Wall framing
CADstudio.ru | 1363698917Компонент разработан для конкурс Зимний GDL-креатив Универсальный элемент для рабочего проектирования раздела ДЕРЕВЯННЫЕ КОНСТРУКЦИИ. Данный элемент является сборочной единицей для деревянного каркаса, при строительстве дома по каркасно-щитовой технологии. Автор: Владислав Казанин, Россия, г. Санкт-Петербург, 2013 г.
Лестница 1
Анастасия Т | 1398345581 -
Ферма степан
serg alexandrovi4 | 1386264326Создан с помощью TrussMaker
Кровельный вентиль moutokate-KTV
Андрей Копысов | 1386419367 -
Curtain wall dome
Miti Thakkar | 1370553105 -
Rafał Ślęk | 1401100713Bramka piłkarska, kratowa z koszem do koszykówki : Bramka służy do gry w piłkę nożną lub ręczną oraz mini koszykówkę, Konstrukcja bramki wykonana z rury 48,3x2,9 mm i 38x2,6 mm, Siatka bramki wykonana jest z prętów stalowych fi 12 mm i fi 8 mm oraz łańcucha chromowego fi 5 mm, Cała konstrukcja bramki kratowej zabezpieczona antykorozyjnie, W komplecie znajdują się prefabrykaty betonowe ułatwiające montaż bramki w gruncie. Gateway football, mesh with a basket for basketball: Gateway is used to play football or handball and mini basketball, The design goal is made of pipe 48.3 x2, 9, and 38x2 mm, 6 mm, Grid gateway is made of steel rods fi fi 12 mm and 8 mm and chrome chain Ø 5 mm, The whole structure of the goal mesh corrosion-resistant, The set includes precast concrete goal to facilitate installation in the ground.
Pryda SBK15
Eddie van Uden | 1386107864Pryda SBK15 structural post bracket
EMK Nails 11
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400558#http://www.graphisoft.com/support/archicad/documentation/library/AC9_SE/US/detailer2D parametric, view dependent, nail with 16 different sizes
David Lozej | 1413901456Qbiss One Curtain Wall system by Trimo-Slovenia (only link to the entire library) This is a preview object of the 'Qbiss One' facade system by Trimo. Use the 'Download link' from the Settings to get the entire library. 'Qbiss One BIM' library contains parametric elements working in the Curtain Wall tool (Panels, Windows/Doors, Frames). Also Schedules for calculations are included. Video instructions at:http://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9eKzOhBDQOKBUWS1jkE2uQ
Attacco Strutturale
Arch. Sergio Lenzi | 1430112541 -
Structure Label 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Random City GER
Tibor SEIDL | 1371477307Werkzeug für Stadtmodellierung mit mehrere Einstellungen fürs Umgebung, Höhe, Struktur - Tag/Nachteinstellungen, Einrichtungseinstellungen.
Bowmac B108
Eddie van Uden | 1386107362Bowmac B108 structural beam bracket
Bowmac B28
Eddie van Uden | 1386107599Bowmac B28 Bracket
Bowmac B58 with coach screws
Eddie van Uden | 1386302652Bowmac B58 bracket with coach screws
Ферма 2
serg alexandrovi4 | 1386264271Создан с помощью TrussMaker
Bowmac B12
Eddie van Uden | 1386107445Bowmac B12 structural post bracket
Bowmac B28 with coach screws
Eddie van Uden | 1386107632Bowmac B28 bracket with fixing screws
Bowmac B35 with coach screws
Eddie van Uden | 1386302677Bowmac B35 bracket with coach screws
Hockerduo Steffi 1
Ruth Gall | 1355220075Hockerduo "'Steffi" Diese asymmetrisch geformten Edelhocker ergeben in bestimmter Anordnung zu zweit unterschiedliche Formen einer Bank oder zu viert einen quadratischen Tisch. Leuchtend rapsgelbe Innenflächen bilden einen starken Kontrast zu den anthrazitfarbenen Oberflächen. Die pulverbeschichteteten Stahlelemente sind absolut unempfindlich daher als Blickfang für drinnen und draußen geeignet.
Двустворчатое Окно 18
макс жикин | 1418064749Двойное окно, с дополнительными фрамугами и c различными типами открывания.
Однопольная Дверь 18
Алексей Зацепилин | 1428249822Навесная, открывающаяся в обе стороны дверь.
Оконный Проем Полукруглый 18
Александра Андреева | 1425627756Полукруглый пустой проем.
Трехстворчатое Окно 18
Лаврентий Лисунов | 1420791653Окно тройное с дополнительными фрамугами и c различными типами открывания.
Battens for Roof Tiles 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Parallel battens for roof tiles.
Bowmac B109
Eddie van Uden | 1386107411Bowmac B109 structural beam bracket
Bowmac B134
Eddie van Uden | 1386107475Bowmac B134 structural post bracket
Bowmac B176
Eddie van Uden | 1386107508Bowmac structural beam bracket
Bowmac B35 with bolts for 90 beam
Eddie van Uden | 1386107686Bowmac B35 with bolts for 90mm beam & posts
Profiled Sheet Inclined
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005593D parametric, inclined profiled sheet with optional\n- profile sizes\n- slope angle\n- angle of the 2 cutting planes
Profiled Sheet Vertikal
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005593D parametric, vertical profiled sheet with optional\n- profile sizes\n- rotation of cutting plane\n- angle of the 2 cutting planes
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005573D parametric, stump with pad
Hockerduo Steffi 2
Ruth Gall | 1355220111Hockerduo "'Steffi" Diese asymmetrisch geformten Edelhocker ergeben in bestimmter Anordnung zu zweit unterschiedliche Formen einer Bank oder zu viert einen quadratischen Tisch. Leuchtend rapsgelbe Innenflächen bilden einen starken Kontrast zu den anthrazitfarbenen Oberflächen. Die pulverbeschichteteten Stahlelemente sind absolut unempfindlich daher als Blickfang für drinnen und draußen geeignet.
Post 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Post for roof structure.
Structure Label 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Techo Acondicionamiento Acústico PLADUR® FON+ Estructura Doble T-60(D)
|Pladur® Sound Conditioning Solution. Pladur® FON+, Suspended Ceiling formed by a simple or double (primary and secondary) structure of galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Pladur® T-60 Profiles, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. Pladur® FON+ Boards are then screwed to the simple or secondary structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tapes, resilient tape, etc, totally finished with a Level 3 (Q3) Quality Finish. Mineral Wool may also be used (without vapour barrier or Kraft paper) on the reverse side of the boards and profiles. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Doble PLADUR® - PH45 + T47
|Pladur® Suspended Twin Frame Ceiling, formed by a double structure (primary and secondary) of galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Pladur® PH-45, GL, T-47 or T-60 profiles, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more Pladur® boards are then screwed to the secondary structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc, totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Tabique Estructura Doble Cámara Independiente PLADUR® Libres
|Pladur® Twin Frame, Split Cavity Partitions, formed by two Pladur® boards screwed to each side of a galvanised steel double structure (free or braced) and separated by a variable distance from each other (minimum separation of 10 mm + thickness of interior board). Both structures are formed by Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and PLADUR® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Simple PLADUR® - M90/S50
|Pladur® Suspended Single Frame Ceiling, Suspended Ceiling formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheets based on Pladur® T-47, T-60, TF Profiles or Studs, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more PLADUR® boards are then screwed to this structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc. totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Acondicionamiento Acústico PLADUR® FON+ Estructura Simple T-60
|Pladur® Sound Conditioning Solution. Pladur® FON+, Suspended Ceiling formed by a simple or double (primary and secondary) structure of galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Pladur® T-60 Profiles, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. Pladur® FON+ Boards are then screwed to the simple or secondary structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compounds, joint tapes, resilient tape, etc, totally finished with a Level 3 (Q3) Quality Finish. Mineral Wool may also be used (without vapour barrier or Kraft paper) on the reverse side of the boards and profiles. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Simple PLADUR® - T47 PL
|Pladur® Suspended Single Frame Ceiling, Suspended Ceiling formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheets based on Pladur® T-47, T-60, TF Profiles or Studs, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more PLADUR® boards are then screwed to this structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc. totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Tabique Estructura Doble Cámara Única Gran Altura Arriostrados PLADUR®
|Pladur® Twin Frame, Single Cavity Partitions, formed by two Pladur® boards screwed to each side of a galvanised steel double structure (free or braced) and separated by a variable distance from each other (minimum separation of 10 mm). Both structures are formed by Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Simple PLADUR® - M46/S35
|Pladur® Suspended Single Frame Ceiling, Suspended Ceiling formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheets based on Pladur® T-47, T-60, TF Profiles or Studs, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more PLADUR® boards are then screwed to this structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc. totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Tabique Estructura Simple PLADUR® - Sencillos
|Pladur® Single Frame Partitions, formed by one or more Pladur® boards screwed to each side of the galvanised steel structure, based on Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Doble PLADUR® - T60(D)
|Pladur® Suspended Twin Frame Ceiling, formed by a double structure (primary and secondary) of galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Pladur® PH-45, GL, T-47 or T-60 profiles, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more Pladur® boards are then screwed to the secondary structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc, totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Doble PLADUR® - GL + T-47
|Pladur® Suspended Twin Frame Ceiling, formed by a double structure (primary and secondary) of galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Pladur® PH-45, GL, T-47 or T-60 profiles, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more Pladur® boards are then screwed to the secondary structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc, totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Simple PLADUR® - T47
|Pladur® Suspended Single Frame Ceiling, Suspended Ceiling formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheets based on Pladur® T-47, T-60, TF Profiles or Studs, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more PLADUR® boards are then screwed to this structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc. totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Simple PLADUR® - T60
|Pladur® Suspended Single Frame Ceiling, Suspended Ceiling formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheets based on Pladur® T-47, T-60, TF Profiles or Studs, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more PLADUR® boards are then screwed to this structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc. totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Tabique Estructura Doble Cámara Única Arriostrados PLADUR®
|Pladur® Twin Frame, Single Cavity Partitions, formed by two Pladur® boards screwed to each side of a galvanised steel double structure (free or braced) and separated by a variable distance from each other (minimum separation of 10 mm). Both structures are formed by Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Simple PLADUR® - M70/S35
|Pladur® Suspended Single Frame Ceiling, Suspended Ceiling formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheets based on Pladur® T-47, T-60, TF Profiles or Studs, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more PLADUR® boards are then screwed to this structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc. totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Tabique Estructura Doble Cámara Única PLADUR®
|Pladur® Twin Frame, Single Cavity Partitions, formed by two Pladur® boards screwed to each side of a galvanised steel double structure (free or braced) and separated by a variable distance from each other (minimum separation of 10 mm). Both structures are formed by Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Simple PLADUR® - TF
|Pladur® Suspended Single Frame Ceiling, Suspended Ceiling formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheets based on Pladur® T-47, T-60, TF Profiles or Studs, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more PLADUR® boards are then screwed to this structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc. totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Simple PLADUR® - M46 Sin Cuelgues
|Pladur® Suspended Single Frame Ceiling, Suspended Ceiling formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheets based on Pladur® T-47, T-60, TF Profiles or Studs, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more PLADUR® boards are then screwed to this structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc. totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Suspendido Estructura Doble PLADUR® - T60(H)
|Pladur® Suspended Twin Frame Ceiling, formed by a double structure (primary and secondary) of galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Pladur® PH-45, GL, T-47 or T-60 profiles, properly suspended from the ceiling structure with Pladur® Hangers + Ø 6 mm threaded rod, and supported by Pladur® Profiles mechanically attached all along the perimeter. One or more Pladur® boards are then screwed to the secondary structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient tape, etc, totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Tabique Estructura Simple PLADUR® - Múltiples
|Pladur® Single Frame Partitions, formed by one or more Pladur® boards screwed to each side of the galvanised steel structure, based on Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Tabique Estructura Doble Cámara Independiente PLADUR® Arriostrados
|Pladur® Twin Frame, Split Cavity Partitions, formed by two Pladur® boards screwed to each side of a galvanised steel double structure (free or braced) and separated by a variable distance from each other (minimum separation of 10 mm + thickness of interior board). Both structures are formed by Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and PLADUR® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400861#http://www.acrmim.com Régnier Jean-Luc Arch-brick (another version of the arch) note that the texture fit nicely with the direction of the radius, if you have enough bricks ! number of brick fix the value of the brick's width. Thickness and lenght of the bricks are independant value3D parametric, brick arch, with optional\n- lenght of arch (internal)\n- height of arch (internal)\n- Z dimension\n- brick's height\n- brick's thickness\n- number of brick\n- curved bricks\n- reflection /XY
Battens for Roof Tiles 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Parallel battens for roof tiles.
Bodenschlitz 10n
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434008602D symbol, shaft opening
Bowmac B197 for 120 post
Eddie van Uden | 1386107537Bowmac B197/Pryda SBK6 bracket with bolts and washers for 120mm timber post
Bowmac B197 for 90 post
Eddie van Uden | 1386107568Bowmac B197/Pryda SBK6 bracket with bolts and washers for 90mm timber post
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric plastic window, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric plastic window, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric plastic double window, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric plastic double window, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric plastic door, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric plastic door, Plastmo
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400560# http://www.b-prisma.de Made by b-prisma 2004 This is freeware3D parametric, T beam, German with\n- optional angle of the beam\n- variable beam height\n- optional beam end angle\n- optional holes\n- optional positions of the holes
Block Inclined 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Inclined block for roof structure.
Block Inclined 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Inclined block for roof structure.
Collar Beam 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Collar beam for roof structure.
Collar Beam 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Collar beam for roof structure.
Post 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Post for roof structure.
Purlin 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Purlin for roof structure.
Purlin 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Purlin for roof structure.
Rafter 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rafter for roof structure.
Rafter 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rafter for roof structure.
Rafter Base Recess 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rafter with base recess for roof structure.
Rafter Base Recess 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rafter with base recess for roof structure.
Rafter Ridge Recess 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rafter with ridge recess for roof structure.
Rafter Ridge Recess 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rafter with ridge recess for roof structure.
Schwimmbecken 18
Sabine Borutzki | 1415042374Pool mit unterschiedlichen Formen und optionaler Leiter.
Strut 1 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Lower supporting strut for roof structure.
Strut 1 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Lower supporting strut for roof structure.
Strut 2 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Upper supporting strut for roof structure.
Strut 2 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Upper supporting strut for roof structure.
ID Inspiration 70
|With iD Inspiration flooring, explore limitless design possibilities in a truly modular range to create spaces that build brand image, evoke emotion and positively shape the customer experience. iD Inspiration offers over 75,000 potential combinations to play with perceptions of space, light and effects through your choice of different format layouts, design, surface structure and bevelling ■Over 75,000 combinations through customisation programme ■Endless combinations of colours, patterns, surface effects and bevelling options ■More personnalisation possibilities with Floorcraft design service and matching accessories ■Ideal for stores, hotels and leisure environments where smart design matters ■0.7mm pure PVC transparent wear layer: exceptionally hardwearing and indentation resistant (also available with 0.55mm wear layer) ■TopClean XP PUR surface treatment for easy, low-cost maintenance and high return on investment
Besam SL500 - surface mount
|The Besam SL500 automatic sliding door package for surface mounted applications is readily fixed to existing structures with little or no modification. Well-suited to retrofit construction for easy accessibility and ADA compliance, the Besam SL500 surface mount can be used with a wide range of door materials including wood, hollow metal and stainless steel. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
ID Inspiration 55
|With iD Inspiration flooring, explore limitless design possibilities in a truly modular range to create spaces that build brand image, evoke emotion and positively shape the customer experience. iD Inspiration offers over 75,000 potential combinations to play with perceptions of space, light and effects through your choice of different format layouts, design, surface structure and bevelling. ■Over 75,000 combinations through customisation programme ■Endless combinations of colours, patterns, surface effects and bevelling options ■More personnalisation possibilities with Floorcraft design service and matching accessories ■Ideal for stores, hotels and leisure environments where smart design matters ■0.55mm pure PVC transparent wear layer: exceptionally hardwearing and indentation resistant (also available with 0.70mm wear layer) ■TopClean XP PUR surface treatment for easy, low-cost maintenance and high return on investment
Metawell® Radiant Island
|Ceiling sails hang from the base ceiling as single panels, or are combined into islands. In this way they can take on any contours, edge configurations and surface coatings. The radiant ceiling sail, a functional component of building technology, becomes a custom design element. Compared to enclosed ceilings, the open structure of ceiling sails offers clear advantages: greater specific performance, better accessibility, simpler assembly and lower investment costs. Metawell® radiant islands made of aluminium sandwich panels improve the room acoustics without reducing the cooling and heating efficiency of building structure core-tempered ceilings. Moreover, performance deficiencies can be compensated specifically. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Metawell® Modular Ceilings
|Metawell® modular ceilings do not require visible rails or longitudinal frames. Instead, the individual ceiling elements are suspended directly from a concealed substructure. The ceiling elements can be pushed together within a few millimetres to each other. Passive installation strips are placed on the ceiling elements for subsequent installation of partition walls. If necessary, they can be removed easily and the wall can be erected without affecting the ceiling structure. Due to the big dimension of the ceiling panels, the hydraulic connection of the panels is not necessary, which minimizes installation errors and installation times significantly. Through visually offset installation panels and many options for appealing surface design, Metawell® modular ceilings allow the realisation of sophisticated design solutions. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element FE
|CI System Glass Element FE – Variety of transparent design & optimum energy efficiency CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element FE – individual daylight and smoke ventilation elements for high- class residential and administrative buildings With the LAMILUX CI System Element F series, we offer you beautifully shaped elements for flat roofs which will allow you to implement all aspects of modern, energy-efficient, design-oriented construction and put ambitious architectural ideas into practice. The certified SHEV CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element FE according to EN 12101-2 stands out due to excellent heat and sound insulation values and to individually selectable RAL-colors. [LIST] Available with double or triple thermal insulation glazing with Ug values of 1.1 to 0.6 W/m2K optionally with toughened glass, and with clear, matt film if required Available in many dimensions Optimal thermal insulation thanks to thermal-bridge-free overall structure Intelligent controls for natural ventilation and solar protection roller blinds Thermally insulated, joinless GRP upstand 15 (only standard model), 30, 40, 50 cm in height, with U values of 0.5 W/m2K to 0.9 W/m2K (depending on the characteristic) Environmental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Pyramid-shaped or hipped-roof daylight systems possible (only by standard, not by smoke lift) fast opening (165°) of the smoke lift in less than 60 seconds smoke lift serial with multistage ventilation [/LIST]
LAMILUX CI System Glass Architecture PR60
|CI System Glass Architecture PR60 - Living with light Develop customised shapes, design visual highlights and set aesthetic standards in a prestigious building project while still enjoying first-class energy efficiency: Such requirements are easy to meet with CI System Glass Architecture PR60. Naturally, we will also provide optimum integration of photovoltaic systems as well as connection to building control systems. [LIST] Extremely stable supporting structure made of rigid aluminium Efficient ventilation of glass rebates Practically no design constraints between 0 ° to 90 ° Resistant against wind load (Class C4/B5 EN 12210) Watertightness (Class E 1200 EN 12208) Permeability to air (Class 4 EN 12207) Heat transfer coefficient of the jambs and transoms (Um/t) of 1.3 to 0.72 W/(m²K) (depending on glazing thickness) Enviromental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 Available as Passive House Suitable Component - CI System Glass Architecture PR60energysave [/LIST]
StoVentec Steel frame
|StoVentec is a ventilated facade system with a built-in air gap. The perforated steel section can be installed both vertically and horizontally. The system's ventilation and drainage keep the underlying wall structure permanently dry, protected, and functional. The seamless StoVentec also makes the facade downpour-proof and minimises the risk of water penetrating the structure. The external wall insulation system can be used in both new construction and renovation. StoVentec can be combined with different types of insulation and sub-constructions to meet the requirements placed on energy efficiency. The system also offers boundless design possibilities. - This BIM object is optimized for the scandinavian market, if there is any requests please contact Sto Scandinavia
StoVentec Aluminium frame
|StoVentec is a ventilated facade system with a built-in air gap. The flexible sub-construction enables large-scale corrections of uneven patches and insulation thicknesses of up to 600 mm. The system's ventilation and drainage keep the underlying wall structure permanently dry, protected, and functional. The seamless StoVentec also makes the facade downpour-proof and minimises the risk of water penetrating the structure. The external wall insulation system can be used in both new construction and renovation. StoVentec can be combined with different types of insulation and sub-constructions to meet the requirements placed on energy efficiency. The system also offers boundless design possibilities. - This BIM object is optimized for the scandinavian market, if there is any requests please contact Sto Scandinavia
StoVentec Timber frame
|StoVentec is a ventilated facade system with a built-in air gap. The system's ventilation and drainage keep the underlying wall structure permanently dry, protected, and functional. The seamless StoVentec also makes the facade downpour-proof and minimises the risk of water penetrating the structure. The external wall insulation system can be used in both new construction and renovation. StoVentec can be combined with different types of insulation and sub-constructions to meet the requirements placed on energy efficiency. The system also offers boundless design possibilities. - This BIM object is optimized for the scandinavian market, if there is any requests please contact Sto Scandinavia
Ecophon Hygiene Foodtec™ A C3
|Ecophon Hygiene Foodtec A C3 is a wall to wall, sound-absorbing ceiling system intended for environments where there is risk for contaminations, and where frequent cleaning is required. This system is recommended where humidity levels are occasionally high. Examples of applications: the food and beverage industries, restaurants and catering kitchens. The system consists of Ecophon Hygiene Foodtec A tiles, which have a core of high density glass wool utilizing the 3RD Technology and a painted stain protected Akutex HS surface. The back and the edges are painted. The tile is designed to be demounted and cleaned on a regular basis. The supporting structure is a corrosion protected exposed Connect T24 C3 grid of lacquered galvanised steel. The weight of the system is approximately 3,5 kg/m2 (20 mm) and 5 kg/m2 (40 mm). The tiles should be secured to the grid with Connect Hygiene clips in order to withstand pressure during cleaning and to minimise dirt traps.
Coffee Table CO2
|Coffee table CO2 is a round coffee table made out of solid wood and like all of our other products it's of course made with great craftmanship and out of high quality materials. The strong structure of the legs keeps the table top flat without interfering with the design. A very univeral table that fits well together with for example our Chair CJ3 or Sofa CJ4 .
Oxford Sofa
|Oxford is a genuine piece of wooden furniture where the designer wants to present the structure itself through sophisticated and clear details. Oxford has a marked perspective that also makes it exciting to look at. But perhaps it’s just its sitting comfort that will make you fall in love with it. The cushioned, upholstered seats are available in any of our standard fabrics or in any material that you send us. The material is removable on both the seat and back cushions. Supreme sitting comfort is achieved by the classic basic construction combined with comfortable seat and back cushions fi lled with down. The seat cushion also has a core of highly elastic cold foam to further increase the comfort. Oxford is beautiful to look at from all directions, which makes it perfect for creating a group of seats in the middle of a room. Design: Mattias Ljunggren.
Oxford Lounge Easy Chair
|Oxford is a genuine piece of wooden furniture where the designer wants to present the structure itself through sophisticated and clear details. Oxford has a marked perspective that also makes it exciting to look at. But perhaps it’s just its sitting comfort that will make you fall in love with it. The cushioned, upholstered seats are available in any of our standard fabrics or in any material that you send us. The material is removable on both the seat and back cushions. Supreme sitting comfort is achieved by the classic basic construction combined with comfortable seat and back cushions fi lled with down. The seat cushion also has a core of highly elastic cold foam to further increase the comfort. Oxford is beautiful to look at from all directions, which makes it perfect for creating a group of seats in the middle of a room. Design: Mattias Ljunggren.
Vilamoura - soffa
|Jag har sökt efter formen som fungerar väl för ögat, kroppen och utemiljön såväl som för gjutning. Soffan Vilamoura har en gavel som släpper förbi sits och rygg på ett fint sätt och som gör det möjligt att skarva ihop till långa parksoffor. Polletten kan vara bra att ha som stöd, ställa kaffemuggen eller sockerdrickan på. / Mårten Cyrén
StoTherm Vario D+
|StoTherm Vario D+ is a moisture-proof external wall insulation system that combines light insulation materials with good insulation value, good drainability, and documented fire safety. The Sto-Ignucell Carrier Board 036 has several unique characteristics; it is draining, diffusion-open, equalises pressure, and has a fire classification without any addition of environmentally hazardous substances. To ensure their airtightness and moisture-proofness, the light stud walls are furnished with the StoGuard structure barrier. The system is well-suited to both new construction and renovation, e.g. as measures for damaged facades or energy upgrades to low-energy or passive houses. The components have been tested and comply with the requirements of the Swedish National Board of Housing, Building and Planning. - This BIM object is optimized for the scandinavian market, if there is any requests please contact Sto Scandinavia.
Ecophon Hygiene Performance™ A C3
|Ecophon Hygiene Performance A C3 is a wall to wall, sound-absorbing ceiling system intended for environments where there is a risk for slight contamination, and where cleaning is required on a regular basis. This system is recommended where humidity levels are occasionally high. Examples of applications: shower areas and swimming halls (under favorable and well controlled conditions). The system is classified B1 and B5 for zone 4 according to standard NF S 90-351 and clean room classified according ISO 5. The system consists of Ecophon Hygiene Performance A tiles, which have a core of high density glass wool utilizing the 3RD Technology and a painted cleanable Akutex™ TH surface. The back of the tile is covered with glass tissue. The edges are primed. The supporting structure is a corrosion protected exposed Connect T24 C3 grid of lacquered galvanised steel. The weight of the system is 3-4 kg/m²(20 mm) and 5 kg/m²(40 mm).
Oxford Easy Chair
|Oxford is a genuine piece of wooden furniture where the designer wants to present the structure itself through sophisticated and clear details. Oxford has a marked perspective that also makes it exciting to look at. But perhaps it’s just its sitting comfort that will make you fall in love with it. The cushioned, upholstered seats are available in any of our standard fabrics or in any material that you send us. The material is removable on both the seat and back cushions. Supreme sitting comfort is achieved by the classic basic construction combined with comfortable seat and back cushions fi lled with down. The seat cushion also has a core of highly elastic cold foam to further increase the comfort. Oxford is beautiful to look at from all directions, which makes it perfect for creating a group of seats in the middle of a room. Design: Mattias Ljunggren.
FIBRANxps 400-L
|FIBRANxps 400-L, is a thermal insulation board made of extruded polystyrene, having a smooth surface and edges in the shape of letter “L” to prevent the formation of thermal bridges. FIBRANxps, as a permanently effective thermal insulation solution, is used widely in building and industrial applications. The advantages of FIBRANxps thermal insulation are its high compressive strength and the closed structure of its cells, which enhances its water resistance properties and permits its use in wet environments. Products with rough and open surface structure are excellent substrates for rendering applications.
FIBRANxps 400-L
|FIBRANxps 400-L é uma placa de isolante térmico em espuma rígida de poliestireno expandido extrudido (XPS). Tem uma estrutura de células fechadas e é fabricada em conformidade com processos certificados segundo a Norma Europeia EN 13164: “Produtos de isolamento térmico para aplicação em edifícios - Produtos manufacturados de espuma de poliestireno extrudido (XPS) -Especificação”. As placas de FIBRANxps 400-L apresentam-se com a pele de extrusão em ambas as faces e com encaixes de bordo tipo meia-madeira, i.e., com perfil em ‘L’.
FIBRANxps 300-L
|FIBRANxps 300-L, is a thermal insulation board made of extruded polystyrene, having a smooth surface and edges in the shape of letter “L” to prevent the formation of thermal bridges. FIBRANxps, as a permanently effective thermal insulation solution, is used widely in building and industrial applications. The advantages of FIBRANxps thermal insulation are its high compressive strength and the closed structure of its cells, which enhances its water resistance properties and permits its use in wet environments. Products with rough and open surface structure are excellent substrates for rendering applications.
|ETICS GF, is a thermal insulation board made of extruded polystyrene, having a rough (waffle) surface for good application of mortar or adhesives. FIBRANxps, as a permanently effective thermal insulation solution, is used widely in building and industrial applications. The advantages of FIBRANxps thermal insulation are its high compressive strength and the closed structure of its cells, which enhances its water resistance properties and permits its use in wet environments. Products with rough and open surface structure are excellent substrates for rendering applications.
|FIBRANxps MAESTRO, é uma placa de isolante térmico em espuma rígida de poliestireno expandido extrudido (XPS). Tem uma estrutura de células fechadas e é fabricada em conformidade com processos certificados segundo a Norma Europeia EN 13164 “Produtos de isolamento térmico para aplicação em edifícios - Produtos manufacturados de espuma de poliestireno extrudido (XPS) -Especificação”. As placas de FIBRANxps MAESTRO apresentam-se com a pele de extrusão em ambas as faces e com encaixes de bordo tipo macho-fêmea, i.e., com perfil em ‘D’.
FIBRANxps 300-L
|FIBRANxps 300-L é uma placa de isolante térmico em espuma rígida de poliestireno expandido extrudido (XPS). Tem uma estrutura de células fechadas e é fabricada em conformidade com processos certificados segundo a Norma Europeia EN 13164 - “Produtos de isolamento térmico para aplicação em edifícios - Produtos manufacturados de espuma de poliestireno extrudido (XPS) -Especificação”. As placas de FIBRANxps 300-L apresentam-se com a pele de extrusão em ambas as faces e com encaixes de bordo tipo meia-madeira, i.e., com perfil em ‘L’.
|FIBRANxps ETICS GF, é uma placa de isolante térmico em espuma rígida de poliestireno expandido extrudido (XPS). Tem uma estrutura de células fechadas e é fabricada em conformidade com processos certificados segundo a Norma Europeia EN 13164 - “Produtos de isolamento térmico para aplicação em edifícios - Produtos manufacturados de espuma de poliestireno extrudido (XPS) - Especificação”. As placas de FIBRANxps ETICS GF apresentam-se sem pele de extrusão em ambas as faces, com textura gofrada e com encaixes de bordo tipo reto, i.e., com perfil em ‘I’.
|FIBRANxps MAESTRO, is a thermal insulation board made of extruded polystyrene, having a smooth surface and edges in the shape of letter “D” to prevent the formation of thermal bridges. FIBRANxps, as a permanently effective thermal insulation solution, is used widely in building and industrial applications. The advantages of FIBRANxps thermal insulation are its high compressive strength and the closed structure of its cells, which enhances its water resistance properties and permits its use in wet environments. Products with rough and open surface structure are excellent substrates for rendering applications.
Techo Semidirecto PLADUR® Maestra 82x16
|Pladur® Semi-Direct Ceiling, formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Pladur® Furring Channels anchored directly to the base wall, with one or more Pladur® boards screwed to the external side. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient, etc, totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Trasdosado Autoportante PLADUR® M90
|Pladur® Single Frame Partitions, formed by one or more Pladur® boards screwed to each side of the galvanised steel structure, based on Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Trasdosado Semidirecto PLADUR® Maestra 82x16
|Pladur® Semi-Direct Wall Lining, formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheet profiles formed by Pladur® Furring Channels attached directly to the base wall, with one or more PLADUR® boards screwed to the wall’s external face. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape, etc. totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements
Tabique Medianero Mixto PLADUR® - Muro base cerámico
|Pladur® Mixed Partition Solutions, formed by two Independent Pladur® wall lining systems both braced to each side of a supporting wall (defined in the project). The mixed partition set’s final thickness will depend on the supporting wall finally defined. Each wall lining system is formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Studs (vertical elements) and Tracks (horizontal elements); on the internal side and depending on the free available height, the studs must be braced using angles that fix in place the core of the studs and the supporting wall, leaving a minimum distance of 10 mm between the structure and the wall. One or more Pladur® boards are then screwed to the external side of each wall lining structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes,
Trasdosado Autoportante PLADUR® M46
|Pladur® Single Frame Partitions, formed by one or more Pladur® boards screwed to each side of the galvanised steel structure, based on Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Cerramiento de Huecos de Ascensor PLADUR® CH + T.A. (Trasdós Arriostrado)
|Pladur® Lightweight Facade And Lift Shaft Solution, formed by a structure of 90-mm wide and 0.7-mm thick galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Pladur® CH-90 Studs and Pladur® E-90 Studs (vertical elements), with a 600-mm separation between axes and Pladur® J-92 Tracks (horizontal elements); one face of the partition is created toward the inaccessible side (shaft area) by fitting in a 25-mm thick Pladur® CH board with start and end E-90 studs and CH-90 modulation studs, laying between both materials continuous strings of Pladur® Acoustic Intumescent Sealant. One or more 15-mm thick Pladur® FOC boards are screwed to the traversable side of this partition. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4
Trasdosado Autoportante PLADUR® M70
|Pladur® Single Frame Partitions, formed by one or more Pladur® boards screwed to each side of the galvanised steel structure, based on Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Trasdosado Semidirecto PLADUR® Maestra 70x30
|Pladur® Semi-Direct Wall Lining, formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheet profiles formed by Pladur® Furring Channels attached directly to the base wall, with one or more PLADUR® boards screwed to the wall’s external face. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape, etc. totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements
Cerramiento de Huecos de Ascensor PLADUR® CH
|Pladur® Lightweight Facade And Lift Shaft Solution, formed by a structure of 90-mm wide and 0.7-mm thick galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Pladur® CH-90 Studs and Pladur® E-90 Studs (vertical elements), with a 600-mm separation between axes and Pladur® J-92 Tracks (horizontal elements); one face of the partition is created toward the inaccessible side (shaft area) by fitting in a 25-mm thick Pladur® CH board with start and end E-90 studs and CH-90 modulation studs, laying between both materials continuous strings of Pladur® Acoustic Intumescent Sealant. One or more 15-mm thick Pladur® FOC boards are screwed to the traversable side of this partition. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4
Tabique Medianero Mixto PLADUR® - Muro base PLADUR®
|Pladur® Mixed Partition Solutions, formed by two Independent Pladur® wall lining systems both braced to each side of a supporting wall (defined in the project). The mixed partition set’s final thickness will depend on the supporting wall finally defined. Each wall lining system is formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Studs (vertical elements) and Tracks (horizontal elements); on the internal side and depending on the free available height, the studs must be braced using angles that fix in place the core of the studs and the supporting wall, leaving a minimum distance of 10 mm between the structure and the wall. One or more Pladur® boards are then screwed to the external side of each wall lining structure. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes,
Trasdosado Autoportante PLADUR® T47 / PL-75 MW
|Pladur® Single Frame Partitions, formed by one or more Pladur® boards screwed to each side of the galvanised steel structure, based on Pladur® Studs (vertical elements) and Pladur® Tracks (horizontal elements). Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient/acoustic tape in the perimeter, etc, as well as anchor bolts for tracks on floor and ceiling, etc, totally finished with a Level 1 (Q1) Quality Finish for tiled finishes, laminated finishes with strips, etc, or Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Pladur® structure core totally filled with Mineral Wool. Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
Techo Semidirecto PLADUR® Maestra 70x30
|Pladur® Semi-Direct Ceiling, formed by a structure of galvanised steel sheet profiles, based on Pladur® Furring Channels anchored directly to the base wall, with one or more Pladur® boards screwed to the external side. Proportional part of the Pladur® materials: screws, compound, joint tape, resilient, etc, totally finished with a Level 2 (Q2), Level 3 (Q3) or Level 4 (Q4) Quality Finish, depending on surface finish requirements (defined in the project). Assembly according to Pladur® recommendations, Standard UNE 102043 and CTE requirements.
|CLOUD comprises several plug-in shell elements, which can be changed by bulging or indenting. As it has a modular structure, custom-made designs are available in addition to the standard sizes. The used material is a polyester membrane that has been made flame-resistant, durable and virtually tear-free through various refinement processes.
|CLOUD comprises several plug-in shell elements, which can be changed by bulging or indenting. As it has a modular structure, custom-made designs are available in addition to the standard sizes. The used material is a polyester membrane that has been made flame-resistant, durable and virtually tear-free through various refinement processes.
|CLOUD comprises several plug-in shell elements, which can be changed by bulging or indenting. As it has a modular structure, custom-made designs are available in addition to the standard sizes. The used material is a polyester membrane that has been made flame-resistant, durable and virtually tear-free through various refinement processes.
Liune D3 Smooth white sliding door
|Easy to use! When it is open, the door is inside the wall structure. Start the door moving by clicking it out from inside the structure. Pull the door closed by its handle. Liune Door gives freedom to live. Courtesy by rakennustieto Finland. These downloadable objects are only available in Finnish at the moment.
Balcony glazing
|A glazed balcony provides your home with cozy and comfortable extra space. Glazing allows you to keep rain, snow, wind, dust and birds away from the balcony. It protects the balcony’s inner surfaces and structures, and thus lengthens maintenance and repair intervals. It also reduces noise and saves energy. Glazed balconies let interior decorator’s imagination fly.
Clear FIX A
|The windows in this range are frameless, and when they are installed they become an integral part of the structure, with only the pane itself splitting up the wall. The deep casing allows for a broad range of glazing options. The tightness and soundproofing characteristics of these windows meet the requirements of even the most demanding environments. The solid-wood casing provides effective thermal insulation. Material options include narrow-grained northern pine, larch, and oak.
Active FIX A
|The windows in this range are frameless, and when they are installed they become an integral part of the structure, with only the pane itself splitting up the wall. The deep casing allows for a broad range of glazing options. The tightness and soundproofing characteristics of these windows meet the requirements of even the most demanding environments. The solid-wood casing provides effective thermal insulation. Material options include narrow-grained northern pine, larch, and oak.
|Struttura in acciaio zincato a caldo e verniciato a polvere. Modulo Quadro, Jolly, Veranda e Tunnel sono disponibili nelle versioni senza base o con base integrata e in due altezze per permettere il fissaggio su superfici morbide o dure e poter applicare una eventuale pavimentazione di finitura. I moduli si completano di un tetto in tessuto Jarrah o in listelli in legno di sassofrasso; per Modulo Quadro è disponibile anche un tetto in alluminio impermeabilizzato e verniciato. Alla struttura di Modulo Quadro possono essere applicate pareti fisse o apribili in tessuto o listelli di legno; in alternativa, possono essere utilizzate tende in tessuto Shade o tende avvolgibili in tessuto Jarrah. Modulo Quadro e Modulo Tunnel si utilizzano singolarmente, in abbinamento ad altri moduli simili o con gli altri elementi della collezione. Modulo Jolly e Modulo Veranda devono sempre essere abbinati e collegati a Modulo Quadro o a Modulo Tunnel.
Vienna 01311
|Sidechair, solid wood frame. Upholstered seat. The VIENNA range includes other chair and barstool, available in two different versions with a remarkable sturdiness of the structure. The central european atmosphere, the soft lines and the dimensions make the range ideal for sober and refined bars, coffee shops and bistros.
InLine - wall lamp
|Modular element in EPS. Allow the housing of lamps with very low consumption (cold cathode - about 14 W / ml), high color index (Ra = 0.99 for the version 3000 K *) and high lighting level (1400 lumens / ml) The structure is assembled on site during the construction of walls. The characteristics of EPS material offer high level of insulation with a low thermal transmittance. The cold cathode is supplied on request in the desired color temperature.
|Struttura in acciaio zincato a caldo e verniciato a polvere. Modulo Quadro, Jolly, Veranda e Tunnel sono disponibili nelle versioni senza base o con base integrata e in due altezze per permettere il fissaggio su superfici morbide o dure e poter applicare una eventuale pavimentazione di finitura. I moduli si completano di un tetto in tessuto Jarrah o in listelli in legno di sassofrasso; per Modulo Quadro è disponibile anche un tetto in alluminio impermeabilizzato e verniciato. Alla struttura di Modulo Quadro possono essere applicate pareti fisse o apribili in tessuto o listelli di legno; in alternativa, possono essere utilizzate tende in tessuto Shade o tende avvolgibili in tessuto Jarrah. Modulo Quadro e Modulo Tunnel si utilizzano singolarmente, in abbinamento ad altri moduli simili o con gli altri elementi della collezione. Modulo Jolly e Modulo Veranda devono sempre essere abbinati e collegati a Modulo Quadro o a Modulo Tunnel.
MELLOW 3 Sitze
|Struttura in metallo trattato con cataforesi e verniciato a polvere nei colori avorio o grafite, puntali in materiale plastico. I cuscini di seduta, di schienale e i braccioli sono in poliuretano indeformabile schiumato a freddo e trattato idrorepellente, sono rimovibili e sono calzati direttamente sulla struttura. Il rivestimento è sfoderabile ed è realizzato nei tessuti per esterno Light, Luz o Rope T. Per garantire maggior comfort, è consigliato l’utilizzo di cuscini di appoggio. Disponibile un winter set di protezione.
AMI Aqua
|Struttura in acciaio inox, base in acciaio inox satinato con puntali in materiale plastico. Seduta fissa in poliuretano schiumato a freddo completa di cinghie elastiche per sedia e poltroncina; seduta sfoderabile e rimovibile con cinghie elastiche di molleggio integrate nella struttura in acciaio per poltrona e divani. L’intreccio che riveste la struttura è realizzato a mano in maglia tubolare Chain; per poltrona e divani è possibile abbinare l’intreccio con montanti realizzati in feltro in colori coordinati. I cuscini di seduta, sia fissi che rimovibili, sono disponibili in una selezione dei tessuti di collezione. E' necessario l’utilizzo di uno o più cuscini di appoggio.
|Struttura in metallo trattato con cataforesi e verniciato a polvere nei colori avorio o grafite, puntali in materiale plastico. I cuscini di seduta, di schienale e i braccioli sono in poliuretano indeformabile schiumato a freddo e trattato idrorepellente, sono rimovibili e sono calzati direttamente sulla struttura. Il rivestimento è sfoderabile ed è realizzato nei tessuti per esterno Light, Luz o Rope T. Per garantire maggior comfort, è consigliato l’utilizzo di cuscini di appoggio. Disponibile un winter set di protezione.
Adriano - Divano 3 posti
|Struttura in poliuretano espanso indeformabile a densità differenziate e fibra poliestere con struttura interna in legno . Piedi avvitati alla struttura in polipropilene nero. I cuscini del sedile sono in poliuretano espanso a densità differenziate e fibra poliestere. I cuscini dello schienale sono in piuma d'oca. La collezione ADRIANO è sfoderabile. In pelle è fissa senza gonnellino.
|Struttura in acciaio zincato a caldo e verniciato a polvere. Modulo Quadro, Jolly, Veranda e Tunnel sono disponibili nelle versioni senza base o con base integrata e in due altezze per permettere il fissaggio su superfici morbide o dure e poter applicare una eventuale pavimentazione di finitura. I moduli si completano di un tetto in tessuto Jarrah o in listelli in legno di sassofrasso; per Modulo Quadro è disponibile anche un tetto in alluminio impermeabilizzato e verniciato. Alla struttura di Modulo Quadro possono essere applicate pareti fisse o apribili in tessuto o listelli di legno; in alternativa, possono essere utilizzate tende in tessuto Shade o tende avvolgibili in tessuto Jarrah. Modulo Quadro e Modulo Tunnel si utilizzano singolarmente, in abbinamento ad altri moduli simili o con gli altri elementi della collezione. Modulo Jolly e Modulo Veranda devono sempre essere abbinati e collegati a Modulo Quadro o a Modulo Tunnel.
Adriano - Divano 2 posti major
|Struttura in poliuretano espanso indeformabile a densità differenziate e fibra poliestere con struttura interna in legno . Piedi avvitati alla struttura in polipropilene nero. I cuscini del sedile sono in poliuretano espanso a densità differenziate e fibra poliestere. I cuscini dello schienale sono in piuma d'oca. La collezione ADRIANO è sfoderabile. In pelle è fissa senza gonnellino.
Cembrit True
|A through-coloured fibre-cement sheet with a semi-transparent surface treatment. The sheet has the classic fibre-cement expression and therefore appears with a genuine depth in the structure. the surface treatment enhanced the colouration within the base board whilst improving resistance to dirt. The combination of the genuine fibre cement and the homogeneous surface gives the sheet a characteristic and interesting expression. Cembrit True is available in 7 carefully selected colours. [LIST] 301 Gobi 302 Vesuv 304 Antarctic 307 Kilimanjaro 308 Etna 309 Olympus 310 Sahara [/LIST]
|PRESTOTEM SERIES 1 SHOWER PANELS WITH PRESTO 50 SELF CLOSING TAP AND THERMOSTATIC MIXER TAP Function : The thermostatic shower panel panel turns on the water flow by simple pressure on the push button. The water stops running automatically after a factory-set time period. With anti-scalding system: water flow is immediately stopped if the cold water is cut off. This range is available with shower head or hand-held spray head, white ivory or satin grey finish,... ADVANTAGES : EN 1111 compliant thermostatic mixer tap Patented mechanism guaranteeing constant timed flow High-resistance aluminium structure Resists to temperatures > 75°C
|Self-supporting mounting frame for direct Dual flush with brushed chrome-plated front plate FUNCTION : The self-supporting mounting frame for flushes gives great freedom in designing the sanitary area layout. A simple push on the push-button triggers the flow of a constant volume of water. The self-supporting mounting frame is fitted with an adjustable dual volume direct flush valve ADVANTAGES : Self-supporting: does not require a weight-bearing wall Undeformable: reinforced metal structure Brushed chrome-plated front plate, finger print resistant The self supporting mounting frame is compliant with NF EN 12541
Gabion Wall #1598
Cadimage Group | 1392058735A 3D form to represent a gabion wall. A rectangular cage encloses a stack of randomized rocks. Care has been taken to reduce the number of edges and polygons, so the center is hollow and the rocks are angular. However if you apply a textured surface, the effect is not too bad.
Ceiling Editor US
manuBIM | 1348673800Parametric suspended ceiling object for design with editable panels and accessories. Ceiling panels can be placed in a customizable grid with various edge and border treatment presets. Panels can also be edited individually.
Ceiling Editor INT
manuBIM | 1348673516Parametric suspended ceiling object for design with editable panels and accessories. Ceiling panels can be placed in a customizable grid with various edge and border treatment presets. Panels can also be edited individually.
Hebel Wall - Tile
yudhy novianto | 1342257768tileable Hebel wall finish, create for fence or partition
Ceiling Fan #1329
Cadimage Group | 1354218243Ceiling fan with four blades.
Ceiling Editor INT_v2.01
manuBIM | 1358783366Parametric suspended ceiling object for design with editable panels and accessories. Ceiling panels can be placed in a customizable grid with various edge and border treatment presets. Panels can also be edited individually.
Einlaeufige Treppe Schnitt-3D_und_Interface_e
Heimo Mooslechner | 1353508997Programm zur Stiegen-Erstellung einer einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D und Schnitt mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster. Demo zur Veranschaulichung des Wunsches nach Interaktivität des neuen Treppenmacherwerkzeuges ab Archicad 17ff (Ironie aus)
Ceiling Fan #1333
Cadimage Group | 1354218326Ceiling fan with four blades.
WC Wall Mounted #1174
Cadimage Group | 1372385099A parametric wall mounted WC inspired by the Villeroy & Boch Subway range.Set the overall width, depth and height of the toilet.Choose materials for the toilet and seat. Set the resolution of the model and 2D symbol. The object is self-labelling in plan view and can display minimal space requirements.
Glass Block Wall
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Window made of glass blocks.
parete attr
CARMINE TROIANI - GEOMETRA | 1378222273parete, mobile
Stiege gerade grafisch interaktiv12_2013
Heimo Mooslechner | 1386490870Programm zur Stiegen-Erstellung einer einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D und Schnitt mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster. Weitere fixe Anfasserpunkte rund um die Kontour angebracht, damit die Zusammenstellung der Treppe leichter wird 8.12.2013
David Lozej | 1372350997Green wall facade element developed by Humko. Unique panel which is made of durable ABS plastic sheets or optionally from polyester.
Ceiling Editor US_v2.01
manuBIM | 1358783868Parametric suspended ceiling object for design with editable panels and accessories. Ceiling panels can be placed in a customizable grid with various edge and border treatment presets. Panels can also be edited individually.
Elevator 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Multi-story elevator shaft with elevator car.
Spotlamp Ceiling 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Trave 3
CARMINE TROIANI - GEOMETRA | 1375380632ringhiera a
Cabinet Base 3D 16_trial
B A | 1340636427Kitchen cabinet base unit with three doors and optional sink.
David Lozej | 1372350997Humko Veggy Wall is a small vertical garden, which can be hengd on the wall. It is available in a different color combination of the panels and frame. It has small integrated water reservoar of 3,5 liters with water pump, microprocesor, humidity sensor and level senzor.
Brizo - Potfiller Wall Mount Double Handle
Andres Bruder | 1353967489Potfiller Brizo Wall Mounted Double Handle
Cabinet Wall Corner C 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall-mounted kitchen cabinet corner unit with door.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433992533D parametric, 2D view dependent, on-site construction elevator
Elevator 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Multi-story elevator shaft with elevator car.
Fluorescent Wall 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Fluorescent wall lamp.
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269110Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 2.10.2014 Version für V16
Wall Lamp 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Clock Collection INT
manuBIM | 1375466782High parametric clocks for decoration and interior design. Various types: analog and digital, modern and antique style, wall hung and alarm.
karma trendz | 1395475041Downlight frame 60 cm
Multi Pictures INT
manuBIM | 1376913432High parametric multi pictures with frame, glass and paper mount options. Custom and built-in pictures number from 1 to 8. Hanging, Standing and Stand out wall pictures types.
WC 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of WC with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Muffenpfosten - e+f
Frank Beister | 1350467345Geländerpfosten für einfache Geländer mit Muffenverbindungen.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Abertura padronizada de parede construída de blocos.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1400162637Dachbodentreppe Hersteller-neutral.. Darstellungen mit Hotspots einstellbar: im Einsetzgeschoß: Entweder nur als Deckenöffnung oder Leiter bis 1 M-Schnitt darüber: Ganze Leiter oder nur Deckendurchbruch im 3D und Schnitt: offen oder geschlossen
Vent Window
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Window frame with louvers to cover ventilation outlets on building facade.
Caixa d´água
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Caixa d´água instalada nos edifícios, a fim de equilibrar a oferta de água nos períodos de desabastecimentos.
Exterior Sliding Door
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with one leaf sliding over the outer wall surface.
Scooter 118
Lowpolygon 3D | 1346160307#http://www.lowpolygon3d.com lwpg motor bike 118 @ 3D Render Oy, 2006 Tuomo Paavilainen 060824 For more quality object content please visit our site at: http://www.lowpolygon3d.com/index.php?app=ecom&ns=catshow&ref=ArchiCAD
Clock Collection US
manuBIM | 1375466804High parametric clocks for decoration and interior design. Various types: analog and digital, modern and antique style, wall hung and alarm.
Einlaeufige Treppe_i
Heimo Mooslechner | 1354441845Programm zur Stiegen-Erstellung einer einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D und Schnitt mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster. Demo zur Veranschaulichung des Wunsches nach Interaktivität des neuen Treppenmacherwerkzeuges ab Archicad 17ff (Ironie aus)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1419086665Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet.
Bathtub Rectangular
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of rectangular shaped bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, Leonard garden lamp, wall mounted, hanging
Basin 04
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of single basins with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
David Lozej | 1371472623Patented tent system from Gibus
Klaus Varioparker 2015
Дмитрий Гуторкин | 1363682278Klaus Varioparker 2015 Система 2015 является разновидностью гаражного подъемника модели 2061. Оптимальна для помещений с невысокими потолками. Option for the SingleUp 2061 (Klaus SingleVario 2061). Suitable for areas with reduced ceiling height. Ideal combination for long-time and short-time parkers. Made by Dmitry Gutorkin. ABV-Group
D1 Sliding Folding Multipanel USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Sliding folding door with optional number of panels.
D2 Bifold USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Bifold double door.
Laboratory Workstation
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1378815672Laboratory workstation with cabinets, shelves, sink and MEP connections.
Multi Pictures US
manuBIM | 1376913607High parametric multi pictures with frame, glass and paper mount options. Custom and built-in pictures number from 1 to 8. Hanging, Standing and Stand out wall pictures types.
Sliding Door with 2 Sidelights
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves and 2 sidelights.
Vent #1557
Cadimage Group | 1376455087A model of an interior ceiling mounted air diffuser for use in heating and cooling solutions. Parametric object set grille type, surfaces ect. Object is self labeling in plan view.
Basin 07
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Single basin with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower #1549
Cadimage Group | 1376285411A shower unit including (optional) curved back wall, glass panels and doors. The shower shape may be either rectangular, corner, or curved corner.
3DMD Railing Cable
3D Media Design | 14467537663DMD Railing Cable is a railing on a polyline 3d. You can add new points, create arcs, modify elevation of the path points, slope, create a close path. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules.
Balustrada salaj
Victor Baboi | 1374053756 -
Cabinet Wall Single Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall-mounted kitchen cabinet unit with one door.
Ceiling Fan #1330
Cadimage Group | 1354218706Ceiling fan with three blades.
Ceiling Lamp 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Escada Bormann REAL
Lucas Saraiva | 1382116972Escada da Casa Maria Olímpia Xavier - Bormann - Fortaleza - Ceará
Flechas en el pavimento
Reynel Diaz | 1400770113Flechas reglamentarias para indicar sentidos en las vias.
Geländer Polygonal
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412933229Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden. 19.9.2014: Füllungsfelder mit Stäben und Rahmen hergestellt. 20.9.2014: Präzisionsprobleme beseitigt.. 2.10.2014 - Version für V16 10.10.2014 - Neuer Vektor im 2D-Querschnitt zur Verbreiterung der Rinne und der Konsolen zum Balkon hin
HEA Beam 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723HEA steel beam with cutting planes at the ends, rotation along axis or cross section and different sizes according to EN Standards.
ISOVER tepelná izolace
Team BIMsoft | 1413533931Accessory wall element for thermal insulation modeling
Pitched Howe Truss 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Pitched howe wood truss with optional division number and end cut.
Railing - curved balust
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005173D parametric, railing with curved baluster
Stair Spiral 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair U-Shape 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Bathtub Other
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of free-form bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Fire Box #1560
Cadimage Group | 1376591718A fire box with optional flue and cowl. If a flue is shown, it may be bent to penetrate a wall. An image in 3D can depict flames and a glow is emitted in photorendered views. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
Fire Box #1561
Cadimage Group | 1376592450A fire box with optional flue and cowl. If a flue is shown, it may be bent to penetrate a wall. An image in 3D can depict flames and a glow is emitted in photorendered views. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, wrought iron garden lamp, wall mounted, hanging
David Lozej | 1372350997Humko Veggy is a self standing vertical garden with 50 liters water reservoir, water pump, microprocesor, humidity sensor and optionally with solenoid valve for automatic water filling.
Cabinet Base Corner C with Sink 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Kitchen cabinet base corner unit with door and optional sink.
Log home
CADstudio.ru | 1363698917Компонент разработан для конкурса Зимний GDL-креатив Библиотечный элемент для построения сруба стены из оцилиндрованного бревна с выводом проемов, но без их заполнения. Предназначен в основном для конструкторов, но может быть исползован и архитекторами. Предусмотрен вывод развертки (фасада) стены, но без маркировки бревен. Вывод спецификации бревен в данной версии не предусмотрен.
Trockenbau - Unterkonstruktion 2 - ACB
Holger Kreienbrink | 1357821718Objekt zur detailierten Darstellung von Trockenbau-Unterkonstruktionen in 2D. Tragprofile nach DIN 18182-1:2007-12 Schnellbauverschraubung, Anschlussverschraubung, Dämmlage, Maßstabsabhängige Sichtbarkeit, Mehrfachanordnung
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, Leonard garden lamp, wall mounted
Bathtub 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rectangular bathtub with tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401521938simple logwall with sealing - "tongue and groove" Features: 1. free movable 2d-view with movable hotspots - switchable 2. its possible to draw every single position of any tree-trunk at wall-beginning. 3. in ground-view there is a userinterface to switch tho ofte used settings 4. a polygon to cut contours - switchabele and free placeable 5. 10 free mavable rectangular cutouts - to place windows or else 6. sealing tongue and groove begin at wall crossingpoint 8. switch on simple measurements 9. begin with halften block or full in z-direction 10. implanted inaccuracy to get more reality in 3d-representation
Recessed Spot 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Recessed ceiling spot lamp.
pannello as08
pannello as07
CARMINE TROIANI - GEOMETRA | 1423491866cancello,
karma trendz | 13856932342D Electric symbol
karma trendz | 13856936832D plumbing symbol
Basin Cabinet 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Basin mounted on cabinet with door and optional drawer. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bow Window 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Bow window with transom and different opening types.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1400085675Dachbodentreppe Hersteller-neutral.. Darstellungen mit Hotspots einstellbar: im Einsetzgeschoß: Entweder nur als Deckenöffnung oder Leiter bis 1 M-Schnitt darüber: Ganze Leiter oder nur Deckendurchbruch im 3D und Schnitt: offen oder geschlossen
Electric Meter
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434009013D parametric, Electric Meter, with meter and pole setting
Entrance Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Swing or double acting entrance door.
Examination Bed 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Medical examination table.
LM I Pavimentazione - Resina
Luca Manelli | 1440422983Pavimentazione o rivestimento in resina decorata lucida
Tanque de Lavar Roupa
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Tanque de roupa com torneira e ligação de água fria.
Vicci - Space Frame 18
Victor Baboi | 1423424150A completely parametric space frame witch you can adapt to your project. You can start with some base preset shape, dimensions and profiles witch can be customized and detailed via 2d and 3d hotspots or the custom interface. You can use this component as a column, beam or arched frame. Version 18.0.01 Compatibility Archicad 18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1418154140Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 9.12.2014: Hotspot-Bug entfernt zum Durchschalten der Konstruktionsarten, Gebogene Blechstufen hinzugefügt - Nur stufen, Eingeschweisst zwischen Wangen, Aufgesattelt auf Rand unf Mittelwangen
WC 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of WC with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Single basin, mounted on wall or pedestal, with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Built-In 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Built-in single basin with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Corner 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Corner bathtub with tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Octagonal
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Octagonal shaped bathtub with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub with Shower USA 17
Ransom Ratcliff | 1372891680This bathtub object uses manufacturer specific information, much of which is typical for the US market. The hardware selection is generic, but heights are adjustable to coordinate with tile finishes etc. 3D detail set to "Simple" has a significant effect on the tub geometry, but not the hardware.
Duct Straight 17
Ken Dickson | 1387499812Duct with round, oval or rectangular shape, optional insulation and flange.
Jeroen de Bruin | 1343401031This object is a modification of the steel beams from the standard library. So it has all options of cutting and placement. Special feature is a cross which is drawn in section and elevations automatically. When placed side by side the fills won't merge in the section. The floorplan representation is FPCP and placement height sensitive. Also it calculates the Elastic Modus and other information automatically.
Rede Brasileira
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Rede brasileira com suporte ou pendurada na parede.
Smoke Detector #1331
Cadimage Group | 1397619008Smoke detector inspired by the Apollo product range. Dovetails seamlessly with the Cadimage Electrical tool. Can be rotated for either wall or ceiling mounting.
cancello pedonale
Nicola Convento | 1371543233Cancello Pednole in ferro zincato
Glasvordach mit Abhängern V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409398244Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts 30.8.2014: Für Version 16
cancello carraio
Nicola Convento | 1371543286Cancello Carraio in ferro zincato
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400610Colonist_F_White_Textured.dor ArchiCAD 6.5 Made by 4DBooks Bereczki Katalin December, 2000 Made for Masonite2D / 3D parametric door, Masonite
painel de parede 4
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006273D parametric, scenery / tiles in the wall, Spanish
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400610Coventry_Smooth.dor ArchiCAD 6.5 Made by 4DBooks Bereczki Katalin December, 2000 Made for Masonite2D / 3D parametric door, Masonite
David Lozej | 1438019694The collection of M Sora windows, detail presented, with all shape and color possibilities.
2D-Türe_65 heimo5 2001
Heimo Mooslechner | 1388928316Blatteinstand Tiefe: 2,7cm lt Novoferm Blatteinstand Lichte:1,5cm Hergestellt indem ich eine bestehende Archicad-Bibliothektür abwandelte Heimo 2001 Wunschdemo für Archicad-Hersteller..
Ridge Tile
Gabriel Canela | 1344541557 -
Antenna - TV
angelo chiaro | 1375338763ANTENNA LOGARITMICA - TV La cura posta nella progettazione si riflette anche nella speciale connessione del dipolo che garantisce affidabilità del contatto nel tempo. Grazie allo speciale attacco a palo è possibile installare l’antenna sia in polarizzazione verticale sia in orizzontale senza adattatori o altri accessori. Dotate di eccellente resistenza meccanica di fissaggio degli elementi alla culla, ottima resistenza meccanica alla rotazione sul palo, buone prestazioni elettriche. Il connettore F è protetto da una copertura di gomma- CARATTERISTICHE •Banda III + UHF •Canali E5-E12 E21-E69 •Banda passante MHz 174-230 / 470-862 •Guadagno massimo dBi 9.5 / 11 •Rapporto avanti-indietro dB 24 / 32 •Return loss dB -16 / -16 5 •Larghezza del fascio (-3dB) ° +/- 34 +/- 31 •Impedenza Ohm 75 •Dimensioni (Lungh x Largh) cm 210x88 •Attacco a palo. Diametro max mm 60 •Connettore Tipo F •Polarizzazione orizzontale Incluso •Regolazione zenitale orizzontale PV10 •Polarizzazione verticale Incluso •Regolazione zenitale verticale PV10 PALO NON INCLUSO
Bathtub Corner 04
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of corner bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Cabin 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Shower cabin with tray and shower kit. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower Kit 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of shower with tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, garden lamp, wall mounted, hanging
Cross Brace #1620
Cadimage Group | 1415765137A rebar cross brace.
Rail Post with Panels 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Rail with panels, straight or curved, with optional inclination.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400610Carmelle_Smooth_7.dor ArchiCAD 6.5 Made by 4DBooks Bereczki Katalin December, 2000 Made for Masonite2D / 3D parametric door, Masonite
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400610CM_Harvest_Textured.dor ArchiCAD 6.5 Made by 4DBooks Bereczki Katalin December, 2000 Made for Masonite2D / 3D parametric door, Masonite
Overhead Garage Door 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Overhead sectional garage door.
Terrace Door 2 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
karma trendz | 13856928092D Shower system symbol
2-Sash Sliding Window 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Horizontally sliding window with two sashes.
Arch Door Sidelight Transom 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851HInged or double acting door with arch top, sidelight and transom.
Arch Double Door
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Hinged, double acting or double egress double door with arch top.
Romas Vieschnickas | 1370000788Basin + Tap
Cabinet Base 2D 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Kitchen cabinet base unit with double door and optional sink.
Cabinet Base 3D_macro
B A | 1340706645Kitchen cabinet base unit with three doors and optional sink.
Cabinet Belfast Sink 1D 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Kitchen cabinet base unit with one door and belfast sink.
D1 Garage 2 USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Vertical sliding garage door.
D2 Segmented USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Double door with arch top.
Door with 2 Sidelights
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Hinged or double acting door with two sidelights.
Door with Transom
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Hinged or double acting door with transom.
Entrance Double Door
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Hinged, double acting or double egress double door.
Entrance Double Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hinged, double acting or double egress double door.
Exterior Double Sliding Door
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Door with two leaves sliding over the outer wall surface.
Exterior Double Sliding Door 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with two leaves sliding over the outer wall surface.
Exterior Sliding Door 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with one leaf sliding over the outer wall surface.
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a
Heimo Mooslechner | 13557717523D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser und auch drehen. Ein Verlegen im "Verband" ist möglich.. 18 Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht.
Pocket Double Door
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Pocket sliding double door.
Roto Anschluss-fenster
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400600#http://www.cadstudio.hu ROTO CAD 2008 Developed by: Graphisoft CAD Stúdió Budapest http://www.cadstudio.hu © All rights reserved3D parametric, wall-roof connection window, Roto
Scaleculator - e+f
Frank Beister | 1392641911Calculator for calculating true length and scaled length and the scaling factor. For CAD or copier.
Skylight Flat Panel 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Flat, fixed panel skylight with mullion settings.
Stein - Murstein
Manuel Silva | 1433250289Stein fra Norge Stone wall used in norway
Triple Window 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Triple window with optional transoms and different opening types.
Vertical Sliding Garage Door 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Vertical sliding garage door.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427709207Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet. 30.3.2015 freigeschaltet
2-Flügelfenster 1+1 16
Janine Geßner | 13494263812-Flügelfenster 1+1 BUX
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400585*** freeFormWindow by Petri Leskinen 2006-2007 *** *** leskinen.petri@luukku.com *** to be edited in 3D- or section view by the hotspots, *** drag to move corner vertices, drag midpoints to add.2D / 3D parametric, freeform window
Glasvordach mit Abhängern
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409397587Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts Änderung 30.8.2014: letzte Abhängerlage verschirbbar gemacht
Ridge Tile 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Ridge tile in series with optional inclination and radius.
Window for Shell
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Single window with optional transoms and different opening types to place in shells.
3.08 Step
Graphisoft NO GS | 1387195756 -
3DMD Al Truss Curved
3D Media Design | 1401982550A completely parametric object with 7 main trusses. It is part of the 3DMD Aluminum Truss Library, a library of aluminum truss objects. The object is inspired by the brands Milos and Litec, so you can find a similar preset dimensions for each object. You can, however, customize the dimensions of every object to match your favorite brand. The Outline option helps you to simplify the visualization in both 2D and 3D. Download a PDF about this product http://www.3dmediadesign.it/objects/3DMD_Al_Truss_Library.pdf Watch a video about this product http://youtu.be/uC_w124TakU
3DMD Al Truss Side Tower
3D Media Design | 1401982550A completely parametric 11 objects and 34 preset combinations. There are Nodes, Roofs, Towers and roof nodes. The objects are inspired by the brands Milos and Litec, so you can find a similar preset dimensions for each object. You can, however, customize the dimensions of every object to match your favorite brand. The Outline option helps you to simplify the visualization in both 2D and 3D. Download a PDF about this product http://www.3dmediadesign.it/objects/3DMD_Al_Truss_Library.pdf Watch a video about this product http://youtu.be/uC_w124TakU
3DMD Al Truss Straight
3D Media Design | 1401982550A completely parametric object with 3 main trusses. It is part of the 3DMD Aluminum Truss Library, a library of aluminum truss objects. The object is inspired by the brands Milos and Litec, so you can find a similar preset dimensions for each object. You can, however, customize the dimensions of every object to match your favorite brand. The Outline option helps you to simplify the visualization in both 2D and 3D. Download a PDF about this product http://www.3dmediadesign.it/objects/3DMD_Al_Truss_Library.pdf Watch a video about this product http://youtu.be/uC_w124TakU Download a PDF about this product http://www.3dmediadesign.it/objects/3DMD_Al_Truss_Library.pdf Watch a video about this product http://youtu.be/uC_w124TakU
Battered Wall 16
thriving prosperity | 1357933771 -
Ceiling Editor HUN_v2.01
Tibor SEIDL | 1360575635Parametrikus álmennyezet elem. Az egyes panelek megadott méretrendben jeleníthetők meg, minden él és szegély szabadon beállítható. Az egyes panelek típusa, a panelekbe kerülő kiegészítők önállóan helyezhetőek el.
Ceiling Lamp 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
CHS Cold-Formed Beam 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723CHS cold-formed steel beam with cutting planes at the ends and different sizes according to EN Standards.
Colorbond Roof
Ben Hanna | 1425845809Colorbond Gully Custom Orb Roofing
Column Architectural 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Column with variable ornament and placement type, optional capital, pedestal, base, fluting and entasis.
Column Doric 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Doric column.
Curtain Wall DW Label 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Downspout Offset 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Downspout offset with profile types.
Drinking Fountain Wall Hung 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted drinking fountain with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Einlaeufige Treppe Schnitt-3D_und_Interface_c
Heimo Mooslechner | 1353403862Programm zur Stiegen-Erstellung einer einläufigen geraden Stiege im 3D und Schnitt mit direkter Interaktion im 3D-Fenster Demo zur Wishlist Stairmaker Archiocad 17-22 d-;
Escalera 3
jorge aleman | 1385404667Escalera de Placa de acero de 1/2 pulgada para proyecto cuautemoc
Fredy Garrido | 1433986220Un estante con molduras de yeso en el mismo.
Fume Cupboard Water Tap wall
Graphisoft NO GS | 1377175500 -
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414240569Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 25.10.2014 Schraffuren der Körper in 3D hinzugefügt
Geländer Polygonal V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1410527231Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden.
Geländer Polygonal V17
Heimo Mooslechner | 1410527024Polygonzug mit graphisch editierbaren Hotspotsund möglicher Erweiterung direkt im grafischen Editor - mit der Möglichkeit , den Polygonzug um einen bestimmten Wert Parallelen zum Ursprung zu zeichnen und daran dann 3D-Elemente zu "hängen" Dies würde sich als Grundlage gut dazu eignen, um Geländer nach aussen zu versetzten, um Dachrinnen zu zeichnen usw. Polygonzug: Im 2D kann durch Anklicken des Mittelpunkt-hotspots eines Segmentes ein neues Segment eingefügt werden. Am Ende genügt das Anklicken des leeren Hotspots um ein weiteres Segment anzufügen. Dies würde "unendlich funktionieren. Die Parallelen, die darauf aufbauen, sind allerdings bis nur 50 Segmente programmiert, um en Aufwand in Schranken zu halten - und soviel braucht man allgemein eh nicht..grins. Es sind drei Parallelen eingebaut. Die Grundlinie nimmt dann die beiden anderen Parallelen "mit" Es ist im Grundriss-2D eine Querschnittdarstellung mit eingebaut, in der man mit Hotspots die Parallelen verschieben kann - und etwa auch Geländerhöhen usw. Die Parallelen können aber auch im Grundriss direkt am Start verschoben werden. Weiters eingebaut: Im 2D werden in jedem Segment kleine Kreise dargestellt, um einen Abstandswert jeweils nach innen verschoben. Daran könnte man Befestigungen und Paneele "hängen". Der Abstand dieser Punkte wird automatisch aufgeteilt , sobald der Abstand größer als ein anzugebendern Wert wird. Nach innen versetzte Punkte mit Hotspots verschieben können - jeden einzeln. Automatische Teilungen bei Überschreitung eines maximalen Abstandes pro Segment (zwischen nach innen versetzten Hotspots) Ein extra im Querschnitt in Lage und größe einstellbarer "Zusatz-Handlauf ist vorhanden.
Glass Block Wall 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Window made of glass blocks.
Glass Block Wall 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Window made of glass blocks.
Gutter 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Gutter with hanger and profile types.
Helland BASIC Wall shelf
Graphisoft NO GS | 13463364563D parametric, Helland Basic wall shelf3D parametric, Helland Basic wall shelf
Inclined Column 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Inclined steel column with variable profile heights and optional bottom and top plate.
Joists Beam 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Joist steel beam with cutting planes at the ends, rotation along axis or cross section and different sizes according to British Standards.
Movable Wall 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Movable wall with different number of panels and positions.
muro debajo de escalera
carlos figueroa | 1367473109Esta libreria hace la funcion de cubrir el hueco de una escalera.
Nosník HELUZ MIAKO 175x150-625
BIM Project | 1370365090#http://www.heluz.cz HELUZ cihlářský průmysl v.o.s. Dolní Bukovsko 295 373 65 České Budějovice tel.: 800 212 213 e-mail: odbyt@heluz.cz www.heluz.cz
Platform Roof #1367
Cadimage Group | 1371580471Platfrom roof, designed for use in childrens playgrounds.
Precast Beam Rectangular 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Precast rectangular beam with side extensions.
Precast Slab 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Precast slab with optional hollow profiles and topping.
Railing Horizontal 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rail with posts and bars.
Scale Marker #1542
Cadimage Group | 1375900246A scale bar to facilitate taking scaled measurements from printed drawings.
Stair L-Shape 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Spiral Wood 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair Straight Steel 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Stair Straight Steel 01 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair Straight Steel 02 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Stair TwoLandings 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Steel Pan Stair 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Steel Pan Stair 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Tap Kitchen Pull Down #1026
Cadimage Group | 1423004215A parametric bench-mounted single-lever pull-down kitchen tap. Set the dimensions of the tap, and graphically adjust the spout angle. Choose a material for the kitchen tap. Set the resolution of the model and the 2D symbol. Set pens and fills for the 2D symbol. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
Universal Columns Column 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Universal column steel column with cutting planes at the ends and different sizes according to British Standards.
Verputz, glatt, weiß
Moritz Eichhorn | 1416839390test
Wall Mount Table 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted table with fold-down table top and minimal space.
Wall Mounted Air Conditioner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Wall Mounted Tap 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different types of wall-mounted tap with optional shower. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Wall Niche Rectangular 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rectangular niche.
Web Beam 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Planar steel web beam with variable height and strut angle.
Air Conditioner 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Air Source Heat Pump 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Double 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Wall-mounted double basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Corner 03
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Different types of corner bathtubs with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398691718Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415095874Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 original Author of polygone-methode: sinceV6 changed and added by Heimo Mooslechner for sewer purposes. Version 1 - 3D - variable hights von sewer beds, slopes und pipes to loose hights on a shaft.. Till now its justr the hight of th sewer-beds KSZ[i] following the rules of self-growing of the polygone, Other parameters go up to 50t - mental slothfulness ;-) Its possible to edit nearly everything in the floorplan and in 3D its possible to follow the site-hights.
Flue #1562
Cadimage Group | 1376594337A flue for visualization. The flue may be bent to penetrate a wall.
Jacuzzi Round 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Round jacuzzi with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Revolving Door 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Revolving door with wall closure options and minimal space.
Spotlight Kit 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Ceiling mounted spotlight kit.
David Thompson | 1397076231sanitary sewer waste pipe 65 dia with 105mm clearance from drain
David Lozej | 1438019694The collection of M Sora windows, detail presented, with all shape and color possibilities.
Team BIMsoft | 1413533931 -
Team BIMsoft | 1413533931Isover, termal insulation, EPS
CW Door Sliding 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Glasvordach mit Abhängern V17
Heimo Mooslechner | 1409398011Glasdach Glasscheibe mit Haltepunkten: Mit Hotspots einstellbare Parameter: Im Grundriss und 3D: Interfacehilfen ein-aus Anzahl der Glas- Teilungen für die Abhänger A+B, Winkel des Glases, Winkel der Abhänger, einzelne Abhängerlage im 2D - Querschnitt ein-Ausschaltbar Gelenke: Kugel - Ösen - Nichts 30.8.2014: Für Version 17
Overhead Garage Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Overhead sectional garage door.
Pintu Jati Dobel1
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434006163D parametric, Pintu Jati / Indonesian double door
Skylight Pyramid 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Pyramid shape skylight.
Skylight Top Hung
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Top hung flat skylight.
Sun Shade 01 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Window Header 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Window header.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005823D parametric, skylight, ridge3D parametric, skylight, ridge
karma trendz | 13856921202D sanitary and plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856927502D shower tap symbol
karma trendz | 13856927892D shower head fitting symbol
karma trendz | 13856934282D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13856936162D plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13857064042D sanitary and plumbing symbol
karma trendz | 13857064662D sanitary and plumbing symbol
2-Sash Sliding Window 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Horizontally sliding window with two sashes.
4-Sash Sliding Window 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Horizontally sliding window with four sashes.
Arch Door 2 Sidelights Transom
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698HInged or double acting door with arch top, 2 sidelights and transom.
Arch Door 2 Sidelights Transom 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851HInged or double acting door with arch top, 2 sidelights and transom.
Arch Door, 2 Sidelights, Transom 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hinged or double acting door with arch top, 2 sidelights and transom.
Arch Double Door, 2 Sidelights, Transom 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hinged, double acting or double egress double door with arch top, 2 sidelights and transom.
Arch Sliding Door 2 Sidelights Transom 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Door with 2, 3 or 4 sliding leaves, arch top, 2 sidelights and transom.
Arch Top Historic Window
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Arched double window with inside and outside sashes, transom and different opening types.
Arch Top Historic Window 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Arched double window with inside and outside sashes, transom and different opening types.
Arch Top Triple Historic Window 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Arched triple window with inside and outside sashes, transom and different opening types.
ArchiPipe 1.3_AC11_POR
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1340216634ArchiPIPE 1.3 By Paulo H. Santos, arq.º phsantos.arq@clix.pt Jun 2007 Made in S.J.da Madeira/Portugal3D parametric, ArchiPipe 1.3 AC11, pipe, with optional\n- horizontal or vertical position\n- circular or rectangular section\n- pipe slope\n- start and end connection\n- 2D and 3D detail level, Portugal
Cabinet Base Triple Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Kitchen cabinet base unit with three doors and optional sink.
Curved Window 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Curved, single fixed window.
D1 Garage 1 USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Overhead garage door.
D1 Sliding Folding Multipanel USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Sliding folding door with optional number of panels.
D3 Sliding 1 USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Sliding Door Three Panels Bypass
Door with Sidelight on Side 2 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Hinged or double acting door with sidelight.
Dormer Pitched
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Pitch roof dormer with scale sensitive section and adjustable pitch angle.
Double Door with 2 Sidelights
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Hinged, double acting or double egress double door with two sidelights.
Double Door with 2 Sidelights Transom
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Hinged, double acting or double egress double door with sidelight and transom.
Double Sash Trapezoid Window
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Trapezoid-shaped window with double sash, optional transom and different opening types.
Double Sash Window 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Single window with two sashes, optional transoms and different opening types.
Ellipse Top Window Opening 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Empty opening with ellipse-shaped top.
Antonio paz | 1372936414 -
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a1
Heimo Mooslechner | 13559392053D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht. 19.12.2012:Rasterverschieber im 2D hinzugefügt, Randverschieber im 2D hinzugefügt
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a2
Heimo Mooslechner | 13560084323D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht. 20.12.2012 - "Raster" rastet nun genau auf Anfasser - Flieseneckpunkt ein und ist nun im2 D wesentlich genauer editierbar.
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 b1
Heimo Mooslechner | 13560083813D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Größenänderung nur im Grundriss, dann "aufdrehen" zu Wand 20.12.2012 - "Raster" rastet nun genau auf Anfasser - Flieseneckpunkt ein und ist nun im2 D wesentlich genauer editierbar.
Half Arch Top Window Opening
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Half arched empty opening.
High-Speed Roll-up Door 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851High-Speed Roll-up Door.
LM I Muratura in Mattoni I Invecchiato
Luca Manelli | 1440422359Muratura in mattoni F.V. invecchiati e intonaco scrostato, ottimo per murature interne e esterne di ambienti industriali o loft
LM I Pavimentazione - Basalto
Luca Manelli | 1440422798Pavimentazione in basalto
Loster - circle
yudhy novianto | 1342257040rectangle loster with circle as center
Metal Double Door 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Hinged, double acting or double egress double door.
Multi-Basin Counter 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Counter with optional number of basins and taps. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Pentagon Window Opening 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Empty opening with triangle-shaped top.
Rectangular Door Opening 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Empty rectangular wall opening.
Shroud - e+f
Frank Beister | 1383119458Zargenobjekt, das ein einfaches Blech"schwert" in eine Wand einbindet. Inkl. umlaufende Fuge. Links, Winkel und Dreiseitig möglich.
Simple Zone Stamp ADL 18
Applecore Designs | 1444828730Version 3.04
Skylight Pyramid 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Pyramid shape skylight.
Sliding Folding Multipanel Bifold Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Sliding folding double door with optional number of leaves.
Splay Bay Window
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Bay window with splayed sides, transom and different opening types.
Square Bay Window 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Bay window with square sides, transom and different opening types.
Storefront Double Door Sidelight Transom
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399698Storefront double door with sidelights and transom.
Storefront Double Door Sidelight Transom 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Storefront double door with sidelights and transom.
Triangle Window 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Triangle-shaped fixed window.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 13434005822D / 3D parametric, pyramid of glass panels with opening, Plastmo2D / 3D parametric, pyramid of glass panels with opening, Plastmo
Window 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Single window with optional transoms and different opening types.
Window with Sidelight 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Double window with optional lower transom and different opening types.
Air Conditioner 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401805662Balkonelement für Stahlbetonbalkone inkl Isokorb, Anpassung der Abdichtungsebenen bei Terrassentüren mit Rücksprung des Isokorb unter die Stockverlängerung des Türstockes. Stahl-Beton-Balkon mit: Isokorb Tropfkante Oberflächengefälle Dreikantleisten-Abschluss der unteren Betonkante Blechanschluß an Fassade, Blechwinkel als Aussenkante Feuchtigkeitsisolierschichte mit Hochzug Blechabdeckung an Fassade vor Isolierung. Wegschnittebenen für die Ausbildung von Gehrungen zum Anainanderfügen über Eck alles mit Anfassern im Editor direkt einstellbar - wie etwa auch WD-Dicke der Wand oder Belagsdicke usw. Zusätzlich: Balkontüren haben unter dem Türrahmen noch eine wärmegedämmte Stockaufdoppelung bis zur Rohdecke. Dies ist hier im Element mit eingebaut - inkl. Estrichrandstreifen. Ich habe derzeit 6 mögliche Türöffnungen eingebaut. Die Anzahl kann mit einem Hotspot geschaltet werden. Die Türöffnungen können im Grundriss an die echten in der Wand eingesetzten Türen angepasst werden. Im Einstellungsdialog des Elementes muss noch angeklickt werden, dass zur Darstellung im die Atribute des Elementes verwendet werden sollen. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ff5wdqj590rjeb/Balkon1.pln Wie immer bei mir - Edu17-Aut version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyYVXCqiRHQ&feature=youtu.be
karma trendz | 1385527282Base for post or column
Basin 03 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted single basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Built-In 02
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Built-in single basin with minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Handicap 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Wall-mounted single basin with optional tap types and minimal space for the disabled. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Basin Rectangular 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Single rectangular basin with optional tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Octagonal
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Octagonal shaped bathtub with optional footing and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bathtub Trapezoid 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Trapezoid bathtub with tap types and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Bowling Alley 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Bowling alley with variable number of lanes, optional ball return system, pinsetter, curtain wall and player's display.
D2 Sliding Ext USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Wall Sliding Door Two Panels
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401632554Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte 29.4.2014 - Traufpfette(Brett) Neue Anfasser für Ein-Aus, Drehbarkeit und X+Y 4.5.2014 - Folgende Anfasser - Schalter bei Traufe im Schnitt hinzugefügt: Oberdachschichten zuschaltbar Innenschichten Schliessenkranz Gratsparren-Schalter Schalter zur einfachen Darstellung Schichtdicken im Schnitt stellbar. 7.5.2014 - Zusätzlicher Grundriss-Querschnitt ein-ausschaltbar mit fast allen Hotspots.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397839915Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt
Dryer #1548
Cadimage Group | 1376270960A simple front-loading dryer for interior visualization. To hang the dryer on the wall, inverted it so that the control panel is at the bottom.
Electric Water Heater 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Editable with MEP Modeler.
Empty opening with X Symbol
Jothi S | 1344154733Empty Opening With X Symbol in Plan & Elevation. Default wall thickness = 300mm. Note: Create new openings based on wall thicknesses. Watch the video tutorial here: http://youtu.be/9RlA--xMN3g
Fire Extinguisher NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Fundamentabtreppung Polygonzug mit WD und Sockelputz
Heimo Mooslechner | 1413143466Fundamentabtreppung im Polygonzug.. Am Startsegment können die Querschnitte mittels Anfassern eingestellt werden 27.9.2014: Wärmedämmung und Sockelputz hinzugefügt, Jedes Segment - Wandoberkante kann mit Anfasser im Drittelpunkt geändert werden - für Höhensprünge der daraufliegenden Decke 29.9.2014: DPC bis Fundamentunterkante, Innen - WD, Fundamentverschieber seitlich begrenzt, Schraffuren für Schnittdarstellung hinzugefügt. To do - Hinterfüllung braucht noch anderes Konzept..noch nicht verwendbar. Hat aber keinen Einfluss auf das bisherige Objekt. Tutorial: https://www.dropbox.com/s/yt98o9arveb0p2v/Eigener%20Polygonzug_m5.pln?dl=0 11.10.2014 Querschnitt mit editierbaren Hotspots in der Grundriss-Darstellung hinzugefügt. 12.10.2014 - Hinterfüllung für den Gebrauch als Solid-Elementbefehl-Sequenz hinzugefügt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QOmcAoJB6zI
Gas Heater 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Glass Pane 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Glass partition wall pane.
Glass Pane 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Simple and sliding glass partition wall pane.
NO Smoking NOR
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433993192D symbol or wall mounted 3D model.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1413648498Polygonal verstellbares Bauteil zur Perimeter - Sockeldarstellung. Man setzt es im Grundriss ein und folgt mit dem Polygonzug der Außenkante des tragenden Mauerwerks. im Grundriss gibt es einen abschaltbaren Querschnitt. Diesen kann man beliebig in der Lage verändern und mit diesem kann man die Querschnittsmaße mit Hotspots ändern und somit Bauteildicken an bestehende Schichtendicken der Wand anpassen. Im 3D kann man dann dem schrägen Gelände folgen. Die Sockeltrogprofile passen sich in der Höhe an, Die UK der Perimeterdämmung bleibt gleich wie zuvor. Mit einem SOE-Befehl - Abzug mit verlängerung nach unten - zieht man das GDL von der berührten Wand ab.
Prefabricated Chimney Double Flue 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Prefabricated chimney with double flue. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Prefabricated Chimney Single Flue 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Prefabricated chimney with single flue. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Radiator Cast Iron 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Editable with MEP Modeler.
Rain Water Tank 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rain water tank, round or rectangular, with optional tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Recessed Spot 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Recessed ceiling spot lamp.
Shower Cabin 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Shower cabin with tray and shower kit. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Shower D Rect 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Shower partition wall with optional sides and scale sensitive symbol.
Shower Door 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Corner and rectangle shower partition wall with optional sides and scale sensitive symbol.
Shower Kit 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different types of shower with tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Sink Belfast 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Different forms of belfast sink with optional tap types. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Sink General 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Different sink types with optional tap. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Skylight #1584
Cadimage Group | 1378250805A rectangular skylight. The panel may be fixed or opening. If placed as a skylight (i.e. using the Skylight tool from ArchiCAD's toolbox) this object will cut a hole in the roof and align to the roof surface.
Solar Collector Evacuated Tube 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rotatable evacuated tube solar collector. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Solar Collector Flat Plate 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rotatable solar collector plate with optional support. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Spaceframe Vertical End 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Spatial steel truss girder end with symmetric triangular grid and vertical cutting plane.
Toilet Roll Holder #1055
Cadimage Group | 1372385099A toilet roll holder inspired by the Miles Nelson range. Set the overall size, the individual component diameters including the wall mount, different lengths of the holder as well as radius and width of the rail. Adjust the materials of the holder, the toilet paper and the roll. Set the resolution of the model and the 2D symbol. Set pens and fills for the 2D symbol. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
trilux is500 z wozkami
Piotr Antosz | 1385657144TRILUX IS 500 ceiling supply system
Varal de Roupas
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1372667262Equipamento de secagem instalado no teto ou apoiado em pernas.
Washer 02 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Front-loading washer. Editable with MEP Modeler.
Washer 03
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Front-loading washer. Editable with MEP Modeler.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Washbasin with editable drain position and minimal space. Editable with MEP Modeler.
GRAPHISOFT SE | 13433996373D parametric, resolution dependent, wrought iron garden lamp, wall mounted, standing
2-Flügelfenster 1+1 Test
Gábor Papp | 13533348952-Flügelfenster 1+1
3DMD Polyline Fence
3D Media Design | 1424503876Polyline Fence editable. You can add new point, create arc, modify elevation of the path point, slope, create a close path. Have differente top hight of the whole. Option to see the path as a straight line to use for schedules. The fence is ideal bound properties in slope terrains.
Anchor 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Betontrappe, skakt fra E0 til E1
Søren Jensen | 1441088318Trappe fra etage 0 til etage 1
Cancello di ferro profilato
michele vaccaro | 1420364155Creato da TrussMaker
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400610Carmelle_Textured.dor ArchiCAD 6.5 Made by 4DBooks Bereczki Katalin December, 2000 Made for Masonite2D / 3D parametric door, Masonite
Chimney Rectangular 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Rectangular chimney hole with 2D symbols.
Chimney Rectangular 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Rectangular chimney hole with 2D symbols.
ArchiCAD Talk Depository | 1343400610CM_Mesa_Textured.dor ArchiCAD 6.5 Made by 4DBooks Bereczki Katalin December, 2000 Made for Masonite2D / 3D parametric door, Masonite
CW Door 2 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723 -
Eavespurlin2_1 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851 -
Fence Vertical 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Fence with vertical boards, battens and posts.
Grid Vertical 16
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343649851Vertical grid with optional filling.
IPE_drehbar 17 hmooslechner
Heimo Mooslechner | 1388404891Weitere Hotspots hinzugefügt, zum besseren Aneinanderbauen. Volle Drehbarkeit mit Hotspots - 2 x: einmal ganzes Element einfach drehen einmal Neigen wie gehabt Schalter zum Kippen hinzugefügt
David Lozej | 1438019694The collection of M Sora windows, detail presented, with all shape and color possibilities.
David Lozej | 1438019694The collection of M Sora windows, detail presented, with all shape and color possibilities.
David Lozej | 1438019694The collection of M Sora windows, detail presented, with all shape and color possibilities.
