iMac desktop
Jonny Breen | 1347591365An iMac 21" desktop modelled to every detail with all connectors, ports, speakers etc modelled. Come with custom material showing Mac desktop. Made in Bootcamp :)
Label Everything 16
Jeroen de Bruin | 1345056849Label which can show automatically any property an ArchiCAD element has. Over 250 unique pieces of information to be displayed right in your project. Just select an ArchiCAD element and label it in the Floorplan, Section, Elevation, Details, Worksheet and 3D documents (see video on www.masterscript.nl).
Hinged Gate USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1343399319Hinged gate as an object.
Engineers Bolt 3D #1396
Cadimage Group | 1371596039An engineer's bolt for 3D detailing. Define the bolt size with control over all relevant dimensions. Include nuts and washers. In plan view the bolt may be displayed in various modes. Rotate the bolt in 3D. When used as a Solid Element Operator, the bolt will cut an oversized hole and will allow space around the head and nut.
Attic Ladder #1614
Cadimage Group | 1400144009An attic ladder.
Fire Box #1560
Cadimage Group | 1376591718A fire box with optional flue and cowl. If a flue is shown, it may be bent to penetrate a wall. An image in 3D can depict flames and a glow is emitted in photorendered views. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
Fire Box #1561
Cadimage Group | 1376592450A fire box with optional flue and cowl. If a flue is shown, it may be bent to penetrate a wall. An image in 3D can depict flames and a glow is emitted in photorendered views. The object is self-labelling in plan view.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1419086665Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet.
Boat Trailer #1534
Cadimage Group | 1375761819A boat and/or trailer. The boat is an outboard motor type inspired by the Haines Hunter range. Set basic dimensions of the boat and trailer, surfaces and pens.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1384668771Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414943970editable section-area for a 3D-Tube-polygone = Demonstration of the functionality af an freeform 3D profilewall Grundriss-Querschnitt der 3D-Tube erweiterbar - veränderbar - ebenso wie der Polygonzug im Grundriss. System - Demo für Freiform 3D Profil-Wand 31.10.2014 Bug entfernt - Startpunkt Tube - Phantompunkt. weiteres hinzugefügt: Querschnitt auch im 3D editierbar 2.11.2014: Zusatz-Punkte auf fixem Wert möglich - aber nicht 0 (eps). In diesem Fall wird die Breite des 1. Profiles als Abstand genommen. Der fixe Abstand ermöglicht die Kopie und dann die Änderung des kopierten Element-Profiles und der Pfad bleibt der gleiche!
Jonny Breen | 1365742558An iPad 3 - drawn to full detail with buttons & ports
Vent #1557
Cadimage Group | 1376455087A model of an interior ceiling mounted air diffuser for use in heating and cooling solutions. Parametric object set grille type, surfaces ect. Object is self labeling in plan view.
Basin Oval #1397
Cadimage Group | 1372385099Oval monolithic basin with drain. If used as a Solid Element Operator will cut an appropriate hole.
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1412269110Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 2.10.2014 Version für V16
Philips - BPP007 - LIGHT + ROD
victor dan | 1408526270BPP007 LED-MP/740 PSU II GR 60P BPP007 - LED Medium Power - Power supply unit - Posttop for diameter 60 mm Under new regulations, all mercury-based lamps are prohibited from 2015 onwards. This means that all luminaires using these lamps need to be replaced as well. However, the installed base of these luminaires is huge, and the municipalities do not have the budget for such largescale replacement, especially in this period of economic austerity. At the same time, the municipal authorities are facing tremendous pressure to save energy and to reduce light pollution of the night sky (many mercury installations have a transparent bowl, sending light everywhere).StreetSaver is an affordable, high-quality solution that enables the municipalities to address all these issues at once by changing their mercury- based luminaires to a LED system – for only limited investment.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398691718Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a
Heimo Mooslechner | 13557717523D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser und auch drehen. Ein Verlegen im "Verband" ist möglich.. 18 Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1427709207Viertelgewendelte Stiege - Winkel kann verändert werden Der Ausgangspunkt ist die Eckstufenachse. Von hier aus wird die Gehlinie aufgeteilt. Die Stiegenbreite und auch der Gehlinenabstand können per editierbarem Hotspot verschoben werden. Der Stiegenanfang kann verschoben werden. Die Position der letzten geraden Stufe vor dem Verzugsbereich kann verschoben werden. Es sind 3 verschiedene Arten des Stufenverzuges eingebaut: Evolvenmethode Kreismethode gleichmäßiges aufteilen Die innere Eckstufenbreite kann nachträglich verändert werden Weiters hinzugefügt: Es ist nun möglich - jedes Stufeneck im Grundriss anzudassen und einfach zu verschieben! Als Konstruktionshilfe dazu habe ich noch hotlines in den berechneten Stufenkanten eingefügt. somit kann man mit den normalen Archicad-Hilfslinien arbeiten, um die Richtung zu halten, wenn man verschiebt! Im 3D wurde bisher nur einfache Trittstufen eingearbeitet. Allerdings ist es hier bereits möglich, den Eckwinkel und die Stiegenhöhe einzustellen - zu ziehen! 19.11.2014 - Geschoß-sensitive Darstellung im 2D: ganze Stiege, bis 1m, bis 1m und drüber strichliert, ab 1m 20.11.2014 - Eckpunkte sind nun verschiebbar, Schatten im drüberliegendem Geschoß hinzugefügt 21.11.2014 - Stufenbeschriftung hinzugefügt - verschiebbar und drehbar. Stufennummern sind nun Mitte Stufe von Gehlinie nach aussen versetzt 24.11.2014: In Grundriss und 3D: Stufenkanten sind nach Innen einzeln parallel verschiebbar (nur Stufenbelag). Laufplatte und Keilstufen hinzugefügt - noch ohne innere parallele Verschiebung Einstellung Materialien von Laufplatte und Belag möglich. Schraffuren bei Innenverschiebungen nachgeführt. Stufenbreiten auf halbe cm gerundet - und in die Berechnung weitergegeben. 25.11.2014 Bug Eckstufe Aussenecke war nicht verschiebbar - gefixt. Laufplatte und Keilstufen laufen nun mit Stufenverschiebungen mit. 26.11.2014 - Anschlußkörper unten - für deckenanschluß mit Hotspot - Polygon gelöst - Im Schnitt sichtbar. Materialien im 3D für Schnittdarstellung mit Schraffuren versehen 27.11.2014 Anschlußkörper für oberen Deckenanschluss hinzugefügt 28.11.2014 Anschlüsse oben und unten drehen sich nun mit den Antrittstufen mit, wenn sie geändert werden. einige Schraffur - Bugs geändert. 30.11.2014 Zusatz-Punkte für Wangen mit aufgesattelten Trittstufen hinzugefügt - inkl unterer und oberer Anschluss Aussen und Innenwangen hergestellt. Zusätzlich ein Text hinzugefügt, dass dies ein Demo-Objekt ist. Dies lässt sich durch Eingabe eines Codes deaktivieren 2.12.2014: Wangenstiegen: unterer Deckenanschlüsse neu konzipiert. untere Antrittsstufe - im 2D sichtbar falls gewünscht. Weitere SOE-Befehle bei Wangen: Sichtbarkeit der Stufenbeläge durch die Wangenaussenseite ein und ausschaltbar 8.12.2014: Tritt und Setzstufen sind nun für die meisten Konstruktionsarten verfügbar. 10.12.2014: Trittstufen vorne abgebogen - hinten aufgebogen - sind nun aufgesattelt, freitragend, auf Mittelwange und zwischen Wangen verfügbar. 12.12.2014: Eigenes Material Setzstufen, Mörtelbett Trittstufe hinzufügen 14.12.2014: Seitlicher Überstand Trittstufenbelag, Graphische Art -Abfrage nun Integer-Bezogen ohne Fehlermeldung. Einschaltbare Wangenabwicklung für nackte Stahlbetonstiege mit kompletter Bemassung von Eckstufe und Gehlinie aus. 18.12.2014 Anti-Rutschleisten (gelbe Streifen) hinzugefügt. 20.12.2014 Maskwerte der tragenden Groups geändert, Keilstufen bei Seiten- Wangen zur Gesamtgruppe hinzugefügt, Sockelleisten hinzugefügt. Texturen der Tritt und Setzstufen an der Gehlinie und dem jeweiligen Stufenwinkel ausgerichtet. 30.3.2015 freigeschaltet
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401632554Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch) 28.4.2014 - Bugfixes bei Schließenkranzbreiten, Gratsparrenanschnitte 29.4.2014 - Traufpfette(Brett) Neue Anfasser für Ein-Aus, Drehbarkeit und X+Y 4.5.2014 - Folgende Anfasser - Schalter bei Traufe im Schnitt hinzugefügt: Oberdachschichten zuschaltbar Innenschichten Schliessenkranz Gratsparren-Schalter Schalter zur einfachen Darstellung Schichtdicken im Schnitt stellbar. 7.5.2014 - Zusätzlicher Grundriss-Querschnitt ein-ausschaltbar mit fast allen Hotspots.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397839915Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a1
Heimo Mooslechner | 13559392053D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht. 19.12.2012:Rasterverschieber im 2D hinzugefügt, Randverschieber im 2D hinzugefügt
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 a2
Heimo Mooslechner | 13560084323D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Randpunkte lassen sich verschieben, rechts und oben erweitert, links und unten nicht. 20.12.2012 - "Raster" rastet nun genau auf Anfasser - Flieseneckpunkt ein und ist nun im2 D wesentlich genauer editierbar.
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 b1
Heimo Mooslechner | 13560083813D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Größenänderung nur im Grundriss, dann "aufdrehen" zu Wand 20.12.2012 - "Raster" rastet nun genau auf Anfasser - Flieseneckpunkt ein und ist nun im2 D wesentlich genauer editierbar.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1358865207Ein in 3D streckbarer Zylinder zum Anpassen an zB. Morph-Linien im 3D mit Endkugeln zum scheinbaren nahtlosen aneinanderreihen zB. als Handläufe mit Auswahl der Art des Stabes
Heimo Mooslechner | 1401805662Balkonelement für Stahlbetonbalkone inkl Isokorb, Anpassung der Abdichtungsebenen bei Terrassentüren mit Rücksprung des Isokorb unter die Stockverlängerung des Türstockes. Stahl-Beton-Balkon mit: Isokorb Tropfkante Oberflächengefälle Dreikantleisten-Abschluss der unteren Betonkante Blechanschluß an Fassade, Blechwinkel als Aussenkante Feuchtigkeitsisolierschichte mit Hochzug Blechabdeckung an Fassade vor Isolierung. Wegschnittebenen für die Ausbildung von Gehrungen zum Anainanderfügen über Eck alles mit Anfassern im Editor direkt einstellbar - wie etwa auch WD-Dicke der Wand oder Belagsdicke usw. Zusätzlich: Balkontüren haben unter dem Türrahmen noch eine wärmegedämmte Stockaufdoppelung bis zur Rohdecke. Dies ist hier im Element mit eingebaut - inkl. Estrichrandstreifen. Ich habe derzeit 6 mögliche Türöffnungen eingebaut. Die Anzahl kann mit einem Hotspot geschaltet werden. Die Türöffnungen können im Grundriss an die echten in der Wand eingesetzten Türen angepasst werden. Im Einstellungsdialog des Elementes muss noch angeklickt werden, dass zur Darstellung im die Atribute des Elementes verwendet werden sollen. https://www.dropbox.com/s/1ff5wdqj590rjeb/Balkon1.pln Wie immer bei mir - Edu17-Aut version. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iyYVXCqiRHQ&feature=youtu.be
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415096942Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar inkl. Massenermittlungen - Pölzungsfläche - Erdaushub 21.11.2013: Bugs bezüglich letzten Schachtschaltern behoben - weil bei keinem Schacht der Schalter für den Schachtradius das Polygon überlagert hatte. 23.11.2013 Hotspotschalter auf 0 und 1 begrenzt blaues Inteface schaltet die wichtigsten Zustände über Anfasser im Grundriss
Heimo Mooslechner | 1385220105Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar inkl. Massenermittlungen - Pölzungsfläche - Erdaushub 21.11.2013: Bugs bezüglich letzten Schachtschaltern behoben - weil bei keinem Schacht der Schalter für den Schachtradius das Polygon überlagert hatte. 23.11.2013: Hotspot - Schalter auf 0 und 1 begrenzt
Geländer polygonal mit Weg und Treppen V18
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414240569Polygonzug, an dem entlang man eine "Wand" mit Abdeckung führen kann. Zusätzlich kann ein Handlauf angefügt werden. Weiters ist es möglich, einen "Weg" mit" Rampen" anzufügen. Die "Rampen" entstehen, wenn man die Z-Höhen des Polygonzuges im 3D verschiebt. Wenn man die Stiegenfunktion einschaltet, entstehen Stufenkeile auf den Rampen. Am Beginn des Polygons im 3D kann man die Elmente des gesamten Querprofiles verändern und verschieben. 22.9.2014 25.10.2014 Schraffuren der Körper in 3D hinzugefügt
Hot Water System #1551
Cadimage Group | 1376367923An external hot water system. Adjust the overall dimensions, surfaces, etc. The object is self-labeling in plan view.
Mobility Parking #1504
Cadimage Group | 1376533980A mobility parking symbol. The 3D model may be given a thickness, to allow use as an operator in solid element operations.
Nail #1607
Cadimage Group | 1396985136An annular groove nail to model Mitek fixings for Lumberlok joist hangers.
Heimo Mooslechner | 1413648498Polygonal verstellbares Bauteil zur Perimeter - Sockeldarstellung. Man setzt es im Grundriss ein und folgt mit dem Polygonzug der Außenkante des tragenden Mauerwerks. im Grundriss gibt es einen abschaltbaren Querschnitt. Diesen kann man beliebig in der Lage verändern und mit diesem kann man die Querschnittsmaße mit Hotspots ändern und somit Bauteildicken an bestehende Schichtendicken der Wand anpassen. Im 3D kann man dann dem schrägen Gelände folgen. Die Sockeltrogprofile passen sich in der Höhe an, Die UK der Perimeterdämmung bleibt gleich wie zuvor. Mit einem SOE-Befehl - Abzug mit verlängerung nach unten - zieht man das GDL von der berührten Wand ab.
Rundbogen gemauert 16c
Heimo Mooslechner | 1354983457gemauerter Bogen - fachlich richtig hergestellt: Rundbogen: Der Schlußstein oben ist immer in der Ansicht stehend. Dies bedeutet, daß der Bogen aus ungerader Anzahl Steine betehen muß! Jede 2. Schar ist gedreht, damit der Ziegelverband stimmt. Die Ziegelschar-Anzahl und somit die Fugendicke wird über die Öffnungsbreite immer auf die obigen Regeln angepaßt. Noch in Zukunft anzupassen: Der Widerlager-Stein zu Anfang und zu Ende liegt um eine halbe Ziegelhöhe zu tief (geometrisch aber richtig, fachlich falsch). In der Praxis wird der natürlich der Widerlagerstein eben mit dem Bogenfuß gelegt und die weiteren Steine nicht nach der Achse und dem Bogenmittelpunkt, sondern nach der unteren Kante und einer Tangente an denem Hilfkreis im Mittelpunkt ausgerichtet. Segmentbogen: kommt später dazu..
Dachkonstruktion V16
Heimo Mooslechner | 1398228791Dachstuhlkonstruktion - für die 16er Version und somit meine Schüler wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l3mHcOECQUs 14.4.2012 - Anfasser zum seitlichen Verschieben der Giebel-Anschnitte 15.4.2012 - Aus - Einschalter für Pfetten und Schließenkranz-Seiten 18.4.2012 - Einfacher 6-Punkte - Lochwegschnitt hinzugefügt 20.4.2014 - unterer Anschnitt Sparren rausschiebbar für Möglichkeit des senkrechten Anschnitt des Sparrens. - Eine Querlattung unter den Sparren zwischen der Wärmedämmung - C-Profile unter dem GK in der Luftschichte 21.4.2014 - Traufenpfette hinzugefügt 22.4.2014 - Grat - Ichsensparren hinzugefügt (unterer Anschnitt fehlt hier noch)
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397376935Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xATF6RqMzrE
Fliesenteilungen 12_2012 b
Heimo Mooslechner | 13559381683D - Fliesenteilung an Boden oder Wand kleben Fliesen lassen sich in der Wand verschieben - mittlerer Anfasser Größenänderung nur im Grundriss, dann "aufdrehen" zu Wand 19.12.2012 - Radteranfasser im 2D hinzugefügt
Heimo Mooslechner | 1397147635Dachstuhlkonstruktion - wie der Roofmaker funktionieren sollte - oder besser noch -wie das ganze Dach eigentlich funktionieren sollte! Für die 16er Version.. Damit kann man sich im Grundriss und Schnitt sehr rasch an bestehende Wände und Dachflächen "anschmiegen". Dabei sind die Innen-Wärmedämm- und Verkleidungsschichten mit eingebaut und ebenfalls durch Anfasser ganz natürlich an die anderer Geometrie des Baues anpassbar. Die ganzen Elemente wie sparren, Pfetten und Dämmschichten "schwimmen" bei Änderung der Dachneigung "mit". Wenn ich also im Grundriss eine Pfette verschiebe, bleibt sie in der Ebene der Dachneigung jeweils an der richtigen Höhe. Wenn ich die Dachneigung verändere, bleibt die Pfette in der Grundrisslage - aber wandert mit der Sparrenkante mit. Wenn man sich im Bauteildialog bei Grundriss und Schnitt die Objektattribute aktiviert, erscheinen die Schraffuren im Schnitt in richtiger Form. Die Holzkonstruktion wird dabei von den Dämmschichten abgezogen. Mit geschickter Nutzung des SOE-Befehles zwischen Wänden und meinem Bauteil sind dann die Schnitte schon (fast) richtig. Ihr könnt Euch auch von meiner Dropbox das EDU17-File downloaden: https://www.dropbox.com/s/psala60uoxa0wcd/Dachkonstruktion%2017er%209.4.2014.pln https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xATF6RqMzrE
Heimo Mooslechner | 1396935930Original from: http://archicad-talk.graphisoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=43721 Ursprünglicher Autor: Author: sinceV6 Geändert durch Heimo Mooslechner für Kanal - Zwecke Version 1 - 3D - Höhenverstellungen von Sohlen, Gefällen und Abstürzen. Bisher ist nur die Kanasohle KSZ[i] an die Selbstvergrößerung angepasst, Die anderen neuen Parameter wurden einfach bis 50 erzeugt - der Faulheit halber. Im Grundriss können alle Textblöcke (Schacht und Strang) eigens verschoben, gedreht und eingefärbt werden. Änderungen der Höhenlagen sowohl im 3D und im Optionalen Längenschnitt wirken sich sofort auf die Zahlen im Grundriss aus. Schächte sind im Grundriss Ein-Ausschaltbar Änderung 7.4.2014: Zeilenhöhe im Grundriss = nun Maßstabs-unabhängig
Heimo Mooslechner | 1415039090editable section-area for a 3D-Tube-polygone = Demonstration of the functionality af an freeform 3D profilewall Grundriss-Querschnitt der 3D-Tube erweiterbar - veränderbar - ebenso wie der Polygonzug im Grundriss. System - Demo für Freiform 3D Profil-Wand 31.10.2014: 2 weitere Querprofile hinzugefügt. Die 3 Polygon-Querschnitte sind nun auch direkt im 3D editierbar 2.11.2014: Zusatz-Punkte auf fixem Wert möglich - aber nicht 0 (eps). In diesem Fall wird die Breite des 1. Profiles als Abstand genommen. Der fixe Abstand ermöglicht die Kopie und dann die Änderung des kopierten Element-Profiles und der Pfad bleibt der gleiche! 3.10.2014 Additional possible 50 rectangular tubes generated from Array
Heimo Mooslechner | 1414944007editable section-area for a 3D-Tube-polygone = Demonstration of the functionality af an freeform 3D profilewall Grundriss-Querschnitt der 3D-Tube erweiterbar - veränderbar - ebenso wie der Polygonzug im Grundriss. System - Demo für Freiform 3D Profil-Wand 31.10.2014: 2 weitere Querprofile hinzugefügt. Die 3 Polygon-Querschnitte sind nun auch direkt im 3D editierbar 2.11.2014: Zusatz-Punkte auf fixem Wert möglich - aber nicht 0 (eps). In diesem Fall wird die Breite des 1. Profiles als Abstand genommen. Der fixe Abstand ermöglicht die Kopie und dann die Änderung des kopierten Element-Profiles und der Pfad bleibt der gleiche!
Grab Rail Bend Up #1030
Cadimage Group | 1372385099A Grab Rail with an upward bend. Set the overall size, the individual component diameters, the main rail curve radius, the distance from the wall and the materials.
Grid 17
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557723Horizontal an vertical grid with optional filling.
Hinged Gate USA
GRAPHISOFT SE | 1371557895Hinged gate as an object.
Map Grid
ioannis spyridis | 1436041479Credis to SinceV6 from Archicad talk for his valuable guidance. This is an object for Maps or Site plans.
Polyfenster 1
Heimo Mooslechner | 1449613065Freiformfenster: Nach dem Einsetzen kann man: im Grundriss einen Aufriss dazuschalten und darin (und im 3D) mittels eines erweiterbaren Polygons jede beliebige segmentierte Kontur innerhalb der Fenstermaße verziehen und durch neu generierte Punkte erweitern. Einzelprofillängen und Gesamtlängen der Profile werden hingeschrieben. Anfasser-Hilfstexte sind sichtbar. Farbschraffuren können über project2 dazugeschaltet werden. Weiters kann man - ausgehend von außen gelegenen Anfassern - waagrechte und senkrechte Teilungsprofile in die Kontur ziehen, ablängen und im Winkel anpassen. (bis zu 20 Stück) Dann kann man rechteckige Fensterflügel in die Kontur ziehen und an das zuvor hergestellte Raster einpassen (bis zu 10 Stück) Das Fenster benötigt als absolut notwendige Grundlage derzeit an einen mehrschalige Wandaufbau mit Putz, Wärmedämmung, tragender Schichtem Innenputz. Die beiden äußeren Schichten bis zur Kernschichte werden automatisch ausgemassen und der Fensterrahmen automatisch bündig mit der Kernschichte plaziert Es kann ein Schichteinzug eingeschaltet werden, der dann auch im Schnitt funktioniert. Tutorial unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VzkindxTceQ EduAut19 pln-File mit Beispielen: https://www.dropbox.com/s/afdhmlwoi6td0y3/Multifenster8_12_2015.pln?dl=0
Pony Wall EMK 12
Erich Karp | 1431204959An object for simple pony wall framing
Gorazd Rajh | 1374578076A stable, visually timeless and attractive chair with an always fashionable retro flair. The REX 120 chair, the ancestor of the cult REX chair, was designed by Niko Kralj in 1953 and is a symbol of successful industrial design. In the development of the REX family of chairs, the then REX chair reached a new level of comfort and economy. Because of its elegance, comfort, safety and the fact that it does not fold, the REX 120 provides true comfort for your spine, is pleasing to the eye and offers all the support needed for your everyday rest. http://www.rex-kralj.si
Sign - Direction #1517
Cadimage Group | 1412617493A standard New Zealand direction street sign for visualization. An image is pasted onto a back board, with an option to mount on a post. Set dimensions, choose direction (turn left, turn right, turn left or right, or proceed straight ahead) and choose from 4 standard sign sizes. Note that the image appears only in Open GL and photorendered views. Also note that at the time of upload, a bug fixed in ArchiCAD 18 may prevent effective use in previous versions.
Sign - Give Way #1520
Cadimage Group | 1412617493A standard New Zealand give-way sign for visualization. An image is pasted onto a back board, with an option to mount on a post. Set dimensions and choose from 3 standard sign sizes. Note that the image appears only in Open GL and photorendered views. Also note that at the time of upload, a bug fixed in ArchiCAD 18 may prevent effective use in previous versions.
Sign - No Turn #1518
Cadimage Group | 1412617493A standard New Zealand direction street sign for visualization. An image is pasted onto a back board, with an option to mount on a post. Set dimensions, choose direction (no left turn, no right turn, or no U-turn) and choose from 4 standard sign sizes. Note that the image appears only in Open GL and photorendered views. Also note that at the time of upload, a bug fixed in ArchiCAD 18 may prevent effective use in previous versions.
Sign - Roundabout Give Way #1513
Cadimage Group | 1412617493A standard New Zealand roundabout give-way sign for visualization. An image is pasted onto a back board, with an option to mount on a post. Set dimensions and choose from 3 standard sign sizes. Note that the image appears only in Open GL and photorendered views.
Sign - Speed Limit #1516
Cadimage Group | 1412617493A standard New Zealand speed-limit street sign for visualization. An image is pasted onto a back board, with an option to mount on a post. Set dimensions, choose the speed limit (10km/h up to Open Road speed in steps of 10) and choose from 3 standard sign sizes. Note that the image appears only in Open GL and photorendered views. Also note that at the time of upload, a bug fixed in ArchiCAD 18 may prevent effective use in previous versions.
Sign - Stop #1519
Cadimage Group | 1412617493A standard New Zealand stop street sign for visualization. An image is pasted onto a back board, with an option to mount on a post. Set dimensions, and choose from 3 standard sign sizes. Note that the image appears only in Open GL and photorendered views. Also note that at the time of upload, a bug fixed in ArchiCAD 18 may prevent effective use in previous versions.
Street Light #1510
Cadimage Group | 1376533980An LED street light with either one or two lamps on curved arms. Set the post and arm dimensions, and move the arms up and down on the post. NOTE - this is not a light source, just a 3D model.
Traffic Light #1524
Cadimage Group | 1376533980A New Zealand style traffic light. Select a setout (including left or right turning arrows), set the dimensions and choose surface colours. For each column of lights, choose which of the three is currently on (i.e. red, amber or green). An optional post is included. NOTE - this is not a light source.
Willow Tree #1354
Cadimage Group | 1372829711A basic 3D tree that remotely resembles a weeping willow. Being deciduous, the number and colour of leaves depends on the season. The tree is modeled on a randomizing algorithm. You can create a new random tree by clicking a button in the Settings dialog. This process takes several seconds, but once complete the data is stored and no further calculations are required. Thus 3D generation is relatively quick. However be warned, the model has an extremely high polygon count.
Wobbly Bridge #1374
Cadimage Group | 1371580471Timber planks laid over cables to form a wobbly bridge for use in an adventure playground.
Besam PowerSwing - surface mount
|The versatile Besam PowerSwing operator is excellent for pedestrian applications as well as ADA compliance and is designed to be surface mounted to existing fixtures with little or no modifications. The Besam PowerSwing utilizes an electro-hydraulic unit which mounts directly onto your existing manual doors to transform your entrance to automatic door convenience. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Besam SL500 CGL - overhead concealed
|Besam SL500 CGL overhead concealed features sleek styling and unobstructed views to help you create an entrance that is appealing, functional and unforgettable. Besam SL500 CGL features the same powerful operator found in the standard Besam SL500 sliding door system. The dazzling aesthetics extend right up to the door header, with a sleek, tapered header design that sits flush mounted to both the interior and exterior for seamless integration. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Tork Xpress Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|The Tork Xpress Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser is a stylish countertop towel dispenser that adds a hygiene, upscale touch to restaurant restrooms. The dispenser utilizes a unique folded towel system with fully enclosed towels that delivers only one towel at a time, minimizing the risk of cross contamination while reducing waste and refilling expenses. The dispenser's attractive space-saving design is more appealing and less wasteful than a stack of loose towels, keeping countertops neat and creating an inviting impression. The Xpress Countertop Dispenser features a smooth surface for optimum hygiene, quick check refill indicator, easy access buttons for fast refills, the overfill protection and spring-loaded bottom improve dispensing and the anti-slip pads keep dispenser in place.
Besam SL500 Telescopic - overhead concealed
|Besam SL500 Telescopic overhead concealed sets a new standard in telescopic performance by providing superior support and stability. By utilizing an exclusive “door on door” design, the Besam SL500 Telescopic innovative design eliminates inferior suspended track systems by putting all the door weight to the structural portion of the automatic door header via two structural boxes with integrated replaceable aluminum tracks. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
iQ Optima
|With outstanding performance and an exceptional range of colours, formats and accessories, iQ Optima brings design into line with potential to create a genuine multi-solution offer. From hospitals to schools, hotels or offices, from wetroom to bedroom, iQ Optima can provide a single solution or a complete co-ordinated design that flows seamlessly between ambience and functions. ■A timeless classic revisited in an amazing palette of 64 colours and designs ■New Essence collection with exclusive embossed surface and innovative formats ■iQ Unique self regenerating properties ■Best life cycle costs on the market ■VOC below quantifiable level and phthalate free ■100% recyclable
INDI Circle
|The INDI family luminaries have a minimalistic and simple design. They consist of an aluminium profile and are fitted with LED boards with a high efficiency. There is a built-in suspension system in the luminary to which different components as hooks etc. can be inserted. They are distinguished by a soft light the intensity of which can be set up. They can be used separately or extended to long lines and other shapes. The luminary can be mounted as suspended, surface mounted or wall one . The luminaries are suitable for business and administrative premises, corridors, hotels, cultural facilities and households. Luminaires from INDI family are available from 2015. Type of installation: [LIST] Suspended [/LIST]
Besam SL500 Telescopic with transom - overhead concealed
|Besam SL500 Telescopic overhead concealed with transom sets a new standard in telescopic performance by providing superior support and stability. By utilizing an exclusive “door on door” design, the Besam SL500 Telescopic innovative design eliminates inferior suspended track systems by putting all the door weight to the structural portion of the automatic door header via two structural boxes with integrated replaceable aluminum tracks. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Besam VersaMax Swing - overhead concealed
|Besam VersaMax ICU Swing provides convenient functionality, easy-to-use breakout, an extremely wide door opening and no floor tracks. The Besam VersaMax ICU Swing meets all requirements of superior performance in a critical care environment. Besam VersaMax ICU Swing is available in a smoke rated package certified to UL 1784. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Besam SL500 with transom - overhead concealed
|The Besam SL500 overhead concealed with transom features durable performance, with a host of innovative features ... all housed in an attractive 4-1/2" deep header sitting flush to the jamb to provide unparalleled aesthetics. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Besam RD3L
|The Besam RD3L creates a spacious and welcoming entrance that can accommodate shopping carts, luggage rolling bags and wheelchairs with ease. The full rotating ceiling ensures even lighting and eliminates brush marks, while hidden sensors allow for an uncluttered presentation and clean lines throughout. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Besam SL500 CGL with transom - overhead concealed
|Besam SL500 CGL overhead concealed with transom features sleek styling and unobstructed views to help you create an entrance that is appealing, functional and unforgettable. Besam SL500 CGL features the same powerful operator found in the standard Besam SL500 sliding door system. The dazzling aesthetics extend right up to the door header, with a sleek, tapered header design that sits flush mounted to both the interior and exterior for seamless integration. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Besam RD3M/RD4M
|The Besam RD4M is a 4-wing manual revolving door system with many attractive benefits and features. The Besam RD4M features expansive glass, slim profiles and curved glass outer walls…making this system ideal for a commercial entryway that creates a beautiful statement. The outer walls and doors are constructed of aluminum extrusions with the main shaft constructed of sturdy steel. The result is an attractive, open, inviting feeling to your entryway. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Linoleum Silencio xf²
|To reduce impact and ambient noise and enhance underfoot comfort and wellbeing, Tarkett’s Silencio xf™2 offers an acoustic linoleum solution with sound reduction of 18dB. With a total thickness of 3.8mm, it’s made in a two-layer construction of 2.5mm linoleum with a 1.3mm pre-bonded foam underlay. ■ Floor covering with 18dB sound reduction ■ 2.5mm Linoleum Veneto xf² on jute backing ■ 1.3mm recycled polyurethane foam backing ■ Xf² surface treatment for a smoother appearance and improved performance ■ Easy cleaning and maintenance, no need for polish and wax, for highly cost effective flooring ■ Available in all Veneto colours.
Besam SW200i - overhead concealed
|The Besam SW200i overhead concealed swing door operator provides an aesthetically pleasing solution that is attractive yet incomparably strong. The intelligent door operator features advanced technology that ensures a smooth, gentle operation across a wide range of conditions. Also available with an aluminum door package. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Besam SL500 Telescopic - surface mount
|Besam SL500 Telescopic surface mount sets a new standard in telescopic performance by providing superior support and stability. By utilizing an exclusive “door on door” design, the Besam SL500 Telescopic innovative design eliminates inferior suspended track systems by putting all the door weight to the structural portion of the automatic door header via two structural boxes with integrated replaceable aluminum tracks. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
Tork Xpress Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser, White
|The Tork Xpress Countertop Interfold-Multifold Hand Towel Dispenser is a stylish countertop towel dispenser that adds a hygiene, upscale touch to restaurant restrooms. The dispenser utilizes a unique folded towel system with fully enclosed towels that delivers only one towel at a time, minimizing the risk of cross contamination while reducing waste and refilling expenses. The dispenser's attractive space-saving design is more appealing and less wasteful than a stack of loose towels, keeping countertops neat and creating an inviting impression. The Xpress Countertop Dispenser features a smooth surface for optimum hygiene, quick check refill indicator, easy access buttons for fast refills, the overfill protection and spring-loaded bottom improve dispensing and the anti-slip pads keep dispenser in place.
Besam SL500 - overhead concealed
|The Besam SL500 features the innovative features you've come to expect from Besam equipment ... faster performance, heavy duty anti-risers with multiple points of contact, and an attractive 4-1/2" deep header which its flush to the jamb to provide unparalleled aesthetics. The Besam SL500 is offered in an array of configurations to provide powerful solutions that can be trusted in even the most demanding, high traffic environments. Disclaimer: This product is available from ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems - North America. Consult a local representative in your Region to discuss availability.
|Clean lines, precise seams and a characteristic base give Cox a distinctive style. Standard: The base is available in chrome. Info: Upholstery: Moulded cold-cured polyurethane foam. Assembly: Legs fitted after delivery. Each item sent separately. Leather or an elastic type of material is recommended. Not available in Microcare or Alcantara. Measures: 2-seater W145, 3-seater W196, D83, SH42, H70cm. Club Chair W74, D66, SH42, H70cm.
|The Planet chair and table was first launched in 1965 and remained a part of the collection until the end of the 1970s. Planet was the first spherical chair in Norwegian furniture history. The name alludes to the first space journey in 1961 and the entry of Pop Art furniture onto the Norwegian market. Delivered with plastic gliders. Planet may be turned 360 degrees, and is available with a soft tilt- forwards/backwards. We recommend choosing an elastic material such as Divina, Fame, Vadal and Cicero. There is an additional charge if you choose more than one fabric/colour per chair. The model is delivered with removable seat cover. The highest textile group form the basis for pricing.Planet is available in white contrast seam (NCS S 0500-N), light grey (NSC S 2502-R), grey (NCS S 5502-B) and black (NSC S 9000-N)
Metawell® Jointless ceiling
|Suspended plaster ceilings are usually made of plasterboard. In contrast, Metawell® jointless ceilings consist of aluminium sandwich panels, and because of the aluminium and copper used offer greater performance and a high response speed. The unusually lightweight support panel is very bending-resistant. Therefore, the grid dimension of the substructure can be double that of plasterboard panels. The advantages: greater flexibility with ceiling fixtures and a tighter meander layout. Metawell® panels offer many different edge finishes. They are provided at the butt joints with stop chamfers to ensure a perfectly levelled filling. Thanks to the extraordinarily flat surface, only the joints, not the entire panel area, need to be evened. Up to 110 W/sqm cooling performance (at 10 K under temperature). Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
LAMILUX CI System Glass Element F100
|CI System Glass Element F100 – A crystal clear advantage – Daylight for a sense of well-being CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element F100 – safety and comfort for living space and workspace Whether used in administrative or residential buildings, school or industry. CI-System Glass Element F100 is the optimum, energy-efficient answer to the desire for daylight from flat roofs. The CI System Smoke Lift Glass Element F100 combines the advantages of the CI System Glass Element F100 and of an electrical SHEV. [LIST] Available with double or triple thermal insulation glazing with Ug values of 1.1 to 0.7 W/m2K optionally with toughened glass, and with clear, matt film if required Available in 16 dimensions for standard model and in 9 dimension for smoke lift model Different Opening drive units for standard model Different Shade systems Thermally insulated, jointless GRP upstand, 15 (only standard), 30. 40, 50 cm in height, with U values of 0.5 W/m2K to 0.9 W/m2K (depending on the characteristics) Environmental product declaration acc. to EN 15804 fast opening (165°) of the smoke lift in less than 60 seconds smoke lift serial with multistage ventilation [/LIST]
Munich Stool
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2012; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. The Munich Stool is the perfect addition to the furniture series by Sauerbruch Hutton. Combined with the Munich Lounge Chair, it invites the sitter to relax and put his feet up, but it can also be used on its own as extra seating. Frame of solid wood. Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather.
Metawall® A2 Curtain Wall Facade
|Aluminium sandwich panel for curtain wall facades with an overall thickness of 15 mm, weight only 6,8kg/m2, non visible fixing methods (riveting), wide colour range and different coating possibilities, perfect flatness also for big elements (max. 1460 x 6000 mm), fire rating acc. to DIN EN 13501: A2 - s1, d0 (non-combustible), 100% recyclable (without previous material separation), excellent corrosion protection, Environmental Product Declaration
Metawell® Moduldecke
|Metawell® Moduldecken benötigen keine sichtbaren Schienen- oder Bandraster. Die einzelnen Deckenelemente hängen vielmehr direkt an einer verdeckten Unterkonstruktion. Die einzelnen Deckenelemente können bis auf wenige Millimeter aneinandergeschoben werden. Für den nachträglichen Einbau von Trennwänden werden passive Einlegestreifen auf die Deckenelemente abgelegt. Im Bedarfsfall können diese einfach entnommen werden und die Wand kann ohne Beeinträchtigung der Deckenkonstruktion errichtet werden. Durch die Großflächigkeit der Deckenelemente entfällt die hydraulische Verbindung der Platten untereinander, was Montagefehler minimiert und Montagezeiten erheblich verkürzt. Durch optisch höhenversetzte Einlegeplatten und viele Möglichkeiten zur ansprechenden Oberflächengestaltung erlauben Metawell® Moduldecken die Realisierung anspruchsvoller Designlösungen. Zusätzlich verfügt das Produkt über eine Umweltproduktdeklaration.
LAMILUX CI System Continuous Rooflight B
|CI System Continuous Rooflight B - Energy-efficient and superior statics The first continuous rooflight with complete thermal separation with approval for use in Germany and throughout Europe – for an optimised energy balance. With the CI System Continuous Rooflight B, we have developed a daylight system for intelligent building management that breaks new ground in terms of energy efficiency and structural design. In doing so, we have closely focused on intelligence – on well-engineered individual components in a completely heat-insulated, very economical and sturdy overall system. We call it TIP: Total Insulated Product. [LIST] Numerous glazing types Dimensions: length: endless width: 0.84 m to 6.00 m (inside dimension of frame) Ug values of 3.1 to 1.2 W/m²K Available Smoke and heat ventilation units (tested to EN 12101-2) European Technical Approval -ETA and German General Technical Approvals (ABZ) Enviromental product declararation acc. to EN 15804 [/LIST]
Munich Coffee Table
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2010; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Frame of solid wood, clearly varnished or black-stained. Tabletop with reounded edges. Details and colours see price list.
Kit Sundeck
|The roof-integrated system for customers with high standards: the Sundeck kit enables SolarWorld high-performance solar modules Sunmodule Plus poly, mono, mono black and Sunmodule Protect poly to be elegantly positioned at the same level as the rest of the roof. Sundeck sets new standards in terms of aesthetics as a complete roof solution. The Sundeck can be used for pitched roofs with an inclination of 15 to 60 degrees. This system will also save your customers the costs of a conventional rooftop covering. The Sundeck is technologically impressive and economical, with its small number of perfectly matched system elements. The cleverly designed rain-proof substructure is attached directly to the roof battens, making it easier to install solar power systems and simultaneously saving you time. During the planning phase, the kit is adjusted to ideally suit the building’s individual requirements.
Mento D 1034 DRLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
Schüco Skylight FW 50+.SI
|[LIST] With the FW 50+ systems, the design of even complex geometrical skylight constructions, such as arcades, glass domes, pyramids and barrel vaults is straightforward and can produce stunning result Elegant skylight constructions with broad spans are also possible for large projects, such as shopping centres, adminsistrative buildings, hotels, eshibition halls ans leisure centres The highly functional Schüco Roof Window AWS 57 RO is another example of a powerful opening unit Schüco Roof Window AWS 57 RO: High level of flexibility thanks to two different heights of outer frame and two different thermal insulation standards, high level of weathertightness due to an additional centre gasket, Glass thicknesses of 26 mm - 48 mm can be installed, i. e. also suitable for special glazing and stepped glazing, concealed hinges (WK2 / RC 2) increase security against break-in Opening angle of up to 90° is possible, can be used for roofs with slopes from 7° to 75°, Roof slopes < 7° or > 75° on request [/LIST]
Metawell® Radiant Island
|Ceiling sails hang from the base ceiling as single panels, or are combined into islands. In this way they can take on any contours, edge configurations and surface coatings. The radiant ceiling sail, a functional component of building technology, becomes a custom design element. Compared to enclosed ceilings, the open structure of ceiling sails offers clear advantages: greater specific performance, better accessibility, simpler assembly and lower investment costs. Metawell® radiant islands made of aluminium sandwich panels improve the room acoustics without reducing the cooling and heating efficiency of building structure core-tempered ceilings. Moreover, performance deficiencies can be compensated specifically. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Munich Lounge Chair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2009; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum, which opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Frame of solid wood, clearly varnished or black-stained. Frame of steel tubing with rubber webbing. Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Metawell® Modular Ceilings
|Metawell® modular ceilings do not require visible rails or longitudinal frames. Instead, the individual ceiling elements are suspended directly from a concealed substructure. The ceiling elements can be pushed together within a few millimetres to each other. Passive installation strips are placed on the ceiling elements for subsequent installation of partition walls. If necessary, they can be removed easily and the wall can be erected without affecting the ceiling structure. Due to the big dimension of the ceiling panels, the hydraulic connection of the panels is not necessary, which minimizes installation errors and installation times significantly. Through visually offset installation panels and many options for appealing surface design, Metawell® modular ceilings allow the realisation of sophisticated design solutions. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Munich Armchair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Base of solid wood. Frame of steel tubing (with rubber webbing). Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Metawall® Curtain Wall Facade
|Aluminium sandwich panel for curtain wall facades with an overall thickness of 10 mm, weight only 5.7 kg/m2, non visible fixing methods (Glueing , Riveting), wide colour range and different coating possibilites, perfect flatness also for big elements (max. 1470 x 6000 mm), building inspectorate approval: Z-33.2-889 (DIBt Germany), fire rating acc. to DIN EN 13501: B - s2, d0, 100% recyclable (without previous material separation), excellent corrosion protection, Environmental Product Declaration
Munich Table
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. The brief for the museum, which opened in 2009, included designing a dining table for use in the cafeteria. In close cooperation with the architects, ClassiCon took their draft a step further, resulting in a reinterpretation of the original design. The way the straight-edged tabletop with its rounded corners floats atop the oblique legs lends the table a special lightness. Together with the Munich Chair and Munich Armchair a harmonious ensemble is created for use either in the public or private realm. Frame of solid wood. Tabletop with rounded edges in clearly varnished MDF veneered with real wood. Details, colours and European standards see price list.
Mento Mesh D 1034 DGLM
|Clever, designed for diversity and a guaranteed feeling of ease and comfort... Mento office desk chairs have a light sense of styling, available with either a breathable mesh or fully upholstered back. Unusually in a mesh-back chair, Mento offers an exceptional variety of combinations - the wide colour choice for the mesh back variant and the choice of fabrics for the upholstered version is almost boundless. From an ergonomic point of view, Mento assures quality of sitting comfort to equal the tried and tested Drabert Philosophy of Ergonomics at the highest level. This is maintained via Relax-o-flex® cushioning, a vertical, specially shaped plastic foam insert in the backrest which stimulates and animates certain nerves in the spinal region whilst sitting. This increases the feeling of wellbeing.
Munich Sofa
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2010; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Frame of solid wood, clearly varnished or black-stained. Frame of steel tubing with rubber webbing. Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details and colours see price list.
Kit Sunfix aero duo
|The name kit Sunfix aero duo says it all. The high-performance SolarWorld solar modules Sunmodule Plus poly, mono, mono black and Sunmodule Protect poly are installed with the mounting system Sunfix aero duo without penetrating the roof membrane and forms a static interconnection that requires only minimal ballast. The aerodynamic, wind tunnel-tested system design ensures that the solar power system behaves like a Formula 1 racing car at high speeds: the frame literally clings to the roof surface. This reduces point and surface loads to a minimum. In the kit Sunfix aero duo modules are arranged in tent-shaped pairs allowing for maximum utilisation of the available roof area. This double design, which reduces shading between module rows, increases the roof’s yield. The modules should be mounted at an angle of 10 degrees, ideally with an east-west alignment, in order to maximise the yield in relation to the roof surface area.
|[LIST] Horizontal sliding wall with double glazing and a surrounding frame made of thermally insulated profiles Different parking layouts available Bottom profile Thermal break and water channel (optional) Track rail with optional thermal break Insulation value U of approx. 1,5 W/m²K (with standard insulating glass) Meets the requirements of the German Energy Saving Ordinance EnEV Combined with door closer types TS 92, ITS 96 3-6, Push handles, ISEO Multilock Pivoting-sliding panels equipped with an ITS 96 3-6 concealed door closer Operation Easy, one-handed single throw of the lock bar to switch between the door and sliding functions, with no bending and no crank operation 40% improvement in thermal separation value (compared to the predecessor model) Heat transfer coefficient in accordance with DIN EN ISO 10077-1 and 10077-2 Endurance DIN 1527 Class 3 (25000 cycles) for suspend sliding doors > 100kg Impact DIN EN 13049 Class 3 Corrosion DIN EN 1670 Class 3 The product will be available end 2015 [/LIST]
|[LIST] Horizontal Sliding Wall HSW EASY Safe, Standard Stacking Laminated safety glass with Clamp & Glue fixing technology Glass thicknesses from 10 to 19 mm Support profile for single-action and double-action pivoting-sliding panels with integrated slide channel Top rail can be optionally provided with an adhesive channel for the secure fixing of laminated safety glass Roller carrier mounting can be variably adjusted both at the support profile and at the door/glazing rail profile Combined with: Door Closers TS 92, ITS 96, ITS 96 2-4, BTS 80, BTS 84 Push handles, Office locks, center/corner locks, HSW-GP Double top and bottom brush seal profiles available Easy installation thanks to three-in-one multilock assembly Status indicator showing whether the panel is in the pivoting or sliding mode for enhanced safety The product will be available mid 2015. [/LIST]
Esencia D 1075 DGLM
|WITH A FEELING FOR DETAIL The Esencia task chair from Drabert is well-designed and thought-through down to the last detail. Each design choice is made to create both an appealing, flexible and functional chair. It is ideal both aesthetically and functionally in many different environments, either as a task chair or a meeting chair. As it is so user-friendly and has automatic weight detection, it is also ideal in the Kinnarps’ Next Office (Activity Based Working) concept, where the chair can be used by many different people. It is available in many exciting colours and fabric combinations. The back is upholstered with a durable 3D mesh that provides both great comfort and a beautiful finish. In terms of weight, Esencia is one of the lightest chairs on the market. It is also an eco-friendly option as it is possible to dismantle and recycle it.
Metawell® Grid Ceilings
|The run-of-the-mill frame ceilings in the standard format are seen (all too) often. In contrast Metawell® grid ceilings do not have standard sizes and show their advantages especially when used in large formats. Through visually offset installation panels and many options for appealing surface design, Metawell® modular ceilings and frame ceilings allow for the realisation of sophisticated design solutions. For panel sizes with more than 2 sqm modular ceilings are usually a cheaper alternative, especially when considering the installation costs. Additionally the product has an EPD (Environmental Product Declaration).
Munich Chair
|Designed by Sauerbruch Hutton in 2011; - Modern art of the 20th and 21st centuries deserves an appropriate setting, with a building and its furniture that is just as modern. Berlin architects Sauerbruch Hutton were thus faced with an exciting challenge when asked to design the Museum Brandhorst in Munich. Three different seating solutions were developed for the museum that opened in 2009 – for the cafeteria, the foyer, the conference and lecture rooms as well as the lounge. ClassiCon developed the designs to the point of series production in close collaboration with the architects. Along with demanding expectations in terms of form and quality, the typical wear and tear that the furniture would be subjected to in the public space had also to be taken into consideration. Its durability was ensured by means of various tests. Base of solid wood. Frame of steel tubing (with rubber webbing). Upholstery: Polyurethane with polyester fibre. Cover in fabric or leather. Details, colours and European standard tests see price list.
Metawell® Spachteldecke
|Normalerweise werden abgehängte Spachteldecken in Gipskarton-Bauweise ausgeführt. Metawell® Spachteldecken bestehen dagegen aus Aluminium-Sandwichplatten und bieten aufgrund der verwendeten Werkstoffe Aluminium und Kupfer deutlich mehr Leistung und eine hohe Reaktionsgeschwindigkeit. Die ungewöhnlich leichte Trägerplatte ist sehr biegesteif. Deshalb kann das Rastermaß der Unterkonstruktion gegenüber Gipskartonplatten verdoppelt werden. Die Vorteile: Mehr Flexibilität bei Deckeneinbauten und eine dichtere Mäanderbelegung. Metawell® Spachtelplatten bieten viele verschiedene Kantenabschlüsse. Sie sind an den Plattenstößen mit Spachtelfasen versehen, um eine auf Null abziehbare Spachtelung zu gewährleisten. Dank der außergewöhnlich planen Oberfläche müssen nur die Fugenbereiche, nicht die gesamten Deckenplatten gespachtelt werden. Bis zu 110 W/m2 Kühlleistung (bei 10 K Untertemperatur). Zusätzlich verfügt das Produkt über eine Umweltproduktdeklaration.
Tork Elevation® Centerfeed Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Centerfeed Dispensing Systems enable an easy, one-handed operation and controlled consumption. They are the ideal systems for areas where hand and light surface wiping are combined. Tork Centerfeed high capacity cabinets are ideal for high traffic environments. Cabinets are hygienic. You only touch the towel you use. No cross contamination from levers or cranks. The Portion Control feature dispenses one towel every time. Cabinets are simple and reliable offering low maintenance costs.
Tork Elevation® Matic® Hand Towel Roll Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor, black
|The Tork Elevation® Matic® Roll Hand Towel Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor presents the most advanced electronic system in the industry today. The touch-free electronic virtually eliminates cross contamination while cutting back on supply waste. Each unit features a choice of two dispensing modes. The towel remains inside the cabinet until the user activates the sensor, delivers maximum hygiene. An adjustable towel length of 8 inches to 24 inches, and a stub roll compartment combine to deliver more precise control of consumption are a few of the features available. Batteries lasts up to 40 rolls on average with normal usage. It's easy to reach and simple to reload. Versatile Installation- can be mounted directly to wall or within a recessed compartment. Numerous back-plate mounting slots fit most any pattern. Utilizes any Tork H1 Roll Towel. Uses 3 "D size" batteries.
MQ41 HKD M10
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Flush anchor HKD M10x40 Bored plate MQZ-L11 Threaded rod AM10x2000 4.8 zinced Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Flat washer A 10,5/28 zinced Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
MQ41D 2xMQ41
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Install. channel MQ-41 D 3M Rail support MQP-21-72 4-hole angle MQW-4 Channel connector MQN Safety stud anchor HST M12X115/20 Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
MQ41 MQ41
|This is an assembly with: [LIST] Install. channel MQ-41 3M Install. channel MQ-41 3M Rail support MQP-21-72 4-hole angle MQW-4 Channel connector MQN Safety stud anchor HST M12X115/20 Channel end cap MQZ-E41 Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced Comfort pipe ring MPN-RC 3" B Pipe ring saddle MQA-M10 Hexagon nut M10 zinced Threaded rod AM10x1000 4.8 zinced [/LIST]
Albany RR1000
|From ASSA ABLOY Entrance Systems, the Albany RR1000 redefines tough and rugged with an unobtrusive, low headroom design, thin, sleek low-profile side frames and the proven strength to withstand 130 mph, hurricane-level wind and pressure. Plus, this classic high speed door is now equipped with the coveted self-repairing, break away feature.
Tork Elevation® Matic® Hand Towel Roll Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor, white
|The Tork Elevation® Matic® Roll Hand Towel Dispenser with Intuition® Sensor presents the most advanced electronic system in the industry today. The touch-free electronic virtually eliminates cross contamination while cutting back on supply waste. Each unit features a choice of two dispensing modes. The towel remains inside the cabinet until the user activates the sensor, delivers maximum hygiene. An adjustable towel length of 8 inches to 24 inches, and a stub roll compartment combine to deliver more precise control of consumption are a few of the features available. Batteries lasts up to 40 rolls on average with normal usage. It's easy to reach and simple to reload. Versatile Installation- can be mounted directly to wall or within a recessed compartment. Numerous back-plate mounting slots fit most any pattern. Utilizes any Tork H1 Roll Towel. Uses 3 "D size" batteries.
Erik Stackable Chair
|Erik is a very sharp-looking, stable chair that can be hung on a table when not in use. This is an extremely comfortable chair thanks to its form-fitting brack that extends at the sides, providing support for the arms and further increasing comfort. With the whole chair or just its seats in a lively colour. Erik is a bold and eye-catching feature in many settings. The chair fits neatly under our tables without side rails. Stackable, 5. Supplied ready-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Björka Pedestal Table 115+50+50+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. The pedestal table can easily be changed from an attractive, easy-to-place table into a generous dining table by supplementing it with 1-4 table extensions. The table is available in special heights, max 77 cm. Birch support legs and birch laminate tabletop is available as an optional extra. The Björka range also includes a table, semicircular table and semicircular pedestal table. Supplied preassembled.Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Kaffe Lounge
|Kaffe easy chair is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. The seat’s appearance gives the chair a cosy, comfortable look. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe is a stackable easy chair in lacquered tubular steel. Seat of moulded polyurethane foam (PUR). Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Sandö XL
|Sandö Armchair XL is a slightly wider version of Sandö Armchair.The basic idea behind Sandö XL was to create a chair with simple, harmonious and self-evident shapes, constructed in accordance with furniture-making criteria. A chair that is resilient and well-proportioned without being fussy, thus making it suitable for a number of environments. An armchair that is comfortable to sit on and attractive to look at. Sandö has distinct lines, but still feels smooth to the touch as all edges are rounded in a special way. This rounding also contributes to light falling around the contours of the chair, thus showing it to full advantage. Corner blocks in the seat and fixed, grooved pins in the legs and back make Sandö XL a stable and durable chair. Upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60°C. Sandö XL is also available as an armchair. Supplied ready-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Adesso 2-Seat Sofa
|Adesso sofas have a harmonic beautiful design with an even horizon, i.e. all sides are the same height. It is easy to get into and out of thanks to a horizontal support at a lower level than the crossbar. Adesso has a strong wood feeling and details that bear witness to the care put into the craftmanship. It is the choice of fabric that determines the final character of the sofa. Adesso has a beautiful form with open space between the crossbar and legs. The seat cushions have a special filling with soft seat core and a firmer front edge. This provides maximum seating comfort while making it easy to get up from armchair. Notches at the bottom front edge of the seat cushion keep it stably in the correct position. The upholstery can be easily removed and washed. The has has removable upholstery. Domestic or rubberised weave. Machine washable at 60°. The Adesso series also includes 2 and 3-seat sofas, a coffee and side table and a desk. Supplied ready assembled.Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Emma Table 120
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Shower System Inxx S5
|The every-day's stress and musts will literally rinse off of you with Mora Inxx Shower system. With its clean lines and strict unites form and function in an uncompromising manner. The big takduschen of 250 mm spread the water generously over the body and conveys a strong feeling - that will last. Calc system makes sure you do not need to bother with nozzles that chalices again.
Koja Sofa Low
|Koja Sofa Low is a sofa with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make the high Koja a perfect place to relax. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a high version and is also available as easy-chair with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Lilla Åland Chair
|Lilla Åland is a real stalwart in the Stolab range and a favourite that has represented excellent Swedish 20th century design on many occasions. Carl Malmsten was inspired by a visit to the Finnström Church on Åland, which contained a number of stick-back chairs lined up. He drew them and after a few of his own adjustments and additions, typical of his own particular style, serial production could commence. Each back pin is grooved at both ends, providing a larger attachment area for the glue, thus increasing durability. The narrowing of the back pins upwards forms a strong, springy and comfortable back support. The hollowed top section further increases comfort. Recessed seat for greater comfort. Reinforcement in the form of a crossbrace between the chair legs. Lilla Åland is also available as an armchair. Supplied ready-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Björka Pedestal Table 115+50+50+50
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. The pedestal table can easily be changed from an attractive, easy-to-place table into a generous dining table by supplementing it with 1-4 table extensions. The table is available in special heights, max 77 cm. Birch support legs and birch laminate tabletop is available as an optional extra. The Björka range also includes a table, semicircular table and semicircular pedestal table. Supplied preassembled.Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
OPPO Low Armchair
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Shower System Inxx S5 ss
|The every-day's stress and musts will literally rinse off of you with Mora Inxx Shower system. With its clean lines and strict unites form and function in an uncompromising manner. The big takduschen of 250 mm spread the water generously over the body and conveys a strong feeling - that will last. Calc system makes sure you do not need to bother with nozzles that chalices again.
Emma Table 50
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Tork Elevation® Centerfeed Hand Towel Dispenser, white
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Centerfeed Dispensing Systems enable an easy, one-handed operation and controlled consumption. They are the ideal systems for areas where hand and light surface wiping are combined. Tork Centerfeed high capacity cabinets are ideal for high traffic environments. Cabinets are hygienic. You only touch the towel you use. No cross contamination from levers or cranks. The Portion Control feature dispenses one towel every time. Cabinets are simple and reliable offering low maintenance costs.
Shower System Rexx Kit
|Mora Rexx is the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Minimalism and simplicity characterise this product line. Its innovation lies in its precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. This generous shower includes a wide overhead shower head and a practical hand shower, both with an anti-limescale system.
Kitchen Mixer Inxx A2
|Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It beautifies its surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a kitchen mixer with swivel spout around. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Annie table 180 + 50
|The leg base is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and rises off the floor in a smooth arch. The tapering, open leg base provides a light and airy, yet stable impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a welcoming feeling when approaching the table. It must feel nice to sit next to Annie. This version of Annie is an extensible table. The table is available in following dimensions, 140x90 + 2 x 50 cm eller 180 x 90 + 2 x 50 cm. As an option it can be height adjustable.
Shower System Rexx S6
|Mora Rexx is the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Minimalism and simplicity characterise this product line. Its innovation lies in its precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. This generous shower includes a wide overhead shower head and a practical hand shower, both with an anti-limescale system.
Shower Mixer 9000E c/c Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
OPPO 050
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
RBM Noor 6070
|RBM Noor is a contemporary classic that marks a new beginning in vitalising spaces and relations. A collection of canteen and conference chairs adding vitality to working spaces and sociable places. Meet a wide range of colourful chairs easily combinable with every purpose, room or environment. A collection with a Scandinavian identity and environmental thinking. A result of an innovative design collaboration between the designers.
Dundra Sofa S74AS
|A successful, thriving family that keeps on growing. Needs exist and customers exist, so we’re adding new products to cater for additional requests and make the Dundra family as complete as possible. It all actually started with a sofa called Dunder 2010. A soft shape built up of cushions, covered buttons, extendable sections – it was friendly and inviting. Then we launched the first Dundra chair, bar stool and bar chair in 2011, and now we’re adding a stackable sofa, an armchair and a stackable stool. The series has also gained upholstered armrests that can be fitted to the sofa, easy chair, chair and bar chairs. Seven new family members. Welcome! Stackable sofa and sofa with armrest. The sofa with upholstered armrests is not stackable. Frame of wood and steel. Padding of moulded CMHR polyurethane foam covered in fabric or leather. Steel frame in “green” chrome, Chrome III. Plastic feet.
Allegro Chair With Webbing
|Stripped, functional and with lines and proportions in harmony. Inspired by the Shaker philosophy, where decoration takes second place to well-made cabinetmaking. Beautiful and timeless. The Allegro range also includes a chair with an upholstered back, bar stool, table, cupboard, sideboard and shelving unit. Supplied ready-assembled. The webbing is interwoven and nailed entirely by hand at Stolab. Corner blocks in the seat and fixed, grooved pins in the legs make the chair stable and durable. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
RBM Noor 6050
|RBM Noor is a contemporary classic that marks a new beginning in vitalising spaces and relations. A collection of canteen and conference chairs adding vitality to working spaces and sociable places. Meet a wide range of colourful chairs easily combinable with every purpose, room or environment. A collection with a Scandinavian identity and environmental thinking. A result of an innovative design collaboration between the designers.
Serena Wall Shelf 170
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail fi nish and material quality. A beautiful and stylish place for books and small items. The Serena range also includes a chest of drawers, mirror, wardrobe and bedroom furniture. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Serena Bed 180
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. The bed has an adjustable bottom to suit various mattress thicknesses. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor. Available with clear varnish, soap, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Purusline Living Grating Twist 600mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living 600mm with outlet Ø50 side side and grating in stainless steel with TWIST pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Allegro Table 210
|This table takes its inspiration from previous generations’ practical dining tables, where the table extension was stored in a box under the table. Allegro is a substantial table, where form and function are unifined in a tasteful, practical manner. A table that grows with the task. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with an upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, bar table, sideboard, cupboard and shelving unit. Supplied pre-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Vista TV and Music Storage - 3 Sections
|A lower, slimmer version of our existing Vista music and TV furniture. You decide the look of the furniture by choosing drawers, cabinets, and/or shelves. This makes Vista more than just music and TV storage. Vista low is available in two different models – 2 or 3 section. Vista has vents in the back for cable routing. The drawers are deep enough to store video tapes, DVDs and CDs. Solid birch drawer fronts, drawer sides and damping expansion fittings give Vista an exclusive feel. Vista low is available in two lengths and can be obtained with drawers, doors (with hardened, frosted glass) or open shelves. You can also choose between wood legs and/or wheels. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Permanent wall system with Wood ex 3
|The permanent wall system is strong, simple and flexible. The wall rail is mounted vertically on the wall and have perforated holes all the way for easy height adjustment of the brackets and shelf ends. It is an easy and affordable shelving suitable for storage in the storage and archives. But with a little imagination and creative choices of material the wall rails also can be used where the appearance is high. The collection Wood can be combined as needed. Here is a compressed solution with the vaious shelf types. Choose wood and powder coated colors from our catalog.
Bath Mixer 9000E 160 c/c Downward outlet Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
Shower System Cera S2
|This Mora Cera shower is a pleasure to use. It includes an overhead shower with a 200 millimetre shower head that delivers a generous cascade of water, and a triple-function hand shower with three clearly defined jet settings. You can easily switch the water flow between the overhead shower and the hand shower. Thanks to the anti-limescale system, you'll never have to worry about the shower rose clogging up.
Kaffe Table Round 600 mm
|Kaffe table is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. If required, the table can easily be dismantled. Kaffe tables come with a round or square tabletop and are available in a choice of heights. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe table can be dismantled. Legs of lacquered tubular steel. Tops of solid wood or powder-lacquered outdoor grade MDF. Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
StoFloor Public method 405
|The StoFloor Public method 405 is an ultrathin polyurethane floor system with acoustic dampening attributes. The system is solvent free and creates elastic, very comfortable to walk on surfaces. Due to its highly efficient coating properties this method has a high impact and shock resistance with a smooth, easy to clean surface. The Sto Flooring Method 405 is suited for moderate loads (e.g. hand trucks, carts, pedestrian traffic, etc...) Examples of application areas are public spaces such as schools, day care centers, offices and housing. The system is available in a wide range of colors. This BIM object is optimized for the northern European market. For additional information please contact Sto Scandinavia.
|L25 table in compression-moulded birch veneer with a surface of ash veneer. Integral tray in lacquered aluminium. The L25 table is part of the B25 family, created to celebrate that Blå Station turned 25 years young in 2011, and Cate & Nelson were commissioned to design a product to commemorate the occasion – B25. Their brief was to base this product on the language of design that characterised Blå Station in its earliest days – the round birch-wood ring and natural tanned leather from Tärnsjö Tannery. The result, B25, also builds on the idea of furnishings as members of a family. The allusions to Börge Lindau’s Oblado series are unmistakable. We first manufactured the iconic round ring in birch in 1986 – and the very same tool has now been used for B25. The B25 family also includes an easy chair and an ottoman. The table is ideal in, for example, lounges and lobbies. Design: Cate & Nelson.
Greta chair
|In the stackable armchair Greta several exciting combinations of materials have been brought together. That makes this very comfortable chair a favourite in most environments with demanding requirements for sitting comfort and stylish design. The back is of ample size balanced by neat metal armrests. These can then be wrapped with leather bands, giving Greta an even more finished appearance.
Shower Mixer 9000E c/c Chrome
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
Work Station Mobi Tech 1610
|Mobi Tech is a low sideboard with lockable wheels and a screen that becomes an ideal temporary surface for a desk. The backside partition is covered in fabric Runner from Gabriel. When placing an order, please indicate colour suffix. The side board is made from white lacquered MDF RAL 9016. There is a discrete cable opening in the backside of the sideboard. TV is not included. The sideboard contains two compartments. Desk height: 550 mm. Screen height: 1610 or 1010 mm. Width: 1520 mm, depth: 490 mm. Design: Andrea Ruggiero.
Purusline Living Grating Twist 600mm Ø50 side
|Purusline Living 600mm with outlet Ø50 side and grating in stainless steel with TWIST pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Serena Bed 90
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. The bed has an adjustable bottom to suit various mattress thicknesses. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor. Available with clear varnish, soap, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Allegro Table 160
|This table takes its inspiration from previous generations’ practical dining tables, where the table extension was stored in a box under the table. Allegro is a substantial table, where form and function are unifined in a tasteful, practical manner. A table that grows with the task. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with an upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, bar table, sideboard, cupboard and shelving unit. Supplied pre-assembled. Available in Natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Moelven Office type 2
|This is a Moelven showcase. The showcase exemplifies the Moelven internal wall systems, Flush Front - Uni wall 50 - Uni wall 42 The showcase denomstrates for the BIM systems, ArchiCAD and Revit, how the Moelven products work together in pratice. Under the downloads tab you can find the following: 1. An ArchiCAD PLA (Archive file) 2. An ArchiCAD .mod file (Module file) 3 A Revit RVT file (Project file) 4. A BIMx file.
Basin Mixer Izzy
|With pop-up waste. Swivel spout 120°, 360° or fixed spout. Mora Izzy exudes harmony and elegance and enhances even the most beautiful bathroom. Mora Izzy owes its characteristic look to the elegant curves of the pipe. The version shown here is a basin mixer with a fixed or swivel spout. You can change the spout from fixed to swivel mode with an easy adjustment on the back of the mixer.
Allegro Chair With Upholstered Back
|Stripped, functional and with lines and proportions in harmony. Inspired by the Shaker philosophy, where decoration takes second place to well-made cabinetmaking. Beautiful and timeless. Available with wooden or upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60°C. The Allegro range also includes a chair with an Upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, table, cupboard, sideboard and shelving unit. Supplied ready-assembled. Recessed beading between the seat and frame gives the chair an attractive and finished look. This detail is typical of all products in the Allegro range. The fi lling in the back makes the chair very comfortable. Corner blocks in the seat and fixed, grooved pins in the legs make the chair stable and durable. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Kitchen Mixer 9000E I
|Economy aerator An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. The mixer brings beauty and technical perfection to your kitchen. Even in its basic version, the mixer has unique functions that save energy without compromising on comfort.
Emma Table 130
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Shower System MMIXS5
|Mora MMIX combines a softly shaped, ergonomic exterior with an energy-efficient interior. It has a geometric design with softly billowing curves, and the whole product line conveys a timeless, uniform style. Mora MMIX was developed according to our unique EcoSafe™ environmental concept for low energy consumption and long-term environmental care.
Koja Low
|Koja Low is an easy chair with a protective shell of ash wood. An upholstered upper part and down-filled cushions make Koja a perfect place to relax. Koja is suitable for hotel lobbys, lounge areas and libraries, among many other locations. Koja also comes in a high version and is also available as a sofa with high and low backrest. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Ponti Armchair
|The Ponti is a very comfortable armchair with all functions suitable for nursingand care, but without an institutional feel. It is embracing and soft, while at the same time easy to sit down in and get up from, thanks to its protruding armrests. It has generous back cushions and a neat, beautifully designed wooden frame. The seat and back cushions have removable upholstery which is simple to take off and put back on. Ponti also has a headrest cushion which can be vertically adjusted. The armchair is also available with adjustable back.
Twist Side Outlet Ø50/75 600-1200mm
|The BIM-models contains 6 different lengths (600,700,800,900,1000 and 1200mm) and two different outlets (Ø50 and Ø75). The flow capacity is 0,8l/s. Purus Line is for installation in concrete or wooden joists and use with floor tiles unless otherwise stated. Purus designed floor gullies are an example of how creativity and design can revolutionize an industry. The technology, quality and functionality are equally as reliable as our other floor gullies, but the innovative design provides a more personal touch in the bathroom. Purus designed floor gullies are available in a variety of shapes and colors and offer a high degree of freedom when installing the floor gully in wet rooms.The channel/sub-section is in stainless steel and the outlets is in plastic.
Shower System Inxx Kit
|The every-day's stress and musts will literally rinse off of you with Mora Inxx Shower system. With its clean lines and strict unites form and function in an uncompromising manner. The big takduschen of 250 mm spread the water generously over the body and conveys a strong feeling - that will last. Calc system makes sure you do not need to bother with nozzles that chalices again.
Vena Armchair
|The basic idea behind Vena was to create a chair with simple, harmonious and self-evident shapes, constructed in accordance with furniture-making criteria. A chair that is resilient and well-proportioned without being fussy, thus making it suitable for a number of environments. An armchair that is comfortable to sit on and attractive to look at.Vena has distinct lines, but still feels smooth to the touch as all edges are rounded in a special way. This rounding also contributes to light falling around the contours of the chair, thus showing it to full advantage. Corner blocks in the seat and fixed, grooved pins in the legs and back make Vena stable and durable. Upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60°C. Can be equipped with glide wheels. Vena is also available as a chair. Supplied ready-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Garda Telescopic Overhead Shower
|With telescopic, adjustable 410 mm Lime resistant shower head Ø200 Soap shelf Hand shower with SoftAir EcoFlow 12 l / min FM Mattsson Garda is a series where the sleek shape cooperates with excellent function in an exemplary manner. The series is now extended with a light mounted adjustable telescopic shower. This will help you in one smooth movement up and down so that everyone gets a shower height that fits well.
Ecophon Focus™ E
|For applications where an attractive suspended ceiling is required and easy removal of individual tiles is essential. Ecophon Focus E has a recessed visible grid and a tegular edge design, creating a ceiling with a shadow effect that accentuates each tile and partially conceals the grid system. The visible surface of each tile is 10 mm below the grid. Each tile is easily demountable. The systems consist of Ecophon Focus E tiles and Ecophon Connect grid systems, with an approximate weight of 3 kg/m². The tiles are manufactured from high density glass wool utilizing the 3RD Technology. The visible surface has an Akutex™ FT coating and the back of the tile is covered with glass tissue. The edges are painted. For best performance and system quality, use Ecophon Connect grid and accessories. The grid is manufactured from galvanized steel.
Nomono 1600x900
|Design: Fredrik Mattson The working habits today do not look like 20 years ago. Today most people use laptops, we’re talking more in mobile phones and it is not so many handwritten letters authored. Cell offices is becoming a distant memory. Of course, the workplace has to change with the conditions! In Nomono there are integrated cable boxes that hide the cable clutter that usually occurs in an office. The box is handy for laptop, ipod or phone charger. It can also be equipped with a USB or other technology that connects the office. Nomono also have a much appreciated storage series. This year it has been increased with two new types of storages. We have chosen to call them A-side and B-side. It is important that the workplace may look different. You can choose the accessories you want and color after taste or to suit the corporate image. Nomono is specially designed to work in open plan offices. With its clear and firm horisontals tables calms down an environment that can sometimes be perceived as a bit chaotic with the desktop screens at different altitudes.
Shower Mixer Inxx A1
|Thermostatic mixer for secure comfort. Downward outlet. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It does its job admirably - both in terms of providing a bath or shower with the perfect temperature water, as to convey an individual expression in your bathroom. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Shower System Rexx S5 Stainless
|Mora Rexx is the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Minimalism and simplicity characterise this product line. Its innovation lies in its precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. This generous shower includes a wide overhead shower head and a practical hand shower, both with an anti-limescale system.
Polstergeist bench
|Polstergeist is an upholstered bench with runners in chromed steel. The system provides possibilities of none, one or two backrests. The backrests can also be placed in a tête à tête position. It is possible to have side panels and edges in contrasting colours. Polstergesit can, among other places, be used on fairgrounds, schools and in waiting areas. Design: Christine Schwarzer.
Serena Wall Shelf 45
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Perfect for teacup, the book ... Easy to hang on and unhook. Compatible with Serena single and double bed. The Serena range also includes a chest of drawers, mirror, wardrobe and bedroom furniture. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Ecophon Focus™ A XL
|For applications where a robust suspended ceiling system is required. Ecophon Focus A has an exposed grid system. Each tile is easily demountable. The systems consist of Ecophon Focus A tiles and Ecophon Connect grid systems, with an approximate weight of 3 kg/m². The tiles are manufactured from high density glass wool utilizing the 3RD Technology. The visible surface has an Akutex™ FT coating and the back of the tile is covered with glass tissue. The edges are primed. The grid is manufactured from galvanized steel.
FLEX Office
|An office obviously need solid walls too. FLEX OFFICE is a stylish wall with smooth or textured surface to be painted in any NCS color. FLEX OFFICE has a hat profile where you simply attach shelves, hooks, message boards and more. FLEX OFFICE works well in combination with FLEX WOOD LINE and FLEX GLASSLINE. Mix them well to get the dense wall advantages in terms of furnishing and insulation and glass strength in the form of light, openness and community.
Anne 21 Dörr
|Design: Anne Krook Anne is a series of shelves whose core idea is based on a square which can be varied in numerous combinations. Suspended shelf in the hall, solitary in the bedroom, colorful bookcase with doors and drawers or why not an airy cabinet. Anne gives you opportunities. Create with Anne. With its simple shape and the great possibilities of variation are Anne very good and easy to furnish. Anne is manufactured in white lacquer, oak and birch. Doors and drawers are also available in previous woods, walnut and several colors, which makes Anne easy to match with existing furniture and environments. Make your own compositon of Anne and you get a unique storage furniture.
Purusline Living Grating Drop 800mm Ø50 side side
|Purusline Living 800mm with outlet Ø50 side side and grating in stainless steel with DROP pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Ecophon Master™ Ds
|Suitable for open plan offices or other premises where strict demands are made on good acoustics and speech intelligibility. For applications where a suspended ceiling with a concealed grid is required, but individual tiles must be easily demountable. Ecophon Master Ds has a concealed grid and symmetrical edge design, allowing easier assembly, integration of light fittings and ventilation. The ceiling has an even appearance, with the bevelled edges forming a discreet groove between the tiles. The tiles are easily demountable. The systems consist of Ecophon Master Ds tiles and Ecophon Connect grid systems, with an approximate weight of 6 kg/m². The tiles are manufactured from high density glass wool utilizing the 3RD Technology. The visible surface has an Akutex FT coating and the back of the tile is covered with glass tissue. The edges are painted.
Thermostatic Shower Mixer 9000E White
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer. Ergonomic grooved knobs make it easy to set the temperature and flow.
Tork Performance Wall Mount Wiper Dispenser, Red/Smoke
|Tork Performance is a new generation of dispensers born to perform. All dispensers are optimised for Tork wipers and when combined they become the perfect performance tools. They present a professional image that your customers and staff will appreciate as well as supporting the user in the task at hand. Whether it is greater productivity, increased quality, improved hygiene, better ergonomics, cost in use or uncompromising safety you are looking for, this range will deliver wherever you are. Wall stand for large rolls (W1 System) is ergonomically designed. Has a safe and reliable tear-off system. Easy to load and stable construction. High capacity dispenser suitable for all areas where space is at a premium and an easy-to-find fixed location is demanded.
Vista TV and Music Storage - 3 Sections High
|The basic idea behind Vista is to be able to store TV and music equipment in an attractive, but easily-accessible way. With sufficient depth to make it suitable for most TV models. With vents in the back to allow cables to pass through. Hugely adaptable furniture to meet your needs and requirements. 2- or 3-part? Open shelves, doors or drawers? Legs and/or wheels? Basically, multi-functional, stylish furniture. Vista has vents in the back for cable routing. The drawers are deep enough to store video tapes, DVDs and CDs. Solid birch drawer fronts, drawer sides and damping expansion fittings give Vista an exclusive feel. Vista low is available in two lengths and can be obtained with drawers, doors (with hardened, frosted glass) or open shelves. You can also choose between wood legs and/or wheels. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Lilla Åland Children's High Chair
|There has been a welcome addition to the Lilla Åland family. A children’s high chair model that we have developed, together with the Siv & Carl Malmsten's Memorial Foundation and Leif Burman. This chair is designed for children about 3 years of age and older and has a seat height of 52 cm. When the child turns older and may not need the extra seat height, then the Lilla Åland children’s chair becomes a nice solitary piece of furniture in the home. In other words, a chair for life. Each backstick is grooved at both ends, providing a larger surface for the glue to stick and thus offer greater durability. The backsticks taper off upwards, forming a strong, sprung and comfortable backrest. The upper bow section further reinforces comfort. Milled out seat for high sitting comfort. Reinforcement with cruciform between the chair legs. The seat also has an extra cross stretcher where children can place their feet to give them extra support.Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten. NOTE! The Lilla Åland children’s chair is not fi tted with a safety harness and is therefore not suitable for very young children.
Basin Mixer Inxx A1
|With pop-up waste. ECO-flow. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. The beautify their surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a basin mixer with pop-up waste. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Annie table 140 + 2x50
|The leg base is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and rises off the floor in a smooth arch. The tapering, open leg base provides a light and airy, yet stable impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a welcoming feeling when approaching the table. It must feel nice to sit next to Annie. This version of Annie is an extensible table. The table is available in following dimensions, 140x90 + 2 x 50 cm eller 180 x 90 + 2 x 50 cm. As an option it can be height adjustable.
Emma Table 70
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Kaffe Table Round 750 mm
|Kaffe table is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. If required, the table can easily be dismantled. Kaffe tables come with a round or square tabletop and are available in a choice of heights. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe table can be dismantled. Legs of lacquered tubular steel. Tops of solid wood or powder-lacquered outdoor grade MDF. Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Shower Mixer 9000E c/c White
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
RBM Noor 6060
|RBM Noor is a contemporary classic that marks a new beginning in vitalising spaces and relations. A collection of canteen and conference chairs adding vitality to working spaces and sociable places. Meet a wide range of colourful chairs easily combinable with every purpose, room or environment. A collection with a Scandinavian identity and environmental thinking. A result of an innovative design collaboration between the designers.
Kitchen Mixer 9000E II
|Economy aerator An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. The mixer brings beauty and technical perfection to your kitchen. Even in its basic version, the mixer has unique functions that save energy without compromising on comfort. E stands for ECOSAFE. This product range is the forerunner for a new generation of mixers with a focus on environmental care and energy efficiency. With their bold visual design and innovative technology, the 9000E mixers bring beauty and technical perfection to your kitchen and bathroom.
Permanent wall system with Cover ex 2
|The permanent wall system is strong, simple and flexible. The wall rail is mounted vertically on the wall and have perforated holes all the way for easy height adjustment of the brackets and shelf ends. It is an easy and affordable shelving suitable for storage in the storage and archives. But with a little imagination and creative choices of material the wall rails also can be used where the appearance is high. In the concept Cover you will decorate your wall and refill with shelves where you want. Choose powder coated colors from our catalog.
Allegro Bar Stool
|An easy-to-use bar stool for the breakfast bar in the kitchen or other occasional use. Slender and lightweight, yet extremely durable thanks to its design and the detailed workmanship, where function and design are combined in a manner characteristic of the range. The foot support is equipped with a stainless steel plate to protect the wood. A sturdy leg cross brace makes the bar stool very stable. Recessed beading between the seat and frame gives the bar stool an attractive and finished look. This detail features in all products in the Allegro range, helping to create its unique identity. Available with wooden or upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60 °C. The Allegro range also includes a chair, chair with webbing, bar stool, table, cupboard, sideboard and shelving unit. Supplied ready-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Öland Armchair
|A simple yet useful chair, where Nils-Göran Gustafsson has used the excellent shapeability of birch in both the top section and the back legs/back. A chair created to provide a feeling of being at home in public spaces. Attractively shaped and comfortable armrest, which is also set back to allow users to bring the chair closer to the table. Corner blocks in the seat and fixed, grooved pins in the legs and back make the chair stable and durable. Available with wooden or upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60°C. The Öland range also includes an armchair and a chair, as well as an armchair with an upholstered back. Supplied ready assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Nils-Göran Gustafsson.
Kitchen Mixer Inxx Profi
|Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It beautifies its surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a kitchen mixer with swivel spout around. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Dundra Sofa S74
|A successful, thriving family that keeps on growing. Needs exist and customers exist, so we’re adding new products to cater for additional requests and make the Dundra family as complete as possible. It all actually started with a sofa called Dunder 2010. A soft shape built up of cushions, covered buttons, extendable sections – it was friendly and inviting. Then we launched the first Dundra chair, bar stool and bar chair in 2011, and now we’re adding a stackable sofa, an armchair and a stackable stool. The series has also gained upholstered armrests that can be fitted to the sofa, easy chair, chair and bar chairs. Seven new family members. Welcome! Stackable sofa and sofa with armrest. The sofa with upholstered armrests is not stackable. Frame of wood and steel. Padding of moulded CMHR polyurethane foam covered in fabric or leather. Steel frame in “green” chrome, Chrome III. Plastic feet.
Serena Bed 160
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. The bed has an adjustable bottom to suit various mattress thicknesses. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor. Available with clear varnish, soap, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Twist Bottom Outlet Ø50/75 600-1200mm
|The BIM-models contains 6 different lengths (600,700,800,900,1000 and 1200mm) and two different outlets (Ø50 and Ø75). The flow capacity is 0,8l/s. Purus Line is for installation in concrete or wooden joists and use with floor tiles unless otherwise stated. Purus designed floor gullies are an example of how creativity and design can revolutionize an industry. The technology, quality and functionality are equally as reliable as our other floor gullies, but the innovative design provides a more personal touch in the bathroom. Purus designed floor gullies are available in a variety of shapes and colors and offer a high degree of freedom when installing the floor gully in wet rooms.The channel/sub-section is in stainless steel and the outlets is in plastic.
Vista TV and Music Storage - 2 Sections
|A lower, slimmer version of our existing Vista music and TV furniture. You decide the look of the furniture by choosing drawers, cabinets, and/or shelves. This makes Vista more than just music and TV storage. Vista low is available in two different models – 2 or 3 section. Vista has vents in the back for cable routing. The drawers are deep enough to store video tapes, DVDs and CDs. Solid birch drawer fronts, drawer sides and damping expansion fittings give Vista an exclusive feel. Vista low is available in two lengths and can be obtained with drawers, doors (with hardened, frosted glass) or open shelves. You can also choose between wood legs and/or wheels. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Ecophon Focus™ Ds
|For applications where a suspended ceiling with a concealed grid is required, but individual tiles must be easily demountable. Ecophon Focus Ds has a concealed grid and symmetrical edge design, allowing easier assembly, integration of light fittings and ventilation. The ceiling has an even appearance, with the bevelled edges forming a discreet groove between the tiles. The tiles are easily demountable. The systems consist of Ecophon Focus Ds tiles and Ecophon Connect grid systems, with an approximate weight of 3-4 kg/m². The tiles are manufactured from high density glass wool utilizing the 3RD Technology. The visible surface has an Akutex™ FT coating and the back of the tile is covered with glass tissue. The edges are painted. For best performance and system quality, use Ecophon Connect grid and accessories. The grid is manufactured from galvanized steel. The system is patented.
Allegro Table 190
|This table takes its inspiration from previous generations’ practical dining tables, where the table extension was stored in a box under the table. Allegro is a substantial table, where form and function are unifined in a tasteful, practical manner. A table that grows with the task. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with an upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, bar table, sideboard, cupboard and shelving unit. Supplied pre-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Shower System Rexx S6 Stainless
|Mora Rexx is the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Minimalism and simplicity characterise this product line. Its innovation lies in its precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. This generous shower includes a wide overhead shower head and a practical hand shower, both with an anti-limescale system.
Mini Brage 50
|Purus Mini Brage 50 The Purus Mini Brage, available with outlet diameters of 50mm and 110mm, is our Mini Series vertical outlet solution. It comes complete with our patented NOOD trap which is spring loaded so no foul air can come through the trap even when dry! The water trap is easily removed for cleaning by pulling up the automatically raised handle. The Mini Brage works as an outlet without the water trap. The plastic circular grate is standard for a vinyl floor situation but can be upgraded to a circular stainless steel grate which comes in a variety of designs; alternatively, a square grate in a variety of designs can be used with a tiled floor. Mini Brage 50 and Mini Brage 110 floor drains with bottom outlet of polypropylene (PP). Capacity acc. to EN 1253 – outlet 50mm, 48 l/min (0,8l/s). The Purus Mini Brage has a diameter of 130mm. Complete floor drain incl. flexi-NOOD trap, grating and clamping ring. Incl. 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter.
Shower System MMIX S6
|Mora MMIX combines a softly shaped, ergonomic exterior with an energy-efficient interior. It has a geometric design with softly billowing curves, and the whole product line conveys a timeless, uniform style. Mora MMIX was developed according to our unique EcoSafe™ environmental concept for low energy consumption and long-term environmental care.
Dent NoStack
|How can you 3D-form an ordinary veneer? Dent made the impossible possible. The Dent chair challenges the idea of the sleek and beautiful. Despite its dented surface is the chair Dent a comfortable shell chair with many uses - and it will grow into a family of several individuals with different faces and legs to fill most of the needs in public and private environments. Dent NoStack is a chair in layer-glued compression-moulded ash wood. Made out of ordinary (not 3D) veneer. Stained or natural lacquered. Green chrome, chrome III or lacquered steel.
Permanent wall system with metal shelf Paper
|The permanent wall system is strong, simple and flexible. The wall rail is mounted vertically on the wall and have perforated holes all the way for easy height adjustment of the brackets and shelf ends. It is an easy and affordable shelving suitable for storage in the storage and archives. But with a little imagination and creative choices of material the wall rails also can be used where the appearance is high. Metal shelf Paper is stylish and strong, despite the way the paper-thin appearance. Choose powder coated colors from our catalog.
RBM Noor 6065
|RBM Noor is a contemporary classic that marks a new beginning in vitalising spaces and relations. A collection of canteen and conference chairs adding vitality to working spaces and sociable places. Meet a wide range of colourful chairs easily combinable with every purpose, room or environment. A collection with a Scandinavian identity and environmental thinking. A result of an innovative design collaboration between the designers.
Björka Pedestal Table
|A functional and very versatile basic table for different contexts. The pedestal table can easily be changed from an attractive, easy-to-place table into a generous dining table by supplementing it with 1-4 table extensions. The table is available in special heights, max 77 cm. Birch support legs and birch laminate tabletop is available as an optional extra. The Björka range also includes a table, semicircular table and semicircular pedestal table. Supplied preassembled.Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
|B25 is an easy chair in compression-moulded birch with a surface of ash veneer. The seat is upholstered in polyether foam and down. B25 is the perfect solution in, for example, lounges, libraries and hotels, where the chair offers a secluded place in which to relax. Blå Station is 25 years young in 2011, and Cate & Nelson were commissioned to design a product to commemorate the occasion – B25. Their brief was to base this product on the language of design that characterised Blå Station in its earliest days – the round birch-wood ring and natural tanned leather from Tärnsjö Tannery. The result, B25, also builds on the idea of furnishings as members of a family – creating not just a single item of furniture, but a small series, a group of furnishings or a family based on the same idea and using the same basic components. Design: Börge Lindau.
9000E Basic Model
|Economy aerator An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. The mixer brings beauty and technical perfection to your bathroom. Even in its basic version, the mixer has unique functions that save energy without compromising on comfort.
Ecophon Master™ A
|Suitable for open plan offices or other premises where strict demands are made on good acoustics and speech intelligibility, and where demountability is vital. Ecophon Master A has an exposed grid system. Each tile is easily demountable. The system consists of Ecophon Master A tiles and Ecophon Connect grid systems, with an approximate weight of 5 kg/m². The tiles are manufactured from high density glass wool utilizing the 3RD Technology. The visible surface has an Akutex FT coating and the back of the tile is covered with glass tissue. The edges are primed. For best performance and system quality, use Ecophon Connect grid and accessories. The grid is manufactured from galvanized steel.
Tork Elevation® Mini Centerfeed Hand Towel Dispenser, black
|Tork Elevation® dispensers simplify and complement any environment, providing a clean, hygienic appearance. Our new design ensures easy and intuitive maintenance, refilling and use. The Tork Centerfeed Mini Dispensing Systems enable an easy, one-handed operation and controlled consumption with the enhanced pro feature. They are the ideal systems for areas where hand and light surface wiping are combined. Cabinets are hygienic. You only touch the towel you use. No cross contamination from levers or cranks. The Portion Control feature dispenses one towel every time. Cabinets are simple and reliable offering low maintenance costs.
Ecophon Super G™ Plus
|For ceilings in sports halls or similar where there is risk of high mechanical impact. Ecophon Super G Plus A has a robust grid system consisting of recessed profiles mounted directly to the soffit or on a suspended sub-grid. The tiles are not demountable. For wall absorbers, see Ecophon Vista C/Super G. The systems consist of Ecophon Super G Plus A tiles and Ecophon Connect grid systems, with an approximate weight of 6 kg/m² for direct installation and 10 kg/m² for suspended installation. The tiles are manufactured from high density glass wool utilizing the 3RD Technology. The visible surface is a strong glass fibre fabric and the back of the tile is covered with glass tissue. The edges are primed.
Serena bench with two drawers
|The Serena bench is a new member of Stolab's Serena family, designed by Marit Stigsdotter in an idiom familiar from other furniture in the series. With a sheepskin seat, the bench is soft and warm to sit on. The drawers, with fully extendable and air-damped runners, offer convenient storage. The Serena bench is equally suitable at the foot of the bed as in the hall, and is available in two sizes, with two or three drawers. If you choose to have it unupholstered, it can be used as storage furniture for any room. One tip is to use the top as a stand for the TV, for example. If you later want to convert it into a bench to sit on, you can buy and fi t a cushion in sheepskin, black leather or cloth.
FLEX Fineline
|An office obviously need solid walls too. FLEX FINE LINE is a stylish office wall with a subtle V-groove. You can get it with smooth or textured surface to be painted in any NCS color. FLEX FINELINE works well in combination with FLEX WOOD LINE and FLEX GLASSLINE glass walls. Mix them well to get the dense wall advantages in terms of furnishing and insulation and glass strength in the form of light, openness and community.
Shower System Cera S1
|This Mora Cera shower is a pleasure to use. It includes an overhead shower with a 200 millimetre shower head that delivers a generous cascade of water, and a triple-function hand shower with three clearly defined jet settings. You can easily switch the water flow between the overhead shower and the hand shower. Thanks to the anti-limescale system, you'll never have to worry about the shower rose clogging up.
Ponti adjustable armchair
|The Ponti is a very comfortable armchair with a continuously adjustable back and all functions suitable for nursingand care, but without an institutional feel. It is embracing and soft, while at the same time easy to sit down in and get up from, thanks to its protruding armrests. It has generous back cushions and a neat, beautifully designed wooden frame. The seat and back cushions have removable upholstery which is simple to take off and put back on. Ponti also has a headrest cushion which can be vertically adjusted. The armchair is also available with fixed back.
Sandö Chair
|The basic idea behind Sandö was to create a chair with simple, harmonious and self-evident shapes, constructed in accordance with furniture-making criteria. A chair that is resilient and well-proportioned without being fussy, thus making it suitable for a number of environments. A chair that is comfortable to sit on and attractive to look at.Sandö has distinct lines, but still feels smooth to the touch as all edges are rounded in a special way. This rounding also contributes to light falling around the contours of the chair, thus showing it to full advantage. Corner blocks in the seat and fixed, grooved pins in the legs and back make Sandö a stable and durable chair. Upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60°C. Sandö is also available as an armchair. Supplied ready-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Arka Lounge Chair
|In 1955 Yngve Ekström (known for such designs as the Lamino armchair) designed a low stick-back chair for Stolab that was given the name Arka. We have brought the chair back to life and are proud to present it fully intact in its stately and unique form. Just as beautiful and more right than ever. The Arka lounge chair has a distinct design based on three different circles. With its unique design, Arka fits in just as well standing alone as it does in a group of several chairs. With the sheepskin cushion (available as an option), Arka becomes a really comfortable place to sit for long or short periods of time. Sheepskin cushion as option. Supplied ready assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Yngve Ekström.
Dent Stack
|How can you 3D-form an ordinary veneer? Dent made the impossible possible. The Dent chair challenges the idea of the sleek and beautiful. Despite its dented surface is the chair Dent a comfortable shell chair with many uses - and it will grow into a family of several individuals with different faces and legs to fill most of the needs in public and private environments. Dent Stack is a stackable chair in layer-glued compression-moulded ash wood. Made out of ordinary (not 3D) veneer. Stained or natural lacquered. Green chrome, chrome III or lacquered steel.
Allegro Table 120
|This table takes its inspiration from previous generations’ practical dining tables, where the table extension was stored in a box under the table. Allegro is a substantial table, where form and function are unifined in a tasteful, practical manner. A table that grows with the task. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with an upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, bar table, sideboard, cupboard and shelving unit. Supplied pre-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
RBM Noor 6075
|RBM Noor is a contemporary classic that marks a new beginning in vitalising spaces and relations. A collection of canteen and conference chairs adding vitality to working spaces and sociable places. Meet a wide range of colourful chairs easily combinable with every purpose, room or environment. A collection with a Scandinavian identity and environmental thinking. A result of an innovative design collaboration between the designers.
Bath Mixer Origo 160 c/c
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer With swivel spout diverter Origo mixers combine creative visual design with practical functions for safe, ergonomic use. All the control knobs are rubber-coated, making them easy to grip and use. The mixers have an intelligent bathtub spout that functions both as a spout and a diverter. Turn it sideways to divert water to the shower, turn it forward to run the bath.
Purusline Living Grating Twist 800mm Ø50 side
|Purusline Living 800mm with outlet Ø50 side and grating in stainless steel with TWIST pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
B25 Ottoman
|B25 ottoman in compression-moulded birch veneer with a surface of ash veneer. Seat upholstered in polyether foam and down. Blå Station is 25 years young in 2011, and Cate & Nelson were commissioned to design a product to commemorate the occasion – B25. Their brief was to base this product on the language of design that characterised Blå Station in its earliest days – the round birch-wood ring and natural tanned leather from Tärnsjö Tannery. The result, B25, also builds on the idea of furnishings as members of a family. The allusions to Börge Lindau’s Oblado series are unmistakable. We first manufactured the iconic round ring in birch in 1986 – and the very same tool has now been used for B25. The B25 family also includes an easy chair and a table. The table is ideal in, for example, lounges and lobbies. Design: Cate & Nelson.
Minimax 50 Two Part Tiles
|PURUS miniMAX has low profile and a special designed water trap with NOOD function with top access. Even if the drain dries out, no foul air comes up through the drain, because the spring-loaded trap keeps itself closed. The water trap is easily removed by pulling up with the automatically raised handle. The miniMAX works as an outlet without the water trap. PURUS miniMax Two Part is for wetroom former trays. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter.
Purusline Living Grating Drop 600mm Ø50 low side
|Purusline Living 600mm with outlet Ø50 low side and grating in stainless steel with DROP pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Anne 13d stomme
|Design: Anne Krook Anne is a series of shelves whose core idea is based on a square which can be varied in numerous combinations. Suspended shelf in the hall, solitary in the bedroom, colorful bookcase with doors and drawers or why not an airy cabinet. Anne gives you opportunities. Create with Anne. With its simple shape and the great possibilities of variation are Anne very good and easy to furnish. Anne is manufactured in white lacquer, oak and birch. Doors and drawers are also available in previous woods, walnut and several colors, which makes Anne easy to match with existing furniture and environments. Make your own compositon of Anne and you get a unique storage furniture.
Purusline Living Grating Drop 600mm Ø50 side
|Purusline Living 600mm with outlet Ø50 side and grating in stainless steel with DROP pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Thermostatic Bath Mixer 9000E Black
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Swivel spout diverter An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer. Ergonomic grooved knobs make it easy to set the temperature and flow.
OPPO Armchair
|Oppo is a swivel easy-chair that inhabits a room even when no one is there. The soft shape invites you to communicate without words. Oppo comes in a small and a large version, with or without armrests. Oppo thrives almost everywhere; airports, waiting areas, hotels, lounges, libraries and many other locations. After years of experimenting with the thin seat shells in laminated Formfelt, in 2009 Stefan Borselius gave shape to a new piece of furniture that seems totally skinless. An “alien” called Oppo. Oppo is slang and means friend or “buddy”.
Shower System Rexx S5
|Mora Rexx is the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Minimalism and simplicity characterise this product line. Its innovation lies in its precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. This generous shower includes a wide overhead shower head and a practical hand shower, both with an anti-limescale system.
Permanent wall system with Wood ex 1
|The permanent wall system is strong, simple and flexible. The wall rail is mounted vertically on the wall and have perforated holes all the way for easy height adjustment of the brackets and shelf ends. It is an easy and affordable shelving suitable for storage in the storage and archives. But with a little imagination and creative choices of material the wall rails also can be used where the appearance is high. The collection Wood can be combined as needed. Here with a work space and storage above. Choose wood and powder coated colors from our catalog.
Kaffe Table Square
|Kaffe table is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. If required, the table can easily be dismantled. Kaffe tables come with a round or square tabletop and are available in a choice of heights. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe table can be dismantled. Legs of lacquered tubular steel. Tops of solid wood or powder-lacquered outdoor grade MDF. Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Vållö Chair
|Comfortable, austere and distinguished. On first viewing simple, but on closer examination, a chair with many small details that reflect precision and superior furniture making. Stackable and with an option to connect, making Vållö an attractive yet functional chair in a number of contexts. Vållö has many small details that reflect precision and superior furniture making. The cross-section of the back legs goes from rectangular to diamond shaped. The armrest has concealed shaping which you only sense when you touch it. The small metal rings between the back legs and the armrest are a beautifully formed detail, but they also make the chair easy to stack. As an optional extra, there is a connection fi thing specially designed for Vållö. Upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60°C. Stackable, 9. Can be equipped with glide wheels. Supplied ready-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Innovation C
|Innovation C is a multi-function swivel seat. In Innovation C you can sit as you choose, there is no back and no front, the backrest can also be used as a table. Place your lap-top on the add-on table and use the chair as a work-station. Innovation C is easily placed in many different environments, from airports to waiting rooms to libraries and schools. Use our design tool to create different settings with Innovation C. Innovation C has an upholstered seat/back/table in moulded CMHR polyurethane foam covered with fabric or leather. Swivel base, also available with auto-return. The chair can also be anchored to the floor. Innovation C is eco-labelled with the Nordic Swan in the following fabrics; Europost, Gaja, Fame, Hallingdal, Bubbles, Animé. Design: Fredrik Mattson.
Ecophon Focus™ Dg
|For applications where a unique demountable suspended ceiling is required. The edge design of the system conceals the support edges of the tile and creates a distinctive floating appearance. The suspension grid is approximately 14 mm above the visible surface of the tile, which gives the impression that each tile is individually suspended. The tiles are easily demountable even in areas where there is a very small overall depth of system. The systems consist of Ecophon Focus Dg tiles and Ecophon Connect grid systems, with an approximate weight of 3-4 kg/m². The tiles are manufactured from high density glass wool utilizing the 3RD Technology. The visible surface has an Akutex™ FT coating and the back of the tile is covered with glass tissue. The edges are painted. For best performance and system quality, use Ecophon Connect grid and accessories. The grid is manufactured from galvanized steel.
Minimax 50
|Purus Minimax 50 The Purus Minimax is one of the world’s shallowest (70mm plus 6mm fall) wetroom drain incorporating a NOOD no-odour trap without a water seal. Due to our patented NOOD trap which is spring loaded no foul air can come through the trap even when dry! The water trap is easily removed for cleaning by pulling up the automatically raised handle. The Minimax works as an outlet without the water trap. The plastic circular grate is standard for a vinyl floor situation but can be upgraded to a circular stainless steel grate which comes in a variety of designs; alternatively, a square grate in a variety of designs can be used with a tiled floor. Minimax 50 floor drain with side outlet of polypropylene (PP). Capacity acc. to EN 1253 – outlet 50mm, 48 l/min (0,8l/s). The Purus Minimax has a diameter of 130mm – outlet dim 50mm. Complete floor drain incl. NOOD trap, grating and clamping ring. Incl. 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter.
Purusline Living Grating Drop 800mm Ø50 low side
|Purusline Living 800mm with outlet Ø50 low side and grating in stainless steel with DROP pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Serena Bed 105
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. The bed has an adjustable bottom to suit various mattress thicknesses. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor. Available with clear varnish, soap, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Anne 34 Vintrindörr med runt glas
|Design: Anne Krook Anne is a series of shelves whose core idea is based on a square which can be varied in numerous combinations. Suspended shelf in the hall, solitary in the bedroom, colorful bookcase with doors and drawers or why not an airy cabinet. Anne gives you opportunities. Create with Anne. With its simple shape and the great possibilities of variation are Anne very good and easy to furnish. Anne is manufactured in white lacquer, oak and birch. Doors and drawers are also available in previous woods, walnut and several colors, which makes Anne easy to match with existing furniture and environments. Make your own compositon of Anne and you get a unique storage furniture.
Lilla Åland Armchair
|Lilla Åland as an armchair was a natural successor and complement to the original stick-back chair. The central pins in the seat provide increased durability. Each back pin is grooved at both ends, providing a larger attachment area for the glue, thus increasing durability. The narrowing of the back pins upwards forms a strong, springy and comfortable back support. The hollowed top section further increases comfort. Recessed seat for greater comfort. Reinforcement in the form of a crossbrace between the chair legs. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Carl Malmsten.
Emma Table 51
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Adesso 3-Seat Sofa
|Adesso sofas have a harmonic beautiful design with an even horizon, i.e. all sides are the same height. It is easy to get into and out of thanks to a horizontal support at a lower level than the crossbar. Adesso has a strong wood feeling and details that bear witness to the care put into the craftmanship. It is the choice of fabric that determines the final character of the sofa. Adesso has a beautiful form with open space between the crossbar and legs. The seat cushions have a special filling with soft seat core and a firmer front edge. This provides maximum seating comfort while making it easy to get up from armchair. Notches at the bottom front edge of the seat cushion keep it stably in the correct position. The upholstery can be easily removed and washed. The has has removable upholstery. Domestic or rubberised weave. Machine washable at 60°. The Adesso series also includes 2 and 3-seat sofas, a coffee and side table and a desk. Supplied ready assembled.Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Serena Bed 120
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for products in this range. The furniture in this range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. The bed has an adjustable bottom to suit various mattress thicknesses. The small metal foot at the bottom of Serena is an attractive detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the fl oor. Available with clear varnish, soap, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
RBM Noor 6055
|RBM Noor is a contemporary classic that marks a new beginning in vitalising spaces and relations. A collection of canteen and conference chairs adding vitality to working spaces and sociable places. Meet a wide range of colourful chairs easily combinable with every purpose, room or environment. A collection with a Scandinavian identity and environmental thinking. A result of an innovative design collaboration between the designers.
Purusline Living Grating Drop 800mm Ø50 side
|Purusline Living 800mm with outlet Ø50 side and grating in stainless steel with DROP pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Anne 12g Grund stomme med fast mellanvägg
|Design: Anne Krook Anne is a series of shelves whose core idea is based on a square which can be varied in numerous combinations. Suspended shelf in the hall, solitary in the bedroom, colorful bookcase with doors and drawers or why not an airy cabinet. Anne gives you opportunities. Create with Anne. With its simple shape and the great possibilities of variation are Anne very good and easy to furnish. Anne is manufactured in white lacquer, oak and birch. Doors and drawers are also available in previous woods, walnut and several colors, which makes Anne easy to match with existing furniture and environments. Make your own compositon of Anne and you get a unique storage furniture.
Cambio Bench
|An ingeniously designed bench that has many uses. Closed, it constitutes stable seating for an adult or two children. Half-extended, two adults each have their own seat with a practical unloading surface between them. Fullyextended, a bench for several adults or children. The fact that Cambio is also great to look at makes it a clear favourite in many contexts. Cambio has a well thought-out and crafted design, where the shape and function are unified in an attractive and effective way. Eight solid birch legs make Cambio a stable and durable bench with many uses in public environments and at home in the kitchen, in the entrance hall, summer cottage… Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Garda Shower
|Adjustable upper bracket EcoFlow Lime resistant strainer Soap shelf FM Mattsson Garda is a series where the sleek shape cooperates with excellent function in an exemplary manner. The Shower set consists of a hand shower, hose and shower rod and has smart solutions such as flexible upper bracket and a lime resistant strainer.
Vena Chair
|The basic idea behind Vena was to create a chair with simple, harmonious and self-evident shapes, constructed in accordance with furniture-making criteria. A chair that is resilient and well-proportioned without being fussy, thus making it suitable for a number of environments. A chair that is comfortable to sit on and attractive to look at. Vena has distinct lines, but still feels smooth to the touch as all edges are rounded in a special way. This rounding also contributes to light falling around the contours of the chair, thus showing it to full advantage. Corner blocks in the seat and fixed, grooved pins in the legs and back make Vena stable and durable. Upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60 °C. Vena is also available as an armchair. Supplied ready-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Work Station Mobi Tech 1010
|Mobi Tech is a low sideboard with lockable wheels and a screen that becomes an ideal temporary surface for a desk. The backside partition is covered in fabric Runner from Gabriel. When placing an order, please indicate colour suffix. The side board is made from white lacquered MDF RAL 9016. There is a discrete cable opening in the backside of the sideboard. TV is not included. The sideboard contains two compartments. Desk height: 550 mm. Screen height: 1610 or 1010 mm. Width: 1520 mm, depth: 490 mm. Design: Andrea Ruggiero.
Shower System Inxx S6
|The every-day's stress and musts will literally rinse off of you with Mora Inxx Shower system. With its clean lines and strict unites form and function in an uncompromising manner. The big takduschen of 250 mm spread the water generously over the body and conveys a strong feeling - that will last. Calc system makes sure you do not need to bother with nozzles that chalices again.
Dunder Sofa
|Dunder is an extendable modular sofa that adapts easily and elegantly to the setting in which it is used. Dunder modular seating consists of five different sections – middle, corner, left-hand end unit, right-hand end unit and footstool. Dunder is also available as an easy chair. Design: Stefan Borselius.
Basin Mixer Inxx A2
|Elevated foot. With pop-up waste. ECO-flow. Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. The beautify their surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a basin mixer with raised base and lift valve. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Basin Mixer Garda Basic Model
|Economy aerator Garda is a range of mixers with a clean, minimalist design. A Garda mixer enhances your overall bathroom interior with its perfect fusion of technology and design. You notice it as soon as you grip the optimally balanced lever. A soft-close mechanism and a ceramic seal are standard features. Garda is a perfect example of an intelligent interior enclosed in a beautiful exterior.
Thermostatic Bath Mixer 9000E White
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Swivel spout diverter An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer. Ergonomic grooved knobs make it easy to set the temperature and flow.
Kitchen Mixer Izzy
|Swivel spout 120°, 360° or fixed spout. Mora Izzy exudes harmony and elegance and enhances even the most beautiful kitchen. Mora Izzy owes its characteristic look to the elegant curves of the pipe. The version shown here is a kitchen mixer with a fixed or swivel spout. You can change the spout from fixed to swivel mode with an easy adjustment on the back of the mixer.
Bath mixer 9000E 160 c/c Downward outlet Chrome
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet An optimal fusion of design and function. The FM Mattsson 9000E range ushers in a new generation of mixers that are environmentally engineered down to the last detail. Even in its basic version, the mixer has our unique functions that ensure a constant water temperature and safe, reliable function. A new feature of these mixers is a cool mixer body. You’ll never burn yourself on a 9000E mixer.
RBM Noor 6080
|RBM Noor is a contemporary classic that marks a new beginning in vitalising spaces and relations. A collection of canteen and conference chairs adding vitality to working spaces and sociable places. Meet a wide range of colourful chairs easily combinable with every purpose, room or environment. A collection with a Scandinavian identity and environmental thinking. A result of an innovative design collaboration between the designers.
Purusline Living Grating Twist 600mm Ø50 low side
|Purusline Living 600mm with outlet Ø50 low side and grating in stainless steel with TWIST pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Allegro Chair
|Stripped, functional and with lines and proportions in harmony. Inspired by the Shaker philosophy, where decoration takes second place to well-made cabinetmaking. Beautiful and timeless. Available with wooden or upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60°C. The Allegro range also includes a chair with an Upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, table, cupboard, sideboard and shelving unit. Supplied ready-assembled. Recessed beading between the seat and frame gives the chair an attractive and finished look. This detail is typical of all products in the Allegro range. Corner blocks in the seat and fixed, grooved pins in the legs make the chair stable and durable. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Luna Chair
|A harmonic fusion of design and function, Luna covers almost every angle. It is comfortable, durable and has a soft, exciting design which means that it looks good in any given environment. The seat design is a half-way between a circle and a square, making it a bit more innovative than the average round seat. Choose between an all natural colour or a sober black. Feel free to mix different coloured stains on the seat, back rest and frame. The name Luna comes from the design of the black, which is similar to a half-moon, i.e. luna in Latin and Italian. Luna has a generous back rest and a seat that makes this chair extremely comfortable to sit in. Feel free to mix different coloured stains on the seat and back rest to make your "own" Luna. Luna has visible screws that are each fi tted with a small washer, making them flush with the wood. Luna is also available with an upholstered seat. The Luna series also includes a cafe table. Stackable, 7. Supplied ready assembled.Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Kaffe Table Round 900 mm
|Kaffe table is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. If required, the table can easily be dismantled. Kaffe tables come with a round or square tabletop and are available in a choice of heights. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe table can be dismantled. Legs of lacquered tubular steel. Tops of solid wood or powder-lacquered outdoor grade MDF. Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Annie table 140 + 50
|The leg base is gently shaped to be kind to your feet and rises off the floor in a smooth arch. The tapering, open leg base provides a light and airy, yet stable impression. Corners and edges are rounded to provide a welcoming feeling when approaching the table. It must feel nice to sit next to Annie. This version of Annie is an extensible table. The table is available in following dimensions, 140x90 + 2 x 50 cm eller 180 x 90 + 2 x 50 cm. As an option it can be height adjustable.
Allegro Bar Stool
|An easy-to-use bar stool for the breakfast bar in the kitchen or other occasional use. Slender and lightweight, yet extremely durable thanks to its design and the detailed workmanship, where function and design are combined in a manner characteristic of the range. The foot support is equipped with a stainless steel plate to protect the wood. A sturdy leg cross brace makes the bar stool very stable. Recessed beading between the seat and frame gives the bar stool an attractive and finished look. This detail features in all products in the Allegro range, helping to create its unique identity. Available with wooden or upholstered seat with nailed or removable upholstery. Calico or rubberised fabric. Washable at 60 °C. The Allegro range also includes a chair, chair with webbing, bar stool, table, cupboard, sideboard and shelving unit. Supplied ready-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Kaffe Sofa
|Kaffe sofa is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. The seat’s appearance gives the sofa a cosy, comfortable look. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe is a stackable sofa in lacquered tubular steel. Seat of moulded polyurethane foam (PUR). Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Dunder S600
|Dunder is an extendable modular sofa that adapts easily and elegantly to the setting in which it is used. Dunder modular seating consists of five different sections – middle, corner, left-hand end unit, right-hand end unit and footstool. The footstool can also be used on its own as a freestanding floor cushion. Design: Stefan Borselius.
RBM Noor 6085
|RBM Noor is a contemporary classic that marks a new beginning in vitalising spaces and relations. A collection of canteen and conference chairs adding vitality to working spaces and sociable places. Meet a wide range of colourful chairs easily combinable with every purpose, room or environment. A collection with a Scandinavian identity and environmental thinking. A result of an innovative design collaboration between the designers.
Dent Office
|How can you 3D-form an ordinary veneer? Dent made the impossible possible. The Dent chair challenges the idea of the sleek and beautiful. Despite its dented surface is the chair Dent a comfortable shell chair with many uses - and it will grow into a family of several individuals with different faces and legs to fill most of the needs in public and private environments. Dent Office is a swivel based chair with shell in layer-glued compression-moulded ash wood. Made out of ordinary (not 3D) veneer. Stained or natural lacquered. Green chrome, chrome III or lacquered steel.
Shower Mixer Garda
|Pressure-balanced thermostatic mixer Downward outlet FM Mattsson Garda is an intelligent bath and shower mixer that perfectly juxtaposes clean, elegant design with outstanding function. In addition to familiar functions such as constant water temperature and guaranteed function even if your water is hard, the mixer has an intelligent energy saving function and an upgraded hot water lock.
Kitchen Mixer Inxx A5
|Mora Inxx combines form and function in an uncompromising manner. It beautifies its surroundings and take the liberty to translate top-level design in everyday use. Here in a kitchen mixer with swivel spout around. Of course, we have the rigid surface, built into our unique comfort and safety features - that's the way we do not compromise.
Serena Chest of Drawers
|Serena means serene in Italian. It is therefore suitable as an overall name for the products in this range. The furniture in the Serena range has a simple, geometrical design with high detail finish and material quality. All items feature a metal foot, a detail intended to visually “lift” the furniture from the floor. The drawers are adjustable and self-closing, with anti-trapping device. All drawer fronts and drawer sides are made from solid birch.Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Emma Table 90
|Emma is a sofa table series for which Marit has combined simplicity and harmony with flexibility and a unique shape. The latter is expressed not least by details such as slanted legs and chamfered edges that meet in an elegant corner. The rounded outside of the legs creates a soft feel that harmonises with both round and rectangular table tops. Emma is available in two heights, 52 and 60 cm. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Kaffe Table Rectangular
|Kaffe table is equally at home indoors and out. It is built to withstand outdoor environments that demand a great deal in terms of durability, but is also an ideal choice indoors. If required, the table can easily be dismantled. Kaffe tables come with a round or square tabletop and are available in a choice of heights. The Kaffe family comprises chair, easy chair, sofa and table. Kaffe table can be dismantled. Legs of lacquered tubular steel. Tops of solid wood or powder-lacquered outdoor grade MDF. Plastic feet. Design: Thomas Bernstrand
Shower System Rexx S5 Chrome/Black
|Mora Rexx is the essence of Scandinavian design and functionality. Minimalism and simplicity characterise this product line. Its innovation lies in its precision. When tradition and craftsmanship meet state-of-the-art manufacturing methods and inspiring design, the result is Mora Rexx. This generous shower includes a wide overhead shower head and a practical hand shower, both with an anti-limescale system.
Ecophon Focus™ Lp
|Ecophon Focus Lp has a semi-concealed grid system and is used for highlighting direction in a room. There is a wide gap between the tiles in the emphasized direction and narrow gap in the other. The edges are sharp and well defined. The system consists of standard Focus Lp tiles in 600 mm width and Focus Lp Technical tiles in widths of 150, 300 and 600 mm. The tiles are manufactured from high density glass wool utilizing the 3RD Technology. The visible surface has an Akutex™ FT coating and the back of the tile is covered with glass tissue. The edges are painted. The Technical tiles are used to create areas for technical installations such as luminaires, ventilation, sprinklers, smoke detectors, loudspeakers etc. The exact width (148, 298 or 598 mm) is adopted to suit the standard sizes of luminaires on the market.
Allegro Sideboard
|Stripped, functional and with harmonious lines and proportions. Inspired by the Shaker philosophy, where decorations play second fiddle to well-made cabinet making. Beautiful and timeless. The recessed beading gives the Allegro sideboard an attractive and finished look. This detail is typical of all products in the Allegro range. Allegro has two moveable, solid shelves and sliding doors with frosted, toughened glass. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with webbing, bar table, bar stool, table, display case and shelving unit. Supplied pre-installed. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
Permanent wall system with Wood ex 2
|The permanent wall system is strong, simple and flexible. The wall rail is mounted vertically on the wall and have perforated holes all the way for easy height adjustment of the brackets and shelf ends. It is an easy and affordable shelving suitable for storage in the storage and archives. But with a little imagination and creative choices of material the wall rails also can be used where the appearance is high. The collection Wood can be combined as needed. Here with a group table and storage above. Choose wood and powder coated colors from our catalog.
Purusline Living Grating Twist 800mm Ø50 low side
|Purusline Living 800mm with outlet Ø50 low side and grating in stainless steel with TWIST pattern. Includes a 50mm to 1½” push fit to solvent weld ABS adapter. The shape opens up completely new opportunities for exciting designs in the bathroom. The pattern of the grating you choose is a matter of taste. The Purusline Living Wetroom Solution allows quick and easy showering, level access and low maintenance, creating an easy to install wetroom that is fashionable, functional and spacious.
Shower System MMIX kit
|Mora MMIX combines a softly shaped, ergonomic exterior with an energy-efficient interior. It has a geometric design with softly billowing curves, and the whole product line conveys a timeless, uniform style. Mora MMIX was developed according to our unique EcoSafe™ environmental concept for low energy consumption and long-term environmental care.
Hundranian Armchair
|With the Hundranian armchair, Jonas has taken inspiration from the chairs of the 1910s and 1920s, and developed a modern café chair. It offers an idiomatic simplicity that makes the chair ideal in environments where a large number of seats are required, and where demands are placed on both form and function. The Hundranian is stackable (6 chairs) and highly stable, thanks to its aluminium frame underneath the seat. It is also very comfortable, due to the generous and embracing backrest. The choice of fi nish and colour determines the chair's final expression. The aluminium frame can also be lacquered in Stolab's standard colours. Standard on the frame is silver.
Allegro Table 160
|This table takes its inspiration from previous generations’ practical dining tables, where the table extension was stored in a box under the table. Allegro is a substantial table, where form and function are unifined in a tasteful, practical manner. A table that grows with the task. The Allegro range also includes a chair, upholstered chair, chair with an upholstered back, chair with webbing, bar stool, bar table, sideboard, cupboard and shelving unit. Supplied pre-assembled. Available in natural lacquer, oil or stain. Design: Marit Stigsdotter.
