a shower bar, and has several smart features. It is ECOSAFE-labelled, like the other 9000E products.
Björka Table 180+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Minimax 50
|Purus Minimax 50 The Purus Minimax is one of the world’s shallowest (70mm plus 6mm fall) wetroom drain incorporating a NOOD no-odour trap without a water seal. Due to our patented NOOD trap which is spring loaded no foul air can come through the trap even when dry! The water trap is easily removed for cleaning by pulling up the automatically raised handle. The Minimax works as an outlet without the water trap. The plastic circular grate is standard for a vinyl floor situation but can be upgraded to a circular stainless steel grate which comes in a variety of designs; alternatively, a square grate in a variety of designs can be used with a tiled floor. Minimax 50 floor drain with side outlet of polypropylene (PP). Capacity acc. to EN 1253 – outlet 50mm, 48 l/min (0,8l/s). The Purus Minimax has a diameter of 130mm – outlet dim 50mm. Complete floor drain incl. NOOD trap, grating and clamping ring. Incl. 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter.
Purusline Living Tile Insert 600mm Ø50 low side
|Purusline Living drain, 600mm with Ø50mm low side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
Code 27 Sofa System
|The Code 27 sofa system has adaptability built into the design concept. Code 27 adapts simply, making its presence subtly felt in the room where it stands and among the people who use it. The system is infinitely extendable – from small to large and even bigger still. We created a code based on 27 cm modules and made a visual divide down the middle of the seat cushions, so they are all reversible and can be used in the same way. No top or bottom, no right or wrong. It’s up to you how to combine the scatter cushions – small, medium or large, with the joins lined up or not. It became a coded alphabet, a system of A, B, C + 27.
Purusline Living Tile Insert 800mm Ø50 low side
|Purusline Living drain, 800mm with Ø50mm low side outlet (includes adaptor made from ABS. Fits outlet 50 mm and reduces it to 1½“. For solvent welding.) Purusline Living Wetroom Solution with Tile Insert Grate accommodates tiles up to a thickness of 10mm with a 3mm bed of tile adhesive, making the use of larger format tiles easier. The outlet is made of Polypropylene (PP) plastic and is designed to be self cleaning. Falls are built into the product for ease of maintenance so there is no dirt and odour build up. The unique NOOD trap does not allow any smells or odours to come up from the waste pipes even if it dries out.
Lilla Åland childrens chair low
|Our Lilla Åland high chair quickly became a favourite, and has now acquired two 'siblings', one with a sitting height of 33 cm and one with a sitting height of 37 cm. If you want to create a complete set of children's furniture with Lilla Åland high chairs, our Emma table is ideal. It is stable, with soft rounded edges and no potentially harmful corners.
|Sting arm-chair is an exceptionally stackable arm-chair that is linkable and can be used both indoors and outdoors. Sting is very comfortable with a slight movement and is usable in many kinds of environments; indoors, outdoors, cafés, canteens, conference centres and many more. Sting is also available without armrests. Use our design tool to configure your own Sting! Sting is the result of an extremely manufacturing-orientated design process. The result is a common chair in an unusual way. The seat and backrest of the Sting Armchair is made of aluminium that is extruded in lengths up to 60 metres long. The lengths are later sliced into pieces and anodised; becoming seats and backs of chairs. As far as we know, in 2003 when we presented Sting, it was the first chair on the market where this technique was used. The seat and the backrest section are jointed together almost invisibly. No screws are needed, the stainless steel legs fixates the frame and locks the construction. Design: Stefan Borselius & Fredrik Mattson
|Clip is a light weight folding table in three sizes. Table top are: 2050x800/1850x800/1400x800/1400x600. Clip can be used in canteens, offices, meeting-rooms and many other locations. Use our design tool to create a setting with Clip. Unlike many other folding tables, no clasps or screws are needed to fold up Clip. The technique Jonas Forsman has used is as ingenious as it is simple: a collapsible tension leg in a self-locking plastic snap. This means that the table is very stable in the folded position and is equally suited in environments where it never needs to be folded for storage. In 2006 Clip was awarded with the red dot design award: product design. Design: Jonas Forsman.
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Björka Table 140
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
FLEX Glassline
|FLEX GLASSLINE are glass walls that provide a tasteful and inspiring work environment where it is easy to concentrate and get work in peace. Glass walls reduce noise and interference. The glazed walls bounding office and conference room without sacrificing transparency, light and community. FLEX GLASSLINE is a wall system with fixed and movable glass panels that can be combined with swing and sliding doors in wood or glass. Our glazed walls have no profiles in the vertical joints between the glass sheets.
Björka Table 120+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
9000E 3s Shower
|The 9000E series is constantly being upgraded and extended. Ergonomics and eco-friendliness go hand in hand with high quality and outstanding design. The series has several excellent safety and environmental care features, and we have aimed to achieve the same characteristics when designing the new shower. No detail has been left to chance. The shower has a very sturdy appearance. It consists of a hand shower and a shower bar, and has several smart features. It is ECOSAFE-labelled, like the other 9000E products.
Two Part Minimax
|PURUS miniMAX has low profile and a special designed water trap with NOOD function with top access. Even if the drain dries out, no foul air comes up through the drain, because the spring-loaded trap keeps itself closed. The water trap is easily removed by pulling up with the automatically raised handle. The miniMAX works as an outlet without the water trap. PURUS miniMax Two Part is for wetroom former trays. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter.
Björka Table 180
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. There is plenty of room for large numbers of people thanks to the location of the legs and a tabletop with no edge. With one or two extra panels, even more space can be created. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Mini Brage 110
|Purus Mini Brage 110 The Purus Mini Brage, available with outlet diameters of 50mm and 110mm, is our Mini Series vertical outlet solution. It comes complete with our patented NOOD trap which is spring loaded so no foul air can come through the trap even when dry! The water trap is easily removed for cleaning by pulling up the automatically raised handle. The Mini Brage works as an outlet without the water trap. The plastic circular grate is standard for a vinyl floor situation but can be upgraded to a circular stainless steel grate which comes in a variety of designs; alternatively, a square grate in a variety of designs can be used with a tiled floor. Mini Brage 110 floor drains with bottom outlet of polypropylene (PP). Capacity acc. to EN 1253 – outlet 110mm, 48 l/min (0,8l/s). The Purus Mini Brage has a diameter of 130mm. Complete floor drain incl. flexi-NOOD trap, grating and clamping ring.
MODERNA/MODERNA R Floorstanding WC combination, washdow
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary, ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 420 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), cistern 82654.0, 82654.2, WC seat without cover 89354.7, WC seat and, cover 89354.2, 89354.3, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering, 89354.4 Order no. 82454.1
LEMA Urinal
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN LEMA, sanitary ceramic, electronic controlled, DIN 1390, EN 13407, dimensions 350 x 400 x 700 mm, min. 0,5-l flushing automatic adjusted independent of rupply pressure, ceramic siphon cover, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal, flushing, rate minimum 0,2 l/s HF electronic control for battery (6x AA 1,5 V), pre-assembled, siphon replaceable without dismantling urinal, lid under, urinal, waste piping cleaning without dismantling urinal, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, 1-litre siphon, waste, connection pipe DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and pipe, DN 40 (standard CH), chromed strain, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, 1-liter spare part siphon Order no. 84019.4
PALACE Wallhung bidet
|Wallhung bidet LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic EN 36, dimensions 360 x 560 x 360 mm 1 centre tap hole concealed trap, concealed fixation Special feature: overflow channel glazed, vacuum checked Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral mounting holes for water connection Order no. 83070.0
KARTELL by LAUFEN Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown KARTELL BY LAUFEN sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern and floorstanding cistern Universal EN 997, EN 33, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 370 x 560 x 430 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), floorstanding cistern 82866.0, 82866.1, 82866.3, 82866.4, WC seat and cover 89133.0, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89133.1 Order no. 82333.1
ANTERO Siphonic urinal
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN ANTERO, sanitary ceramic DIN 1390, EN 13407, dimensions 380 x 365 x 770 mm min. 0,5-l flush, ceramic siphon cover, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum 0,3 l/s siphon replaceable without dismantling urinal, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, 1-litre siphon, waste connection pipe DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and pipe DN 40 (standard CH) Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, 1-liter spare part siphon Order no. 84015.3
Pro-N washbasin 56x42 cm, white
|This BIM object is made in conjunction with Laattapiste - LAUFEN pro is a comprehensive bathroom range, which offers the ideal solution for every spatial situation and requirement and also reflects the building values of the current generation.Industrial design is the modern answer to the once revolutionary idea that everyone has a right to enjoy beautiful forms. Good design is now no longer a right reserved for the most affluent customers. Modern methods of industrial production and designers such as Peter Wirz of Process, who put optimum manufacturing feasibility at the forefront of their creative processes, make such sanitary ware ranges as LAUFEN pro possible. This does not just benefit the designer, more importantly, it also benefits the customer.
LEMA Waterless urinal with siphon
|Waterless urinal LAUFEN LEMA, sanitary ceramic, DIN 1390, dimensions 350 x 400 x 700 mm, ceramic siphon cover, outlet horizontal, no chemical and electricity needed, no mechanical parts, siphon replaceable, without dismantling urinal, odour stone included in siphon, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, 0-litre siphon, waste, connection pipe DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and pipe, DN 40 (standard CH), Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, 0-liter spare part siphon Order no. 84319.5
ANTERO Siphonic urinal
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN ANTERO, sanitary ceramic, electronic controlled, DIN 1390, EN 13407, dimensions 380 x 365 x 770 mm min. 0,5-l flushing automatic adjusted independent of rupply pressure, ceramic siphon cover, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum 0,2 l/s HF electronic control for battery (6x AA 1,5 V) pre-assembled, siphon replaceable without dismantling urinal, lid under urinal, waste piping cleaning without dismantling urinal Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, 1-litre siphon, waste connection pipe DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and pipe DN 40 (standard CH) Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, 1-liter spare part siphon Order no. 840150
LAUFEN PRO S Wallhung bidet
|Wallhung bidet LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic dimensions 360 x 530 x 295 mm 1 centre tap hole concealed trap, concealed fixation Special feature: overflow channel glazed, vacuum checked, installation available with internal or external corner valves Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 830961
LAUFEN PRO S Built-in washbasin 550 mm
|Built in basin not grinded LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 595 x 430 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 550 x 380 mm, angular, without tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed, outer surface, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81196.3
LAUFEN PRO Built-in washbasin, without tap bank, grind 420 mm
|Built in basin grinded LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 465 x 470 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 420 x 420 mm, round, without tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed, outer surface, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81896.2
KARTELL by LAUFEN Wallhung bidet
|Wallhung bidet KARTELL BY LAUFEN, sanitary ceramic EN 36, dimensions 370 x 545 x 285 mm 1 centre tap hole, waste and overflow system GEBERIT, concealed fixation, without lateral holes Special feature: vacuum checked Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), ceramic valve cover plate Order no. 83033.1
KARTELL by LAUFEN Wallhung WC, washdown
|Wallhung WC pan washdown KARTELL BY LAUFEN, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern EN 33, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 370 x 545 x 340 mm concealed trap, concealed fixation Special feature: water rim closed, concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat and cover, 89133.0, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89133.1 Order no. 82033.1
ANTERO Siphonic urinal
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN ANTERO, sanitary ceramic, electronic controlled, DIN 1390, EN 13407, dimensions 380 x 365 x 770 mm min. 0,5-l flushing automatic adjusted independent of rupply pressure, ceramic siphon cover, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum 0,2 l/s, HF electronic control 230 V pre-assembled, concealed power supply, siphon replaceable without dismantling urinal, lid under urinal, waste piping cleaning without dismantling urinal Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, 1-litre siphon, waste connection pipe DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and pipe DN 40 (standard CH) Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, 1-liter spare part siphon Order no. 84015.4
MODERNA/MODERNA R Wallhung WC combination, washdown
|Wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 670 x 345 mm, outlet horizontal, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, open water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), cistern 82654.0, 82654.2, WC seat without cover 89354.7, WC seat and, cover 89354.2, 89354.3, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering, 89354.4 Order no. 82054.5
KARTELL by LAUFEN Floorstanding bidet
|Floorstanding bidet KARTELL BY LAUFEN sanitary ceramic EN 35, dimensions 370 x 560 x 430 mm 1 centre tap hole, waste and overflow system GEBERIT, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation Special feature: overflow channel glazed, vacuum checked Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, ceramic valve cover plate Order no. 832331
LAUFEN PRO S Built-in washbasin grinded 490 mm
|Built in basin grinded LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic dimensions 525 x 400 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 490 x 360 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole, overflow in front Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, glazed outer surface, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81196.6
ANTERO Siphonic urinal
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN ANTERO, sanitary ceramic, electronic controlled, DIN 1390, EN 13407, dimensions 380 x 365 x 770 mm min. 0,5-l flushing automatic adjusted independent of rupply pressure, ceramic siphon cover, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum 0,2 l/s, HF electronic control 230 V pre-assembled, concealed power supply, siphon replaceable without dismantling urinal, lid under urinal, waste piping cleaning without dismantling urinal Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, 1-litre siphon, waste connection pipe DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and pipe DN 40 (standard CH) Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, 1-liter spare part siphon Order no. 84015.6
Pro A washbasin 28x48 cm, white , taphole on right
|This BIM object is made in conjunction with Laattapiste - LAUFEN pro is a comprehensive bathroom range, which offers the ideal solution for every spatial situation and requirement and also reflects the building values of the current generation.Industrial design is the modern answer to the once revolutionary idea that everyone has a right to enjoy beautiful forms. Good design is now no longer a right reserved for the most affluent customers. Modern methods of industrial production and designers such as Peter Wirz of Process, who put optimum manufacturing feasibility at the forefront of their creative processes, make such sanitary ware ranges as LAUFEN pro possible. This does not just benefit the designer, more importantly, it also benefits the customer.
MODERNA/MODERNA R Wallhung WC Komfort, washdown, 6 cm raised
|Comfort wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary, ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 400 mm, elevated a seated height with WC seat of 480 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat without cover 89354.7, 89895.1, WC seat and cover 89354.2, 89354.3, 89895.0, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89354.4 Order no. 82054.6
ANTERO Siphonic urinal
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN ANTERO, sanitary ceramic, electronic controlled, DIN 1390, EN 13407, dimensions 380 x 365 x 770 mm min. 0,5-l flushing automatic adjusted independent of rupply pressure, ceramic siphon cover, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal, flushing rate minimum 0,2 l/s, HF electronic control 230 V pre-assembled, siphon replaceable without dismantling urinal, lid under urinal, waste piping cleaning without dismantling urinal Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, 1-litre siphon, waste connection pipe DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and pipe DN 40 (standard CH) Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, 1-liter spare part siphon Order no. 84015.5
MODERNA/MODERNA R Wallhung WC Liberty, washdown, extended projection
|Barrier free wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary, ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 345 mm, accessible by wheelchair, lenght 700 mm, higher mounting necessary to, achieve a seated height of 480 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, open water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat without cover 89354.7, 89895.1, WC seat and cover 89354.2, 89354.3, 89895.0 Order no. 82054.7
Pro A washbasin 28x48 cm, white , taphole on left
|This BIM object is made in conjunction with Laattapiste - LAUFEN pro is a comprehensive bathroom range, which offers the ideal solution for every spatial situation and requirement and also reflects the building values of the current generation.Industrial design is the modern answer to the once revolutionary idea that everyone has a right to enjoy beautiful forms. Good design is now no longer a right reserved for the most affluent customers. Modern methods of industrial production and designers such as Peter Wirz of Process, who put optimum manufacturing feasibility at the forefront of their creative processes, make such sanitary ware ranges as LAUFEN pro possible. This does not just benefit the designer, more importantly, it also benefits the customer.
LEMA Urinal
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN LEMA, sanitary ceramic, DIN 1390, EN 13407, dimensions 350 x 400 x 700 mm, min. 0,5-l flush, ceramic siphon cover, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet, horizontal, flushing rate minimum 0,3 l/s, siphon replaceable without dismantling urinal, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, 1-litre siphon, waste, connection pipe DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and pipe, DN 40 (standard CH), Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, 1-liter spare part siphon Order no. 84019.7
MODERNA/MODERNA R Wallhung WC, washdown
|Wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 340 mm Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, open water rim, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat without cover 89354.7, WC seat and cover 89354.2, 89354.3, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89354.4 Order no. 82054.1
MODERNA/MODERNA R Wallhung WC Compact, washdown
|Wallhung WC pan Compact washdown LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary, ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 490 x 305 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, open water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat without cover 89354.7, WC seat and cover 89354.2, 89354.3, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89354.4 Order no. 82054.3
BIROVA Built-in washbasin 530 mm
|Built in basin grinded LAUFEN BIROVA, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 530 x 405 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 490 x 355 mm, oval, without tap hole, with overflow, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed outer surface Order no. 81119.1
LAUFEN PRO S Built-in washbasin, without tapbank 490 mm
|Built in basin grinded LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 525 x 400 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 490 x 360 mm, angular, without tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed, outer surface, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81196.1
PALACE Double countertop washbasin 1300 mm
|Double washbasin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 1300 x 480 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without, overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, towel rail left 38170.7, towel rail right, 38170.8 furniture Order no. 81070.8
LAUFEN PRO S Built-in washbasin, without tapbank 490 mm
|Built in basin not grinded LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 525 x 400 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 490 x 360 mm, angular, without tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed, outer surface, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81196.0
LAUFEN PRO S Built-in washbasin, undersurface ground 550 mm
|Built in basin grinded LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 595 x 430 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 550 x 380 mm, angular, without tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed, outer surface, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81196.8
LAUFEN PRO S Wallhung WC, washdown
|Wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern EN 33, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 530 x 340 mm concealed trap, concealed fixation Special feature: water rim closed, concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat and cover, 891960, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 891961 Order no. 82096.1
LAUFEN PRO Built-in washbasin 420 mm
|Built in basin not grinded LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 465 x 470 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 420 x 420 mm, round, without tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed, outer surface, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81896.1
Pro-N washbasin 50x36 cm, white
|This BIM object is made in conjunction with Laattapiste - LAUFEN pro is a comprehensive bathroom range, which offers the ideal solution for every spatial situation and requirement and also reflects the building values of the current generation.Industrial design is the modern answer to the once revolutionary idea that everyone has a right to enjoy beautiful forms. Good design is now no longer a right reserved for the most affluent customers. Modern methods of industrial production and designers such as Peter Wirz of Process, who put optimum manufacturing feasibility at the forefront of their creative processes, make such sanitary ware ranges as LAUFEN pro possible. This does not just benefit the designer, more importantly, it also benefits the customer.
MODERNA/MODERNA R Wallhung WC, washdown, rimless
|Wallhung WC rimless washdown LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 360 mm Special feature: rimless, concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat without cover 89354.7, WC seat and cover 89354.2, 89354.3, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89354.4 Order no. 82054.2
PALACE Floorstanding bidet
|Floorstanding bidet LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 35, dimensions 360 x 560 x 430 mm, 1 centre tap hole, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, vacuum checked, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes Order no. 83270.1
LAUFEN PRO Wallhung WC rimless, washdown
|Wallhung WC rimless, washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern EN 33, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 530 x 340 mm concealed trap, concealed fixation Special feature: rimless, concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89395.7, WC seat and cover, 89395.5, 89695.0WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89395.6, 89695.1 Order no. 82096.6
MTH Concertto 66 A
|MTH Concertto facade sheets contain several embossed panels in the form of squares or rectangles. In a Concertto facade, there are few cut edges and no straight horizontal surfaces that could collect dirt. This compact entity is durable and extremely rapid to install. The Concertto metal facade combines beautiful appearance and freedom of design with cost-effectiveness, rapid installation, and a high-quality result. Hot-galvanised steel sheeting with a PVDF coating (protective film) or paint, with a material thickness of 1.00 mm. Aluminium with a PVDF coating, with a material thickness of 1.00 mm or 1.20 mm
MTH Concertto Acusto Corner 66A
|MTH Concertto facade sheets contain several embossed panels in the form of squares or rectangles. In a Concertto facade, there are few cut edges and no straight horizontal surfaces that could collect dirt. This compact entity is durable and extremely rapid to install. The Concertto metal facade combines beautiful appearance and freedom of design with cost-effectiveness, rapid installation, and a high-quality result. Hot-galvanised steel sheeting with a PVDF coating (protective film) or paint, with a material thickness of 1.00 mm. Aluminium with a PVDF coating, with a material thickness of 1.00 mm or 1.20 mm
Euforia 00142
|Loungechair, solid wood frame. Fully upholstered seat and back. Wooden arms. No buttons on the outside of the back. EUFORIA, a complete collection of chair, armchair, barstool and easychair, Euforia is the height of harmony and elegance. An abundance of curves provide an excellent level of comfort and a modern rethinking of classical style. Materials are upholstered directly onto the frame, which features a snug back. Finishes are either standard or as required by customer. Upholstered in standard or customer’s own mate.
Euforia 00131
|Easychair, solid wood frame. Fully upholstered seat and back. Webbed seat. Upholstered arms. No buttons on the outside of the back. EUFORIA, a complete collection of chair, armchair, barstool and easychair, Euforia is the height of harmony and elegance. An abundance of curves provide an excellent level of comfort and a modern rethinking of classical style. Materials are upholstered directly onto the frame, which features a snug back. Finishes are either standard or as required by customer. Upholstered in standard or customer’s own mate.
LIVING Wallhung bidet
|Wallhung bidet LAUFEN LIVING, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 360 x 560 x 310 mm, 1 centre tap hole, concealed waste and overflow system GEBERIT, concealed fixation, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 83043.2
LAUFEN PRO Seat and cover
|WC seat and cover Universal LAUFEN FORM, Duroplast, removable, automatic lowering system, matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82195.6, 82195.7, 82195.8, 82195.9, 82295.1, 82495.5, 82495.6, 82495.7, 82495.8, 82495.9, 82595.5, 82595.6, 82595.7 and, wallhung WC pan, order no. 82095.0, 82095.1, 82095.2, 82095.5 Order no. 89395.3
LIVING Countertop washbasin 900 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING SQUARE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 900 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 650 mm, with towel, rail cutable to 865 mm, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser, left or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and, flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, towel rail 38143.3, furniture Order no. 81643.3
LIVING Small washbasin 450 mm
|Small washbasin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 450 x 380 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, furniture Order no. 81543.2
LIVING Washbasin bowl 600 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 425 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, glazed back undersurface ground, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, furniture Order no. 81143.2
LIVING Countertop washbasin 1000 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1000 x 460 mm, angular, basin left, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cut one-sided to 700 - 980 mm, integreated shelf right, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, bespoke decoration, on ceramic shelf, towel rail 600 mm 89542.4 / 1000 mm 89542.6, furniture Order no. 81843.2
LIVING Countertop washbasin 1000 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1000 x 460 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 2 tap holes distance 400 mm, 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole, without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance, 8 inches, furniture Order no. 81843.8
PALACE Countertop washbasin, with towel rail 1500 mm
|Cutable double countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1500 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, per basin 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 1350 mm, integreated, shelves, with towel rail, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left, and right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow, rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture Order no. 81470.6
PALACE Wallhung WC, washdown, compact
|Compact wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary, ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 490 x 375 mm, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checkedFurther options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat and cover 89170.0, WC seat and cover with automatic, lowering 89170.1 Order no. 82070.3
PALACE Countertop washbasin, without towel rail 1500 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1500 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 900 mm, integreated, shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left, or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture Order no. 81170.6
LIVING Countertop washbasin 600 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 460 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, towel rail 89542.4, furniture Order no. 81743.3
LIVING Washbasin bowl 500 mm
|Washbasin bowl LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 500 x 425 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, glazed back undersurface ground, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, furniture Order no. 81143.1
LAUFEN PRO Compact Wallhung WC rimless, washdown
|Compact wallhung WC rimless, washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern EN 33, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 490 x 340 mm concealed trap, concealed fixation Special feature: rimless, concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89395.7, WC seat and cover, 89395.5, 89695.0 WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89395.6, 89695.1 Order no. 82096.5
LIVING Countertop double washbasin 1300 mm
|Double countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING SQUARE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1300 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser, left or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and, flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, towel rail 38143.4, furniture Order no. 81643.6
LIVING Washbasin 800 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 800 x 460 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, towel rail 89542.5, furniture Order no. 81743.6
LIVING Countertop washbasin, cuttable 1500 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1500 x 460 mm, angular, basin left, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cut one-sided to 980 - 1480 mm, integreated shelf right, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, bespoke decoration, on ceramic shelf, towel rail 600 mm 89542.4 / 1000 mm 89542.6, furniture Order no. 81843.6
LAUFEN PRO S Double countertop washbasin 1300 mm
|Double countertop basin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 1300 x 460 mm, angular per basin 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white),per basin 3 tap holes, without tap holes, per basin 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, per basin 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, per basin 3 tap holes without overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, towel rack, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81496.8
LIVING Countertop washbasin, undersurface ground 900 mm
|Drop in basin wall mounted LAUFEN LIVING SQUARE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 900 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap, dispenser left or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature, and flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture Order no. 81643.4
PALACE Countertop washbasin, without towel rail 1500 mm
|Cutable double countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1500 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, per basin 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 1350 mm, integreated, shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left, and right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow, rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture, Order no. 81370.6
PALACE Countertop washbasin, with towel rail 1200 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1200 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 900 mm, integreated, shelves, with towel rail, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left, or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture Order no. 81270.4
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin, undersurface ground 600 mm
|Compact washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 380 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, without tap holes/overflow and open, drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81795.9
LIVING Countertop washbasin 800 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 800 x 460 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, furniture Order no. 81743.7
LAUFEN PRO Seat and cover
|WC seat and cover Universal LAUFEN PRO, Duroplast, removable, matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82195.6, 82195.7, 82195.8, 82195.9, 82295.1, 82495.5, 82495.6, 82495.7, 82495.8, 82495.9, 82595.5, 82595.6, 82595.7 and, wallhung WC pan, order no. 82095.0, 82095.1, 82095.2, 82095.3, 82095.4, 82095.5 Order no. 89395.2
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin, undersurface ground 600 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81795.2
KARTELL by LAUFEN Washbasin, shelf left 600 mm
|Countertop basin KARTELL BY LAUFEN, SaphirKeramik EN 31, dimensions 600 x 460 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, valve without overflow always open Special feature: with special hidden drain, valve pre-assembled Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes without overflow, 1 centre tap hole with hidden overflow, 3 tap holes with hidden overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories Order no. 81033.5
KARTELL by LAUFEN Freestanding washbasin 375 mm
|Freestanding washbasin KARTELL BY LAUFEN, sanitary ceramic EN 31 dimensions 375 x 435 x 900 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, valve without overflow always open Special feature: with special hidden drain, valve pre-assembled Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories Order no. 81133.1
PALACE Countertop washbasin, without towel rail 900 mm
|Cutable washbasin LAUFEN LB3 MODERN, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 850 x 370/420 mm, asymmetric, basin right, 1 tap hole left, concealed ceramic waste and overflow, chrome-plated vertical cover, Special feature: cut one-sided to 740 mm, integreated shelf left, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes, towel rail 38168.5, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories, Order no. 81170.2
PALACE Countertop washbasin, without towel rail 1800 mm
|Cutable double countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1800 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, per basin 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 1350 mm, integreated, shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left, and right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow, rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture Order no. 81370.8
PALACE Countertop washbasin, without towel rail 1800 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1800 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 900 mm, integreated shelves Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture Order no. 81170.8
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin, undersurface ground 550 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 550 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81795.1
KARTELL by LAUFEN Washbasin, shelf left 900 mm
|Countertop basin KARTELL BY LAUFEN, SaphirKeramik EN 31, dimensions 900 x 460 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, valve without overflow always open Special feature: with special hidden drain, valve pre-assembled Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes without overflow, 1 centre tap hole with hidden overflow, 3 tap holes with hidden overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessoriese Order no. 81033.9
|Barrier free wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary, ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 350 mm, accessible by wheelchair, lenght 700 mm, higher mounting necessary to, achieve a seated height of 480 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, 89895.1, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, 89895.0 Order no. 82095.3
PALACE Countertop washbasin, with towel rail 1500 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1500 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 900 mm, integreated, shelves, with towel rail, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left, or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture, Order no. 81270.6
KARTELL by LAUFEN Washbasin, shelf right 600 mm
|Countertop basin KARTELL BY LAUFEN, SaphirKeramik EN 31, dimensions 600 x 460 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, valve without overflow always open Special feature: with special hidden drain, valve pre-assembled Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes without overflow, 1 centre tap hole with hidden overflow, 3 tap holes with hidden overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories Order no. 81033.4
LIVING Wallhung WC, washdown
|Wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN LIVING, sanitary ceramic, for, concealed cistern, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 375 mm, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat and cover 89243.3, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering, 89243.4 Order no. 82043.5
KARTELL by LAUFEN Washbasin bowl 750 mm
|Washbasin bowl KARTELL BY LAUFEN, SaphirKeramik EN 31 dimensions 750 x 350 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, valve without overflow always open Special feature: with special hidden drain, valve pre-assembled Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes without overflow, 1 centre tap hole with hidden overflow, 3 tap holes with hidden overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories Order no. 81233.2
LIVING Small washbasin, undersurface ground 450 mm
|Small washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary, ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 450 x 380 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without, tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, furniture Order no. 81543.3
CAPRINO Siphonic urinal
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN CAPRINO PLUS, sanitary ceramic, electronic control, EN 13407, dimensions 320 x 350 x 645 mm, 1-l flush, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal or vertical, flushing, rate minimum 0,3 l/s, electronic control system for battery with all mounting accessories, 1-litre siphon with horizontal and vertical outlet DN 50 (standard, Europe, except CH and UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre, siphon with horizontal outlet DN 40 (standard UK), Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly Order no. 84206.6
LIVING Countertop washbasin 500 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 500 x 460 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, furniture Order no. 81743.2
LAUFEN PRO S Countertop washbasin 860 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 850 x 460 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, towel rack, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81396.5
LIVING Countertop washbasin 1000 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1000 x 460 mm, angular, basin right, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cut one-sided to 700 - 980 mm, integreated shelf left, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, bespoke decoration, on ceramic shelf, towel rail 600 mm 89542.4 / 1000 mm 89542.6, furniture Order no. 81843.1
KARTELL by LAUFEN Small washbasin 460 mm
|Countertop small washbasin KARTELL BY LAUFEN, SaphirKeramik EN 31, dimensions 460 x 460 mm, square 1 centre tap hole, without overflow, valve without overflow always open Special feature: with special hidden drain, valve pre-assembled Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes without overflow, 1 centre tap hole with hidden overflow, 3 tap holes with hidden overflow, bathtubs, shower trays, furniture, accessories Order no. 81533.1
LIVING Countertop washbasin 1000 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1000 x 460 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 2 tap holes distance 400 mm, 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole, without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance, 8 inches, towel rail 89542.6, furniture Order no. 81843.7
PALACE Wallhung WC, washout
|Wallhung WC pan washout LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 375 mm, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat and cover 89170.0, WC seat and cover with automatic, lowering 89170.1 Order no. 82070.2
LIVING Semi-recessed washbasin 460 mm, round
|Semi recessed basin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic EN 31 dimensions 460 x 460 mm, round 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, Order no. 81343.1
CAPRINO Siphonic urinal
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN CAPRINO PLUS, sanitary ceramic, EN 13407, dimensions 320 x 350 x 645 mm, 1-l flush, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal or vertical, flushing, rate minimum 0,3 l/s, Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly, horizontal inlet connection, 1-litre siphon with horizontal outlet DN 50, (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre siphon with horizontal outlet DN 40 (standard UK), 1-litre siphon, with horizontal and vertical outlet DN 50 SH 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and outlet DN 40 SH 50 (standard CH), Order no. 84206.1
PALACE Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 460 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed,throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat and cover 89170.0, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering, 89170.1 Order no. 82370.1
LIVING Countertop washbasin, undersurface ground 600 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 460 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, furniture Order no. 81743.4
LIVING Countertop washbasin 650 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING SQUARE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 650 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, 3 tap holes, distance 8 inches with overflow, towel rail 381432, furniture Order no. 81643.1
LAUFEN PRO S Countertop washbasin 1050 mm
|"Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 850 x 460 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, towel rack, bathtubs, furnitureOrder no. 81396.6
HIJET HiJet Wallhung WC, washdown
|Wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN HIJET, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern EN 997, EN 33, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 530 x 340 mm concealed trap, concealed fixation Special feature: without niches, concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89395.7, WC seat and cover, 89395.5, 89695.0 WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89395.6, 89695.1 Order no. 82066.1
LAUFEN PRO Seat and cover
|WC seat and cover Spezial LAUFEN PRO, Duroplast, removable, automatic lowering system, matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82195.6, 82195.7, 82195.8, 82195.9, 82295.1, 82495.5, 82495.6, 82495.7, 82495.8, 82495.9, 82595.5, 82595.6, 82595.7 and, wallhung WC pan, order no. 82095.0, 82095.1, 82095.2, 82095.5 Order no. 89195.1
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin, undersurface ground 650 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 650 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81795.3
PALACE Countertop washbasin, with towel rail 1800 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1800 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 900 mm, integreated, shelves, with towel rail, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left, or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture Order no. 81270.8
PALACE Countertop washbasin, with towel rail 900 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 900 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, integreated shelves, with towel rail, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left, or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture, Order no. 81270.2
LIVING Semi-recessed washbasin 550 mm, rectangular
|Semi recessed basin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic EN 31 dimensions 550 x 460 mm, symmetric 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, Order no. 81343.2
LAUFEN PRO Seat and cover
|WC seat and cover Spezial LAUFEN PRO, Duroplast, removable, matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82195.6, 82195.7, 82195.8, 82195.9, 82295.1, 82495.5, 82495.6, 82495.7, 82495.8, 82495.9, 82595.5, 82595.6, 82595.7 and, wallhung WC pan, order no. 82095.0, 82095.1, 82095.2, 82095.3, 82095.4, 82095.5 Order no. 89195.0
LIVING Washbasin 500 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 500 x 460 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, towel rail 89542.2, furniture Order no. 81743.1
LIVING Small washbasin 500 mm
|Countertop small washbasin LAUFEN LIVING SQUARE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 500 x 380 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole, with or without overflow, towel rail 38143.1 Order no. 81543.4
LAUFEN PRO LIBERTY Wallhung WC, washdown
|Barrier free wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary, ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 350 mm, accessible by wheelchair, lenght 700 mm, higher mounting necessary to, achieve a seated height of 480 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, 89895.1, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, 89895.0 Order no. 82095.4
LAUFEN PRO Wallhung WC wash down
|Wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 350 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3 Order no. 82095.5
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin 600 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, without tap holes/overflow and open, drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81895.2
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin, undersurface ground 850 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 850 x 460 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81696.5
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin, undersurface ground 1050 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 1050 x 460 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81696.6
LIVING Countertop washbasin 1800 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING SQUARE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1800 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 1000 mm, with, towel rail cutable to 1765 mm, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 2 or 3, tap holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser, left or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, towel rail 38143.5, furniture Order no. 81643.8
PALACE Countertop washbasin, without towel rail 1200 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1200 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 900 mm, integreated, shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left, or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture Order no. 81170.4
LIVING Countertop washbasin, cuttable 1500 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING CITY, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 1500 x 460 mm, angular, basin right, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cut one-sided to 980 - 1480 mm, integreated shelf left, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, bespoke decoration, on ceramic shelf, towel rail 600 mm 89542.4 / 1000 mm 89542.6, furniture Order no. 81843.5
PALACE Countertop washbasin, with towel rail 1800 mm
|Cutable double countertop basin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1800 x 380/510 mm, symmetric, per basin 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 1350 mm, integreated, shelves, with towel rail, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser left, and right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and flow, rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture Order no. 81470.8
LAUFEN PRO Wallhung WC wash out
|Wallhung WC pan washout LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/5-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 350 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3 Order no. 82095.1
LIVING Countertop washbasin, undersurface ground 650 mm
|Drop in basin wall mounted LAUFEN LIVING SQUARE, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 650 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, furniture Order no. 81643.2
LAUFEN PRO S Compact countertop washbasin 600 mm
|Compact countertop basin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 380 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, without tap holes/overflow and open, drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81895.9
LIVING Countertop washbasin 1300 mm
|Cutable countertop basin LAUFEN LIVING SQUARE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688, dimensions 1300 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, cutable to 650 mm, with towel, rail cutable to 1260 mm, integreated shelves, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, with or without overflow, hole for soap dispenser, left or right, electronic valve unit to control water temperature and, flow rate, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches with overflow, towel rail 38143.4, furniture Order no. 81643.5
CAPRINO Siphonic urinal
|Siphonic urinal LAUFEN CAPRINO PLUS, sanitary ceramic, electronic control, EN 13407, dimensions 320 x 350 x 645 mm, 1-l flush, water inlet concealed 1/2“, outlet horizontal or vertical, flushing, rate minimum 0,3 l/s, electronic control system 230 V with all mounting accessories, 1-litre, siphon with horizontal and vertical outlet DN 50 (standard Europe, except CH and UK) and outlet DN 40 (standard CH), 2-litre siphon with, horizontal outlet DN 40 (standard UK), Special feature: Vacuum and performance tested, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), with fly Order no. 84206.5
EQUITONE [tectiva]
|EQUITONE [tectiva] is a through coloured facade material. Every EQUITONE panel is unique, showing the raw, untreated texture of the fibre cement base material. It is characterised by sanded lines and naturally occurring hues within the material. The material comes in a maximum panel size of 1,25 x 3m (4´x 10´) and can be transformed in any size or shape in the workshop or on-site. Furthermore, the material can be perforated or printed. Visible and invisible fixing methods include riveting, screwing and bonding on metal or wood supporting frames. No matter what design options you explore, the through-coloured nature of EQUITONE assures crisp, monolithic details. Request a sample at www.equitone.com [LIST] NOTE: Revit installer only available for Revit version 2013 and 2014 [/LIST]
LAUFEN PRO S Compact countertop washbasin 550 mm
|Compact countertop basin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 550 x 380 mm, , angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, without tap holes/overflow and open, drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81895.8
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin 700 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 700 x 465 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white),3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, without tap holes/ overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, 3 tap holes without overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81096.7
|Cistern LAUFEN MODERNA R, sanitary ceramic EN 14055, dimensions 380 x 175 x 400 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 278 Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 750 (Green Version) water inlet side left, side right (3/8”), rear (3/8”-1/2”) matching floorstanding WC pan order no. 82454.1 and wallhung WC pan order no. 82054.5 Special feature: water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82654.0
LAUFEN PRO N Floorstanding WC combi complete
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO N, sanitary ceramic, with cistern Dual-Flush (4,5/3-l-flush) EN 997, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 650 x 450 mm outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 250 mm back to wall, concealed fixation, 2 fixing holes Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC, with shut-off valve option 781, WC seat and cover, 89095.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89095.3 Order no. 82795.2
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin bowl 600 mm
|Compact washbasin bowl undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 380 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, without tap holes/overflow and open, drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81295.3
|Cistern LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic dimensions 375 x 160 x 395 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 286 Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 752 (Green Version) water inlet bottom right 1/2” brass, Scandinavia Standard matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82595.2/option 231 Special feature: without water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82995.5
PALACE Cistern
|Cistern LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, DIN 19542, dimensions 360 x 160 x 420 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet side left, side right (3/8”), rear (3/8”-1/2”), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82470.6/option 000, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 264 Order no. 82870.0
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC combination, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 480 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed fixation, lenght 700 mm, ceramic height 460 mm, 2 fixing holes, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 4 fixing holes, 2 fixing holes and lateral holes, cistern 82695.0, 82695.2, 82695.3, 82695.5, WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering, 89195.1, 89395.3, Order no. 82495.5
|Floorstanding cistern Universal KARTELL BY LAUFEN, sanitary ceramic EN 14055, dimensions 400/410 x 140 x 980 mm Dual-Flush 5/3-l (4,5/3-l-flush) water inlet bottom left (1/2“) plastic matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82333.1 Special feature: water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82866.3
LAUFEN PRO N Floorstanding WC combi complete
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO N, sanitary ceramic, with cistern Dual-Flush (4,5/3-l-flush) EN 997, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 650 x 450 mm outlet vertical 70 mm concealed fixation, 2 fixing holes Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC, with shut-off valve option 781, WC seat and cover, 89095.0, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89095.1 Order no. 82795.0
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding bidet
|Floorstanding bidet LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 35, dimensions 360 x 580 x 400 mm, 1 centre tap hole, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, vacuum checked, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes Order no. 83295.1
LAUFEN PRO S Small washbasin 450 mm
|Small washbasin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31 dimensions 450 x 340 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole, without overflow, without tap hole and overflow, without tap hole/overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, siphon cover, furnitureOrder no. 81596.1
|Cistern LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic dimensions 375 x 160 x 395 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l option 286 Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l option 752 (Green Version) water inlet bottom right 1/2” brass, Scandinavia Standard matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 824950/1 Special feature: without water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82895.5
PALACE Washbasin 600 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 600 x 480 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without, overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, towel rail 38170.2, furniture Order no. 81070.2
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin, undersurface ground 550 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 550 x 465 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, without tap holes/ overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81696.2
PALACE Washbasin 550 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 550 x 460 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without, overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, towel rail 38170.1, furniture Order no. 81070.1
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 530 x 430 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm, back to wall, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 2 lateral holes (option 231), WC seat 89395.7, WC seat and cover, 89395.5, 89695.0, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89395.6, 89695.1 Order no. 82295.2
|Cistern LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, DIN 19542, dimensions 380 x 175 x 360 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet side left, side right (3/8”), rear (3/8”-1/2”), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82495.5/option 000/204, 82495.6, 82495.7, 82495.8/option 000/204, 82495.9, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 264 Order no. 82695.0
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC combination, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 4,5-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 420 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed fixation, lenght 700 mm, 2 fixing holes, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 4 fixing holes, 2 fixing holes and lateral holes, cistern 82695.0, 82695.2, 82695.3, 82695.5, WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering, 89195.1, 89395.3, Order no. 82495.8
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC combi wash out
|Floorstanding WC pan washout LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 670 x 420 mm outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 350 mm concealed fixation Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), cistern 82695.0, 82695.1, 82695.2, 82695.3, 82695.5, WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3 Order no. 82495.9
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC combination, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 670 x 420 mm, outlet horizontal, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), cistern 82695.0, 82695.2, 82695.3, 82695.5, WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and cover with, automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3 Order no. 82495.6
LAUFEN PRO Wallhung bidet
|Wallhung bidet LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 36, dimensions 360 x 530 x 335 mm, 1 centre tap hole, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, vacuum checked, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral mounting, holes for water connection Order no. 83095.2
LAUFEN PRO N Floorstanding WC combi complete
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO N, sanitary ceramic, with cistern Dual-Flush (4,5/3-l-flush) EN 997, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 650 x 450 mm outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 250 mm, back to wall Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC, with shut-off valve option 781, WC seat and cover, 89095.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89095.3 Order no. 82795.3
PALACE Washbasin 650 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 650 x 480 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without, overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, towel rail 38170.3, furniture Order no. 81070.3
|Cistern LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, DIN 19542, dimensions 380 x 175 x 360 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet side left, side right (3/8”), rear (3/8”-1/2”), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82595.2/option 000, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 264 Order no. 82995.0
|Cistern LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 380 x 175 x 360 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet bottom left (1/2“), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82595.2/option 231, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 263 Order no. 82995.3
LAUFEN PRO N Floorstanding WC combi complete
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO N, sanitary ceramic, with cistern Dual-Flush (4,5/3-l-flush) EN 997, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 650 x 450 mm outlet vertical 70 mm Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC, with shut-off valve option 781, WC seat and cover, 89095.0, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89095.1 Order no. 82795.5
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin 650 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 650 x 465 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white),3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, without tap holes/ overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, 3 tap holes without overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81096.4
PALACE Cistern
|Cistern LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 360 x 160 x 420 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet bottom left (1/2“), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82470.6/option 231, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 263 Order no. 82870.3
LAUFEN PRO Wallhung WC, washdown
|Wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/5-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 560 x 350 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3 Order no. 82095.0
|Floorstanding cistern Universal KARTELL BY LAUFEN, sanitary ceramic EN 14055, dimensions 400/410 x 140 x 980 mm Dual-Flush 4,5/3-l water inlet bottom right 1/2” brass, Scandinavia Standard matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82333.1 Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82866.4
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin 600 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 600 x 465 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white),3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, without tap holes/ overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, 3 tap holes without overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 810963
|Cistern LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, DIN 19542, dimensions 380 x 175 x 360 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet side left, side right (3/8”), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82495.5 option 000/204, 82495.6, 82495.7, 82495.8 option 000/204, 82495.9, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 264 Order no. 82695.2
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin, undersurface ground 700 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 700 x 465 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, without tap holes/ overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81696.7
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin, undersurface ground 650 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 650 x 465 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, without tap holes/ overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81696.4
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin 550 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 550 x 465 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white),3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, without tap holes/ overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, 3 tap holes without overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81096.2
LAUFEN PRO N Wallhung WC, washdown
|Wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO N, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern EN 997, EN 33, min. 4/2-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 500 x 350 mm Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, open water rim, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89095.1 Order no. 82095.8
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/5-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 580 x 400 mm, outlet horizontal, vertical 70 and 125 mm, back to wall, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3 Order no. 82295.1
LAUFEN PRO S Built-in washbasin 600 mm
|Built in basin not grinded LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 645 x 450 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 600 x 400 mm, angular, without tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed, outer surface, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81196.5
LAUFEN PRO S Small washbasin, undersurface ground 450 mm
|Small washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31 dimensions 450 x 340 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), without tap hole, without overflow, without tap hole and overflow, without tap hole/overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, furniture Order no. 81696.1
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin, undersurface ground 550 mm
|Compact washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 550 x 380 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, without tap holes/overflow and open, drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81795.8
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin, undersurface ground 600 mm
|Washbasin undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO S, sanitary ceramic EN 31, dimensions 600 x 465 mm, angular 1 centre tap hole Special feature: overflow channel glazed Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, without tap holes/ overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, 3 tap holes without overflow, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81696.3
LAUFEN PRO S Built-in washbasin 600 mm
|Built in basin grinded LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 645 x 450 mm, inside dimensions of the basin 600 x 400 mm, angular, without tap hole, overflow in front, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), glazed, outer surface, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81196.9
PALACE Floorstanding WC combination, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 700 x 475 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 305 mm, back to wall, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral, holes, cistern 82870.0, 82870.2, 82870.3, 82870.5, WC seat and cover, 89170.0, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89170.1 Order no. 82470.6
|Cistern LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, dimensions 380 x 175 x 360 mm, Dual-Flush 6/3-l, water inlet bottom left (1/2“), matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82495.5/option 231, 82495.6, 82495.7, 82495.8/option 231, 82495.9, Special feature: water condensation insulation, Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white), Australian Standard, option 263 Order no. 82695.3
|Floorstanding cistern Universal KARTELL BY LAUFEN, sanitary ceramic EN 14055, dimensions 400/410 x 140 x 980 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l (5/3-l-flush, 4,5/3-l-flush), concealed water inlet top left rear (1/2”) matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82333.1 Special feature: water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82866.1
LAUFEN PRO Wallhung WC, compact, wash down
|Compact wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/5-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 490 x 350 mm, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3 Order no. 82095.2
LAUFEN PRO N Floorstanding WC combi complete
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO N, sanitary ceramic, with cistern Dual-Flush (4,5/3-l-flush), with seat and cover, Thermoplast, removable EN 997, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 650 x 450 mm outlet vertical 70 mm concealed fixation, 2 fixing holes Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked Further options: Surface refinement LCC Order no. 82796.4
PALACE Countertop washbasin 700 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN PALACE, sanitary ceramic, EN 14688 / EN 31, dimensions 700 x 480 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, 1 tap hole without overflow, without tap, holes and overflow, 3 tap holes distance 8 inches, 3 tap holes without, overflow, siphon cover, pedestal, towel rail left 38170.7, towel rail right, 38170.8 furniture Order no. 81070.4
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC combination, washdown
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 670 x 420 mm, outlet vertical 225 mm, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), lateral, holes, cistern 82695.0, 82695.2, 82695.3, 82695.5, WC seat 89295.0, 89395.4, WC seat and cover, 89195.0, 89295.1, 89395.2, WC seat and, cover with automatic lowering 89195.1, 89395.3 Order no. 82495.7
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin 600 mm
|Washbasin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 600 x 480 mm, symmetric, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap, holes, without tap holes/overflow and open drain, 1 tap hole/without, overflow and open drain, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81095.2
LAUFEN PRO Floorstanding WC combi
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for cistern, EN 997, EN 33, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 650 x 440 mm, outlet horizontal, VARIO vertical 70 - 220 mm, back to wall, concealed fixation, 2 fixing holes, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 2 lateral holes (option 231), cistern 829950, 829952 (option 000), 829953, 829955 (option 231), WC seat 893957, WC seat and cover, 893955, 896950, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 893956, 896951 Order no. 82595.2
LAUFEN PRO N Floorstanding WC combi complete
|Floorstanding WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO N, sanitary ceramic, with cistern Dual-Flush (4,5/3-l-flush) EN 997, 4,5/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 650 x 450 mm outlet vertical 70 mm Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed throughout, closed water rim, vacuum checked Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC, with shut-off valve option 781, WC seat and cover, 89095.0, WC seat and cover with automatic lowering 89095.1 Order no. 82795.1
|Floorstanding cistern Universal KARTELL BY LAUFEN, sanitary ceramic EN 14055, dimensions 400/410 x 140 x 980 mm Dual-Flush 6/3-l (5/3-l-flush, 4,5/3-l-flush) side left, side right (3/8”) matching floorstanding WC pan, order no. 82333.1 Special feature: water condensation insulation Further options: Surface refinement LCC (only white) Order no. 82866.0
LAUFEN PRO Wallhung WC, washdown
|Wallhung WC pan washdown LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, for concealed cistern, EN 997, 6/3-l-flush, dimensions 360 x 530 x 340 mm, concealed trap, concealed fixation, Special feature: concealed surfaces directing water are fully glazed, throughout, vacuum checked, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), WC seat 89395.7, WC seat and cover, 89395.5, 89695.0, WC seat and, cover with automatic lowering 89395.6, 89695.1 Order no. 82095.6
LAUFEN PRO S Washbasin bowl, undersurface ground 550 mm
|Compact washbasin bowl undersurface ground LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 550 x 380 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, without tap holes/overflow and open, drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81295.2
LAUFEN PRO Washbasin 650 mm
|Countertop basin LAUFEN PRO, sanitary ceramic, EN 31, dimensions 650 x 480 mm, angular, 1 centre tap hole, Special feature: overflow channel glazed, Further options / accessories: Surface refinement LCC (only white), 3 tap holes, without tap holes, without tap holes/overflow and open, drain, 1 tap hole/without overflow and open drain, siphon cover, pedestal, bathtubs, furniture Order no. 81895.3
Coat Hook
|A modern design with smooth surfaces and clean lines that fits seamlessly in your washroom. Create a great impression that boosts the high-quality image of your facility. Stylish stainless steel with anti finger print coating looks great and stays clean. • A coat hook offers extra convenience with style • Matches the Image Design look to blend in seamlessly • Easy to mount no visible screws
Mini Jumbo Toilet Roll Dispenser
|A modern design with smooth surfaces and clean lines that fits seamlessly in your washroom. Create a great impression that boosts the high-quality image of your facility. Stylish stainless steel with anti finger print coating looks great and stays clean. [LIST] Easy to clean stainless steel with anti-fingerprint protection/coating - keeps the high class look for a better experience High capacity – ensures your guests that toilet paper will never run out Smart stub roll holder – reduces waste. Stub rolls can be used to the end. Optimal roll brake – Smooth dispensing and no paper on the floor [/LIST]
CWS Stainless Steel Ladycare Box
|Coverbox Paradise Stainless Steel Ladycare Box for use in a CWS Ladycare Box. Optionaly also used as a Paper Bin. Coverbox made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Ladycare Box: Stainless Steel Ladycare Box: 7776000 Paradise Ladycare Lid Black: 577200
CWS Stainless Steel Superroll
|Paradise Stainless Steel Superroll jumbo toilet roll paper dispenser for 380 m jumbo rolls. Changeover to 4 small toilet paper rolls possible. Window for checking filling level. Roll brake and cylinder lock prevent abuse and theft. Serrated edges with blunt teeth help avoid injuries. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Superroll: 7630000 Roll Rotary spray (optional): 307630000; Weight: 1.14 Kg Toilet paper: various toilet paper types in different qualities
CWS Stainless Steel Hygiene Bag Holder
|Hygiene bag holder, can be mounted separately on the wall or stuck to the hygiene box. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushe. For hygiene bags out of plastic or paper. Holder made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Hygiene Bag Holders: Stainless Steel Bag Holder (plastic bag): 7756000 Format: 95 × 130 × 20 mm Weight: 0.28 Kg Stainless Steel Bag Holder (paper bag): 7755000 Format: 113,5 × 205 × 32 mm Weight: 0.60 Kg Hygiene bags: hygiene bags in paper and plastic
CWS Stainless Steel Paper Bin
|Paper Bins Paradise Stainless Steel Paper Bin in 25, 40 l, and 60 l. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushed, optionally available with automatically closing lid or opening frame and wall mount. Mount for bin bag is preinstalled. Box made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Paper Bins: Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l: 7752000, Weight: 4.19 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l Lid: 307752000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 25l Coverage: 307752100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 450 × 300 × 200 mm Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l: 7751000, Weight: 6.0 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l Lid: 307751000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 40l Coverage: 307751100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 550 × 335 × 230 mm Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l: 7750000, Weight: 6.5 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l Lid: 307750000, Weight: 0.9 Kg Stainless Steel Paper Bin 60l Coverage: 307750100, Weight: 0.9 Kg Format: 740 × 350 × 250 mm Waste bags: various waste bags in different sizes and colours
CWS Stainless Steel Hygiene Box
|Stainless Steel Hygiene Box in 6 l and 12l versions. Made of stainless steel, visible surfaces matt brushed. Optional mount on front for hygiene bags. Opening flap, steel wire holder for bin bags. Box made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Hygiene Boxes: Stainless Steel Hygiene Box 6l: 7754000 Format: 240 × 225 × 125 mm Weight: 1.96 Kg Stainless Steel Hygiene Box 12l: 7753000 Format 300 × 280 × 125 mm Weight: 3.22 Kg Waste bags: various waste bags in different sizes and colours
CWS Heavy Duty
|Heavy Duty cotton towel dispenser for a cotton towel roll measuring 40 × 0.27 m with 30 cm towel feed. Plastic gears with automatic dosing and uncoupling systems and backstop. White-red fill-level display on the front. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation, without cotton towel roll (available to rent on subscription). Dispenser: Heavy Duty: 102000 Cotton towel rolls: Universal white: 151000, Universal blue: 152000
CWS Paradise Cream Universal
|Paradise Cream Universal cream soap dispenser for 1000 ml of soap cream. "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Soap pump with integrated reserve tank (approx. 160 portions) generates approx. 1,600 portions of cream soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4001000, Dispenser without panel: 4001010 Panel active white: 120761000, Panel royal red: 120761022, Panel black pearl: 120761021, Panel navy blue: 120761044, Panel forest green: 120761045, Panel posh purple: 120761040, Panel silversense : 120761060, Panel individual: variable Cream soap 1.000ml: Mild: 5457000, Neutral: 5454000, Standard: 5453000
CWS Stainless Steel Paper Slim
|Paradise Stainless Steel Paper Slim folded paper dispenser for approx. 300 folded papers. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints, with lock (resp. push button). Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Paper Slim: 7622000 Folded paper: various paper types in different qualities and colours
CWS Paradise Toiletpaper
|Paradise Toiletpaper toilet paper dispenser for two standard-sized rolls with locking mechanism (only releases reserve roll when the first roll has been completely used up) and brake for sparing use. White plastic roll cover. Glass-fibre-reinforced rear wall. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white push button can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4604000, Dispenser without panel: 4604010 Panel active white: 120361000, Panel royal red: 120361022, Panel black pearl: 120361021, Panel navy blue: 120361044, Panel forest green: 120361045, Panel posh purple: 120361040, Panel silversense: 120361060, Panel individual: variable Toilet paper: various toilet paper types in different qualities
CWS Paradise Foam Universal
|Paradise Foam Universal foam soap dispenser for 1000 ml of soap concentrate. "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Foam generator with integrated reserve tank (approx. 160 portions) generates approx. 2,500 portions of foam soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4011000, Dispenser without panel: 4011010 Panel active white: 120761000, Panel royal red: 120761022, Panel black pearl: 120761021, Panel navy blue: 120761044, Panel forest green: 120761045, Panel posh purple: 120761040, Panel silversense : 120761060, Panel individual: variable Foam soap 1.000ml: Mild: 5471000, Neutral: 5474000, Standard: 5470000
CWS Stainless Steel Antibact Slim
|Paradise Stainless Steel Antibact Slim foam soap dispenser for 500 ml of antibact preparation for decontaminating hand washing (subject to the 30-second working time and recommended dosage). "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Foam generator with integrated reserve tank (approx. 80 portions) generates approx. 660 portions of foam soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Antibact Slim: 7022000 Foam soap 500ml: Antibact: 5485000
CWS Stainless Steel Foam Universal
|Paradise Stainless Steel Foam Universal foam soap dispenser for 1000 ml of soap concentrate. "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Foam generator with integrated reserve tank (approx. 160 portions) generates approx. 2,500 portions of foam soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Foam Universal: 7011000 Foam soap 1.000ml: Mild: 5471000, Neutral: 5474000, Standard: 5470000
CWS Paradise Dry NT
|Paradise Dry NT cotton towel dispenser for a cotton hand towel roll measuring 35 × 0.21 m with automatic feed-in of the used towel and the roll end (retraction system), sensor controlled dispensing, length of towel dispensing can be set. time interval of retraction can be set (according to user frequency). The 2-chamber system guarantees hygienic separation of the fresh and used single-use cotton towel. Rapid and simple filling with the "Easy-Loading" system, dispenser with integrated fill-level display. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation, without cotton towel roll (available to rent on subscription). Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4512000, Dispenser without panel: 4512010 Panel active white: 122021000, Panel royal red: 122021022, Panel black pearl: 122021021, Panel navy blue: 122021044, Panel forest green: 122021045, Panel posh purple: 122021040, Panel silversense: 122021060, Panel individual: variable Cotton towel rolls: Slim white: 153000, Slim blue: 154000
CWS Paradise Antibact Slim
|Paradise Antibact Slim foam soap dispenser for 500 ml of antibact liquid for decontaminating hand washing (subject to the 30-second working time and recommended dosage). "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Foam generator with integrated reserve tank (approx. 80 portions) generates approx. 660 portions of foam soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser & panel: Dispenser with panel white: 4022000 Foam soap 500ml: Antibact: 5485000
CWS Paradise Paperroll
|Paradise Paperroll roll paper hand towel dispenser for 100 m of paper roll, 22 cm wide. Paper can be removed in sections measuring approx. 25 cm (easy pull-out). Automatic cutting system with protective cover to prevent injury. Next section fed to within reach. "Easy-Loading" system for quick filling. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4205000, Dispenser without panel: 4205010 Panel active white: 120711000, Panel royal red: 120711022, Panel black pearl: 120711021, Panel navy blue: 120711044, Panel forest green: 120711045, Panel posh purple: 120711040, Panel silversense: 120711060, Panel individual: variable Roll paper: white, 100m, 3-ply: 288001, blue, 100m, 3-ply: 289000
CWS Paradise Dry Slim
|Paradise Dry Slim cotton towel dispenser for a cotton hand towel roll measuring 35 × 0.21 m with automatic feed-in of the used towel and the roll end (retraction system), time interval of retraction can be set (6, 12, 16, 20 seconds). The 2-chamber system guarantees hygienic separation of the fresh and used single-use cotton towel. Rapid and simple filling with the "Easy-Loading" system, dispenser with integrated fill-level display. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation, without cotton towel roll (available to rent on subscription). Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4502000, Dispenser without panel: 4502010 Panel active white: 122021000, Panel royal red: 122021022, Panel black pearl: 122021021, Panel navy blue: 122021044, Panel forest green: 122021045, Panel posh purple: 122021040, Panel silversense: 122021060, Panel individual: variable Cotton towel rolls: Slim white: 153000, Slim blue: 154000
CWS Paradise Disinfect NT
|Paradise Disinfect NT disinfectant dispenser for 500 ml of disinfectant gel for hand disinfection in hygiene-sensitive areas (subject to the 30-second working time and recommended dosage). Sensor-controlled output with automatic stop function and electronic function display. "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Gel pump with integrated reserve tank (approx. 30 portions) generates approx. 170 portions of disinfection gel. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Disinfection instruction shown on panel. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser & panel: Dispenser with panel white: 4026000 Disinfection Gel 500ml: Disinfect: 5487000
CWS Paradise Handlotion Slim
|Paradise Handlotion Slim hand lotion dispenser for 500 ml of lotion. "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Soap pump with integrated reserve tank (approx. 120 portions) generates approx. 800 portions of cream soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4032000, Dispenser without panel: 4032010, Handlotion sticker: 220779000 Panel active white: 120751000, Panel royal red: 120751022, Panel black pearl: 120751021, Panel navy blue: 120751044, Panel forest green: 120751045, Panel posh purple: 120751040, Panel silversense : 120751060, Panel individual: variable Hand lotion 500ml: Lotion: 5468000
CWS Stainless Steel Air Bar
|Air fragrance dispenser Paradise Stainless Steel Air Bar for 2 x 80-ml fragrance cartridges. Targeted scent release via blowers at the front. Duo-cartridge system enables an automatic change from active to reserve cartridge. Cartridge reach ca. 3 months (depending on setting). Intuitive user interface inside the dispenser for a room specific setting of the intensity with 4 levels. Dispenser reach approx. 12 m². Day-night control (light sensor) preserving resources. Service light at the front. Housing made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints, with lock . Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Air Bar: 7663000 Fragrances: CWS Sweet Orange: 630000, CWS Flower Rain: 631000, CWS Peach Heaven: 632000, CWS Ocean Fresh: 633000, CWS Summer Sense: 634000, CWS Forest Soul: 635000, CWS Silent Wood: 636000, CWS Secret Spa: 637000, CWS Magic Fruit: 638000
CWS Paradise Superroll
|Paradise Superroll jumbo toilet roll paper dispenser for 380 m jumbo rolls with remaining roll reserve function for uninterrupted paper supply. This makes it possible to extend the service intervals. Window for checking fill level. Roll brake and cylinder lock prevent abuse and theft. Serrated edges with blunt teeth help avoid injuries. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front ends with a transparent blind. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser & panel: Dispenser with panel white: 4630000 Toilet paper: various toilet paper types in different qualities
CWS Paradise Paper Slim
|Paradise Paper Slim folded paper dispenser for approx. 300 folded papers. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock (rep. push button). Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white (with lock): 4622000, Dispenser without panel (with lock): 4622010 Dispenser with panel white (with push button): 4621000, Dispenser without panel (with push button): 4621010 Panel active white: 120631000, Panel royal red: 120631022, Panel black pearl: 120631021, Panel navy blue: 120631044, Panel forest green: 120631045, Panel posh purple: 120631040, Panel silversense: 120631060, Panel individual: variable Folded paper: various paper types in different qualities and colours
CWS Stainless Steel Cream Slim
|Paradise Stainless Steel Cream Slim cream soap dispenser for 500 ml of soap cream. "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Soap pump with integrated reserve tank (approx. 160 portions) generates approx. 800 portions of cream soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Cream Slim: 7002000 Cream soap 500ml: Mild: 5467000, Neutral: 5464000, Standard: 5463000
CWS Paradise Cream Slim
|Paradise Cream Slim cream soap dispenser for 500 ml of soap cream. "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Soap pump with integrated reserve tank (approx. 160 portions) generates approx. 800 portions of cream soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4002000, Dispenser without panel: 4002010 Panel active white: 120751000, Panel royal red: 120751022, Panel black pearl: 120751021, Panel navy blue: 120751044, Panel forest green: 120751045, Panel posh purple: 120751040, Panel silversense : 120751060, Panel individual: variable Cream soap 500ml: Mild: 5467000, Neutral: 5464000, Standard: 5463000
CWS Stainless Steel Paperroll
|Paradise Stainless Steel Paperroll roll paper hand towel dispenser for 100 m of paper roll, 22 cm wide. Paper can be removed in sections measuring approx. 25 cm (easy pull-out). Automatic cutting system with protective cover to prevent injury. Next section fed to within reach. "Easy-Loading" system for quick filling. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Paperroll: 7205000 Roll paper: white, 100m, 3-ply: 288001, blue, 100m, 3-ply: 289000
CWS Paradise Paper Universal
|Paradise Paper Universal folded paper dispenser for approx. 600 folded papers. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser & panel: Dispenser with panel white : 4620000 Folded paper: various paper types in different qualities and colours
CWS Paradise Foam Slim
|Paradise Foam Slim foam soap dispenser for 500 ml of soap concentrate. "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Foam generator with integrated reserve tank (approx. 160 portions) generates approx. 1,250 portions of foam soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4012000, Dispenser without panel: 4012010 Panel active white: 120751000, Panel royal red: 120751022, Panel black pearl: 120751021, Panel navy blue: 120751044, Panel forest green: 120751045, Panel posh purple: 120751040, Panel silversense : 120751060, Panel individual: variable Foam soap 500ml: Mild: 5481000, Neutral: 5484000, Standard: 5480000
CWS Paradise DUO
|Paradise DUO cotton towel dispenser for two cotton hand towel roll measuring 35 × 0.21 m with automatic feed-in of the used towel and the roll end (retraction system), 2-chamber system guarantees hygienic separation of the fresh and used single-use cotton towel. The empty dispenser can be filled while the other dispenser is in use. Automatic changeover to the new roll when the active roll is completely used up. Fill-level display integrated in the dispenser. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation, without cotton towel roll (available to rent on subscription). Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4521000, Dispenser without panel: 4521010 Panel active white: 122021000, Panel royal red: 122021022, Panel black pearl: 122021021, Panel navy blue: 122021044, Panel forest green: 122021045, Panel posh purple: 122021040, Panel silversense: 122021060, Panel individual: variable Cotton towel rolls: Slim white: 153000, Slim blue: 154000
CWS Paradise Foam NT
|Paradise Foam NT foam soap dispenser for 500 ml of soap concentrate. Sensor-controlled output with automatic stop function and electronic function display."Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Foam generator with integrated reserve tank (approx. 160 portions) generates approx. 1,250 portions of foam soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white front can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4013000, Dispenser without panel: 4013010 Panel active white: 120761000, Panel royal red: 120761022, Panel black pearl: 120761021, Panel navy blue: 120761044, Panel forest green: 120761045, Panel posh purple: 120761040, Panel silversense : 120761060, Panel individual: variable Foam soap 500 ml: Mild: 5481000, Neutral: 5484000, Standard: 5480000
CWS Stainless Steel Dry Slim
|Paradise Stainless Steel Dry Slim cotton towel dispensers for a cotton hand towel roll measuring 35 × 0.21 m with automatic feed-in of the used towel and the roll end (retraction system), time interval of retraction can be set (6, 12, 16, 20 seconds). The 2-chamber system guarantees hygienic separation of the fresh and used single-use cotton towel. Rapid and simple filling with the "Easy-Loading" system, dispenser with integrated fill-level display. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation, without cotton towel roll (available to rent on subscription). Dispenser: Stainless Steel Dry Slim: 7502000 Cotton towel rolls: Slim white: 153000, Slim blue: 154000
CWS Stainless Steel Cream Universal
|Paradise Stainless Steel Cream Universal cream soap dispenser for 1000 ml of soap cream. "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Soap pump with integrated reserve tank (approx. 160 portions) generates approx. 1,600 portions of cream soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Cream Universal: 7001000 Cream soap 1.000ml: Mild: 5457000, Neutral: 5454000, Standard: 5453000
CWS Stainless Steel Foam Slim
|Paradise Stainless Steel Foam Slim foam soap dispenser for 500 ml of soap concentrate. "Easy cleaning" and "Click-in-Bottle" systems guarantee rapid and clean replacement of the cartridges. No dripping thanks to recirculation pump. Foam generator with integrated reserve tank (approx. 160 portions) generates approx. 1,250 portions of foam soap. Upside-down cartridge ensures product is completely consumed. Simple single-handed operation. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Foam Slim: 7012000 Foam soap 500ml: Mild: 5481000, Neutral: 5484000, Standard: 5480000
CWS Stainless Steel Seatcleaner
|Paradise Stainless Steel Seatcleaner toilet seat cleaner dispenser for toilet seat disinfection. Drip-free pump system for use of cleaning liquids in 300 ml plastic pouches with patented "Clean-Click" lock. Dosing pump outputs approx. 1,500 portions as spray. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints, with lock (resp. push button). Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Seatcleaner: 7567000 Seatcleaner liquid 300ml: Disinfection: 597000
CWS Paradise Cleanseat
|Paradise Cleanseat toilet seat with automatic triggering of the cleaning process (approx. 15 seconds). In addition to the automatic triggering of the cleaning process, the Paradise Cleanseat Power and Universal models also allow customised, contact-free triggering via a sensor field. A function display provides information about the respective state of the system. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static, white plastic. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening and installation materials, delivery and installation leaving it ready for use. Power version: 230 V/50 Hz mains connection and water connection (for medium and high frequent use) Universal version: Battery operation (for low frequent use) Seats: Paradise Cleanseat Power: 4540000 Weight: 5.964 Kg Paradise Cleanseat Universal: 4560000 Weight: 5.287 Kg
CWS Paradise Air Bar
|Paradise Air Bar air fragrance dispenser for 2 x 80-ml fragrance cartridges. Targeted scent release via blowers at the front. Duo-cartridge system enables an automatic change from active to reserve cartridge. Cartridge reach ca. 3 months (depending on setting). Intuitive user interface inside the dispenser for a room specific setting of the intensity with 4 levels. Dispenser reach approx. 12 m². Day-night control (light sensor) preserving resources. Service light at the front. Dispenser out of shock-resistant, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges, therefore no risk of injury. White panel can be changed to various colours. Complete incl. installation material, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4663000, Dispenser without panel: 4663010 Panel active white: 161048000, Panel royal red: 161048022, Panel black pearl: 161048021, Panel navy blue: 161048044, Panel forest green : 191048045, Panel posh purple : 161048040, Panel silversense: 161048060 Fragrances: CWS Sweet Orange: 630000, CWS Flower Rain: 631000, CWS Peach Heaven: 632000, CWS Ocean Fresh: 633000, CWS Summer Sense: 634000, CWS Forest Soul: 635000, CWS Silent Wood: 636000, CWS Secret Spa: 637000, CWS Magic Fruit: 638000
CWS Stainless Steel Toiletpaper
|Paradise Stainless Steel Toiletpaper toilet paper dispenser for two standard-sized rolls with locking mechanism (only releases reserve roll when the first roll has been completely used up) and brake for sparing use. Grey plastic roll cover. Glass-fibre-reinforced rear wall. Housing including rear wall made of matt brushed stainless steel 1.4301, brushed satin finish protects against fingerprints. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Stainless Steel Toiletpaper: 7604000 Toilet paper: various toilet paper types in different qualities
CWS Jumbo
|Jumbo industrial dispenser for 2,000 ml = Approx. 2,000 portions of hand cleaner in a disposable bottle. Robust single-hand push-button. Exact dosing and lack of drips reduce consumption of the hand cleaner. Window for fill-level display on both sides. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispenser: Jumbo: 411000 Abrasive soap 2.000ml: Mild: 476000, Standard: 475000
CWS Paradise Seatcleaner
|Paradise Seatcleaner toilet seat cleaner dispenser for toilet seat disinfection. Drip-free pump system for use of cleaning liquids in 300 ml plastic pouches with patented "Clean-Click" lock. Dosing pump outputs approx. 1,500 portions as spray. Housing made of impact-proof, anti-static plastic, with lock. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. The white push button can be customised with panels in a variety of colours. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Dispensers & panels: Dispenser with panel white: 4567000, Dispenser without panel: 4567010 Panel active white: 300001101, Panel royal red: 300001103, Panel black pearl: 300001102, Panel navy blue: 121221044, Panel forest green: 121221045, Panel posh purple: 121221040, Panel silversense : 300001105, Panel individual: variable Seatcleaner liquid 300ml: Disinfection: 597000
CWS Clean Touch
|CWS Clean Touch hygienic door handle for hygienic protective film. A new, fresh portion (film) is automatically pulled over the handle after every use. Every user is offered his own hygienic door handle. 2-chamber system separates clean and used film. Simple and rapid filling. Rounded edges ensure no risk of injury. Housing made of impact-proof plastic, with lock. Comes complete with fastening materials, delivery and installation. Note: Not suitable for installation on fire doors and in disabled toilets. Door Handle: CWS Clean Touch: 310000 CWS Clean Touch Installation Kit: 300002002 CWS Door Closer (optional): 311000 Protective Film Cartridge: CWS Clean Touch Refill: 300002001
BBQ 200
|The Röshults BBQ Grill is the cornerstone of the designer outdoor kitchen. Designed by the award-winning duo Mats Broberg and Johan Ridderstråle, where no detail has been left to chance. The Röshults BBQ Grill is solidly constructed with stainless-steel detailing and treated with an auto-industry approved rust protection. The grill is equipped with thick stainless steel grates which store heat and give the characteristic grilling stripes without cooling down. Each section is equipped with two Dual Burners, giving a total of four burners per section, combining for an output of 8kW/h. The double layers of Protection Bars deliver an even heat distribution. Two variable heat controls for each section give maximum control for excellent grilling results . The fat and oils that drip through the grill are collected in a removable bottom tray that can be filled with sand and easily cleaned and disposed of after use. All of our gas grills come with a slip cover to hide the gas canister in a tidy way. There are many accessories that complement the design to best suit your requirements for a perfect barbecueing experience. Röshults BBQ Grills are praised by star chefs around the world thanks to their large grilling surfaces and easily variable heating zones. Complete with a Side Table, Garden Trolley and Sink to enhance your outdoor kitchen.
BBQ 100
|The Röshults BBQ Grill is the cornerstone of the designer outdoor kitchen. Designed by the award-winning duo Mats Broberg and Johan Ridderstråle, where no detail has been left to chance. The Röshults BBQ Grill is solidly constructed with stainless-steel detailing and treated with an auto-industry approved rust protection. The grill is equipped with thick stainless steel grates which store heat and give the characteristic grilling stripes without cooling down. Each section is equipped with two Dual Burners, giving a total of four burners per section, combining for an output of 8kW/h. The double layers of Protection Bars deliver an even heat distribution. Two variable heat controls for each section give maximum control for excellent grilling results . The fat and oils that drip through the grill are collected in a removable bottom tray that can be filled with sand and easily cleaned and disposed of after use. All of our gas grills come with a slip cover to hide the gas canister in a tidy way. There are many accessories that complement the design to best suit your requirements for a perfect barbecueing experience. Röshults BBQ Grills are praised by star chefs around the world thanks to their large grilling surfaces and easily variable heating zones. Complete with a Side Table, Garden Trolley and Sink to enhance your outdoor kitchen.
BBQ 300
|The Röshults BBQ Grill is the cornerstone of the designer outdoor kitchen. Designed by the award-winning duo Mats Broberg and Johan Ridderstråle, where no detail has been left to chance. The Röshults BBQ Grill is solidly constructed with stainless-steel detailing and treated with an auto-industry approved rust protection. The grill is equipped with thick stainless steel grates which store heat and give the characteristic grilling stripes without cooling down. Each section is equipped with two Dual Burners, giving a total of four burners per section, combining for an output of 8kW/h. The double layers of Protection Bars deliver an even heat distribution. Two variable heat controls for each section give maximum control for excellent grilling results . The fat and oils that drip through the grill are collected in a removable bottom tray that can be filled with sand and easily cleaned and disposed of after use. All of our gas grills come with a slip cover to hide the gas canister in a tidy way. There are many accessories that complement the design to best suit your requirements for a perfect barbecueing experience. Röshults BBQ Grills are praised by star chefs around the world thanks to their large grilling surfaces and easily variable heating zones. Complete with a Side Table, Garden Trolley and Sink to enhance your outdoor kitchen.
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, 2D scale dependent, Ragnars Work Layout desk group, with\n- towers\n- cabinets\n- screen
Helland ERGO Highback Chair
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, 2D scale dependent, Helland Ergo highback chair, with\n- armrest types\n- headrest\n- dining tray\n- wheels\n- footstool\n- footstool types3D parametric, 2D scale dependent, Helland Ergo highback chair, with\n- armrest types\n- headrest\n- dining tray\n- wheels\n- footstool\n- footstool types
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, 2D scale dependent, Ragnars Basic Layout desk group, with\n- towers\n- cabinets
Graphisoft NO GS | 13434000213D parametric, Ragnars Boss Station table
Fume Cupboard Water Tap wall
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Helland BASIC Bedside table
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